LIFE EXISTING is a given! Evolution occurs to EXISTING LIFE!
And EVOLUTION IS FACT!! - it has been OBSERVED time and time again
You have never or will you ever observe anything even close to what is called evolution.
The closest you can come to it in actual observation is an ability of lifeforms to adapt to their environment.
This does not sustain the theory of one specie becoming a completely different species.
That is and will remain for the short duration of its lifespan left it....a theory.
The human genome project has just identified a remnant DNA within humans that is more complex and of a higher order than other DNA present in modern man.
Here is a piece of the article.....
A Toronto-led team of international researchers has revealed a new map of the human genome that will break new ground in finding out the genetic origins of disease, including heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer's and various cancers.
Stephen Scherer, senior scientist at the Hospital for Sick Children, has found new kinds of genetic variations hidden within the genome, which
scientists say could change their entire understanding of inheritance of disease and evolution.
The study, published yesterday in the journal Nature, also reveals that genetic variation between humans is much greater than previously thought.
This supports the two linage history of man the bible has recorded for sixty centuries.
That history claims there was never any "evolution" but instead an interbreeding of a higher and lower species to create the present state of man. (i.e.....the sons of God taking for wives the daughters of men.)
It would seems Darwin has run his ship aground against science itself.....sorry.
We are a hybrid and are not the result of a lower form evolving onto a higher, but just the opposite.
Darwin's day are numbered.
Do you remember the name of the famous French scientist that once theorized "if we ever attained the great speed of 50 miles per hour we would break free of gravities hold and fly off the earth".?
Neither do I.
It's kind of like that.