Quotes to remember

Magical Realist said:
"The image is more than an idea. It is a vortex or cluster of fused ideas and is endowed with energy."---Ezra Pound

It is a "pattern"..... :rolleyes:

Image is an observation of the without .

Image and within .

Image is a pattern . Based on the Physical Reality . Without " patterns " there can be no stable Physical Universe . Therefore Inherent in all Physical Objects are Patterns . No Galaxy , Quasar , Stars could Exist Without Patterns .

These Patterns are Because of the Physical Real Interactions between Real Physical Things .
These Patterns are Because of the Physical Real Interactions between Real Physical Things
Because of the mathematical nature of the physical interactions between "patterns" in reality. Reality itself consist of patterns of various densities.

" Order from Chaos" (identified and described by humans in Chaos theory)
river said:
These Patterns are Because of the Physical Real Interactions between Real Physical Things

Because of the mathematical nature of the physical interactions between "patterns" in reality. Reality itself consist of patterns of various densities.

" Order from Chaos" (identified and described by humans in Chaos theory)

To the highlighted

You have not proven this . Prove that without the Physical Reality referred to , that mathematics can even Exist ,

Never mind " Because of mathematics " .
To the highlighted

You have not proven this . Prove that without the Physical Reality referred to , that mathematics can even Exist ,

Never mind " Because of mathematics " .
No, its more fundamental. Without mathematics (Logic) nothing could exists except as a permanent state of chaos.

We did not invent self-ordering. The inherent mathematical essence (values and functions) of nature allows for the self-ordering of logical patterns.
river said:
To the highlighted

You have not proven this . Prove that without the Physical Reality referred to , that mathematics can even Exist ,

Never mind " Because of mathematics " .

No, its more fundamental. Without mathematics (Logic) nothing could exists except as a permanent state of chaos.

Prove it . Where does logic get its Knowledge ?
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"There is, however, a certain peculiarity in the essence of beauty, a peculiarity in the status of art: namely, the convincingness of a true work of art is completely irrefutable and it forces even an opposing heart to surrender. It is possible to compose an outwardly smooth and elegant political speech, a headstrong article, a social program, or a philosophical system on the basis of both a mistake and a lie. What is hidden, what distorted, will not immediately become obvious."
- Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
No, its more fundamental. Without mathematics (Logic) nothing could exists except as a permanent state of chaos.

Without mathematics (Logic) nothing could exists

Seriously??? You are not related to Tegmark per chance?

........ except as a permanent state of chaos

Try - except as a state FULL STOP

Without mathematics (Logic) nothing could exists

Seriously??? You are not related to Tegmark per chance?
No.... I am referring to Logic. But I have no doubt Tegmark uses Logic as an argument in favor of his mathematical universe.

OK, edit,
Without Logic nothing could exists except as a permanent state of chaos
Try - except as a state FULL STOP
OK, now, in addition to not being mathematical, you are proposing the universe is not Logical?

Quantum Logic in Historical and Philosophical Perspective
Quantum Logic (QL) was developed as an attempt to construct a propositional structure that would allow for describing the events of interest in Quantum Mechanics (QM). QL replaced the Boolean structure, which, although suitable for the discourse of classical physics, was inadequate for representing the atomic realm. The mathematical structure of the propositional language about classical systems is a power set, partially ordered by set inclusion, with a pair of operations that represent conjunction and disjunction.
This algebra is consistent with the discourse about both classical and relativistic phenomena, but inconsistent in a theory that prohibits, for example, giving simultaneous truth values to the following propositions: “The system possesses this velocity” and “The system is in this place.” The proposal of the founding fathers of QL was to replace the Boolean structure of classical logic by a weaker structure which relaxed the distributive properties of conjunction and disjunction.
OK, now, in addition to not being mathematical, you are proposing the universe is not Logical?


The Universe is what it is

I keep trying and trying and trying to explain


Something along the lines of

From our observations the Universe APPEARS to have patterns

These seem to be the result of physics which can only mix and fit the building blocks of the Universe together in a fixed number of combinations

The Universe is what it is
I keep trying and trying and trying to explain


Something along the lines of
From our observations the Universe APPEARS to have patterns

These seem to be the result of physics which can only mix and fit the building blocks of the Universe together in a fixed number of combinations

Apparently you are unable to separate objective observation of universal truths (regularities) from the subjective human symbolic descriptions of universal truths (regularities).

By your standards of ANTHROPOMORPHIZATION no objective discussion is possible because we shall always be forced to use human symbolic language, even if it describes Truth in Nature.

The moment you cite ANTHROPOMORPHIZATION, all symbolic conversation stops and we are left only with physical demonstration and repetition.

Fortunately we are able to do that, but perhaps you may object to human demonstration of a naturally occurring phenomenon, by claiming that humans ANTHROPOMORPHIZE the demonstration of natural phenomena merely by performing it.

What is the use of discussing any science? There are no natural truths,right?
At least none that can be symbolized.
Stuff is Stuff and stuff works in mysterious ways which are indescribable with human symbolic language. (where have I heard that before?)

Any representation of Nature is ALWAYS ANTHROPOMORPHIZED, right?

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From our observations the Universe APPEARS to have patterns
Sorry Michael, you are getting all mystical on me now.

From our observation Humans appear to be alive, but don't bet on it. Human experience of appearances are often wrong. Optical illusions are a wonderful example to prove your point, no?

words always fail when trying to prove anything natural.
From our observations the Universe APPEARS to have patterns
Actually we can prove there are patterns. You want to argue against Universal Geometry?

These patterns appear to self-order from testing observation. And yes, that's why it is a quasi -intelligent property of spacetime. It is a self-ordering system into mathematically emergent regular patterns. It does so stochastically, but on the surface its regularity and predictability appears to be a form of intelligence, i.e. (the inspiration for ID)

IMO, a quasi-intelligent function is a perfectly appropriate analogy as it does not imply "intent" or "motive", but presents an "appearance of....."
quasi- combining form (-intelligent)
  1. seemingly; apparently but not really.
  1. ..........:rolleyes:
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