q says: "ET visiting Earth ideas are contradicted by physics."

Well, I've said it before and I'll say it again. These conversations get bogged down in conversations that center around the question of ET.

The ETH, while advocated by some UFO proponents, is the albatross hanging around the neck of legitimate inquiry into the subject.

Both "sides" share responsibility for this; debunkers in fact do like to center the conversation around the issue of whether UFOs constitute evidence of extra-terrestrial intelligence. This is a pretty handy argument - precisely because the ETH is so easy to shoot down. Why is it easy to shoot down? Because there isn't any evidence that UFOs are extra-terrestrial in origin.

Now don't start thinking I've become a debunker or anything. But UFO proponents hand this argument to the debunkers over and over again, or at least fall clumsily into the trap over and over again. I think this points to the dangers inherent in becoming wedded to a certain interpretation of UFO sightings. Once you become vested in the argument that UFOs to some degree are connected to extra-terrestrial intelligence, you have lost objectivity and to some degree fail to recognize that you have substituted your belief in your speculation for objective analysis of the evidence.

This bothers me because there is, as I believe Hynek put it, a "signal in the noise" of UFO sightings. This is a subject that demands legitimate, formal study, regardless of what any debunker says. In fact, the incurious, look-away, stick your head in the sand, there's nothing to be gained from the study of UFOs approach is possibly the most uninspiring approach to a topic I've ever seen. This approach tries way too hard to pretend that no aspect of the phenomenon is intriguing or worthy of a second thought. And that's just nonsense clothed in bluster and mock outrage.

There is common ground that both sides will have trouble accepting. This phenomenon is ripe for genuine analysis free from bias or prejudice. Let the facts speak for themselves. We would be left with a phenomenon suggestive of intelligence but ET would be only one among an unknown number of possibilities.

But instead, we argue about propulsion methods, time dilation (I've done this too, so I'm as guilty as anyone) instead of talking about the actual evidence. Actually, those discussions are fine, but shouldn't always be the natural direction of UFO conversation.

For the record, my earlier days of interest also focused on the ETH. Viewing credible case after case of human sightings (with corroboration) of what our perceptions saw as structured objects leads to certain understandable conclusions. Example: It was disk-shaped, and moving at high speed, paralleling our course. At once, it executed a 90 degree course change and passed by directly in front of our cockpit, where the flight crew got a good look at it. Ground radar confirmed the activity described.

Now, I just made that up as an example of some interesting pilot sightings. And regardless of debunker rantings, there are many sightings like that, where even the superior officers of the witnesses made statements that there was little doubt that the witnesses saw what they described. These are not human events that should be dismissed so easily.

So the UFO proponent might review such a case, and think: Well, it wasn't one of ours, since it didn't reasonably appear to represent human technology (particularly in older cases). But it appeared structured and powered, and changed course. Since it was not of human origin, it stands to reason that this may be an extra-terrestrial craft.

This is the exact point at which I am now differing with many UFO proponents. It does not stand to reason. It is speculation based on incomplete facts. Things are not always what they appear to be. Even now, we use technology to make planes less visible, and for how long has camoflage been around? We don't know what we are looking at or why it was perceived in the way that it was. We need to be cautious about jumping to conclusions.

Having said that, we do not need to ignore our lying eyes, or stick our heads back in the sand. There is a certain truth to the assertion that if we see what appears to be directed or intelligence behavior from what also appears to be a non-human source, then the word "alien" is somewhat applicable in the sense that it conveys that what we are witnessing is something foreign to us. But it is a big leap to "aliens", as that word is commonly used here, from other planets.
Re: Re: Re: wacky wes

/here, i'll post it again since you missed it the first time

[i'm just not buying anyting ET until it can be shown to me, firsthand. even then i'll still doubt until I'm riding on the spaceship talking with SLKVLWE!!!#!#$ from LF!!!KF!, or he's projectiing shit into my brain. EVen then I'm not buying it until it's been long enough to convince me that it's not a total hallucination.

That's called agnosticism dipshit. It permeates all endeavors to acquire knowledge.

/you are a mass of contradictions wes.

I'm sure I have contradicted myself from time to time. Show once where I've contracted myself. Your accusational bullshit with nothing to back it up is just more evidence that you are fucking stupid. i've seen signs if intelligence from you before, so I don't want to think you're actually dumb, but it seems you're commited to giving that impression with you apparent intent to misconstrue everything I say. goddamn annoying.

/i did ask you as to what is clear and where it is asserted. do you have to invent something up?


but I haven't fucked with you about it.

/unfortunately you think i have


i'd prefer not to and would rather just drop this bullshit, as it is starting to annoy me.

/i think it is too late for you fella;) you just went ape shit for no reason. kinda touchy i think... see here..

I went apeshit becaue of your goddamn split personality. It's annoying. Pick one and go with it.

/no i dont. you can cuss all you want. you are convinced of the rightness of your approach and cannot accept i dont.

as I said, that's cool with me.

my trauma arised from banging my functional brain against YOUR THICK GODDAMN SKULL.

/well who's the stupid little boy then?:D

YOU are punk. you and your accusatory bullshit fucking tone.

/*to think "flail" incited this vicious diatribe

no, your fucking TONE incited this crap. half the time you're cool, half the time you act like everyone who disagrees with you is part of some conspiracy.

i would have stopped posting here in a significant manner a while back but you keep criticizing me, so I keep trying to clarify your incorrect take on what I said, which makes you take an even MORE incorrect take on what I said, which makes me think you're fucking trolling, which I find maddening.
Originally posted by Ives
Having said that, we do not need to ignore our lying eyes, or stick our heads back in the sand. There is a certain truth to the assertion that if we see what appears to be directed or intelligence behavior from what also appears to be a non-human source, then the word "alien" is somewhat applicable in the sense that it conveys that what we are witnessing is something foreign to us. But it is a big leap to "aliens", as that word is commonly used here, from other planets.

i see semantics.

human=us and our creations. (ai)
alien=non humans and their ai

non human=alien. (unless we wanna put a chimp behind the wheel)
foreign to us=non human=alien.

the "big leap" is one of moral courage and fortitude

what say you;)

These conversations get bogged down in conversations that center around the question of ET.

i got careless. yet i understand. i reviewed and found that i bring em up too. things started out nicely but degenerated rapidly

*now i got a rabid dog getting profane on my ass (yes you wes)

well to get back to the topic exactly: Q is right.

current physics makes ET visiting next to impossible.

(of course that doesn't mean for sure that the current physics paradigm won't find conditions under which our current undstandings change or whateve.

you are right, they could get here non FTL but that seems pretty impractical and doubtful with consideration to distances involved. even FTL the distances involved seem limiting. the distance to the nearest galaxy is what, millions of light years?


that is all.
Originally posted by wesmorris
well to get back to the topic exactly: Q is right.

current physics makes ET visiting next to impossible.

huge mistatement. this is why i think you are muddled in this entire affair. here is the correct wording..

our current understanding of physics makes human interstellar travel next to impossible.

if you read inky's posts, (the ones q won't touch) he indicates the science is there, there is no contradiction with accepted theory. what are your thoughts on those? apart from...it is not currently possible?

i assert it is possible, i bring out some nasa research. i refer to authority. you have objections to these theories? what is been violated? ftl is not the only option here. nor does travel have to originate from the furthest point possible, impressing with the vastness of space does nothing if et originates from the closest possible spot. lets eyeball epsilon eridani (10 light-years)

Now, astronomers believe they have found a plan slightly larger than Jupiter orbiting Epsilon Eridani – making it the closest extrasolar planet ever found to our sun. Epsilon Eridani may eventually be the first star ever visited by an interstellar probe. It's a mere puddle jump in the galaxy - no need for a "warp drive" envisioned in science fiction.

billions more i would think. half light speed=20yrs to get there

lemme tell you why your/q statement is wrong....

1-the laws of physics forbid it....or

2-et visiting implies et exists. then for no reason at all our understanding of physics is assumed to be theirs as well. what goes on here? we go to the same schools and share the same curriculum? our evo progressed in tandem?

ps: could you show me where q even implies "current"? he flatly denies it is posssible. that is it! no further elaboration, nothing.

edit: i might be mistaken about 2inq's assertions
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Originally posted by wesmorris
I'll gladly derabidificate spookz. let's just agree to disagree eh?

well sure,. unfortunately it appears to you that my disagrement stems from paranoia/trolling/stupidity. i do not see it like that. that is a issue you are gonna have to deal with. however a review found me tossing the term "religious" at you. i guess it ballooned from there.

however, i'll apologize later. this thread aint over yet.

ps: my new persona is as a peacemaker. did you notice my peace shit over on books in a&c? neither do i cuss and foam!!!:D

cool eh?
Re: Re: wes

not much but there is no evidence. i'd bet for sure there at least has been life out there. just a what level of development and proximity to earth? are there any alive out there now?

so what do you think humans are? no evidence for us? next up, a simple matter of numbers i see high probabiities not flights of fancy and wild imagination. of course then debunkers pull out the statistical fluke of life occurring at all on earth...(closer to thee do i get )

No, it isn't. You need to study some goddamn cosmology/physics. I'm not saying it's impossible but your comparison is wholly invalid.

I don't see how that is different.

man, you are inquiring into alien physiologies. the focus is on the physics of travel. i make this mistake as well (see first page)

Originally posted by spookz
lemme break it down

ET visiting Earth ideas are contradicted by physics."

*physical laws do not allow for space travel
*physical laws do not allow for space travel due to a lack of efficient propulsive systems
*physical laws do not allow for space travel at "vast distances"
*physical laws do not allow for space travel due to constraints of time
*et is incapable of motion
*physical laws do not allow for space travel due to frail biological systems (life span-not really physics)

i then realize error

Originally posted by spookz
come to think of it, my breakdown goes off on a tangent

except for the first, the others take into consideration, the peculiarities of our biology. nothing to do with physics really

You are the one claiming it's probably been done already. I only brought it up to illustrate your presumption.

compartmentalize. we observe ufo not alien. they are already here. the question (can they travel far enough to get here?
-wes) is moot. if alien is presumed, it is also necessarily assumed he is capable. to think not is to throw the initial hypo (interstellar possible) out. that means the thread wont exist

there is probably miscommunication here.

It is one of a chain of unanswered questions, yet you seem to feel comfortable ignoring it and just jumping right to "ET is here!". Is that right or whassup?

the problem is the way we approach this. i am not starting from scratch here. resolving the interstellar issue removes one of the obstacles of an et origin for ufo's. speculating on other stuff (sentience/habitable/civ) should be done after resolving the first issue. see again on first page...

Originally posted by spookz
next up... habitable planets....followed by....sentient life.....followed by...... advanced civ

Any question regarding the chain of leaps of faith it takes to believe that ET is visiting is fair game to ask of a believer don't you think?

only if the topic post warrants it (we all know how that works out anyway);)

Do I have to specify where I am in the chain all the time?

yes. future posts in this vein will set up strict criteria to be adhered to. a position paper will also be demanded. et has to be structured. different facets, different times;)

there are theoretical systems that could accomplish that, but we don't know it.

elaborate. i see contradiction. if you dont know, how can you make an assertion that there are systems? doesnt that imply you know?

so we don't know if we can figure out how to go to the stars, so scratch any assumption you would base on that, because as of yet it's unwarrented.

look at history fella, from legs to rocketships. back then rocket ships were 'unwarranted". thankfully nobody scratched anything

if you want to make the assumption, that's fine, but to get the "et is here" you gotta make what i deem an unnacceptable chain of assumptions. again, it's not impossible, just unlikely.

there are actual objects that back a link in the chain. but of course your arrogance and disdain of others have you discounting all reports as inadequate

what kind of BS is this man? why you fucking with me? that is a fair goddamn observation.

you gotta be kidding how is an instance of genocide (or any other alien crisis) on the alien planet even remotely connected to the fact that some of their astronauts come to earth? you introduce extraaneous info that will only muddle

survival of a species would be seemingly quite rare beyond certain stages of development. hard to say really since we're the only one we know of at this point. i'd welcome news of others.

heh what for? your fertile mind conjures up alien hitlers. the news will only disappoint

idiot. again, this is a perfectly valid observation about the development of a species (which is part of ET existing to get here), and you try to pretend it's freakin nonsense. does that make it easier for you to believe or something?

sorry. i stand by my statement. it sounds like your just vomiting words on to your post

you trolling bitch, fuck you.

i mean it. introducing beings from different dimensions can only muddle this topic up further. introducing the unimaginable will turn this into a chaotic thread

show me where i said or implied "we shoudln't be methodological about the investigation".

see above. "the investigation" in this thread. lets restrict to our spacetime
huge mistatement. this is why i think you are muddled in this entire affair. here is the correct wording..

our current understanding of physics makes human interstellar travel next to impossible.

excuse me. that's not exactly what I mean. what I mean is "makes it to where we don't have any evidence that that kind of thing is possible, actually, there is more evidence that it is impossible, that to the contrary and as such improbable based on current understanding, not that said understanding is wholly infallable.

if you read inky's posts, (the ones q won't touch) he indicates the science is there, there is no contradiction with accepted theory. what are your thoughts on those? apart from...it is not currently possible?

i mildly disagree in that the science isn't really there, it's only sort of there, a lot of half-developed ideas that can't be tested because they require capabilities beyond current tech. Any FTL I've heard thus far all is dependent on wholly undeveloped science. I think it could be developed for sure, but there's no way to say much about it until people develop it fully, which is a ways off I believe. If we're lucky, cris will succeed, we can all upload and eventually take a trip to the stars. I think that's required some serious luck though, as a significant number of known obstacles stand in the way, many of which could simply end us, or set us back a long way.

i almost entirely concur though with Ive's last post. I'd swear I've communicated many of the same things in this thread but I dunno I can't keep track of all these damn posts. I try to, but you know.

/i assert it is possible, i bring out some nasa research. i refer to authority. you have objections to these theories? what is been violated? ftl is not the only option here. nor does travel have to originate from the furthest point possible, impressing with the vastness of space does nothing if et originates from the closest possible spot. lets eyeball

I've been exposed to pretty much all the popular scenarios with the sleeping and the biosphere and blah blah. i don't remember all of them but I've always been a scifi head and really want the species to get interstellar. i got pissed at you for he state reason. it seemed like every other post you completely misconstrue everything I say. seems to me like you're fuckign with me then you play you aren't, then seem to do it again. now you've chilled back out. i'm down with that. let's keep it like that if you don't mind, as animosity bums me out (i'll get over it but why bother with it?).

/Now, astronomers believe they have found a plan slightly larger than Jupiter orbiting Epsilon Eridani – making it the closest extrasolar planet ever found to our sun. Epsilon Eridani may eventually be the first star ever visited by an interstellar probe. It's a mere puddle jump in the galaxy - no need for a "warp drive" envisioned in science fiction.

even 20 years is pretty impractical, but hell people will do it if possible. it's kind of weird though because do you think within the 10 years they might be able to come up with a shitp that does it in half the time? i'm sure people would do it just in case. hard to know if it's worth the economic expenditure though, given that scenario... yeah probably is I'd guess, hmm. anyway, pardon.

oh and while yes there are planets within a reasonable range there are not billions of them. actually very few stars within reasonable range. our galaxy has billion(s) of stars, but it's 100,000 light years across. my impression from the last thing I saw regarding the topic was that what three or four stars close enough? Odds of intelligent life in at least one of three star systems? Unknown really, but I'd guesstimate low. Maybe I get surprised.

/billions more i would think.

I don't think so. I could be wrong.

/half light speed=20yrs to get there

where? that planet? yeah, maybe a few others that close, hard to say as small planets are hard to discover as of yet. i don't think many stars are very close though.

tanget: hmm.. i wonder if you could jack up the interstellar balance along the way .. the faster you go, the higher your relativistic mass, the more gravity you have, the more influence on mass you encounter along the way. I wonder what mass, accelerated to .99c would equal the mass of jupiter? Hmm.. that's a potentially dangerous endeavor! You could take off and accidentally upset the balance of the solar system because of your relativistic mass! Bummer if you accidentally send earth spiraling into oblivion or something!

/lemme tell you why your/q statement is wrong....

/1-the laws of physics forbid it....or

Here I think your estimate of close planets is way way off. Maybe I'm wrong but I'd estimate from memory (which doesn't always work) that there are less that 100 stars within 100 light years from earth.

/2-et visiting implies et exists. then for no reason at all our understanding of physics is assumed to be theirs as well. what goes on here? we go to the same schools and share the same curriculum? our evo progressed in tandem?

You seem to miss a significant point. Math is a language employed by physics which attempts to understand something that they and we woudl necessarily have in common: the universe. Now, our picture of it can never be shown to be complete because ultimately you can never show that there isn't a system outside your system. However, technically the aliens should be forced to understand exactly the same stuff we understand in terms of "the universe works this way" and I'd be they'd have to have almost identical mathematics to do it, which only means the resuliting equations shoudl be similar.

The main difference could be for instance 1,000,000 extra years of formal study of the same systems, in which case your perspective has some validity. However without knowledge as to the other species, it's all pure speculation. Know what I mean?

I'm trying to say that your point is somewhat valid, but not to the extent you think as you seem to think of 'physics' or "the study of nature" as somehow species independent? The idea is to study nature, which should ultimately be the same in all places in the universe.

/ps: could you show me where q even implies "current"?

i thought it implicit. "physics" is dynamic. the paradigm is not static you know... well.. hmmm.. there are levels and such.

the cutting edge of physics is fairly dynamic, though usually the fundys are the same. the 'popular' sense of physics, that which is taught to high school kids and basic university students, somewhat static by comparison...
.... this thread aint over yet.

Is there any limitation in physics that we can not harness gravity force? - in the sense that we convert electricity to magnetism. Is there a limitation that we can not convert any force to gravity force?
Originally posted by kmguru
Is there any limitation in physics that we can not harness gravity force? - in the sense that we convert electricity to magnetism.

As of now, yeah. It's just not known how to do it or if it's possible. As there has been no detection of gravity waves or gravitons (I think that's right), there is no verification that related theories are accurate. While that is true, you can't really engineer systems to use gravity stuff that you don't understand. It's possible that soon these questions will be answered (as physicists are working dilligently to discover gravity waves and/or gravitons, as well as working out quantum gravity), but until these quesitons are answered I'd have to say yeah there is a limitation.. but it might get lifted.

/Is there a limitation that we can not convert any force to gravity force?

Typically, without a reliable theory, you can't really engineer anything useful, as you need to know the system in order to manipulate it.
In the absense of a theory, how can we say there is a limitation? For example we have limitations on FTL drive. So anyone discusses moving faster than light in normal space does create that limitation.

On the otherhand, if there are no theories based on gravity except that there is some past data that forces can be converted from one type to another (such as electricity to magnetism) - why that would pose a limitation to speculate?

Assuming we could ...convert electricity to gravity...is it taboo to discuss what we can do with it? After all, Mass does produce gravity and Mass is composed of electrons and other stuff....

And ...remember, this is pseudoscience. We do not have to have all theories proved before prediction....use imagination...my friends...
We do not have to have all theories proved before prediction

A theory is based on some sort of observation. What are the observations?

use imagination...my friends...

Can flying fire breathing dragons fly in space? Is so, can they move faster than light?
Can flying fire breathing dragons fly in space? Is so, can they move faster than light?

Something like that...the fact that you have the ability to imagine what a dragon is...not to mention what space is as if you have been out there....says there is hope for mankind....:D
Originally posted by kmguru
In the absense of a theory, how can we say there is a limitation? For example we have limitations on FTL drive. So anyone discusses moving faster than light in normal space does create that limitation.

On the otherhand, if there are no theories based on gravity except that there is some past data that forces can be converted from one type to another (such as electricity to magnetism) - why that would pose a limitation to speculate?

Assuming we could ...convert electricity to gravity...is it taboo to discuss what we can do with it? After all, Mass does produce gravity and Mass is composed of electrons and other stuff....

And ...remember, this is pseudoscience. We do not have to have all theories proved before prediction....use imagination...my friends...

when you ask the question "could we do this", I assume "now" is implicit. otherwise I'd assuem you'd say "could we EVER do this". most likely the responses would be different you know?
Because there isn't any evidence that UFOs are extra-terrestrial in origin.

Exactly, yet many leap to that conclusion.

Now don't start thinking I've become a debunker or anything.

Don’t worry your secret is safe.

In fact, the incurious, look-away, stick your head in the sand, there's nothing to be gained from the study of UFOs approach is possibly the most uninspiring approach to a topic I've ever seen.

Yet from all the money and effort so far wasted in this endeavor has failed to provide anything of value, other than to line the pockets of people like Hynek.

Let the facts speak for themselves. We would be left with a phenomenon suggestive of intelligence but ET would be only one among an unknown number of possibilities.

Assuming intelligence is as big a leap of faith as assuming ET. Any other possibilities that have ever come to light are of a terrestrial nature and have provided no value to anyone.

But instead, we argue about propulsion methods, time dilation (I've done this too, so I'm as guilty as anyone) instead of talking about the actual evidence. Actually, those discussions are fine, but shouldn't always be the natural direction of UFO conversation.

That puts the cart squarely before the horse. If believers can accept ET visiting Earth, why can’t they begin to accept the problems associated with ETs journey to Earth? Instead, they ignore these issues and continue to focus on the unknowns.

It was disk-shaped, and moving at high speed, paralleling our course. At once, it executed a 90 degree course change

The believers also ignore the physics (usually they don’t have a clue) associated with high-speed course changes and instant accelerations and decelerations.

So the UFO proponent might review such a case, and think: Well, it wasn't one of ours, since it didn't reasonably appear to represent human technology

This is of course assuming the UFO proponent is fully aware of all technologies that exist on Earth and all forms of terrestrial phenomena, known and unknown, can judge such cases with rational reasoning from this knowledge. However, that is never the case and instead jumps to this conclusion:

Since it was not of human origin, it stands to reason that this may be an extra-terrestrial craft.
May i ask what ya'll talking about? It seems like Q doesn't believe ET has visited earth yet and i quite again. It makes little to know sense that extra terrestrials have visited earth or even have the ability to do so. IM not some major in physics but i have enough common sense to stop following stereotypical ideas created by movies and shows and think of the actual possibility of there being aliens who have the ability to visit earth. Here's are my biggest question to you:

What in the world would make you think that life on other planets are more advanced than us?

What would make you think that they would want to visit us?


How do u expect them to get anywhere near our planet?

If light travel is impossible (which so far is true), then why would any race of aliens want to spends hundreds of years trying to get to a planet full of superstitous moron. Especially when, most likely, we would begin trying to attack them because of our skepticism. If aliens some how did make it to earth we would dystroy them the first second we got because we are simply a barbaric race. If you think im trying to speak badly of the human race im not, because what i've said is true. Think about it, it seems we can't stand each other, so why would we stand beings from another planet?

excuse me. that's not exactly what I mean. what I mean is "makes it to where we don't have any evidence that that kind of thing is possible, actually, there is more evidence that it is impossible, that to the contrary and as such improbable based on current understanding, not that said understanding is wholly infallable.

way too vague. there are different theories proposed. i like to know specifically, what current laws are violated by these proposals. persol attempts to identify the errors, 2inq disagrees. what is this evidence you speak of? i guess i'll have to google again and find some "expert" to do the job for you naysayers.

secondly as 2inq indicates, violating a postulate is not the same as violating a law. lets eyeball a quote

The energy conditions are not predictions of GR or any other known physical theory. They are additional postulates, the assumption of which allows certain theorems to be proved. Note that these theorems are not experimentally tested at all; they tend to be more "commonsense" or aesthetically desirable. However, nature has frequently shown herself not to share our aesthetics.

point is you gotta get specific as to what it is being violated. assumptions/postulates/theorums.....we are on a solid foundation here. yessiree bob! bring in some quantum stuff and the universe is like the rock of gibraltar

Bummer if you accidentally send earth spiraling into oblivion or something!

more doomsday stuff wes? careful, the crackpot factor for this stuff is greater than ufology

You seem to miss a significant point.

i compared understanding of physics b/w the two species and not the physics per se

The main difference could be for instance 1,000,000 extra years of formal study of the same systems, in which case your perspective has some validity.

covered by "our evo progressed in tandem." ie" evolution began at the same instance/period in time and progresses at the same rate for the two

*what are these "energy conditions" anyway?
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