Q's for christians


Registered Member
Why did you become a christian?
What started you believing in God?
how would you start someone being a christian?

if you can answer anyquestion I will be grateful
1. I became a Christian (Catholic for me) through Baptism, as I was born from Catholic parents.
2. Being taught that God existed, but I have struggled many a time, and have found Catholicism to be the right religion for me (Buddhism is more of a philosophy, and Catholicism has most the stuff I agree with).
3. Seriously, I don't wanna screw anyone up, so consult your local Christian church's priest or deacon.
1) I've been born into a Christian family.
2) why believe in God? To my puny little brain it seems that the existance of God is obvious.
3)I would point out the reasons why I think God exists, and the(IMO) fallacies of a purely secular big bang theory. I believe in big bang and macro-evolution, but that God started it all off.
1. I haven't born in a Christian family. Only my grandma is Christian and she doesn't have that much influence on my beliefs. I became a Christian, in heart, when I was about 3 years old as God started teaching me about Love. I became Christian in my mind in the end of last year because I wanted to talk with other Christians more easily.
2. When I heard Him. And also when I look at this world and this universe.
3. I would just start to teach what God taught me. All about Love. Oh... and of course, I would just help this person and Love this person as if he/she were my own child. :)
Why did you become a christian?

Not a christian really, just a believer. I became a theist because I think that there is more to life then what you can see, touch, and feel.

What started you believing in God?

Other people. No its not a cult thing. Plus science couldnt answer the really interesting questions.

how would you start someone being a christian?

I wouldnt. I say be yourself and find the truth for yourself.
1. Born into a Christian family *i'm Mormon, to others it is debatable whether we are Christians or not, but i believe we are*
2. Because there are too many complications in life that could never have happened without the existence of a supreme being. Plus real life experiences.
3. I'd say you should travel around to all your local churches, seeing with what doctrine you believe and with whom you would like to join.
I am not a christan but i believe in God because since deciding to put my trust in life (and without knowing it, therefore God) there have been a series of amazing 'coincidences'. Can anybody else recognize God and think that he is 'with' them, guiding them?
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Tell you about God? I'm not exactly sure of what you want. If you mean have i seen His hand in certain occurences in life? I'd say yes. I'm not exactly sure what you want to know.
Why did you become a christian? Curiosity. The best way to understand something accurately is to directly experience it.

What started you believing in God? I’m not sure I ever did. Looking back I can see I was subjected to persistent Christian indoctrination throughout my entire school life. It was only in my late teens that I was able to evaluate the teachings with some objectivity.

how would you start someone being a christian? I wouldn’t. I would strongly encourage them not to become involved except from the perspective of an informed skeptic with a view to understanding how a major religion can affect human thinking. Christianity is pure mythology and should only be viewed/studied with that understanding.
Has he got a sense of humour, is he a very forgiving being, that sort of stuff.

(what beer does he favour? :D )
Yes, He is a very forgiving individual, that is was He is marked with compassion and mercy. As for a sense of humor, i don't think anyone knows that for sure, but I imagine even though He knows everything, He has one...don't ask how that is possible, lol *just my personal opinion*.

As for beer...He doesn't drink my friend.
Wasn't it symbolic of a woman's vagina? They stole it from some fertility cult or something.
hmmm, the first thing that came to my mind is when Jesus was preaching on the hill where thousands had gathered but they had only like 3 fish and 2 loaves of bread. So he blessed the fish and loaves and they multiplied enough to fill the people...that is the only thing i can think of. Or when he helped Peter and the others on the fishing boat...
yep, it was a symbol for the vagina, borrowed from the pagens. Also, jesus was borrowed from the pagens. Hence their SUN god "jesus". Oh, and by the way, Budda walked on water, and had risen from the dead, before the christian jesus was thoght of. I see a pattern here..............
Hmmmmm i wonder how the FISH could symbolise the vagina :bugeye: :D :p (Sorry. Childish :rolleyes: ) Yeah i know what your saying Kenresus and dont think i havent thought about that. But one step at a time yeah! I havent even read a 1/4 of the books in the bible!! One step at a time. Personally i prefer to make up my own mind about the world and then see how this matches to the 'Christan' God. When my own experiences or thoughts differ then I will look elsewhere. but how can one move on when only about 3/4 of the books have been read. One should listen to what the bible actually has to say first before discounting it. I do tend to think along the lines of eastern thought (i.e. Buddhism etc) but im not too sure what this is yet. I am still learning about Christianity and my thoughts/experiences tend to agree with this (the bible teaches us to be vegetarians which was a conclusion i came to in my own mind). There are also other passages which i have learnt the truth ofon my own.
"Christianity is pure mythology and should only be viewed/studied with that understanding."

Really? Wow. That is quite a bold statement. It is also an illogical statement based on subjectivity, since it would require an absolute knowledge of the internal and external workings (including the supernatural) of Christianity AND necessitate an absolutness of scope which you are incapable of verifying. However, I am impressed with your courage by fearlessly setting aside the potential, personal repercussions of making such an incognizant assumption. Anyway, thanks for your opinion.

BTW, Merry Christmas to all.

(happy solstice to non-believers.)

1. I became a Christian (Catholic for me) through Baptism, as I was born from Catholic parents.
2. Being taught that God existed, but I have struggled many times in my 22 yrs of life, once doubted the existence of God, especially throughout my teen yrs.

3. I found "perseverance/patience" to be the strongest virtue in the world, through it I found "wisdom" (although there is one more greater than wisdom, and even kids can earn it, its called "love")....The more I learn, so far, the stronger my faith gets, I have talked to so many of them, old and young, college grad or not, there is only one thing they need in order to believe, and that is to "EXPERIENCE HIM" maybe if God talked to them or show himself, then maybe they would believe....This is possible, and it has happened to me twice, but first, I searched for him and was patient about it....Atheists lack the virtue of "patience & perseverance", they donot seek, thus, they donot find God....Finding God isnt as easy as saying "I think there must be something out in the sky you know what I mean"...You think you believe in God, but you dont believe in God....When tornado comes, earthquake, only a house made out of brick will be left standing, the rest will fall. What will you say then when your mother died of cancer? Will you still say God exist?.....

If only Cris, Xelios, Frencheneez, JamesR,(and other atheists) have the virtue of patience and perseverance, then I know they will find God, unless you seek, you will not find...........In other words "IF ONLY THEY HAVE FAITH, THEN THEY WILL FIND GOD"......