Questions on atheist morality

SAM said:
Jesus had strong objections to the official morality of the institutionalized theism of his culture (and yours, and mine) - from where do you suppose he derived them ?

Are you certain of this?
I'm certain it's a core belief of most Christians It's kind of the main point of the New Testament - note the "New". Example quote (of a great many) "You have heard it said, an eye for an eye. But I say unto you - - - - "

SAM said:
Atheism is about the individual, religion is about building a society and a community. The reason for morals and ethics has no place in atheism except as a function of living in society.
My prediction of the slide from theism to religion is born out. Did you notice, btw, that you have contradicted yourself there ? Or do you assert that atheists think living in a society and building a community are disparate goals ?
SAM said:
They do not, as athiests, have anything to offer in terms of ethics or social order to the community.
The ethics and social order of modern science (such as they are - but if we judge the ideal by the practice, in matters of religion, theism rates poorly as well no?) are contributions of atheism - the specific denial of a role to the supernatural, and the approach to gaining knowledge derived therefrom - to various societies. Some would hold them to be important. Certainly many atheists find that contribution to building a community important, worthy of self-sacrifice, humbling in the face of the larger good, etc.

SAM said:
Why are atheists so reluctant to give religion its due for social order and institutions, I wonder?
My opinion? Confusion from being raised in a culture dominated by theistic religion, and being continually subjected to its repeated claims for credit due its God. Exactly the same indoctrinated confusion that leads many theists to interchange theism and religion for convenience in making arguments on this forum. Sound familiar ?
you have a serious focus problem

are you saying religion keeps people from killing and exploiting eachother?
if your answer is no, don't bring this up again

Compared to the death tolls in officially atheist societies, I would say that without religion, we would be facing extinction instead of overpopulation. Perhaps the rise in atheism is an evolutionary response to overpopulation. The culling, suicides and low birth rates should make more space for survivors.
Perhaps the rise in atheism is an evolutionary response to overpopulation. The culling, suicides and low birth rates should make more space for survivors.

If that's the case you should be supporting it.
I'm certain it's a core belief of most Christians It's kind of the main point of the New Testament - note the "New". Example quote (of a great many) "You have heard it said, an eye for an eye. But I say unto you - - - - "

Ah so. I have never heard of any Christians denounce organised institutions; in fact, in India we owe a lot to the efforts of Christians who set up educational, charity and other organisations.

My prediction of the slide from theism to religion is born out. Did you notice, btw, that you have contradicted yourself there ? Or do you assert that atheists think living in a society and building a community are disparate goals ?

What I see from athiests is they constantly want to suppress religious expression. That seems to be the core of all their grievances.
The ethics and social order of modern science (such as they are - but if we judge the ideal by the practice, in matters of religion, theism rates poorly as well no?) are contributions of atheism - the specific denial of a role to the supernatural, and the approach to gaining knowledge derived therefrom - to various societies. Some would hold them to be important. Certainly many atheists find that contribution to building a community important, worthy of self-sacrifice, humbling in the face of the larger good, etc.

More lip service.

My opinion? Confusion from being raised in a culture dominated by theistic religion, and being continually subjected to its repeated claims for credit due its God. Exactly the same indoctrinated confusion that leads many theists to interchange theism and religion for convenience in making arguments on this forum. Sound familiar ?
Yeah its a constant atheistic refrain. See previous comment in same post. :yawn:

If that's the case you should be supporting it.

I strongly support any atheist who wishes to contribute himself to extinction for the greater good.:shrug:
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Compared to the death tolls in officially atheist societies, I would say that without religion, we would be facing extinction instead of overpopulation. Perhaps the rise in atheism is an evolutionary response to overpopulation. The culling, suicides and low birth rates should make more space for survivors.

death tolls are just a consequence of how many guns you have

the desire to kill is still there no matter if you believe or not
in fact, believing often gives people motivation to kill

I think this is pretty simple. just answer this:
Does religion make a country better? Does it make a person better?
I think this is pretty simple. just answer this:
Does religion make a country better? Does it make a person better?

Most definitely. Religion builds societies and communities, it provides solace and meaning in times of trial; spreads knowledge and charity in times of plenty.

Atheism merely rejects God and attacks theists.

No comparison at all.

So you don't think it's a good thing to bring down overpopulation ?

Of course, I strongly recommend anyone who supports population reduction to start with themselves.
Most definitely. Religion builds societies and communities, it provides solace and meaning in times of trial; spreads knowledge and charity in times of plenty.

Atheism merely rejects God and attacks theists.

No comparison at all.

then why is india so deep in shit?
the britisth were religious too

Were they? Did not reflect it much in the 200 years they were liberating us from our tragic past (and all of our wealth).

Pretty much along the lines of what they've been doing in Iran and Iraq.
Were they? Did not reflect it much in the 200 years they were liberating us from our tragic past (and all of our wealth).

Pretty much along the lines of what they've been doing in Iran and Iraq.

but at least they had a solid comunity, right? and they had solace and meaning while staying there in shitland, and spread all their knowledge and charity to you guys
but at least they had a solid comunity, right? and they had solace and meaning while staying there in shitland, and spread all their knowledge and charity to you guys

It was not the ones who came to grab land who spread the knowledge and resources. But yeah, some of our best schools and universities have been established by the Catholics. I am an excellent representative of British education systems in India, n'est ce pas? My own school was run by an Anglo Indian Christian woman.
Were they? Did not reflect it much in the 200 years they were liberating us from our tragic past (and all of our wealth).

And then millions of them decided to come to Britain and earn a better living along with the freedom to practice their own religion however they deem fit.

Seems many prefer it that way.