Prove I am not the Son of God

Am I the Son of God?

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pubic diorama
Valued Senior Member
I claim to be only the second son of God after Jesus. Please explain why you don't believe me.
God never got married, and so He can't have a son. There's no possible Miss Perfect for Mr. Right, anyway.

Unless there was paternity and maternity for all eternity.
Did they lay on a beach with waves rolling in, going from here to maternity?

Hope God got married in the Church, or else he has just broken another one of his directives.

Sounds like Spider really is the son of God.
God never got married, and so He can't have a son.
Uh, newsflash.
I've seen a couple of (possibly unsubstantiated) reports that incidences of fatherhood while not married have in fact occurred.
Of course, it could just be an urban legend, but you never know. ;)
Uh, newsflash.
I've seen a couple of (possibly unsubstantiated) reports that incidences of fatherhood while not married have in fact occurred.
Of course, it could just be an urban legend, but you never know. ;)

She must have been an irresistible Goddess, or else another teen-age virgin, but where would God find one of those these days?
Just the other day a bird ran into my bay window, breaking it's neck. 2 days later, it was starting to smell and ants were crawling all over it, so I held it in my hand and breathed life back into it! It flew away perfectly healthy! If that isn't a miracle, I don't know what is.
Don't know if I don't believe you.
Which of the scripture prophecises you?


I didn't write the scripture, so I'm not familiar with it, but Jesus did say he would be back. God decided Jesus already had enough, so he sent me.
I didn't write the scripture, so I'm not familiar with it, but Jesus did say he would be back. God decided Jesus already had enough, so he sent me.

You have failed the test.
All major prophets are prophecied in ancient scripture.

No I don't believe you.

That's just a small sample of my miracles. Today I ran out of Dr. Pepper, so I filled the bottle with water and turned it into Dr. Pepper!
You have failed the test.
All major prophets are prophecied in ancient scripture.

No I don't believe you.


But first must he suffer many things, and be rejected of this generation. Luke 17:22-25.​

It was foretold that you would reject me at first.
You must be 'cos you said you are, and anything that anyone believes must be true. So it's really up to you, Spidey, if you believe it with your infallible belief system then you must be the son of God. I'm trying to believe i'm worth ten billion dollars, but can only really believe in nine. Can you ask your dad if I can have a billion dollars and in return I'll believe in him too making him real and all..