Purpose of Life

I think my problem arises from not being able to define 'meaning' or 'purpose'. Any takers?

How about expectation, intention, anticipation, or deliberation, are those sufficiently meaningful?

The implication is that an understanding of the expectation, intention, anticipation, or deliberation is conveyed to others you deal with.

It is all very well to enjoy, but enjoy to shoot me, to scare me, to annoy me, to frustrate me, to win or to lose or what?

That is the bottom line, what the bitch wants to know, the difference you make.
Hi Sauna,
"How about expectation, intention, anticipation, or deliberation, are those sufficiently meaningful?"
Not really.
I think everyone's idea of what gives life meaning is different.
I just don't think I can come up with one for myself.
I suppose I don't really believe that my life has any meaning.
Do you feel it's necessary to have, or even know, the meaning in life?
Can I assume that you define meaning in your life by: anticipation, deliberation, expectation, and intention?
Can I assume that you define meaning in your life by: anticipation, deliberation, expectation, and intention?

I can tell you this from experience, that the closer that people get to death the more they tend to concur to enjoy life, and the more sensible they get with regard to how do so, from day to day, no matter what sort of temporal temptations previously distracted the task.

Beyond that it is all about conformity. If you hope for a single permanent meaning prepare to be confused and frustrated. Everything changes. To mean the same to everybody, or at least to please as many of them as possible, never mind the truth. To mean the same to yourself or to please yourself, how would I know better than you?
Hi limits,
And do you feel like you're missing something? Do you wish you had a meaning? What motivates you? Do you enjoy life?
No.. I don't enjoy life its pretty boring, thats why I find myself on forums at the age of 17 reading all this bullshit, that even if it made sense doesn't accomplish anything.
No.. I don't enjoy life its pretty boring, thats why I find myself on forums at the age of 17 reading all this bullshit, that even if it made sense doesn't accomplish anything.

That is fair description.

I think it is because of the predominance of kids who expect to be spoon fed but with nothing to say for themselves in return except that this or that doesn't makes sense or accomplish anything.
I do like the way people state these things as fact. :D
Makes me chuckle.

Did somebody say so?

Did somebody say that "The fact of the matter is..." or should we fail to distinguish between a logical premise and a logical conclusion?

Seems inconsistent to me to deny one's own purpose, the very will of it, and yet to expect life to have one as if to know what a purpose is but without one.
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I do like the way people state these things as fact. :D
Makes me chuckle.

Did somebody say so as a fact?

Did somebody say that "The fact of the matter is...", or should we fail to distinguish between a logical premise and a logical conclusion?

Seems inconsistent to me to deny one's own purpose, the very will of it, and yet to expect life to have one as if to know what a purpose is but without one.
Did somebody say so as a fact?
Yes - you did. The structure of your sentence was that of a factual claim.

Did somebody say that "The fact of the matter is..."
English grammar and language doesn't always require the words to express the full meaning.

...or should we fail to distinguish between a logical premise and a logical conclusion?
Neither seems to be present in your statement, but it is also irrelevant to what I said.

Seems inconsistent to me to deny one's own purpose, the very will of it, and yet to expect life to have one as if to know what a purpose is but without one.
Not sure I follow - but why do you assume I expect life to have one? I don't think life does. I think we create our own, not as the result of an overriding purpose, but because we are human - but I don't think life in general has one.
Well, units are defined, not observed. If a carpenter and a nanotech engineer have different definitions of the millimeter, then they're just using the same word to describe two different things. That might be what LG was getting at.

Well, actually 1mm is the same to anyone.

The nanotech engineer has the same standards on 1 mm as a carpenter. If the nanotech engineer needs to cut a 1mm groove he will cut the same one as the carpenter.

However, the nanotech engineer might be required to cut a 1.0000 mm groove for his work.

That one will have to be different, although they accidently might end up the same.

1 = 1
1.00000 is not 1
I don't think life does. I think we create our own, not as the result of an overriding purpose, but because we are human - but I don't think life in general has one.

100% agreement.

Just because life doesn't have an innate meaning doesn't mean that secularists can't define our own meaning for life.
I was just wondering if you had missed my gist deliberately, disingenuously, or otherwise.
Never disingenuously, I assure you - nor deliberately.

To determine meaning I look to the context rather than the structure, meaning per se being not so much a matter of structure but rather the issue of a narrative in progress.
I think the problem may be on my side: the inability to glean your exact meaning from your usage of language. Sometimes I need things spelled out in more basic terms - without needing to interpret what oft comes across as a different language, thus creating misunderstandings where ideally none should be.
From experience, I find that it is only possible to know the purpose of anything else to the extent that I know my own with regard to the relationship.

It therefore works best in terms of competiion or cooperation, one or the other, and worst where cooperation is pretended while conflict actually pervades, by way of a horrible mess of mutual blame and projection.