Questions for the religous

I was raised in a non-religious but vaguely CofE household. In school we learned a few cherry picked Bible stories but it was never forced down our throats in the fire and brimstone sense.

In middle school (up to the age of 11) we would get regular visits from a local vicar but he would often have to field logical questions about the nature of God, I think he knew we weren't falling for his sales pitch.

I came to the conclusion that there was no God based on my own enquiries into evolution and the natural sciences, which was started by my interest in Dinosaurs.

I've never heard a single convincing argument for the reality of a God(s) or the supernatural.
Whether we like it or not we all choose what we believe, eventually. In your heart of hearts you know. I think best when under tremendous pressure-our true beliefs come out. Luckily belief was not forced upon me, rather the ability to believe was given to me. Maybe your 'religion' finds you. In what is belief, is it just not your current state of understanding?

Maybe some would pretend and have religion for societies sake, if that is what you mean. But as Cris elaborated, you cannot pretend to yourself, right?

What do you mean by 'the ability to believe was given to you'? How can something outside of your person teach you to believe?
It would matter if his parents were Christian.

That's not what you said, though. You said indoctrination is the key. You said you don't become religious without indoctrination as a child. So no, it doesn't matter if his parents were Christians. If they were, they were lax Christians. He was not religious, and I'm not even sure he had a casual belief in God before he converted.

It's mostly bs.

You've obviously never studied philosophy...

Jesus is his savior. Seems rather brain dead to me.

Oh, now I remember why I had you on ignore. You just talk shit when you can't come up with anything intelligent...which is pretty much all the time.

Seriously, you just called him brain-dead and you don't even know the kid. But I guess not knowing anything about a subject hasn't stopped you from pontificating on it before.

I think that's called hypocrisy.

Coming from someone who doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about, I'll take that as a compliment.

He didn't even exist.

How do you know?
could you elaborate on why you left "islam"?
After I was exposed to atheism ( I did not even conceive of the notion until I was exposed to it) I began questioning my own beliefs until I got to the point that I am now: agnostic atheist. I also saw through the illusion of "morality" and every other human construct designed to control others.

I am simply BLOWN AWAY that Norse was raised Muslim:eek:

Its not negative or anything its just the last thing I would have ever expected. Like learning Sam was once married:p
Why so blown away? What would be the first thing you would have expected?
Other than scriptures, what evidence is there to suggest he did exist? None whatsoever.

You said: "He didn't even exist."

In response to your assertion, two questions have been put to you
--> "And you know"
--> "How do you know?"

You weren't asked why you suspect he never, you were asked HOW do you KNOW he didn't exist?

Kindly elaborate as to HOW YOU KNOW Jesus never existed.
And as I said, the only reason we "know" Constantine and all of these others existed is due to historical texts and anecdotes; statues; and such. The same for Jesus, so you really can't use that argument.
I was raised in a mad planet where human minds can read, speculate and manipulate everything whether it exist or do not exist. Now humans have the craziest dreams and possibilities. So I only believe in human minds which are capable of creating heaven and hell (depending on their moods).
I began questioning my own beliefs until I got to the point that I am now: agnostic atheist.
have you searched for answers to them offered by religious scholars?

are you sure your questions aren't answered somewhere?
Why so blown away? What would be the first thing you would have expected?

I don't know, I guess I'm used to thinking of you as the transhumanist libertarian. I've never associated you with any religious belief nor would I ever have guessed that you were once religious.
You just talk shit when you can't come up with anything intelligent...which is pretty much all the time.

I guess not knowing anything about a subject hasn't stopped you from pontificating on it before.

Coming from someone who doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about, I'll take that as a compliment.


Put me back on ignore, please.
Kindly elaborate as to HOW YOU KNOW Jesus never existed.

The possibility that Jesus existed, based on the evidence is infinitesimally small, as we can only account it from scriptures, while the probability of his existence, based on the description from scriptures is unequivocally impossible.
have you searched for answers to them offered by religious scholars?

are you sure your questions aren't answered somewhere?
The ultimate question of "if there's a god, where is he?" has not been answered.

I don't know, I guess I'm used to thinking of you as the transhumanist libertarian. I've never associated you with any religious belief nor would I ever have guessed that you were once religious.
Well, now you know :D

If anything, that makes me more well-rounded, I'd say.

The possibility that Jesus existed, based on the evidence is infinitesimally small, as we can only account it from scriptures, while the probability of his existence, based on the description from scriptures is unequivocally impossible.
According to your logic: constantine never existed, because the thunder in the sky telling him to conquer is impossible thus his chance for existing is very small and he never existed because all we have are historical texts.
According to your logic: constantine never existed, because the thunder in the sky telling him to conquer is impossible thus his chance for existing is very small and he never existed because all we have are historical texts.

Huh? :shrug:
According to your logic: constantine never existed, because the thunder in the sky telling him to conquer is impossible thus his chance for existing is very small and he never existed because all we have are historical texts.
You're missing the point.
The only "evidence" we have of Jesus is the scriptures - ONE source, nothing else.
For all the other historical figures there are multitudinous sources.
We have more than one source for Jesus

The scriptures; various books; paintings, and artifacts like the cross. I happen to think that Jesus did indeed exist but of course he wasn't holy or anything.
Then you have learned nothing.

Learned nothing by doing what? By renouncing my fate? Of course I have learned! I have seen through the illusions created to control us. Talk of heaven and of good and evil...these things are designed to get us to think and behave in the manner they want, and not in a manner that we please.