Puppet Strings


Registered Senior Member
I dont know how to explain my situation, but it involves the feeling that I am a puppet on a string.
The other day a friend and I were driving and we were turnng into a restaurant and all of a sudden everything went all wierd and fuzzy and the next thing we knew we were in front of the next restaurant which one would have needed to travel further down the road and turn into another exit to get to. THe second factor is we could not have possibly travelled that distance in the time that spanned.
The third factor is that we both experianced this phenomena.
The fourth my friend was turning into dennys and when we ended up at the other restaurant she turned to me and asked how did we get here?
This is too strange to contemplate alone.
There were other factors that had to do with our emotional states aferwards, which included some screaming and me babling about "they" who were outside.
Please, someone assure me that this has occured to you.
No we were not on drugs or any other intoxicant.


Also, ever since then I have not felt grounded.
Oh, a real-live fugue state case. Have you had to deal with any very nasty emotional stuff lately, or over a long time?
I'd suggest looking into hypnosis. That sounds very scary, hopefully you'll be able to get to the bottom of it. Maybe try asking a doctor?

I know this will sound wierd, but I have to be blunt. I can speak for myself when I say that I am not with them, so, don't worry:)

At least, I'm pretty sure I'm not with them:bugeye:

It only happened this weekend, but their is a constant emotional struggle in my mind that never sleeps. It invloves battling personalities and shit but thats not it.

Afterwards I felt like I was vibrating on a different spiritual plain than everyone else. People just seemed to glisten different like they didnt exist where I did. It was all very unnerving. I felt very isolated in a sense as though I would never be a part of them again.
Now I keep on going through more emotional extremes. Not from your stereotypical happy or sad but something even deeper from whole switches of conciousness.

What was that case you mentioned Im sorry to display my iggnornacne, but I have no idea who that was you just mentioned but I would love to know.

The last thing is I have to bury myself in acting characters just to function in a day without screaming.

Who are they? They are who you fear, the puppeteers.

But look, you should get up from the computer right now and look up the nearest doctor and go have a chat with him/her. Try a psychologist. Or like I said, hypnosis as well. Get to the bottom of things before they destroy you, okay? If you have to keep focused on words to keep from screaming then there is definitely something wrong, and it is unlikely that they won't be able to ascertain the solution. Good luck.

Im a bit melodramatic at times, which expains the acting. Therefore I have over emphasized emotions. However im not crazy. I have to say this is not something that will destroy me it just has added a whole new spectrum of colors to my vision. However, with anything new there is the good and the bad. Infortunately I tend to dwell on the dark side of the spectrum.

Sounds like schizophrenia, to me. My cousin has it, I'd ignore these shaministic high-school dropouts, and ignore suggestions of hypnosis, and go to see a psychiatrist.
It can't have been schizofrenia since you both experienced the same thing at the same time. I would say that you were abducted by aliens, drove through some dimensional portal or were exposed to some sort of outer input that altered your perception. This could have been just about anything...radiowaves on a particular frequency that somehow caused a "psychedelic" experience, or some sort of light or rays. Or maybe it was just time for you, both, to evolve into more spiritually aware people.
I'm just guessing..:)
Or maybe you ate something that caused a hallucination ( pizza with funny tasting mushrooms?) or drove by a stoner. :D

Ummm, ok, the other zaney explanations, sure, why not, I mean if you just pull them out of your ass, and no real world equivilant exists, who am I to argue? but Light or Radio waves? I take it you don't really know how either of those work, do you?
Light and sound can have various psychological effects, including inducing seizures, assisting with hypnosis, altering heart rate, and more.
I have acted like I was a schizophrenic before, but I dont think that both my friend and I suffered from the same schizophrenic attack. The alien theory did seriously cross my mind, because I used to read alot about alien abductions. However I quickly ruled that explanation out, because it didnt feel like that. Pluys that would not explain the after affects of the past couple days.
Spiritually evolving has also crossed my mind, but that is not an explannation its just a clever way of wording the experiance.

Rowen, you need to discuss this with your friend and then I'm sure you will come up with what happened.

Mystech, why don't you go and sit in a cubical...
Originally posted by Bebelina

Mystech, why don't you go and sit in a cubical...
[/COLOR] [/SIZE] :rolleyes:

Heh, am I to take your meaning that a productive member of society is of lesser value to you than those who proffess neurotic mood swings, and amnesia?

I had a teacher once who was epileptic maybe she was evolving to a higher spiritual state to. . .

My theory about all of this right now, is that you both zoned out and you're both complete flakes, as most on this board seem to be, and now you're trying to explain it as being a pluss ^.^

Edit: Should have payed more attention to what I was deleting when I quoted you, doh! Oh well, the huge letters and bright colors were anoying anyway :p
Productive members of society vs "flakes"...

I served well in the navy. I am currently a computer engineering student. I like to think I'm reasonably clever. Yet I must admit to being such a "flake", like Rowen. I am very prone to altered states of consciousness. I don't do any drugs; I won't even touch headache tablets. But play some good trance music and I wake up five hours later wondering what the hell I've been doing. I even drove to a town about thirty kilometres away once, and didn't know about it until I got there. Odd things like this happen to me a lot. Yet when I was in the navy, I was personally responsible for identifying a ship which was bringing in AU$93,000,000 of heroine. Am I a productive member of society, a flake, or both?
I don't know, would you really call that a productive member of "society" ? Sitting there, feeling square..:D...working for the man, that says be nice and don't complain and you will get...money!

Is that a society you would like to promote by sitting in a cubical? I would not.
I'd say crush that society, the world is yours, do what you want, think what you want and feel what you want.

Sure I'm flakey, and I'm proud of it!
But I do have my bright moments too, just that this isn't one of them..:p

I'll go back on topic then I'll fly right off!!

Rowen...how are things?

Good. That does it for me.

AU$93,000,000 of heroine

Tell us what happened!!! You should have demanded you get a percentage of that.....

Did you just point at it and say: "that has somewhere in the range of ninety two and ninety four million dollars, maybe you fellers should check it out." With all the appropriate australian accentage....
Originally posted by Pollux V

Tell us what happened!!! You should have demanded you get a percentage of that.....

Did you just point at it and say: "that has somewhere in the range of ninety two and ninety four million dollars, maybe you fellers should check it out." With all the appropriate australian accentage....
It wasn't very exciting really. Up to the north-west of Australia there were ships all over, and I just happen to have a good memory for useless crap. At the time I first saw this ship, I didn't really notice it, no more than any other vessel. However, further down the west coast, I was watching the TV news and saw a story about a heroine shipment arriving in the north-west, I think around Broome. This was only a small delivery. Anyway, further south again, passing right by Fremantle, I noticed this white ship with inadequate markings heading into port. Right then I remembered it from further north, the exact ship, and I recalled the direction it had been heading and all. It juts seeme dto me that this ship was on the right path and speed to head to Broome from where we had earlier crossed paths, and of course it wasn't marked correctly, and for a deep sea trawler is had a remarkable lack of trawling and fishing equipment. I was on the bridge at the time, and I mentioned it to the captain (we had a fantastic captain, he was quite willing to chat with the crew now and then) and he had someone make a call to the port authority. Boom, one captured ship loaded with drugs.

Then there was the time the US marines nearly got blown up... :p