questions to an abductee


free thinker
Registered Senior Member

i had written a nice post with a nice intro that smoothly moved into my questions, but negative forces screwed up the computer while creating the post. (i tried to Bold something on a MAC and it went haywire)

---- serious now

i realize that aliens have been touching down on earth for centuries of Earth's past, and that the Greys (who due most of the abducting today) arent the only aliens on Earth.

Here are my questions to anyone who has had any kind of Abduction Experience, or anyone who has came into proximity with any race of Alien:
(serious responses only)

1) do they communicate with you in any form or fashion ?

2) do they communicate to each other during the event ?

3) do you notice any tables or stands for equipment ?

4) what kind of apparatus is present, how does it function ?

5) what do your remember before the incident began? during ? after ?


i have tons more questions to ask, but i shall hold them for later.

take care

Generally, one would not remember such an event, but only get small memories of the happening afterwards. Try "hints" of what happened. I wake up sometimes almost screaming, and find cuts on my hand, or lying somewhere else in my house.

One thing i do notice now that i have had "possible" experiences with extra-terrestrials is that i can hear high pitched squeals around television sets or radios. Others DO NOT hear this, but i do. It is the oddest thing that i have possibly ever seen.

My biggest fear in life now is extra-terrestrials, but at the same time they are my bigest hobby and i have always wanted to see one. This is the exact same way with my friend, and this person also hears these high pitched squeals.

Who knows, maybe they are starting to insert microchips into our brains, and the squeals are interference from the radio or tv sets, as the chips are trying to relay signals into space. Oddly enough, i can hear tv sets and such for rooms away. Possibly 40-50 feet. When i get close, the sound DOES NOT get louder. It stays the same.

1. Communication is the "hints"
2. During the abduction, you are most likely unconscious and do not remember.
3. Certain objects in the world give hints of fear to you for no apparent reason, and they may also give you hints of happiness for no reason at all. This may be memories from the event.
4 ?
5. I remember not being able to sleep before the incident. During the event, Nothing. After, hints.
Bit of randomness - have you heard other cases of people becoming sensitive to the high pitch noises coming from a TV? I just thought that some of us (myself included) just had a slightly greater auditory range and therefore able to hear the squeal.
i have heard of repeated incidents of people being sensitive to electronics, more notably Television Sets-

Are the electronics ON when you hear the high pitched noise ? Mostly they have to be ON, but on a static channel or something. Even wth no volume certain people can hear the TV noise... myself included.

i can see what you mean by "hints" and most abductees not having any conscious memory of the event. this is one of the biggest drawbacks of trying to investigate this and other related phenomena. we are dealing with super intelligent beings who know what to do and what not to do... we just have to hope their methods are in our best interest.

my partner and I have been noticing strange marks on our bodies which we cannot find any reason for... and I want to see what people suggest we should do... those who have had anything like this happen. we are not sure what these marks/scratches/dots are and they may have reasonable (logical) explanations.


fubar may i ask this:

did your interest in extra terrestrials begin BEFORE any possible abduction experiences or AFTER ?

also, how long has this been going on ?

you dont have to answer anything if u dont want.


fubar, check out my post 'I had an abduction experience' which explains most of the phenomena that you have experienced.

Hearing high pitched noises means nothing. I hear TV sets, monitors, and all manner of electronics. I have very good hearing, despite years of attending Rock concerts, discharging firearms, and repeated blows to the head in the dojo.

So, fubar, here's a question for you, has anybody else ever been present, or in the vicintity when you think you've been abducted? See, my experience was witnessed by a third party, so I know it wasn't an abduction, but all the experiences were there.

People on their own, having night terrors, would be far more scared, and prone to imagine more about the vent than actually happened, having no external reference.
Wow - well this is starting to make me feel uneasy.
I've always had an interest in aliens, etc. But now this thread is starting to make me rethink an few experiences from my youth back in MN, including more then a few strange dreams and nightmares where I was "above the clouds".
i dont think or dont have any recolection of ever being abducted but i also hear those high pitched sounds, to the point where i will know if a tv, radio, etc. has been turned on somewhere around me. I would continue to hear the sound until the device is turned off or i begin to ignore the sound. and just like you the volume of the sound doesnt change the closer or farther i am away from the device. Wish i knew what causes it
phidaux said:
including more then a few strange dreams and nightmares where I was "above the clouds".

They were just dreams. In my dreams, I've fought skeletal warriors, a daemon, a minotaur, been a vampire, flown, flown using big black leathery wings, danced with a witch, who was made out of paper, been haunted by a wardrobe and all manner of whacked out stuff.

None of it really happened though.

Same goes for the 'night terrors' experiences I've had. I wasn't really strangled in my bed by a strange woman. There wasn't really a strange white face at the end of my bed. People aren't really abducted by aliens.
Your dreams seem to have a common theme. Ever looked into it?
dreams can be recollections of experiences from either past lives, other lives, or abductions, plus many more things. the unconscious mind is very very sensitive to ALOT of things, including memories of the soul which do not emerge during normal awakened consciousness.

yes, some dreams may not carry such importance, but i BEG TO DIFFER. dreams usually let you in on something going on, going to happen, or DID happen in the past (may be past lives) and yet some may just be your brain's synapses firing away data in your noggin.

we all know you dont believe in this stuff phlog, so why dont you let those who are honestly interested contribute to the thread, instead of trying to convince them NOTHING HAPPENED, which is stupid because you are NOT THEM.

we want to discuss similar events, and things that may be happening. there are a select few who realize that some dreams are just too real, and that sometimes we weren't even dreaming.

last night i stayed up very late for some reason, could not sleep.

phlog i dont mean to impose anything but i would bet my bottom dollars that you were a dark arts practicer in another life, possibly in another world, based on the consistency of your dreams.

take care, and watch the skies!

My interest in aliens came when i was watching a discovery channel show on abductions and saw an alien getting dissected. Instantly, i was scared shitless, and went out of the room. After being scared for no apparent reason, i went back into the room with my mother and step-father, and watched it all the way through. I still remember the look on the alien's face. For some reason, it bothered me, but i could not look away. Since then, i have joined SETI, and have researched on different aliens a lot. (I have about 400 pages of the stuff printed and stored somewhere).

My step-father once had a fever of above the hundreds as a child, and remembers very well seeing aliens known as "greys" coming out of the graveyard near him. He saw them reach out to him, and try to surround his body.
After seeing this, he also saw an Indian Chief reaching out to him, screaming "boop boop boop boop". Apparently, the indian chief was real, and the reason he was saying boop boop is because of the fever. He was really speaking a language.
The two weirdest things of this true story, is that the indian chief "scared" the greys away and protected my step-father. The weirdest thing is that he had NEVER heard of or seen a "grey" in his lifetime. Makes you wonder where the image comes from, and why so many people see it. ALiens were unheard of to him.

Perhaps aliens are what our bodies will evolve into , and our minds are telling us that? Think about it, we have no more need for muscle in the future, as we keep getting smarter. Maybe our minds are also hinting to us that outer space IS where we will come from because we are driving ourselves off of this planet with wars, and possibly nuclear wars.

My hints have been going on for about 8-10 years, keeping me from sleeping at times, and sometimes i will close my eyes, and only see "them".

Try sleeping with the light on for weeks at a time. Not so easy.
greywolf said:
Your dreams seem to have a common theme. Ever looked into it?

They don't have a theme actually, I just listed the more memorable and whacky ones. I remember all of my dreams when I wake up. A friend of mine and I were interested, so went through some exercises to help us remember. Now I always remember them when I wake up. I only permanently recall the bizarre ones. For instance, this morning I was dreaming I was shopping at my local Marks and Spencer for food. Boring. Won't remember that one in a week.

So, considering I've been remembering by dreams now for some 20 years, the few I listed out of 7300 night's sleep doesn't make a theme.
zonabi said:
dreams can be recollections of experiences from either past lives, other lives, or abductions,

Whoah there! Circular logic. First you have to prove past lives, and abductions before you can say that. Other people use dreams as proof of past lives and abductions. Therefore it doens't stand up by itself.

unconscious mind is very very sensitive to ALOT of things, including memories of the soul

The what? Got any proof we have souls?

dreams usually let you in on something going on, going to happen, or DID happen in the past (may be past lives)

So, got any proof for reincarnation? More dreams? Regression hypnosis?

and yet some may just be your brain's synapses firing away data in your noggin.

That's what they all are, that much can be measured.

we all know you dont believe in this stuff phlog, so why dont you let those who are honestly interested contribute to the thread, instead of trying to convince them NOTHING HAPPENED,

It's called balance. See, if people only talk to other believers, they'll convince each other there's validity to their whacky ideas. If the ideas are strong enough, they'll bear scrutiny. If there is real evidence, everybody will have to listen. The only reason you'd want to exclude skeptics, is because you are overly fond of your ideas, they don't bear scrutiny, and there is no evidence.

which is stupid because you are NOT THEM.

You are missing the point. I have had the exact same experiences as many, but know categorically that I have not been abducted.

phlog i dont mean to impose anything but i would bet my bottom dollars that you were a dark arts practicer in another life, possibly in another world, based on the consistency of your dreams.

Nope, I'm just some soul-less animated bag of chemicals. I've had no 'past lives' , and never lived on another world.
caffeine_fubar said:
My interest in aliens came when i was watching a discovery channel show on abductions

Look, I love the Discovery Channel, but they do show some utter crap at times. They have one 'documentary' that shows humans and dinosaurs co-existing, which just didn't happen, so don't believe all you watch on TV. Critical thinking is the most valuable skill you can have.

and saw an alien getting dissected.

No, you saw a recreation of a supposed alien dissection. Probably footage from the Santilli film, and he is a well known fraudster.

Instantly, i was scared shitless,

So how old were you at the time? Maybe you were a little young to be watching a dissection.

My step-father once had a fever of above the hundreds as a child, and remembers very well seeing aliens known as "greys" coming out of the graveyard near him.

'greys' as in Aliens, coming from a graveyard? That sounds more than a little confused. But then hallucinations are synonymous with fever, so nothing that was experienced can be taken at face value

The two weirdest things of this true story, is that the indian chief "scared" the greys away and protected my step-father.

Did anybody else actually see the greys? Or was it just part of your step dad's hallucnation.

The weirdest thing is that he had NEVER heard of or seen a "grey" in his lifetime. Makes you wonder where the image comes from, and why so many people see it. ALiens were unheard of to him.

Where does he live? Buttfuck Arkansas? Everybody is familiar with the ideas of aliens from another planet, unless you never had a TV, went to the cinema, or read a comic or sci-fi book. Look, at some point he's seen a picture of a 'grey' to even use the term, and retrospectively assigned this image to his hallucination.

Perhaps aliens are what our bodies will evolve into , and our minds are telling us that? Think about it, we have no more need for muscle in the future,

Why would we have no more need for muscle? As we develop machines to do our work for us, we will be free to indulge in recreation. That means sport to many people, which requires muscle. I work with computers, and use my mind to earn my wage. I'm not however, some pale stick creature. Quite the opposite in fact. Using my body is a real pleasure. Why would anyone give that up?

My hints have been going on for about 8-10 years, keeping me from sleeping at times, and sometimes i will close my eyes, and only see "them".

So you saw a scary documentary and it still gives you nightmares. Well, I had a few bad dreams after seeing the films 'Alien', and 'Frankenstein'. I know none of it bore any truth.

Try sleeping with the light on for weeks at a time. Not so easy.

So an advanced civilisation of alien beings can't abduct people when the lights are on? Defeated by a 100watt lightbulb after crossing the galaxy in their space ship? Does that make sense? Can't you see it's all in your head?
phidaux said:
Bit of randomness - have you heard other cases of people becoming sensitive to the high pitch noises coming from a TV? I just thought that some of us (myself included) just had a slightly greater auditory range and therefore able to hear the squeal.
thats generally common and can happen for a number of reasons, as a child when there were no other sounds i always heard a high pitched sound, similiar to the one that my computer makes when one of the filter or fans becomes blocked. I cant remember the medical terminology for it, but i myself wouldnt really count that as a good case example for being abducted.
caffeine_fubar said:
Generally, one would not remember such an event, but only get small memories of the happening afterwards. Try "hints" of what happened. I wake up sometimes almost screaming, and find cuts on my hand, or lying somewhere else in my house.

One thing i do notice now that i have had "possible" experiences with extra-terrestrials is that i can hear high pitched squeals around television sets or radios. Others DO NOT hear this, but i do. It is the oddest thing that i have possibly ever seen.

My biggest fear in life now is extra-terrestrials, but at the same time they are my bigest hobby and i have always wanted to see one. This is the exact same way with my friend, and this person also hears these high pitched squeals.

Who knows, maybe they are starting to insert microchips into our brains, and the squeals are interference from the radio or tv sets, as the chips are trying to relay signals into space. Oddly enough, i can hear tv sets and such for rooms away. Possibly 40-50 feet. When i get close, the sound DOES NOT get louder. It stays the same.

1. Communication is the "hints"
2. During the abduction, you are most likely unconscious and do not remember.
3. Certain objects in the world give hints of fear to you for no apparent reason, and they may also give you hints of happiness for no reason at all. This may be memories from the event.
4 ?
5. I remember not being able to sleep before the incident. During the event, Nothing. After, hints.
what you just described is easily described as a mainstream abduction, this has become so mainstream and publicized that it is easily copied, im not saying your a liar in any way, however, it is simply put in the words of a proffessor i used to play chess with. "The human mind is mushy, and moldable, whether you do it by kneading it like bread, or hitting it with a bat. If you take a child in a room, under intense interrigation you can very easily convince that child that they have been molested by the baby sitter, the difference in adults is that they are slightly more resillient, but moldable the same."
"They have one 'documentary' that shows humans and dinosaurs co-existing"

this is true my friend, you should keep up to date with the new discoveries in anthropology, they are finding tons of cavemen that DATE far back, scientists baffled.

just like they speculate that the dinosaurs werent wiped extinct by a cataclysmic meteor, rather they are beggining to think something else killed them, possibly a pole shift or famine (which could come from a pole shift) or other possiblities.

some even claim that some dinosaurs may have survived underground and may even of had the chance to evolve !! imagine that !
and if u know anything about aliens you should know they are said to have underground bases across the world... but have u read the Dulce papers that say that indeed they have underground bases-- BUT they have found out that there is a natural Cave System underground with evolved reptilian humanoids ! fascinating.


i can understand mainstream abduction, its like those people who hear of a new disease and are so paranoid they think they have it, and they fool themselves into having it.

but i must say that with some people this is not the case.

its just so close-minded to think that theres no spirituality involved, such as the case where the indian man was able to make the Greys go away, because of his spirituality. the world has become unspiritual and thats why these Greys are able to abduct peoples without them even knowing, or acknowledging it !


"Perhaps aliens are what our bodies will evolve into , and our minds are telling us that?"

let me tell you what i read in a book:

they told the story of the Greys from Zet 2 Ret. these are you average abductin aliens of today's world: skinny, big-headed, black eyes, and no reproductive organs.

why ? is this what we will be ? PERHAPS. let me explain:

the book told that these Greys have a sad dilemna. it explains that during a planetary war in their original planet system (i figure this was in Orion) these beings were under attack and they were stuck in a negative world (Orion is negative based) where the Leaders CONTROLLED them unconsiderably. They seeked refuge, but could not escape. So they went underground secretly. they gathered peoples and hid beneath the surface of the Warring planet. Together they choose to begin a new life, which would be quite opposite from what they were living on the surface. they spent generations upon generations hidden from the surface, which caused their pupils to dialate their entire eyes. they had limited food, so they had to figure out a new way to gain nutrition- and they developed their wierd chlorophyl based system where they take nutrients in by secretions on their skin. this way they could 'eat' the abundant crystal energy and whatnot in the caverns. they continued gaining knowledge on genetics, which is no surprise because they ARE the genetic masters, which is why they've been sent to earth to tinker with us humans. so generations passed and passed and they noticed their craniums began enlarging (due to the telepathic abilities they acquired thru group meditating and whatnot) until it was a serious problem. The females started to have trouble delivering babies becuase of their enlarged craniums and petite bodies (they hardly ate meat etc) and they realized they hit a rock solid wall. but there was hope ! they used their knowledge in genetics and technology to begin their artificial births, something very similar to 'cloning'. this saved their race but it had some drawbacks- cloning time and time again over generations began to deteriorate their individual characteristics, personalities, and emotions. this is what caused the Greys to all look the exact same, like they still do today. they completely removed all unneccesary organs, such as reproductive, because it wasnt needed anymore. they thought they had fixed their problems....

BUT they didnt. see, they're excessive cloning has actually been deteriorating their DNA i suspect, and something has obviously erased their emotions because they act too robotic in nature. i believe it was the excessive group-consicousness they longed for that was the cause of the emotionless state. their main flaw was that they focused TOO MUCH on Genetics, Technology , and let everything else deteriorate.

AND So they are here by DESTINY. we need DNA tweaking for enlightenment, THEY are the genetic masters, and THEY CAN ALSO LEARN FROM US. I bet they are also re-engieering themselves and splicing in OUR DNA to THEM, which is ironic because at first They were Splicing THEIR DNA into APES to create Humans. But we all know the world works on Ironicism (i made that word up)

So, i want to know if anyone has been able to Speak to Abductors during the events, and if anyone has been succesful in gaining some actual information on their practices. I have my information, but i would like to hear about actual events from abductees .

take care
actually, i checked up on that zonabi, no current to date records with the american anthropology society or any other organization i have looked up back up your knowledge, a link may prove me otherwise, but as of now the latest discoveries are maybe a coulple thousand years behind what they thought, but no more, not far enough back to coexist with dinosaurs
Zonabi, nothing with a body mass of over 5kgs survived the extinction that killed off the dinosaurs. So are you saying there were small, but perfectly formed humans under 5kg in body weight co-existing withj dinosaurs?

The rest of your fantasy story about the greys. Well, it's fantasy, take it to sci-fi.
i steered off topic i admit. but whatever its still related nonetheless. i dont care if you guys dont agree, im not here to convince. time will tell, and thats all BOTH of us can really count on.

but, what i do want to say is that your (phlog) inconsiderate remarks has already caused some people to NOT POST their experiences with abductions and possible abductions BECAUSE OF YOUR SCRUTINY. that is why i TRIED to ask for only SERIOUS responses, those who are genuinely interested/intrigued. Yet you still STOMP YOUR FOOT IN HERE CLAIMING WE ARE ALL WRONG. THAT NOTHING HAPPENED, NO SUCH ABDUCTIONS COULD EVER EXIST. you have disrupted my thread and i am sad because people were honestly wanted to get some answers and you shoe'd them off. shame on you and your inconsiderate mindset.

now i have to handle all the messages thru private, which is NOT WHAT I WANTED TO DO. i hate to sound rude but you're an ass.