

Leave your World Behind
Valued Senior Member
I Wish I had these powers of the human mind. i read a few articles that say you actuall can train your self thorugh meditation and some other stuff. Anyway, anybody has a magic potion for it give me a call!
Hurm.... a magic potion???

Well you could place yourself in as an experimentee within something like the poltergeist laboratory (High Electromagnetic flux) of course that uses the very nature of atoms fields to generate a attraction (seen as a Man in "i think" Japan, that had a frying pan attached to his belly, with no glue or strings or magic, but the thought of holding it their and his son has apparently inherited the trait) or repulsion (Shooting objects across rooms)

Anyway if you could do this, what would you do with your talent?
I would use my talents for my own interesting amusement as well as for good. Like helping people or something.
I suppose I could find a good use for telekinisis, Like:

Getting lost change out of storm drains without having to get your hands mucky.

Cleaning the toilet without splatter bleach everywhere, like over me Yuk! :p

Playing roulette, hey it would always land on the number I choose.

Dodging bullets... oops.. sorry that's the Matrix.

Taking the rubbish out and other pittyful chores.

Holding elevator/sliding/normal doors open(for ladies) :D

Perhaps you could get a job in bomb disposal, just move it somewhere safe while keeping a good distance away.
If someone has such a capability, he/she probably has paid a few visits to Las Vegas....

When they find the gene that is responsible for it, the military will use it first....
Psychokinesis is no game.
And it is sure not usable for Las Vegas.
Never use your abilities wrong.
It will come back to you, in a different, nasty way.
No, thank you...

What crap can people talk, if they do not know what they are talking about.
You think it is funny all glasses on the table go up when you get angry. And fall down with a bang and all glasses are broken.
Only because you get angry, and the psychokinesis works itself, without control...
Not so funny at all. It is funny when you finally get control over it.
But you may not use it for your own behalf.
Funny or not...but it is tempting, so now and then...
I'm going to appologise to Banshee before I say anymore on the subject because I know you take this personally, but this topic wasn't meant personally at you. (At least I don't think it was)
My answers were just created for the endless possibilities of the uses.

Of course I have to also ask you to understand that people have differing views, that's what makes discussion, so with that I can't write what I want to add to this post, but understand it isn't directed at you.

I believe that these sorts of events aren't natural occurances or some gene, it was proven by a guy in a laboratory that he called his "Poltergeist Laboratory".

Using machines to produce levels of electromagnetics, he made objects levitate and fly across his "room".
Of course in the real world this would need alot of antenna arrays to reproduce, but it's not impossible.

So I think these events are man-made, and the people that suffer or have any abilities are either apart of a project theat they know they are involved on or are so use to weird occurances and having no one to blame are involved in a project they don't know about.
Meditation is a very powerful tool; however, misusing it for the purpose of channeling spirits is very dangerous and unadvisable.

In order to obtain any kind of psychic gift is a feat not so easily achieved. You must open yourself and gradually become more aware of your surroundings. Meditation is a good start in that direction, but how you conduct yourself in your everyday thoughts, activities, and actions is what opens you up to possible psychic gifts.

In reality, most people who are psychic were either born with it or achieved it through a near death experience. Those who survived near death experiences and were granted psychic gifts are more than likely giving their total commitment to their ability and helping others with it.
Those who want to develop Psychic abilities, check out Kundalini Yoga. One warning: Do not practice without a guide. Set a timeframe of 3 years to complete the course. Enjoy.
Yes, have fun, by learning how to lift things up by just looking at it,
Good luck.
The three years you need, in the least...
Really, good luck.
You better learn to meditate first, in a good way...
With a good teacher...
Kundalini-yoga can sure help very well, yes...
But know this,
It will not happen in a few months, or you must have some abilities, hidden in you, from which you don't know you have them.
That comes out with doing the Kundalini-yoga.
You can explore your abilities then, in all the rest and quite you need.

And Psychokinesis is not a game, it is a burden, sometimes.
Well maybe I will do that when I am out of school and have enough money to take a 3 year vacation. Banshee, I understand that it can be a burden but If you use it for good, it could be a great thing. Hopefully if I take these years of meditation, It will help me with what I want to be, An astrophysist, Cosmoslogist, astronaugt, astronmer, and the list goes on. But I will never stray from a career that has something to do with the pursuit of knowledge in space. SOmetimes I wish ic ould grow up faster, Funny thing is my wish is coming true. I already have ahd a month and a half of high school and done 1 oral presentation (ooooooh I hate those). Time is flying and hopefully bey next summer my wish will come true. Getting a telescope and Leaving ohio for a week in montana for some seriously fun astronomy and realxation time. Man I am babling. LAter:) ;)
You don't understand.
As usual.
I do no evil things or something like that.
I use it well...

Sometimes it is out of control, and then all glasses and things in my living room start to fly.
Mostly when I am very angry.
It works by itself then.
That is not always so funny as it sounds.
People who do not know about it, are really very scared, haha...
Sorry, I have to laugh about it to.
It is nothing to be ashamed of.
I hope you reach your goal....
Good luck with it.

Originally posted by kmguru
Those who want to develop Psychic abilities, check out Kundalini Yoga. One warning: Do not practice without a guide. Set a timeframe of 3 years to complete the course. Enjoy.

give me some more info on this. Sounds interesting.
Kundalini Yoga is a very good way to learn meditate well.
It is far out the best way to start if you really want to learn the PSI abilities.
And three years you will need, at the least. And Kmguru is very right to say to practise with a guide.
You can get information about Kundalini Yoga and other kinds of Yoga in your home town. Nowadays people practise Yoga everywhere. Try a sporting centre, they will have info on this.
They can tell you where, how and what.
Hi Tristan:

Years ago, I lived in Painesville, Ohio. I taught Yoga at Mentor as a hobby (I worked at Wickliffe). I am sure there are plenty of Yoga centers around there. Good Luck
(Aren't there <i>any</i> skeptics in this forum?)

I hate to tell you, but there is no reliable scientific evidence that any type of ESP, psychokinesis or other mental power works.

Sure, psychokinesis would be great (or would it?) but nobody has ever been shown to have any such power (so far at least).
As long as you believe, it does not work or there is no such thing as Psy power, then we are safe. Those who have it have a small advantage over those who dont.

Knowledge is power.
James R,

there is scientific proof of ESP, Psycokinesis, But the scientists have been told not to scare the public with it. (especially if such "technology" was to fall into the hands of someone that was or is purely "evil".)

I'll give you an Example of mind control powers....

Moving a cursor on a computer screen with nothing more than a thought.... Think that impossible??? Well it isn't, and it's simple to understand, your mind seeing the cursor has particular wave functions that are emmitted a small distance from the area of your head that percieves it.

Gadgets that pick up on electromagnetic activity can then see that cursor as a brain wave, and moving the cursor as a whole macroset of brainwaves.

With the right kind of programming it's possible for you to move the cursor around, or better still morph an entire image without the use of a mouse, just through visual representation (very useful in photo fits)

This might seem a small trivial feat, to that of bouncing an object across a room, But I mentioned of a Laboratory within the US called the "Poltergeist Laboratory", the central room of the lab, has surrounding it some very complex pieces of equipment that create an electromagnetic field, which allows objects to be thrown around in the room, made to stand up on tables etc.

This was my proof to my hunch the same could be done with RF antenna arrays.
Why does anything spoken toward Telekineisis always have to be based on magntisim. Ya thats a great explanation but i personally believe in Chi. AKA life energy. Just a different type of energy that telekinetics have a natural ability to contol. So you don;t just move metal objects, you move whatever you please.

Life is a gift. From who I don't know. Certainly not God. Maybe the mother universe. She's my God. We shall all treasure it. Telekinesis is one of her stange and wonderful gifts. You should always look at everything as not a burden but a truley unique gift. Telekinesis.......well just always look at your glass half full and not half empty and you shall live a life you never dreamed.
Now I don't understand it any more.
Psi powers are present in everybody's mind/brain, whatever, your Deeper Self.
Yes, your Deeper Self again, because your Deeper Self knows how to handle those abilities, if they are given to you, to work with.
It is difficult to learn and get control about it. When you are little and once of a sudden something lifst up from the table or so, you bet your parents will look very strange. Most of the time such parents go from doctor to doctor, because they think there is something very wrong with the child. And this doctor-thing is very loved by parents who believe in the great god almighty...
They do their children wrong, in name of the great god almighty, because the great preacher almighty tells them, their kid is posessed. Well, and there you are, 4 years old and not knowing what is happening. Nice picture isn't it? And that was only with the Psycokinesis....
What you think happens when your parents find out there are more freaky things a 'normal' child shouldn't do...
Then the whole hell breaks lose, really.

And then asking why there are no people who want to show their abilities. Yeah, yeah, very neat not, to look at such a freak.
Most people who are gifted, don't let it show, don't talk about it.
Because people always talk behind your back and laugh at you and call you spooky because sometimes you know what they think. And sometimes there are messages in your head, and you have to find out who send it. It can make you very crazy.
That is why PSI gifted people are not showing their abilities. But you can look me up, I will scare the hell out of you, if you want to know so bad, you can get it.
Be careful what you wish for...