PUBLIC displays of affection!

lucifers angel

same shit, differant day!!
Registered Senior Member
How many people here like to see public displays of affection?

If you concider what the couple is doing is to much i.e cleaning each others faces of, do you ask them politly to stop ( i know i do)?

I mean holding hands, walking arm in arm, hugging in public, even gentle kisses is ok, but where should people draw the line?

Lots of people enjoy having sex in places where they could get caught, (its a excitment thing) i.e parks, car parks, even bushes, should they be allowed to be able have sex outide?

I know that it is against the law in UK, but that doesnt stop some people.

Your thoughts
There's no moral right not to see things you don't care to see.
You see someone cleaning another's face & politely tell them to stop. That's impossible. There's no polite way to do that. It's damn rude. I'd tell you to stop.
I don't want to see piercings, among other things but I don't want laws against it & I don't want people telling them to stop. (Consenting Adults, of course)
I think it's improper to swap spit on a passionate level in public. It's not something I care to see when I can't take my pants off.
I agree Luci.
While I have no problems with a couple holding hands or having their arms around each other while they're walking and what not, I find having to watch a full blown(no pun intended) make out session in public repulsive.
I mean, c'mon, get a room if you're going to do that.
Some are repulsed by people holding hands in public. I'm guessing that seems extreme to you. Your position seems extreme to me. Being repulsed by seeing something doesn't mean they should be told or forced or coerced not to do it.
Some are repulsed by people holding hands in public. I'm guessing that seems extreme to you. Your position seems extreme to me. Being repulsed by seeing something doesn't mean they should be told or forced or coerced not to do it.

seriously, theres a time and place, and in the middle of town cleaning each others tonsils is not the place, it makes children uncomfortable, and what if someone decided to have a crap in the middle of town is that ok aswell?
Some are repulsed by people holding hands in public. I'm guessing that seems extreme to you. Your position seems extreme to me. Being repulsed by seeing something doesn't mean they should be told or forced or coerced not to do it.

I agree that there shouldn't be a law against kissing in public, but am I in the wrong for not wanting to see it? And it's not so much that I don't want to see it--I could care less what people do with their love lives--but it's more that I don't want to have to watch it with my kids, or my wife, or my parents. It makes me uncomfortable. And the public belongs to me as much as it belongs to them, so don't I have a right to voice my opinion on it?

I'm all for a liberal society, but I think it's fair when society has an opinion on something that isn't proper.
WHY is there a time & place for it? Some children are uncomfortable seeing it & some aren't. Some children are uncomfortable seeing tattoos & piercings. Some children are uncomfortable seeing fat people, old people & handicapped people.
Crapping is entirely different & I hope you can see that.
WHY is there a time & place for it? Some children are uncomfortable seeing it & some aren't. Some children are uncomfortable seeing tattoos & piercings. Some children are uncomfortable seeing fat people, old people & handicapped people.
Crapping is entirely different & I hope you can see that.

And seeing the overweight, tattooed, and/or handicapped is different, as well.
I agree that there shouldn't be a law against kissing in public, but am I in the wrong for not wanting to see it? And it's not so much that I don't want to see it--I could care less what people do with their love lives--but it's more that I don't want to have to watch it with my kids, or my wife, or my parents. It makes me uncomfortable. And the public belongs to me as much as it belongs to them, so don't I have a right to voice my opinion on it?

I'm all for a liberal society, but I think it's fair when society has an opinion on something that isn't proper.
I can't tell you you're wrong for not wanting to see it. No 1 should say I'm wrong not wanting to see piercings. I'm sorry you're uncomfortable seeing it. I'm sorry I'm uncomfortable seeing piercings. It doesn't justify telling them to stop.
Voice your opinion here? Or go up to them & tell them how disgusting they are?
It's fair when society has an opinion on something? Like not wanting to see gays hold hands? Wanting to pass laws against private nude beaches? telling me I'm rude because I couldn't help farting? Preventing atheists from exercising free speech? Telling me to stop smoking? Etc etc etc etc etc
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I can't tell you you're wrong for not wanting to see it. No 1 should say I'm wrong not wanting to see piercings. I'm sorry you're uncomfortable seeing it. I'm sorry I'm uncomfortable seeing piercings. It doesn't justify telling them to stop.
Voice your opinion here? Or go up to them & tell them how disgusting they are?

It would be one thing if people were being told not to make out on their front porches, or on their property in general, or something to that nature. It would be one thing if making out in public was socially acceptable already. But none of that is the case.

If I am sitting in a park with my wife and young daughter, and the couple in front of us is basically face-fucking, then I have the right to ask them to stop. Going up to them and telling them that they are disgusting is another matter entirely, but asking them to stop while my daughter is around? That is entirely within my rights. So is telling them they are disgusting, for that matter, but as a matter of politeness, you know what I mean.

Society is on my side on this issue. I agree with keeping rules like that out of the law books, but society is the will of the people.
No. It's not. It's a matter of seeing.
Do I need to explain why crapping is different?

most people can hide tattoos, when i am with people who dont like tattoos i hide them out of manners for that person, and no you dont need to explian why crapping is differant,

passionate kissing, like kissing the neck and cleaning each others tonsils is fore play and should be kept indoors or in a swinging club!
No. It's not. It's a matter of seeing.

The difference is that there are overweight people who have no control over it, and certainly no handicapped person can change their situation. Comparing it to two people in the park making out implies that overweight and handicapped people have somehow made the decision to be the way they are.

Two people making out could easily go home and do it.

Do I need to explain how crapping is different?

Please do. This should be funny.
It would be one thing if people were being told not to make out on their front porches, or on their property in general, or something to that nature. It would be one thing if making out in public was socially acceptable already. But none of that is the case.

If I am sitting in a park with my wife and young daughter, and the couple in front of us is basically face-fucking, then I have the right to ask them to stop. Going up to them and telling them that they are disgusting is another matter entirely, but asking them to stop while my daughter is around? That is entirely within my rights. So is telling them they are disgusting, for that matter, but as a matter of politeness, you know what I mean.

Society is on my side on this issue. I agree with keeping rules like that out of the law books, but society is the will of the people.

i politly ask them to stop i do not tell them they are disgusting,
i politly ask them to stop i do not tell them they are disgusting,

I've never had to do either, but I would obviously just ask them to stop. I understand what it means to be completely drunk on someone, and often the people doing the deed aren't even aware of the people around them. I would simply offer a friendly reminder.
It would be one thing if people were being told not to make out on their front porches, or on their property in general, or something to that nature. It would be one thing if making out in public was socially acceptable already. But none of that is the case.

If I am sitting in a park with my wife and young daughter, and the couple in front of us is basically face-fucking, then I have the right to ask them to stop. Going up to them and telling them that they are disgusting is another matter entirely, but asking them to stop while my daughter is around? That is entirely within my rights. So is telling them they are disgusting, for that matter, but as a matter of politeness, you know what I mean.

Society is on my side on this issue. I agree with keeping rules like that out of the law books, but society is the will of the people.

People are told not make out on their front porches & the 1s telling them that feel the same about it as you do about this.
If something is socially acceptable, it's OK otherwise It's bad??? Not in the least.
You may have the legal right to ask them to stop but you're being very rude & to me, morally unacceptable.
Society being on your side means nothing at best & could be detrimental.