Prophet Mohammed Consummated 9-year old "Wife"


Musical Creationist
Registered Senior Member
Hello Sciforumites,

An 8 year old girl got a divorce. So why is an 8 year old girl getting married? :bugeye:

It looks like this is a custom from Mohammed:

Mohammed's wife

From the article:

Although it is legal in Yemen for parents to contract marriage for their daughters before the onset of puberty, it is not legal to consummate the marriage until after puberty begins.

Such legal standards represent long-standing Arab customs which are supported by the Islamic religion. Mohammed, the founder of Islam, "married" a girl named Aisha at the age of 6, and had sexual relations with her at the age of 9, after she began to menstruate, according to the most authoritative accounts of his life, the "Hadiths". Mohammed was 52 years old at the time.
Yes, the Muslims derive these traditions of marrying very young girls and slave ownership directly from Mohammed.
As I've said before, Christians and Muslims arguing over who is correct is like watching two insane asylum inmates argue over which one of them is actually Napoleon, and which is the impostor. So have at it.
I like younger girls, too. Less "uppity", and if they misbehave, you can ground them and take away their allowance.
Yes, the Muslims derive these traditions of marrying very young girls and slave ownership directly from Mohammed.

In recent news reports, this LDS polygamy sect in Texas follows the same non-traditional marriage model with very young girls.

I hear Dave Koresh "leaned that way" as well. :bugeye:

Everything is big in Texas. Does this include "Big Love"?

Polygamy is for Primitive Uneducated Cultures


The study said polygamy used to be practiced in the West but died out as the societies developed and education became a key to prosperity.
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The 'tip' phone call about these people in Texas by the abused 16 yo is turning out to be a hoax. Most likely someone saw CNN's 'get the story\make the story' reporting and thought it up.
The 'tip' phone call about these people in Texas by the abused 16 yo is turning out to be a hoax. Most likely someone saw CNN's 'get the story\make the story' reporting and thought it up.

Our liberal news media at work.....:rolleyes:

David Koresh was no hoax and neither is this web-site devoted to cult abuse:

Cult Education Forum
That is an interesting link. I just brought it up because you mentioned it and i kind of suspected that the call was BS.
Male fig wasps fertilize the females before those females have even hatched. There are advantages to mating earlier rather than later. If you live in a warrior culture, as with Mohammed, the males are dying off disproportionally to the females. In order to maintain your army at acceptable levels, you have to breed, no use waiting around.
I thought Arabs were mainly nomads and traders?

I agree that people back then married much earlier (which has absolutely NOTHING to do with Mohammadism) BUT any person with an once of foresight would have (a) not been a polygamist and (b) not married Ashia but instead adopted her.

Out of curiosity - did Mosses, Buddha, Zoroaster, Jesus, Bahá'u'lláh, John Frum or L. Ron Hubbard practice polygamy and how old were their wives?
Its never mentioned whether Jesus was married at all. Some think that he may have been married to Mary Magdeline. Only a few mentions of Moses being married, only to one woman. Buddha, I think was married to one woman. The others, I don't know. So yeah, polygamy is for a culture that wants to subjugate woman.
I ...BUT any person with an once of foresight would have (a) not been a polygamist and (b) not married Ashia but instead adopted her....

Polygamy is a logical strategy for some cultures, how is it an example of not having foresight?
Well I suppose it depends on whether or not one thinks men and women should be treated equal,. Polygamy is not amendable with female social equality.

It's sort of like saying: Slavery was a logical strategy for some cultures. Go kill the people with colored skin, enslave them, and you have an easier time keeping an eye on slaves because they look different. How is practicing Slavery an example of not having foresight? Well if you think people should be treated equal, owning Slaves is NOT a good example to set because as the "moral" leader people take the cue from YOU.

So again, even if Mo lived in a society with polygamy, he himself should have shunned polygamy and become a celibate like all other religious teachers. But, I doubt Mo was all that interested in teaching.
Mohammed's religion was not compatible with female equality, it still isn't. Since Muslim females of today aren't rebelling as slaves would, (for the most part), it seems to work for them.

On the whole more cultures are plygamist than monogymous. Our sexual dimorphism, the difference in body size between men and women, proves that was the case for most of our evolutionary history.
God impregnates the virgin Mary and it's 'OK'? :bugeye: One religion criticizing another is, as is stated in an above posting, like two inmates of an insane assylum...::rolleyes:
God impregnates the virgin Mary and it's 'OK'? :bugeye: One religion criticizing another is, as is stated in an above posting, like two inmates of an insane assylum...::rolleyes:

And claiming you are god is any better :rolleyes:
Mohammed's religion was not compatible with female equality, it still isn't. Since Muslim females of today aren't rebelling as slaves would, (for the most part), it seems to work for them.

On the whole more cultures are plygamist than monogymous. Our sexual dimorphism, the difference in body size between men and women, proves that was the case for most of our evolutionary history.
that's why I qualified my response "I suppose it depends on whether or not one thinks men and women should be treated equal."

I'm not sure if I agree that humans have been polygamists? Doesn't it seem just as reasonable that BOTH males and females mated with a variety of partners, over say, one male with many females? I envision a mate-pair with promiscuity as more apt in the survival of our species.

Is there any evidence one way or the other?

Regardless, as part of the Civilization of humans I'd say we have reached a point whereby both genders should be equal. A forward thinking person would be able to look past his ape-like society and see a future where such was the case. And certainly this would be true of someone in contact with "God". and that was really my point.

supposing mo did not found a religion that was distinct from prevailing ideologies of the time. supposing he just plagiarized and pracitized shit... say from the hebrews...?

According to the Torah and the Talmud, a man was permitted to marry more than one wife, but a woman could not marry more than one man. Although polygyny was permitted, it was never common. The Talmud never mentions any rabbi with more than one wife. Around 1000 C.E., Ashkenazic Jewry banned polygyny because of pressure from the predominant Christian culture. It continued to be permitted for Sephardic Jews in Islamic lands for many years. To the present day, Yemenite and Ethiopian Jews continue to practice polygyny; however, the modern state of Israel allows only one wife, unless you come to Israel with more than one wife, in which case you can keep the wives you have but you cannot marry new ones.

Prohibited Marriages and Illegitimate Children

The minimum age for marriage under Jewish law is 13 for boys, 12 for girls; however, the kiddushin can take place before that, and often did in medieval times. The Talmud recommends that a man marry at age 18, or somewhere between 16 and 24.

The Torah sets forth a laundry list of prohibited relations. Such marriages are never valid. A man cannot marry certain close blood relatives, the ex-wives of certain close blood relatives, a woman who has not been validly divorced from her previous husband, the daughter or granddaughter of his ex-wife, or the sister of his ex-wife during the ex-wife's life time.

The offspring of such a marriage are mamzerim (bastards, illegitimate), and subject to a variety of restrictions; however it is important to note that only the offspring of these incestuous or forbidden marriages are mamzerim. Children born out of wedlock are not mamzerim in Jewish law and bear no stigma, unless the marriage would have been prohibited for the reasons above. Children of a married man and a woman who is not his wife are not mamzerim (because the marriage between the parents would not have been prohibited), although children of a married woman and a man who is not her husband are mamzerim (because she could not have married him).

There are other classes of marriages that are not permitted, but that are valid if they occur and that do not make the children mamzerim. The marriage of minors, of a Jew to a non-Jew, and of a kohein to the prohibited classes of women discussed below fall into this category.

A kohein is not permitted to marry a divorcee, a convert, a promiscuous woman, a woman who is the offspring of a forbidden marriage to a kohein, or a woman who is the widow of a man who died childless but who has been released from the obligation to marry her husband's brother. A kohein who marries such a woman is disqualified from his duties as a kohein, as are all the offspring of that marriage. (customs)