Question: what do muslim women get in heaven?



Do they get 70 virgin males?

Just wondering what's in it for them?
Do they get 70 virgin males?

Your own western centric imaginations have nothing to do with Deen Allah .

Dont imply some virgin crap , you can not even coprehend the non-physical essence of heaven .

Just wondering what's in it for them?

Only a barbaric devil can be such a simplistic egoist .

Your earthly greed has no place in Allah's Jannah .

Dont ask questions because you do not seek answers .
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Well, Arab men are notorious for being bad lovers with small members...

Maybe they get a rest from all the beatings?
Well, Arab men-small members...

Arabs are no genetically binded group . Do you enjoy being stupid in your attempts to ridicule ?

Maybe they get a rest from all the beatings?

I bet those beatings are little in compare to the abuse you must have went through .
Ghassan Kahnadlfi:
Arabs are no genetically binded group . Do you enjoy being stupid in your attempts to ridicule ?

I enjoy baiting idiots when I take breaks from my English paper.

I bet those beatings are little in compare to the abuse you must have went through .

Mm, I'm wet just remembering it. Thanks.
Actually, I'm rather curious. We all hear about paradise and the whatever number of virgins the men get. What is paradise for muslim women? I would also appreciate any suras you have to back it up.
I don't know what you guys are speaking about. God speaks of young boys in heaven for me. No doubt about it, Gilman are boys in Arabic, no doubt, no interpretation, no confusion. virgin boys for me baby. And it's repeated over and over again. Please note that 70 is never mentioned in the Quran. Here are the Suras.

"Round about them will serve, (devoted) to them. Youths (handsome) as Pearls well-guarded. (The Noble Quran, 52:24)" "...Youths (handsome)..." is written in Arabic as "gilma-nun llahum". Gilma-nun literally means young males. This Noble Verse is talking about young male servants whom Allah Almighty Created for the service of the Believers in Paradise.

"Round about them will (serve) youths of perpetual (freshness), (The Noble Quran, 56:17)" "...youths of..." is written in Arabic this time as "wil-daa-nun", which literally means young boys. This Noble Verse is again talking about young male servants whom Allah Almighty Created for the service of the Believers in Paradise.

"And round about them will (serve) youths of perpetual (freshness): If thou seest them, thou wouldst think them scattered Pearls. (The Noble Quran, 76:19)" "youths of..." uses the same exact word in Noble Verse 56:17.
Ghassan Kanafani :

I disagree with your critisism of the question. This is a forum to discuss religious topics. If the questioner's perspective of Islam is wrong, why don't you just explain why? It seems to me that the concept of paradise is central to Islam and many other religions, so why not question what heaven is supposed to be like? We can't even talk about islamic women, is that it? Please explain yourself to this western centric audience, we do seek answers, or we would not ask!
Originally posted by chalcedony
Actually, I'm rather curious. We all hear about paradise and the whatever number of virgins the men get. What is paradise for muslim women? I would also appreciate any suras you have to back it up.

Where do you hear about that???? And why haven't you taken it upon yourself to confirm dirty gossip that circulate inside your church walls. Why is it always the ignorant that makes the blanket insults and it becomes a burden upon the knowledegalbe to undo the harm????

In my language, I call this a wild goose chase, and Ghassan Kanafani have all the right to avoid a wild goose chase when he sees one. Go read the Quran if you are really interested. Read the whole thing, not search for one sentence to confirm your ill ideas.

I don't know what you guys are speaking about. God speaks of young boys in heaven for me. No doubt about it, Gilman are boys in Arabic, no doubt, no interpretation, no confusion. virgin boys for me baby.

I hope you’re kidding – that is really pathetic.
Why am I kidding Q.

The subject of this thread is what is god promise to Muslim women in heaven.? I gave you clear Suras from the Quran promising women, young beautifull men. Why is that rediculous? Don't you want me to have some fun when I die....???who knows, you might be reborn as one of those young men to serve me in heaven....Justice will finally be served.
Re: Ghassan Kanafani :

Originally posted by spidergoat
we do seek answers, or we would not ask!

why not question what heaven is supposed to be like? We can't even talk about islamic women, is that it?

Perhaps you seek answers , Randolfo however clearly is not . If you would have payed some better attention you would have noticed 2 similar threads regarding attempts to ridicule Islam by our friend Randolfo .

You shouldnt say we when mean to say I .

Nobody was questioning what heaven was like , nobody was seeking information about the concept of Jannah within Islam , before your post .

To imply that a possible answer lies in some ban to speak about Islamic worden reflects the western-centric attitude you so like to see unexistend .

I am very well aware that this is religious forums , which is the reason I should not try to speak of matters that are beyond space-time , such as Jannah .

Jewish , Muslim , Christian and even Atheist perspectives in this forums are fixated on those earthly understanding of matters .

Jannah is not something you can play out on a stage . "Religious" understanding of a heaven is .

Allah has promised to the believers, men and women, gardens through which rivers flow to dwell therein forever, and beautiful mansions in Gardens of Paradise. But the greatest bliss is the Good Pleasure of Allah. That is the supreme success

Surah at-Tawbah (9): 72

Jannah , is a metaphysical state within reflecting Allah's perfection , this lifetime is not excluded .

Akhirah is that what was before and will be after , this does exclude this lifetime .

Jannah is not some orgy with manwhores and virgin to-be sluts . Neither is Akhirah .

The concepts are philosophical and that is how they ought to be treated .
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Re: Re: Ghassan Kanafani :

Originally posted by Ghassan Kanafani
Jannah is not some orgy with manwhores and virgin to-be sluts . Neither is Akhirah .

Yet, many can only see orgies and evil in the purest of things....and I'm sick and tired of their mentalities that I'd rather throw back their mockeries right in their face. If they think that muslim men get 70 virgins, then let them think that muslim women get 70 males as well. Let them think that Jannah is an orgy. They wouldn't know what Jannah is if it hit them heads on.

I don't know if I told you that before, but I had one very lucid dream about Jannah before. I dreamt that I had to carry an angel of death in my arms. I couldn't see him, but it felt as if it was transporting me across the heavens. I saw hell from a distance as a place that doesn't allow you to say the truth, yet whenever you lie, it tightens further on you. I saw hell as a mental prison impossible to get out of. I had a chance to meet the prophets and I was practicing all the questions in my head to ask them, and when I came to their presence my tongue was tied, all I could say was peace. I carried my family members one by one to a heaven that was not really in the skies, but it required climbing. And when it was my turn to join them, god asked me if I would like to join them, and I said whatever my god decide for me, and I woke up immediately after that. To me Jannah is purely peace and tranquility of the mind. A restfull at peace mind can imagine all the goodness possible and that's Jannah. A diseaced mind can only see evil and that's hell.

Don't you want me to have some fun when I die....???

You’ll be dead, which is no fun at all. And by dead, I mean cease to exist – no afterlife fantasies of young boys draped over your naked body peeling grapes.

who knows, you might be reborn as one of those young men to serve me in heaven....Justice will finally be served.

I will be dead as well, gone forever except in the minds of those who knew me.

And of course, whatever buildings, bridges, libraries, schools, and sport complexes are named after me. ;)
Originally posted by Randolfo
Do they get 70 virgin males?

Just wondering what's in it for them?

Hey, if this were the case, all women would convert to Islam! If that's not heaven, I can't imagine what is!
Re: Re: Question: what do muslim women get in heaven?

Originally posted by Medicine*Woman
Hey, if this were the case, all women would convert to Islam! If that's not heaven, I can't imagine what is!

But what if you got 70 ugly virgin men? You couldn't commit suicide to get out of it! So basically it would be hell in heaven.
Re: Re: Re: Question: what do muslim women get in heaven?

Originally posted by ScrollMaker
But what if you got 70 ugly virgin men? You couldn't commit suicide to get out of it! So basically it would be hell in heaven.

Not really. Where there's a problem, I'll find a solution! I'd either put a paper sack over their head, or maybe I'd blindfold myself, who knows? And although I don't drink alcohol, I might just for the "hell" of it have some expensive imported wine, candles, satin sheets, you know, the whole bit, to take the attention off his face. No, I'd NEVER commit suicide for any reason, the least of all over a man (or men--who's counting? or I already would have!). Then I would be the good teacher that I am and teach them all the ropes (no S&M pun intended). Just to save some time, I may have to teach them in group sessions. If they were really that ugly, I might have to charge them for the lessons. Actually, I don't believe there are really ugly people out there that can't be improved with a little help. Along with my lessons, I'd probably also help them with their appearance and style. The sad part of this story is that they will never find another woman like me, so they better take notes!
Originally posted by chalcedony
Actually, I'm rather curious. We all hear about paradise and the whatever number of virgins the men get. What is paradise for muslim women? I would also appreciate any suras you have to back it up.

Where do you hear about that???? And why haven't you taken it upon yourself to confirm dirty gossip that circulate inside your church walls. Why is it always the ignorant that makes the blanket insults and it becomes a burden upon the knowledegalbe to undo the harm????

In my language, I call this a wild goose chase, and Ghassan Kanafani have all the right to avoid a wild goose chase when he sees one. Go read the Quran if you are really interested. Read the whole thing, not search for one sentence to confirm your ill ideas

You know Flores, I asked nicely and you responded with a personal attack. It is rather presumptuous and arrogant of you to assume that I am an ignorant little mindless churchgoer.

Long before 9/11, I attended the weddings of muslim friends. I've been at their homes during Eid. I am not some little born again toothless trailer park hick. I asked my question because I was curious. I made the assumption I did based on a display of Paradise shown somewhere in the middle east at a college where Paradise was shown but they deliberately did not put in the virgins and that caused a controversy. This isn't some dirty little rumor I heard whispered inside my church. This was something I heard all over the media. I asked you for clarification, in a nice way.

As far as reading the quran, what makes you think I haven't? Do be so quick to judge. It is also why I asked you for the sura, so I can look it up too.

As far as "the ignorant making blanket insults", you've just described yourself.

They wouldn't know what Jannah is if it hit them heads on.

To those of us who are not well-versed in Islam, you're right. We would have no idea what Jannah is.

To me Jannah is purely peace and tranquility of the mind. A restfull at peace mind can imagine all the goodness possible and that's Jannah. A diseaced mind can only see evil and that's hell.

That really is a beautiful notion, and I see nothing wrong with taking a journey to find it. How lucky a person would be to find such a place.

But let me ask you how you could talk so freely about that, then say something like this:

who knows, you might be reborn as one of those young men to serve me in heaven....Justice will finally be served.


Why is it always the ignorant that makes the blanket insults and it becomes a burden upon the knowledegalbe to undo the harm????

Same for Ghassan. You are the single most volitile person on this board, yet you believe in such a peaceful religion. Just look at how you reacted to an innocent question!

Your own western centric imaginations have nothing to do with Deen Allah .

Dont imply some virgin crap , you can not even coprehend the non-physical essence of heaven .

Only a barbaric devil can be such a simplistic egoist .

Your earthly greed has no place in Allah's Jannah .

Dont ask questions because you do not seek answers

Ghassan, he wasn't being rude, and he wasn't being sarcastic. The whole "70 virgins" thing is something most of us have heard, and if it isn't true, then guess what you can do? *Gasp* You could answer the question! *Gasp* *Covers up mouth and looks around all nervous-like*

I realize you have a great knowledge of your faith, and are a student of the Quran, but you seriously need to check your attitude at the door. You said it yourself:

I am very well aware that this is religious forums

So do yourself a favor, and become "very well aware" that in a religous forum, people ask questions, both informed and uninformed. The reason this board (and others like it) exists is for the exercise of learning, passing knowledge onto others, and enjoying intellectual debate. In certain circumstances, pointing out a flaw or two in someone may help the discussion, but in this case you are completely out of line. This guy, no matter how rediculous his questions are, is not here to get berated.

If he's wrong, set him straight. Then shut up, and move on, because frankly we're all sick and tired of reading your nationalistic, brutal attack posts.

And if you don't like hearing the truth, convert to Christianity. You'd fit right in.
