Question for Atheists

Oh pish. Such a party didn't cause any trouble in, say, Egypt, did it?

... oh. Oh, right. Never mind.
Forced conversion works, as we have seen for Catholicism in the Americas, Protestantism in the Confederacy of the US, and Islam in various places.

I'm of the opinion that Islam is primarily a political/legal system.
Many religions are, including all the Abrahamic monotheisms.
What do mean by "Forced conversion works"?

This video is not intended to be connected in any way to my question or your comment.

photizo said:
What do mean by "Forced conversion works"?
It often achieves the goal of bringing a given population under the subjugation of whichever Abrahamic monotheists are employing it this time.

It made the populations of Mexico largely Christian, and helped bring them under the subjugation of the Christian empire employing it, for example.