Questions about the Creation Myth.

You would be lying or deluded if you claimed not to hold the same worldview.

You can't demonstrate beyond your own subjective imagination anything other than what this reality shows. No amount of claiming that supernatural forces have anything to do with reality can be taken seriously when reality continuously demonstrates that physics unequivocally governs it.

:eek: I didn't even notice he said that..

Even if he will be able to prove that God exists, it means God is part of reality. There is no 'outside of reality'. It's utter nonsense.

Semantics. The point is they look alike (supposedly).

And if you created a bot in your image, you would both look alike. :p

It is illogical because God doesn't require form. Why would he have a human-like form ?

In the context of the discussion, why is that important?
It say's he created man in His own image.

:bugeye: Because nothing existed yet.

Define "nothing"?

The totality of everything in existence.

And your totality consists of everything you can percieve, and the perception of others with whom you agree.
It's hardly anything to work from, is it?

For the same reason that you think that the universe has had to come from somewhere.

What did the universe expand from, and what is it expanding into?

The difference is that God is portrayed as a complex being.
A complex being popping into existence from nowhere or having always been seems a hell of a lot less likely then, for instance, a cycling universe.

He is also portrayed as "pure spirit" as opposed to matter, what to speak of creating man in His own image.
When you decide to see the bigger portrayed picture, then you begin to understand the difference in complexities.

In the context of the discussion, why is that important?
See below..

It say's he created man in His own image.
That's why it's important ;)

Define "nothing"?
The absence of anything.

And your totality consists of everything you can percieve, and the perception of others with whom you agree.
It's hardly anything to work from, is it?
'My totality' has got nothing to do with it.

What did the universe expand from, and what is it expanding into?
I don't know. But that's not the point..

He is also portrayed as "pure spirit" as opposed to matter, what to speak of creating man in His own image.
When you decide to see the bigger portrayed picture, then you begin to understand the difference in complexities.
I'm sorry, but what does this mean.. ??

That's why it's important ;)

Oh I see.
You're actually taking your question seriously, namely;
God doesn't require form. Why would he have a human-like form ?

What makes you think or know, God doesn't have a form?
And why would anything be of a requirement where God is concerned?
Have you actually read any scriptures?

The absence of anything.

1. not being present: the fact of somebody's not being in a specific place
took note of certain people's absence

Naff definition, because there has to be something or somewhere for anything to absent from.
Try again. :)

'My totality' has got nothing to do with it.

It has, because that is what you are using to define "reality".

I don't know. But that's not the point..

It suggests that the universe came from a single point.

I'm sorry, but what does this mean.. ??

It means, my dear sir, that you are a cherry picker. :D


Oh I see.
You're actually taking your question seriously, namely;
God doesn't require form. Why would he have a human-like form ?

What makes you think or know, God doesn't have a form?
And why would anything be of a requirement where God is concerned?
Have you actually read any scriptures?

1. not being present: the fact of somebody's not being in a specific place
took note of certain people's absence

Naff definition, because there has to be something or somewhere for anything to absent from.
Try again. :)

It has, because that is what you are using to define "reality".

It suggests that the universe came from a single point.

It means, my dear sir, that you are a cherry picker. :D


You see where this heading, don't you.. ?
Also, you are being dishonest.

Enough about this. Please just address the questions in the OP.
You see where this heading, don't you.. ?
Also, you are being dishonest.

Enough about this. Please just address the questions in the OP.

Just clamping down on statements you take for granted.
The questions have been addressed, which how we got here in the first place.

The questions have been addressed, which how we got here in the first place.


You're assertion on this topic would be some sort of being waved his magic wand or hand or whatever and *poof* we all came into existence, magically.

Whereas with the natural view, the laws of physics and a great deal of passing time determined our origins.

So, we are left with your view of magic on one hand and the view of physics on the other.

Magic or physics? Hmmm...
You're assertion on this topic would be some sort of being waved his magic wand or hand or whatever and *poof* we all came into existence, magically.

Whereas with the natural view, the laws of physics and a great deal of passing time determined our origins.

So, we are left with your view of magic on one hand and the view of physics on the other.

Magic or physics? Hmmm...

How about a little of both?
Creation through a process of physical laws set in motion.
I wouldn't call the supernatural "magic".
It is much more than that. I would call it Faith. It is a real substance.
From that you give the dynamics of the Spirit to the mechanics of the physical and....

Even the heathens have to "believe" their magic will work.
That's where the real power lies.
In Faith.
All things are possible to those who believe.
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How about a little of both.
How about creation through a process of physical laws set in motion.
A process which God intervened upon a couple of times with Adam and then later with Jesus.
The creation of a body for God Himself, made up of many members.

Why would you invoke magic into reality when reality has not shown magic to exist, nor has reality relied upon magic to be self-evident and self-sustaining?

Are you doing so because you've been programmed to believe in magic? Do you find reality boring and want to 'spice it up' with magical connotations?

I wouldn't call the supernatural "magic".
It is much more than that. I would call it Faith. It is the substance of the things hoped for, the evidence of things which are unseen.
No "poof" required.

Magic is not evidence or substance of anything as magic has not been shown to exist, along with any other magical things from the supernatural.

Things which are unseen are indistinguishable from the non-existent.
Why would you invoke magic into reality when reality has not shown magic to exist?

I didn't call it magic, I said a better name for the supernatural was "Faith".

Things which are unseen are indistinguishable from the non-existent.

-You don't see love, but you can see it's effects.
-You don't see oxygen in the air, but without it you'll die.
-Do you see the thoughts that travel from your brain and cause your arms and legs to move?
-Molecular attraction?

The most powerful forces in nature are unseen.
They are the dynamics that operate the mechanics of the material world.

Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.

Let me word it another way.
A television signal travels through the air.
The T.V. set doesn't manufacture the signal, it's already there.
The T.V. set just catches the signal and makes it visible.

Faith is capable of reaching what the other senses can not.
It doesn't manufacture God.
It contacts God, and reveals what was already there.

It is a sixth sense, that supersedes the other five.
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I didn't call it magic, you did. I said a better name for the supernatural was "Faith".

You're confused. That is not the definition of Faith, but faith is required to believe in the supernatural (magic).

I edited the post above after you copied it, trying to explain a little more.
But about the unseen...

-You don't see love, but you can see it's effects.
-You don't see oxygen in the air, but without it you'll die.
-Do you see the thoughts that travel from your brain and cause your arms and legs to move?
-Molecular attraction?

Again, you're confused. You're trying to compare that which has effects to that which has not shown effects. All of what you've listed has an effect and a physical quantifier.

The most powerful forces in nature are unseen.
They are the dynamics that operate the mechanics of the material world.

Complete nonsense.

Faith is another one of those powerful unseen things, like love.

Really confused. Faith has nothing to do with the supernatural other than faith is required to believe in the supernatural.

All things are possible to those who believe.

That is entirely untrue. You cannot demonstrate a single one of your "faith" based beliefs in the supernatural, so evidently, all things are NOT possible to those who believe.
You cannot demonstrate a single one of your "faith" based beliefs in the supernatural, so evidently, all things are NOT possible to those who believe.

Let's say you've got a point.
Miracles don't prove anything, either way.
There is something better to know than that.

LUKE 10:17
And the seventy returned again with joy, saying, Lord, even the devils are subject unto us through thy name.

LUKE 10:20
Notwithstanding in this rejoice not, that the spirits are subject unto you; but rather rejoice, because your names are written in heaven.
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Let's say you've got a point.
Miracles don't prove anything, either way.

Miracles, are theists way of saying, "we have no clue what caused it to happen but we're going to give the credit to our god anyways."
Miracles, are theists way of saying, "we have no clue what caused it to happen but we're going to give the credit to our god anyways."

I thought most modern miracles could be explained by the type of cheese used and the temperature of the grill.
