Prove it to me

Re: Reply to Stu43t

Originally posted by hockeywings

Sir, if you think something is true you must prove it.

So, "There is no God" if you think that it is true , then prove it!

You said that if you think something is true you must prove it. Understand!
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So, "There is no God" if you think that it is true , then prove it!

That's easy! I don't see Him. There is no evidence that anyone has ever seen Him. I look up in the sky, and I don't see this so-called heaven. Astronauts go in space, and they don't report seeing any supreme being up there.

Basically, there is no evidence that a God exists.

What's that? You read something in a book? You don't have any other evidence that He's real but that book? Oh! That's different! I read in the Enquirer that Santa Clause exists, so there's my proof that he's real!

Let me get a tax break this year. I'll tell the IRS I have 100 dependents. When they ask for proof, I'll make up 100 names, write them down on a paper, and give it to the IRS. That should be all of the evidence they need, right? They just have to 'believe' I have 100 dependents, because it's written.

BTW, do you happen to work at the IRS? ;)
Your posts have been nothing but ridiculous.

The first post I saw from you was this:

I have been gone for awhile from here too, and I am back. I would like to see any athiest in here try to prove their non-belief to me. I am muslim, but if you prove me wrong, I will convert. I wish I could expect the same in return although I doubt it.

If you can't prove yourself to me, I do not understand how you could hold these non-beliefs.

You're so creative, you copy hockeywings' post.

In my previous post, I was trying to show you why I find it so hard to believe God exists.

Saying He exists just because it says so in a book isn't enough for me.

If you are 100% secure in your relationship with God, then I'm happy for you. I respect that.

But if I were to say that I could believe in Him just because I read a book, I would be lying to myself. I could walk around and tell people I believe, but in my heart it wouldn't be true, because I have doubts. And everytime I seek clarification, this is basically what I get from 'Christians' everytime:

Please read this article I wrote, it applies to you:
Satans little helpers...

I'm being honest with you, and you damn me to hell.

Shame on you.
Said it a million times, but going to Hell is like going to Never Never Land!!!
So, I damned myself by questioning the written word of man?

Please explain to me how I damned myself to hell.
Reply to Stu

"So, "There is no God" if you think that it is true , then prove it!

You said that if you think something is true you must prove it. Understand!"
I didn't think it was neccisary to elaborate further, but your asinine comment seems to deem it neccisary. You have a topic, in our situation God, until it is proven, the neccesity of evidence lies on the advancer to prove it. If it were ever proven, then the neccesity of evidence lies on the person persuing it is not true.

just to explain further, I wish you to disprove that the man in my previous post ever lived. It is not possible. Until I prove it and you critique my evidence for it. Understand?

"There is lots of evidence, but you can't/won't accept it "
This is the SECOND time someone has said this. Neither time have either of you shown me such evidence, but just explicitly said you obtain such. I have never turned down 'evidence' from someone, and you assume I wont look at it?

"Now you are been sarcastic."
He may be being sarcastic but it is a reasonable analogy, until this 'evidence' arises.

"Satans little helpers

I believe that the thoughts of atheists on this forum are not open to discussion, they are only here to attempt to discredit God and the people who believe in God. They are working for evil in their attempts to scoff at the world and it's beliefs, they are not interested in Muslims, Jews or Christians as people. Their only purpose is to try to squash out any beliefs a believer holds. They are not open to any conversation that confirms God. They laugh, they blaspheme, they argue, they try to kill hope and faith, they try to extinguish any flicker of belief a religious person may hold, who else but the Devil could work like this. Athiests are truly satans little helpers.

I have also noticed that these atheists are very knowledgeable in the Christian faith. Now why would someone go to the trouble of studying something so intensely just to discredit it? I think it is because they are ultimately anti-Christian, not just atheist. If I didn't believe in something, I wouldn't go to the trouble of learning everything about it just to try and discredit the idea, that would be a waste of effort unless there is a motive behind it., and that motive here is to do the work of the devil, and to do evil work with evil words.

I do not hate people like this, but I do pity them. It must be an empty shallow life living without God. Although an atheist wouldn't say so, of course he wouldn't, would he/she?"
NOT open to discussion? I opened this thread for your chance to persuade me, I offered no argument for my position, just being open-minded towards your position. NOT OPEN?

I am not here to discredit god, I am here to discredit a false assumption, false logic, and false reasoning. Give me a reasoned, logical arguement and I have nothing to discredit, CONSIDERING I have yet to give you an arguement for my side. I do not attempt to kill hope and faith, I DO attempt to kill BLIND hope and BLIND faith, for they do nothing but hinder your critical thinking skills.

Wow like I haven't been called the devil before. Original, and even more impressive being taht you are resorting to the work of the devil when you are asked to provide backing for your Religion(The most deeprooted thing in your life most likely)

I am very knowledgable of the christian faith. If I am going to 'risk' eternal damnation, I better be sure. I am trying to gain knowledge of the muslim faith, and slowly I am learning it. Not anti-christian but anti-illogical.

If you didnt believe something that COULD affect your life forever, it would be quite ignorant to not learn about it, just in case.
Reply to Stu

Why respond to my post if that is how you think? I was interested in the actually thought provoking religionists, if you cannot do this, I encourage you not to post in this thread again. Of course I cannot stop you but it will be a waste of my time, and more importantly to you, your time.
If you aren't going to answer my questions, then why don't you stop posting here? You aren't providing any evidence that God exists the way you believe He does, and you definitely aren't making a very good representative of Christianity...unless your beliefs include insulting others for asking questions.

(Edit: The similarity between hockeywings' post and mine is a coincidence. I had my reply page up for a while.)
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Originally posted by stu43t
Atheists will say anything to make themselves sound plausible. You don't fool me, as I said "They laugh, they blaspheme, they argue, they try to kill hope and faith, they try to extinguish any flicker of belief a religious person may hold, who else but the Devil could work like this. Athiests are truly satans little helpers."

And now they try the trick of appearing reasonable, you will try anything to creep into the hearts of believers. No, you are evil.

If you truly want to learn your chosen faith then Do Not try doing so through a forum of this nature, but even you are intelligent to enough know this.
Amusing. When someone says that there is no proof for god's existence, you say "there's tons of proof." When someone asks for proof, you say "well, you just won't listen to me and stuff." Then when someone refutes your claims you call them helpers of satan.

Anyway, I think it's in everyone's (in including yours) best interests to go here.

Reply to stu

whether your muslim or christian, no matter. Either way you still have contributed nothing to this conversation. I ask you to please contribute
Originally posted by VAKEMP
That's easy! I don't see Him. There is no evidence that anyone has ever seen Him. I look up in the sky, and I don't see this so-called heaven. Astronauts go in space, and they don't report seeing any supreme being up there.

Intreresting, Since I can't see do not exists, but I can read you which tells me that you do exists that is why you are writing, same thing with your brain, no one can see you brain so it doesn't exists, oh and it only exists because doctor told you that it exists you have never seen your brain or have you? Humans believe in that for a very long time that brain exists even when they have never seen the xrays, they had to disect the head, you might as well wait for your death to see if God exists or not but it won't be much help or would it?.

My problem is that, I can't believe in so called chrsitian God. Since he was just a normal human like u and me but the Prophet of God not God himself. So I may stand little away from all of your biblical bs.

Reply to Stu

Am I going to heaven or hell?

As far as I know neither. I plan to be cremated. Although this seems off topic, maybe you will link it some how.
Reply to Markx

"Intreresting, Since I can't see do not exists, but I can read you which tells me that you do exists that is why you are writing, same thing with your brain, no one can see you brain so it doesn't exists, oh and it only exists because doctor told you that it exists you have never seen your brain or have you? Humans believe in that for a very long time that brain exists even when they have never seen the xrays, they had to disect the head, you might as well wait for your death to see if God exists or not but it won't be much help or would it?."
I understand where you are coming from, but I would like to elaborate on VAKEMP, and VAKEMP interject if i'm wrong.

No one has EVER seen god to the point of not questioning them, No well documented case of the knowledge of god. While the brain has not been seen in the present, every past human has had a brain. There is no precursor to God existing. There is no past God we know of, one we can prove, that would indicate the present god (in any religion) is true without giving such evidence.

I guess a way to sum this up would be to say there is no past example we can use to refer god to.
VAKEMP and Hockeywings, here is another contribution, I have seen this on the forum, these things were written by athiests. Could it be that these athiests are the same sort of atheist as you VAKEMP and Hockeywings, if not then there must be various types of athiests, can you explain this?

Examples of atheists at work:

El Presidente
988 posts

God is good
God is great
God knows who to masturbate!

By Counsler Coffee

P.S. I do poetry readings mondays and fridays at a cafe for old homeless jews, black crackheads, and white rapists.

Heres my take on that Jesus guy.

His family life: His dad to was a carpenter Jesus must of learned the tricks of the trades from him, his mom was a stay at home woman with little to nothing to do. He has no uncles, no brothers or sister, and no other relatives, lucky bastard. He is also Jewish.

His Parent's: I think the name of his mom is Mary but Im not really that sure, and his dads was something like Joe. It's obvious to anyone that thinks long and hard that Mary was cheating on Joe. Joe never had sex with Mary, Joe obviously being a repressed homosexual.

His Job: Jesus started out as a con-man, claiming to be the Son Of God, playing on peoples emotions and doing cheap parlor tricks. He started his own religion in the year 1976 known as christianity, it has since grown "out of control" in his own words. Jesus finally opted out of the religion business in 1993 and went to find work elsewhere. Jesus now works as a carpenter for IKEA making book cases and furniture, selling it to the masses and making a prophet.

That's all I really know about this Jesus guy, for more information look up Jesus on the web or read a bible, I think hes in it somewhere



YOUR PRIEST IS A LIAR AND YOUR GOD IS DEAD! The day of the serpent is nigh when your god will be denied you will burn in the flames of the hell you created while hordes of demonic legions sweep over a blackened and corrupt earth brining terror and destruction in their wake BLASPHEME THE GHOST SELL YOUR SOUL your satanic father is calling you to drown in the pleasures of degraded flesh without hope of heaven without redemption AVE SATANIS AVE SATANIS AVE SATANIS!

God is dead --Nietzsche

God is fucking gay -- You Killed Jesus


Hey! That's no fun! Say, in a very irritated-sounding tone of voice: "We don't believe in God here. We believe in Satan, and Satan will suck your fucking cock when you go to hell!"


You Killed Jesus

But god really is a big fag! I'd beat him up.
Rip the sacred flesh
Sodomize the holy asshole
Drink the red blood of the mother of earth
Masturbation on the dead body of christ
The king of Jews is dead
and so are the lies
Vomit on the host of Heaven
Masturbate on the throne of God
Break the seals of angels
Drink the sweet blood of Christ
Taste the flesh of the priest
Sodomize holy nuns
The king of Jews is a liar
The Heavens will burn
Dethrone the son of God
God is dead
Holyness is gone
Purity is gone
Prayers are burned
Covered in black shit
Rape the holy ghost
Unclean birth of Jesus Christ
Heaven will fall
Fuck the church
Fuck Christ
Fuck the Virgin
Fuck the gods of Heaven
Fuck the name of Jesus

Disemboweled on the altar jesus christ
Entrails in the pentagram circle
Spill his blood and reversing catholic humn
Invocate the onslaught of Satan

Master Lord lucifer
From behind the light thou shall rise
Drink ourselves as you feed
His offering of purity

Bible bleed, hell on Earth has been achieved
Thou will fail before Lord Satan
Casting sin, pissing on their crucifix
Stepping forth into his creation

Master Lord lucifer
From behind the light thou shall rise
Walk His Earth, invade in pain
His christians become the enslaved

What was once is never more
Infernal Lord Father restored
Blinding priest in disbelief
Revenge onto god he has sworn


That Jerk

You stupid cock-sucking retard of a Christian motherfucker



Master of Illusion
Junior Member
26 posts

You Killed Jesus, I enjoy blasphemy, it's one of my "hobbies".

I especially enjoy modifying bible verses......



Tears of blood - from your fallen domination
Tears of blood - see your creation burn down
Churches and crosses destroyed by fire
Fire that one day will embrace the earth
Crying and begging for help from your god
Your god does not exist!

Religious demise, extinction of lies
When you burn on the cross as my servant
I can't describe the sight I saw, the sight of mighty fire
No thing is more beautiful than fire

Firestorms embrace the holy earth
Christ burn! Make my deed complete
Heaven lost, this battle we have won
We have won!

Fire glow into his blessed creation
Make them blind by your beauty
Blind by the light

Heaven burn, ashes to the ground
The cross of Christ denied

Churches and crosses destroyed by fire
Fire that one day will embrace the earth
Crying and begging for help from your god
Your god does not exist!

Oh fuck yes! Abuse me, God! Beat me! Punish me! I am a terrible filthy sinner and I deserve to be punished!

But anyhow, it doesn't matter 'cause Bush Sr. is a twat,


Reply to Stu

Are you implying that since we are atheist we all act the same way? of course not, everyone will go about their atheism differently just as religionists go about their religions differently, I have met religionists who attempt at giving me proof, and I have met religionists who just scream and yell at me and tell me I am going to hell. It is quite stereotypical of you to quickly judge me as such. OTOH these words mean nothing to atheists in these poems for no such god exists to them. This is WAY off topic, and I wouldnt consider it a contribution, I asked for you to prove your religion and you answer me back with trying to defame atheists? I ask you how this is a contribution, wait no I don't I would rather see you prove your religion than to answer that questions, lets get back to the topic eh?
"God limiting himself as Jesus(human form has its limitations in comparison to deity). I could go on. If you like me to I will explain these in more detail."

Please do. Begin with your understanding of Christian soteriology, please. Also, include your interpretation of the Trinity, please.

Originally posted by stu43t
You Killed Jesus

As your name implies, and through the words you write and your link, you confirm every word I have said. You are a helper of satan.

Glad to be of service. :)
Originally posted by stu43t
Ask yourself this question, are you
going to hell or heaven when you die?
What is your definition of hell, heaven, and dying?
It's all perception people. None of this can be proven or disproven. What is the point of arguing a bunch of opinions? Truth in regards to Faith is subjective. The Eye of the Beholder determines ones Truth.

In my opinion, I don't agree with most of what religion has to offer. But that's just me. It may work and have a positive effect on someone else.

I sometimes find myself arguing religion but then I take a step back. It's all perception. One's person's truth is not the same as the next.