Questions about the Creation Myth.

You mean the sentient being with basically the body plan of a human that was around before existence itself and now resides outside of reality but yet exists ?
Hmm.. tough question :D

Don't forget he is the cause of this reality. :)
I get ya.
You are arguing from the point of view that God doesn't exist.
And when you ask questions regarding God
Guess what?
There really not questions at all. :)
It's just stuff you say, and it doesn't matter what response you get, you have your stuff worked out.

I should have realised. My bad.
But I would apreciate an answer to the question.
What is illogical about such a being (God), from your point of view?

Don't forget he is the cause of this reality. :)
I get ya.
You are arguing from the point of view that God doesn't exist.
And when you ask questions regarding God
Guess what?
There really not questions at all. :)
It's just stuff you say, and it doesn't matter what response you get, you have your stuff worked out.

I should have realised. My bad.
But I would apreciate an answer to the question.
What is illogical about such a being (God), from your point of view?


Jan, don't you see anything that is illogical about God the way I described him in my previous post ?
What is less likely?

That a hyper powerful intelligent being just popped into existence or has always been and then created the universe by unknowm means from an unknown location where he has his own theme park and fire pit dungeon.

Or that the universe just popped into existence or has always been but works by natural laws which we can investigate, have investigted and understand to the degree possible.

Which do you think?

That bronze age Jewish sheep herders know more about the universe or that scientists know more about the universe?
Don't forget he is the cause of this reality. :)
I get ya.
You are arguing from the point of view that God doesn't exist.
And when you ask questions regarding God
Guess what?
There really not questions at all. :)
It's just stuff you say, and it doesn't matter what response you get, you have your stuff worked out.

I should have realised. My bad.
But I would apreciate an answer to the question.
What is illogical about such a being (God), from your point of view?


NO. He's arguing from the point of view that he doesn't know a god exists!!!
Maybe I misunderstood. I thought you were referring to the creation part not the entire Holy Babble.
Yes, there are some good points & even wisdom but it's much too difficult for most people to sort that out. A few needles in a barn full of hay.
Jan, don't you see anything that is illogical about God the way I described him in my previous post ?

It is clear to me that you don't believe it, because your world view holds that this reality is all there is, but I'm not sure what you mean by "illogical".

It is clear to me that you don't believe it, because your world view holds that this reality is all there is, but I'm not sure what you mean by "illogical".


:eek: Could you please tell me whether or not you think this is logical:
God is a sentient being with basically the body plan of a human that was around before existence itself and now resides outside of reality, but yet exists ?
Maybe I misunderstood. I thought you were referring to the creation part not the entire Holy Babble.
Yes, there are some good points & even wisdom but it's much too difficult for most people to sort that out. A few needles in a barn full of hay.

Yea, I kind of lost track there. I was originally talking about Genesis.
Not understanding something and then projecting knowledge from your time on it, in order to explain it, isn't insane in my book.
It's just that a lot of it appears to be kind of cryptic and I'm interested in how they really meant it, as I can't believe that they really believed all that shit literally.
:eek: Could you please tell me whether or not you think this is logical:
God is a sentient being with basically the body plan of a human that was around before existence itself and now resides outside of reality, but yet exists ?

As I thought.
You are incapable of answering your own claim, so you
do the same old usual modern atheist trick of answering a question
by posing the same question. :D

Your dead in the water.
You have nothing to offer. :(


As I thought.
You are incapable of answering your own claim, so you
do the same old usual modern atheist trick of answering a question
by posing the same question. :D

Your dead in the water.
You have nothing to offer. :(




I just thought it might spare us another gazillion pages if you said whether or not you acknowledge that God, the way I described him three posts up, is illogical.

God is a sentient being with basically the body plan of a human that was around before existence itself and now resides outside of reality, but yet exists.

- Why does he look similar to a human, what does he need that form for ?
- Nothing, not even a God, could have been around before existence itself.
- There is no 'outside reality'. Being 'outside reality' means the same as not being in existence.
- And finally, the old classic, where did God come from ?
Genesis 1:24-27

Then God said, “Let the earth bring forth living creatures after their kind: cattle and creeping things and beasts of the earth after their kind”; and it was so.
God made the beasts of the earth after their kind, and the cattle after their kind, and everything that creeps on the ground after its kind; and God saw that it was good.

Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; and let them rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over the cattle and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.”
God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.

Question 1.
What does it mean when God says that He creates creatures after their kind ?

Actually this may very well be some human error. Remember the bible has been written and rewritten and translated several times. My only other explantion might be that God had a grand design in mind before he started and had made prototypes. Which would match evolution, the animal slowly evolves and improves from the starting point.

Question 2.
When God says, "Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness," did He mean that He would make man psychically similar to Himself, or perhaps mentally.. what ?

My guess would be mentally. Why else would only Man not be allowed to eat from the Tree of Knowledge and the Tree of Life? Animals were placed under no such restriction. So my guess is God wanted man to be able to think independantly, plan and create, something to this point only God did.

Question 3.
And what's with "Our image" and "Our likeness" ?
Were there more Gods, or is it just some sort of majestic plural (lol) ?[/QUOTE]

Actually haven;t you ever heard of the Royal we? ie "We are not amused."

Seriously it could be a Divine trinity thing or he could be speaking to his Angels. After all the war in heavens where he took away Angels ability to choose had not happened yet.
The 'we' and 'our' pluralities have already been discussed. You suggestion, in fact, has already been brought up.

- Why does he look similar to a human, what does he need that form for ?

It's more a case of we look similar to God, have you not read the said text? :)
What does this have to do with "God is illogical"?

- Nothing, not even a God, could have been around before existence itself.

Why not?

- There is no 'outside reality'. Being 'outside reality' means the same as not being in existence.

I agree.
Now define reality.

- And finally, the old classic, where did God come from ?

Why do you think God has to come from somewhere?

It's more a case of we look similar to God, have you not read the said text? :)
What does this have to do with "God is illogical"?
Semantics. The point is they look alike (supposedly).
It is illogical because God doesn't require form. Why would he have a human-like form ?

:bugeye: Because nothing existed yet.

I agree.
Now define reality.
The totality of everything in existence.

Why do you think God has to come from somewhere?
For the same reason that you think that the universe has had to come from somewhere. The difference is that God is portrayed as a complex being.
A complex being popping into existence from nowhere or having always been seems a hell of a lot less likely then, for instance, a cycling universe.
It is clear to me that you don't believe it, because your world view holds that this reality is all there is

You would be lying or deluded if you claimed not to hold the same worldview.

You can't demonstrate beyond your own subjective imagination anything other than what this reality shows. No amount of claiming that supernatural forces have anything to do with reality can be taken seriously when reality continuously demonstrates that physics unequivocally governs it.