prophecy revelation for jpappl

This is what I mean, but also there is a reliance on the ability of scientists hence the peer review procedure.
Life is a reliance on other people to one extent or another... ;)

Based on Jesus' example, would it be a bad way to act?
If that was the only demand then it wouldn't be so bad.
Being nice to one another is something even atheists manage now and again. :p
It's the attendant ritual, profession of belief, false beliefs (ref: creationists), and stigmatisation of non-believers and others (anti-gay religionists etc) that rankles.
You should continue living a life seeming proper to you, balanced is good word to describe.
Do it because you want to, not because some overlord told you to.
If that was the only demand then it wouldn't be so bad.
Being nice to one another is something even atheists manage now and again. :p
It's the attendant ritual, profession of belief, false beliefs (ref: creationists), and stigmatisation of non-believers and others (anti-gay religionists etc) that rankles.

This is mostly religion, and I don't think Jesus believes in it. But one thing he did say is something you or many people I know can't do, and that is truly believe a God exists.

Some people believe faith is a blessing others a curse.
what do you think they are digging up in this video?

here's the lyrics...

So I run and hide and tell myself
I'll start again with a brand new name
And eyes that see into infinity

I will disappear
I told you once and I'll say it again
I want my message read clear
I'll show you the way, the way I'm going

So I run and hide and tell myself I'll
Start again with a brand new name
And eyes that see into infinity

I was almost there
Just a moment away from becoming unclear
Ever get the feeling you're gone
I'll show you the way, the way I'm going

So I run and hide and tell myself I'll
I'll start again with a brand new name
And eyes that see into infinity

So I run
Start again
With a brand new name
With a brand new name

So I run and hide and tell myself I'll(so I run)
Start again with a brand new name (start again)
And eyes that see into infinity (with a brand new name, with a brand new name)

I will disappear
I get witness protection plan from the lyrics. :)
I want my message read clear
I run and hide
I will disappear
a brand new name
Start again
Who is digging up this video ?

Why do you think they are ?

i dug up the video. i asked what do you think the people in the video are digging for?

the answer is evidence.

in one part, they're also hauling the body of a woman out of that hole. she was buried in it.

in conjunction with the lyrics...

he will disappear, leave a message, showing you the way.

i'm the woman they dig up.
i dug up the video. i asked what do you think the people in the video are digging for?

the answer is evidence.

in one part, they're also hauling the body of a woman out of that hole. she was buried in it.

in conjunction with the lyrics...

he will disappear, leave a message, showing you the way.

i'm the woman they dig up.

To me they are digging up some kind of a craft.

What makes you believe you are the woman they are digging up ?
To me they are digging up some kind of a craft.

What makes you believe you are the woman they are digging up ?

Really? Well that would make it even more interesting. Did you read the lyrics? You don't see any reference to what I've been talking about?

He's disappearing, running and hiding.

Trent says "we'll find the perfect place to go where we can run and hide. We'll build a wall and we can keep them on the other side."

davey says "you only quote these lines but I'll be fine. I'll only recite mine until I'm gone without a trace. Its just a matter of time." "could they have just a taste of this beautiful disgrace they'd find you criminal, delectible (I like that part). They'd find me intangible, invisible. Gone without a trace. Its just a matter of time."

He's leaving a message. Where does a singer/songwriter keep his message? Hm..could it be his music?

And where is he going? "To start again with a brand new name and eyes that see into infinity."

Sounds like the kingdom to me.

This whole experience has been about communion and about birthing the new kingdom.

What does the prophecy I gave you say? Read rev ch 12. At the end notice it talks about the remnant of her seed.
In 2 john the chosen lady has children. Also followers of christ. And a sister with children.

The trees of life birth 144,000 into the kingdom. I believe bishadi points out in other scripture that this is the same number of martyd saints who refused the mark of the beast. In rev ch 7 it says "hurt not the earth or sea or trees til we haved sealed the servants of our god on their foreheads. And I heard the number of them sealed was 144,000. 12,000 from each tribe.

The woman in ch 12 has 12 stars in her crown which are 12 kings.

I've had 6 men pointed out to me. If I have a sister who knows the other 6...

I think those are my kids digging up my story. Listening to the music. Evidence.

Really? Well that would make it even more interesting. Did you read the lyrics? You don't see any reference to what I've been talking about?

He's disappearing, running and hiding.

I see the reference but it is meaningless. What does it have to do with what you have been talking about is the question. It could mean anything to them. Have you ever contacted them to see exactly what their song means in their minds.

It's pure speculation about vague statements that don't add up to anything.

Trent says "we'll find the perfect place to go where we can run and hide. We'll build a wall and we can keep them on the other side."

davey says "you only quote these lines but I'll be fine. I'll only recite mine until I'm gone without a trace. Its just a matter of time." "could they have just a taste of this beautiful disgrace they'd find you criminal, delectible (I like that part). They'd find me intangible, invisible. Gone without a trace. Its just a matter of time."

He's leaving a message. Where does a singer/songwriter keep his message? Hm..could it be his music?

And you think he is sending this message to you ? Other than you interpreting the words, how do you know that they are aimed at you and about you ?

How do you know that they mean "god is coming to take us" when they say " we are going to disappear".

And where is he going? "To start again with a brand new name and eyes that see into infinity."

Sounds like the kingdom to me.

This whole experience has been about communion and about birthing the new kingdom.

Sounds like ? Yes, to me it sounds like you are looking for anything in there or elsewhere that conforms to your beliefs, what about things in their that don't fit ? Can't find any ? Looking ?

What does the prophecy I gave you say? Read rev ch 12. At the end notice it talks about the remnant of her seed.
In 2 john the chosen lady has children. Also followers of christ. And a sister with children.

The trees of life birth 144,000 into the kingdom. I believe bishadi points out in other scripture that this is the same number of martyd saints who refused the mark of the beast. In rev ch 7 it says "hurt not the earth or sea or trees til we haved sealed the servants of our god on their foreheads. And I heard the number of them sealed was 144,000. 12,000 from each tribe.

The woman in ch 12 has 12 stars in her crown which are 12 kings.

I've had 6 men pointed out to me. If I have a sister who knows the other 6...

I think those are my kids digging up my story. Listening to the music. Evidence.

Lori, I am sorry but this is just crazy talk. Seriously. It sounds delusional. If the situation was reversed and I was presenting this to you. If there is nothing but interpretation of what are considered messages, than what do you have.

Your looking for these things like 6 men pointed out to you. What happens when a 7th is pointed out. Do you not accept the 7th because it breaks the pattern.

The other thing is that I don't care about what any scripture says because I think it is all bs. So don't use scripture to offer as evidence in any way because it is not evidence. Nothing about the bible is valid as evidence of where we came from or are going.

If you think about how wrong it was about where we came from, then how wrong is it in where we are going.
Sitting in a bunker here behind my wall
Waiting for the worms to come.
In perfect isolation here behind my wall
Waiting for the worms to come.

I see the reference but it is meaningless. What does it have to do with what you have been talking about is the question. It could mean anything to them. Have you ever contacted them to see exactly what their song means in their minds.

It's pure speculation about vague statements that don't add up to anything.

And you think he is sending this message to you ? Other than you interpreting the words, how do you know that they are aimed at you and about you ?

How do you know that they mean "god is coming to take us" when they say " we are going to disappear".

Sounds like ? Yes, to me it sounds like you are looking for anything in there or elsewhere that conforms to your beliefs, what about things in their that don't fit ? Can't find any ? Looking ?

Lori, I am sorry but this is just crazy talk. Seriously. It sounds delusional. If the situation was reversed and I was presenting this to you. If there is nothing but interpretation of what are considered messages, than what do you have.

Your looking for these things like 6 men pointed out to you. What happens when a 7th is pointed out. Do you not accept the 7th because it breaks the pattern.

The other thing is that I don't care about what any scripture says because I think it is all bs. So don't use scripture to offer as evidence in any way because it is not evidence. Nothing about the bible is valid as evidence of where we came from or are going.

If you think about how wrong it was about where we came from, then how wrong is it in where we are going.

If you're not interested in this then why did you ask me about it? Its the reason I started this thread.
If you're not interested in this then why did you ask me about it? Its the reason I started this thread.

If I wasn't I wouldn't have stayed with it.

The issue is that I am trying to understand what it is that makes you sure that this isn't just in your mind.

The more I understand about what is driving this, the more I believe it is something that you are generating. But, as I have indicated before. It doesn't explain things moving around the table etc.

So there are things which I think are happening which are purely coincendental and are things that you are looking to fit in the puzzle and there are things that are beyond that which fit in the puzzle that are being ignored.

But if you suggesting that this persons music truly conforms precisely to your experience than contact them and ask them.

Here are some comments by other people listening to that song on youtube.

"I believe it's talking about how every time he tries to do something important he is stopped, whether by his own insecurities or by other people, but it never stops him from telling himself he can do it again. "

"i think they are diggin cause they hear the music? im not sure just an idea "

"i think the music is coming from under that puddle, so they are digging in essence, for the band "

"wtf i dont get it either the beginin maybe he heard them ?idk? in the endin idk wtf he was diggin maybe one day he wanted to start diggin and the us army came in and told him no go away. really? whats the point of the video ? lol but i thought the song was about liek runin away and startin a new life but i guess they ment start a new life ...DIG! ??? confused "

"i think they're digging and they find a spaceship w/alien markings at 2:33 which is really 30STM logo?or something and the military comes to keep them shut cuz the military doesnt want ppl knowing about it and stuff and i agree jared looks better w/brown hair and red tips "

Nobody knows what the hell is going on because they are all purposely vague so guess what ?

It can mean something to everyone !
I tell you what, you take a detailed account of all this crazy shit I've been through, and study the bodies of work of these men, then tell me I'm grasping. Which is exactly what this video is about. You don't think that if these six rock stars just happen to fall off the face of the earth at the same time people wouldn't dig a little harder? What if I disappeared too?

And who said anything about god coming down and wisking us off?
I tell you what, you take a detailed account of all this crazy shit I've been through, and study the bodies of work of these men, then tell me I'm grasping. Which is exactly what this video is about. You don't think that if these six rock stars just happen to fall off the face of the earth at the same time people wouldn't dig a little harder? What if I disappeared too?

And who said anything about god coming down and wisking us off?

So have these 6 rock stars disappeared ?
As davey says "its just a matter of time".

Yes, we all die, is that all, does he mean leave the earth to go to heaven or to disappear from some other place they or he is in. So just more vague information.

The whole thing is like a house of cards. Start pulling at the strings.

The best way to figure out just what is coming from you and what is coming from them is to contact them. I think you fear they won't know what you are talking about.

But it is pretty important to know if your dealing in reality don't ya think ?