q says: "ET visiting Earth ideas are contradicted by physics."

Spookz! You sometimes forget the kind of people who often ask for credibility here. Too many discussions are of this form:

1) Logically you cannot deny or disprove the existence of aliens!
2) You cannot prove that they exist.
1) I was only speculating! I never once said that I knew this to be true.
2) Oh, well go ahead...
1) So the superantimatter mind control girders additionally allowed them to slow and reverse time within the brainspace of a single Arcturan priestess, at which point they just used mentophysical translocation to bring the rest of their species to the Yucatan peninsula in the year 382, since it's well known that thought projection can be extended astrally without the need for physical presence.
2) And you know all this how?
1) You're denying the existence of aliens again!

Often people will hide their most outlandish beliefs about extraterrestrials behind the supposedly bulletproof wall of "speculation"... even when their theories are unbelievably complex and generally put forward as true, except when criticisms are made.

There is obviously a possibility that other civilizations might develop greater technologies than ours; whether or not they are conducive to space travel is hardly for me to speculate... but this doesn't bring them to our doorstep.

Most problematic for my belief in ET visitors is that as a planet we only started producing radio signals/other signs of intelligent life about 100-150 years ago. Even if ETs had a FTL travel system, they would still have had to come survey our planet from pretty close to see any signs of life... along with every other planet in the galaxy... and I believe FTL travel a lot sooner than I believe something that can SENSE faster than light (i.e. pick up our radio signals before they arrive).

oy vey
back to square one. i'll fortify with a stiff drink and perhaps a fat cock up my ass and get back to you

So the superantimatter mind control girders additionally allowed them to slow and reverse time within the brainspace of a single Arcturan priestess, at which point they just used mentophysical translocation to bring the rest of their species to the Yucatan peninsula in the year 382, since it's well known that thought projection can be extended astrally without the need for physical presence.

That is a good one. Laughed so hard...

Unlike most readers, my uncle was there as fireman at the Roswell incident. So, my believe is a little closer to most. But without getting my hands on the small piece of memory foil - I can not tell what the truth is. MOB, dont knock on my door, I see nothing, got nothing....:D
What makes everyone so sure that these craft and or ET's, If they exist "which is what I lean toward. Are not from this solar system ?. Why isnt that possible?
i'll tell ya what mr fluid. i msut have missed the posts where manmade was categorically ruled out and an et origin was given as the sole explanation

please point me towards the relevant posts or simply quote and post em

Originally posted by kmguru
Yes, too much energy requirement. However, I was talking to a physicist/engineer friend of mine who works at an unnamed government facility. He said:

If we can harness the gravity force (they are doing some experiments), we could move through what could be considered interdimensional space and arrive at the other end quickly with minimal energy use.

Yes, that would be a wormhole, which requires too much energy to make. While the ship travelling through the wormhole wouldn't need much power, it requires huge amounts of energy to make the wormhole. Of course, the existance of wormholes violates causality, so they probably can't be made.
No, that is not wormhole (Einstein-Rosen Bridge?). The normal idea of wormhole works in a 3 dimensional space and not in a brane/multiverse scenario.

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I never said MAN - made

Further, research indicates Venus' hellish climate may have arisen far more recently than previously supposed. If so, pleasant Earth-like conditions probably persisted for 2 billion years after the planet's birth -- and that's plenty of time for life to have developed, says New Scientist.

Venus is virtually the same size as Earth and, on average, is our nearest neighbor, but is hot enough to melt lead. But, the planet once had a climate similar to Earth's and vast oceans of water. Planetary scientists agree that period ended when Venus lost its water due to a runaway greenhouse effect. The question is when.

Until now, the best estimate was 4 billion years ago. But, new work by David Grinspoon, at the Southwest Research Institute in Texas, suggests the momentous transition may have occurred much later.

Mars also has changed drastically;

HOUSTON, TEXAS -- Our solar system may have had a fifth terrestrial planet, one that was swallowed up by the Sun. But before it was destroyed, the now missing-in-action world made a mess of things.

Space scientists John Chambers and Jack Lissauer of NASA's Ames Research Center hypothesize that along with Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars -- the terrestrial, rocky planets -- there was a fifth terrestrial world, likely just outside of Mars's orbit and before the inner asteroid belt.

So advanced life could have evolved on 2 ....possibly 3 other planets other than earth.
Does that mean, Chinese (because of their eyes too close to sun!) are really Venusians who left the planet when it got too hot? Just kidding...I wonder if we could find artifacts in Venus left over whether pyramids or other humanoid structures.

Is NASA sending any probes to Venus anytime soon?

I could buy your assertion, or indoctrinate you into a believe system or subculture, altering your propensity to interpret your input. E.G: Heaven's gate type of stuff. I doubt this in the Belgian Flap, but it's plausible for x perctage of reported cases.

well, how much?. is it large enough to be statistically significant? develop a scenario so i can guage plausibility (and have a laugh)

mind experiments:

anyone who has invested much time in art bell should know about this. there are a group of individuals who claim that you can basically fully control a person's mind using some Electromagnetic whatzamajig. i have no idea if it is plausible or not, but to me it's more plausible than ET actually being here.

you are a kook. the depths you lower yourself in order to maintain your point is sickening

of course anything is possible spookz, but when you're investigating stuff you need some meat to dig into. with no solid evidence (like physical evidence), you've got nothing to dig into. so as I said before.. no credibility.

so ah you are burning down the freeway. you get busted on radar. do you pay and why? what solid evidence is there for you to get fined?
You'd rather defend your stupid bullshit and attempt to pimp me than have an actual conversation eh?

Pathetiic troll.
focus and answer the questions. do you really think you can throw stuff out there and not have it questioned?
Re: wes

Originally posted by spookz
so ah you are burning down the freeway. you get busted on radar. do you pay and why? what solid evidence is there for you to get fined?
You have a radar detector that does one thing, and does it well. You also have the ability to test this detector. Furthermore, the eyewitness (the cop) is claiming something very mundane that we have ALL seen before and does not break anylaws of the universe as we know them.

Basically, the cop is claiming something we know happens and he/she has evidence (a radar detector with measurement). Most (recognize that I've said most) UFO events have eyewitnesses claiming things very extrodanary and have no evidence.
Venus is virtually the same size as Earth and, on average, is our nearest neighbor, but is hot enough to melt lead. But, the planet once had a climate similar to Earth's and vast oceans of water. Planetary scientists agree that period ended when Venus lost its water due to a runaway greenhouse effect. The question is when.

Got any links fluid? I wouldn't mind reading the theories. I dont understand how greenhouse effect could remove water from a closed system and replace it with acid.
Originally posted by Persol
You have a radar detector that does one thing, and does it well. You also have the ability to test this detector. Furthermore, the eyewitness (the cop) is claiming something very mundane that we have ALL seen before and does not break anylaws of the universe as we know them.

if laws appear to be broken, what procedures are initiated? for instance a cop records a speed of 400mph;)
Originally posted by spookz
focus and answer the questions. do you really think you can throw stuff out there and not have it questioned?

Condescension from a troll. Quaint.

Where did I suggest or imply I didn't think what I say should never be questioned? You might consider the difference between paranoid attacks from a mentally ill trolls and reasonable questions from people who are earnestly trying to understand something... that is, if you can fathom it.
Originally posted by spookz
if laws appear to be broken, what procedures are initiated? for instance a cop records a speed of 400mph;)
We try and make a car go 400 mph. If it doesn't work, then the detector was most likely incorrect. If the cop backs up the 400 mph clause, we perform a drug test:)
We try and make a car go 400 mph.

well did it? what then?

If it doesn't work, then the detector was most likely incorrect.

and if testing shows it is accurate? perhaps there was another similar reading further up the road

If the cop backs up the 400 mph clause, we perform a drug test

and if he passes? if he passes a battery of tests?

*careful. i am gonna try and back you into a corner;)

*bah, do you accept that events unfolded exactly as the belgians said it did? and that despite all that, the evidence (tho cool) is still inadequate to determine origins? something whizzed around belgian airspace flouting known tech. say yes and i will never bother you again!

Originally posted by wesmorris
Condescension from a troll. Quaint.

Where did I suggest or imply I didn't think what I say should never be questioned? You might consider the difference between paranoid attacks from a mentally ill trolls and reasonable questions from people who are earnestly trying to understand something... that is, if you can fathom it.

paranoid attacks? mentally ill? hehe. i kinda like that. ok little wessie, i'll rephrase a single sentence. you ready? hold on tight now...

Originally posted by spookz
I could buy your assertion, or indoctrinate you into a believe system or subculture, altering your propensity to interpret your input. E.G: Heaven's gate type of stuff. I doubt this in the Belgian Flap, but it's plausible for x perctage of reported cases.

well, how much?. is it large enough to be statistically significant? develop a scenario so i can guage plausibility (and have a laugh)

mind experiments:

anyone who has invested much time in art bell should know about this. there are a group of individuals who claim that you can basically fully control a person's mind using some Electromagnetic whatzamajig. i have no idea if it is plausible or not, but to me it's more plausible than ET actually being here.

aliens at home-yes? aliens here-no? mind control is 50/50? if et is at home, he has to stay there? he cannot come here? (heheh)

of course anything is possible spookz, but when you're investigating stuff you need some meat to dig into. with no solid evidence (like physical evidence), you've got nothing to dig into. so as I said before.. no credibility.

so ah you are burning down the freeway. you get busted on radar. do you pay and why? what solid evidence is there for you to get fined?
Originally posted by spookz
well did it? what then?
Lol... if you can show that the guys car can actually go 400mph and the radar detector works, then case closed.

bah, do you accept that events unfolded exactly as the belgians said it did?

No, nothing ever happens exactly as people say. That doesn't mean they were negligent or lied.

and that despite all that, the evidence (tho cool) is still inadequate to determine origins?

Agree with you there.
something whizzed around belgian airspace flouting known tech.

You just jumped from A to M.