Question about older boys


Registered Senior Member
Ok, so I was just wondering why if a older boy likes you it is bad?

I understand like if someone really old...

But like if this 18 year old liked a girl that was like 14, wouldnt that just show that since she has small b**bs, that he likes her for her... So isnt it like basicly proving you like that person for there insides... instead of just how they are on the outside...

Also why is it bad for a girl younger to like a boy older... Older boys are smarter, and stronger, and more mature.. Isnt that better then dating another 14 year old.

I just dont understand why a nice 18 year old boy would be shunned because he likes a girl thats 14... Since her b**bs are really small, hes basicly PROVING he likes her for her.

I dont see where parents can even dislike it.

Some people prefer younger girls, despite small boobs, e.g. a pedophile.

Another common reason is those 18 year olds find 14 year olds easy.
Brains and boobs don't often mature at the same rates. Boys are about 10 years behind girls when it comes to maturity. ;)
Since her b**bs are really small, hes basicly PROVING he likes her for her.

Um It means he can't relate to people his own age...Or he likes children.

He should be thinking of a career and higher learning. Not screwing up some girls highschool years.

Maybe"the 14 yerar old girl" is more interested in him than boys her own age but IMO not a good idea.

You're starting to sound like a cop fishing for creeps.
Ok, so I was just wondering why if a older boy likes you it is bad?

I understand like if someone really old...

But like if this 18 year old liked a girl that was like 14, wouldnt that just show that since she has small b**bs, that he likes her for her... So isnt it like basicly proving you like that person for there insides... instead of just how they are on the outside...

Also why is it bad for a girl younger to like a boy older... Older boys are smarter, and stronger, and more mature.. Isnt that better then dating another 14 year old.

I just dont understand why a nice 18 year old boy would be shunned because he likes a girl thats 14... Since her b**bs are really small, hes basicly PROVING he likes her for her.

I dont see where parents can even dislike it.

lol i have a 14yr old daughter and if a man of 18yrs wanted to date her i would chase him of with a hammer!

its just not on, like wise if the boy was 14 and the girl 18 just would not be roght!
Having been an 18 year old boy, I can say they should be avoided at all cost by younger lasses! There is a big difference between what you think you know and what you do know, especiallly about 18 year old males. And there is a big difference in what 18 year old males know and what they think they know. Those hormones do strange things to the mind of an 18 year old male...things which he is ill prepared to deal with. So I am sure your father, having been an 18 year old male too, would give you similar advice.
Older boys like younger girls because they can't get it from girls their age. There must be something about those boys that girls their age don't like; and when this 14 year old girl matures, she will understand those qualities were indeed undesirable.
Older boys like younger girls because they can't get it from girls their age.
That's certainly true for some men, but I would say that there's a bigger reason why in most couples the men are older and it's because of biology. Older men have more knowledge, world smarts and money, which is important to women. Younger women are more fertile, which is important to men.
Barbie girl, it's mainly a maturity thing. I don't see a problem with a 14 year old dating a 16 year old, but an 18 year old is definitely pushing it. An 18 year old man who is willing to date a 14 year old girl is very suspect.
That's certainly true for some men, but I would say that there's a bigger reason why in most couples the men are older and it's because of biology. Older men have more knowledge, world smarts and money, which is important to women. Younger women are more fertile, which is important to men.

It is true that there is a difference in amount of knowledge (someone said boys are 10 years behind, that's a misconception). But that would be the reason why an 18 year old boy would be bored with a 14 year old girl. An 18 year old girl is just as fertile as a 14 year old girl, though more fertile than a 40 year old woman.
Well.... since i'm not even aloud to talk to boys on the phone, have boys over, date boys, or have s*x... I'm pretty sure the girl isn't me.

I was just wondering why...

ALOT of forums, or chat sites I go on... Everytime a boy is even nice to me... They all totally call him names and be mean to him... I just think its no fair..

To be completely honest, I REALLY dislike chatting withholding boys my age. They always want to talk about s*x or dumb stuff that is like mindless...

I like to chat with people who graduated college, or over like 25. Only because they are very nice, they are gentle, and understanding... and You can learn stuff... Like how I learned about fire.... Roman... I dont think he likes me, but if he did, im pretty sure I could take for hours to him asking a zilion questions....

Grownups dont understand how many questions I have... That saying.. the more you know, the more questions you have... It so applys to me.

So isnt this ok...

Back on subject to actually 14 year old gf.. 18 year old bf...

He has a car.... hes super strong.. he can protect you... he is smart... he is confident... cute... nice... cool... he has everything you cant find i n someone your age.
He will still be all that in 4 years. And in 4 years time there will still be guys like that around, don't worry ;)