prophecy revelation for jpappl

I don't think they would talk to me, or about me with just anybody, in this regard.

I think physical separation is a contingency. I've said that before.
If I wasn't I wouldn't have stayed with it.

The issue is that I am trying to understand what it is that makes you sure that this isn't just in your mind.

The more I understand about what is driving this, the more I believe it is something that you are generating. But, as I have indicated before. It doesn't explain things moving around the table etc.

So there are things which I think are happening which are purely coincendental and are things that you are looking to fit in the puzzle and there are things that are beyond that which fit in the puzzle that are being ignored.

But if you suggesting that this persons music truly conforms precisely to your experience than contact them and ask them.

Here are some comments by other people listening to that song on youtube.

"I believe it's talking about how every time he tries to do something important he is stopped, whether byÿ his own insecurities or by other people, but it never stops him from telling himself he can do it again. "

"i think they are diggin cause they hearÿ the music? im not sure just an idea "

"i think the music is coming from under thatÿ puddle, so they are digging in essence, for the band "

"wtf i dont get it either the beginin maybe he heardÿ them ?idk? in the endin idk wtf he was diggin maybe one day he wanted to start diggin and the us army came in and told him no go away. really? whats the point of the video ? lol but i thought the song was about liek runin away and startin a new life but i guess they ment start a new life ...DIG! ??? confused "

"i think they're digging and theyÿ find a spaceship w/alien markings at 2:33 which is really 30STM logo?or something and the military comes to keep them shut cuz the military doesnt want ppl knowing about it and stuff and i agree jared looks better w/brown hair and red tips "

Nobody knows what the hell is going on because they are all purposely vague so guess what ?

It can mean something to everyone !

Those people haven't lived through what I've lived through j.

And what pieces that don't fit? There are so many pieces that do fit, that I would have to have a fucking lobotomy not to know somethings up.
I don't think they would talk to me, or about me with just anybody, in this regard.

I think physical separation is a contingency. I've said that before.

Well the only way to find out is to make contact.

Why wouldn't they confirm it ?

Why do you think physical separation is required ?

If they told you no, the songs are not about you, what would you do with that information ?
Those people haven't lived through what I've lived through j.

And what pieces that don't fit? There are so many pieces that do fit, that I would have to have a fucking lobotomy not to know somethings up.

I realize they may not have had any experience like you have revealed. But they are doing the same thing with the songs. Applying meaning to that which they themselves see in the world.

What pieces don't fit is what I am asking.

You know the ones that fit, what about all of the things that contradict this connection. For example, this video.

Was there anything in there that did not fit ?
I realize they may not have had any experience like you have revealed. But they are doing the same thing with the songs. Applying meaning to that which they themselves see in the world.

What pieces don't fit is what I am asking.

You know the ones that fit, what about all of the things that contradict this connection. For example, this video.

Was there anything in there that did not fit ?


Ok, how about the beginning of this video. I just watched again. JEBUS.

So I noticed at the very beginning. The boy, puts his ear down to the ground and they flash to the band who is below.

They are obviously digging to get to the band.

So what does that mean ?
Well the only way to find out is to make contact.

good luck. :)

Why wouldn't they confirm it ?

i just don't think that's the way it's supposed to go down. you see at the end of the vid, how the cops come and bust the place up? i think that when what happened to me is revealed and substantiated somehow, there will be a lot of people who don't want that information to get out. lot's of people will see it as a threat.

Why do you think physical separation is required ?

to prove that what happened to me actually did, and that it was entirely spiritual in nature, not corroborated by any type of physical contact or correspondence.

If they told you no, the songs are not about you, what would you do with that information ?

stick it in my file with the rest of it.
Ok, how about the beginning of this video. I just watched again. JEBUS.

So I noticed at the very beginning. The boy, puts his ear down to the ground and they flash to the band who is below.

They are obviously digging to get to the band.

So what does that mean ?

well, the premise of the song is that the singer disappears. so, people hear the music and start "digging" to see if they can find out where he went. he says his message (in his music) will show them the way. as they're digging, they uncover a woman, and maybe a craft, and "the man" apparently doesn't like what they've found, so...
well, the premise of the song is that the singer disappears. so, people hear the music and start "digging" to see if they can find out where he went. he says his message (in his music) will show them the way. as they're digging, they uncover a woman, and maybe a craft, and "the man" apparently doesn't like what they've found, so...


So they uncover a woman, did they uncover her ? or was she digging and there all along ? It's not clear.

Maybe a craft, we assume it is a craft with the weird symbols but it might be something else since we don't see a craft just the symbols.
“ Originally Posted by jpappl
Well the only way to find out is to make contact. ”

good luck.

Well that would be for you to do.

“ Why do you think physical separation is required ? ”

to prove that what happened to me actually did, and that it was entirely spiritual in nature, not corroborated by any type of physical contact or correspondence.

So what your saying is that if you did have contact with them before then everyone could just say, you planned it together.

That I understand but now that it has happened what would stop you from confirming it.

“ If they told you no, the songs are not about you, what would you do with that information ? ”

stick it in my file with the rest of it.

Let me ask it another way.

If somehow we could connect with them and they told us and you, no, the song has nothing to do with what Lori is saying.

Would you accept their answer ?

So they uncover a woman, did they uncover her ? or was she digging and there all along ? It's not clear.

Maybe a craft, we assume it is a craft with the weird symbols but it might be something else since we don't see a craft just the symbols.

the way they were hauling her out, i assumed they uncovered her.

oh, that's why i didn't see a craft. the symbols are probably the same ones the band uses for artwork, cd covers, tee's etc.

let's talk about a man saying "start again with a brand new name and eyes that see into infinity"...weren't we just taking about scripture that says the name of god will be sealed onto the 144,000?
the way they were hauling her out, i assumed they uncovered her.

oh, that's why i didn't see a craft. the symbols are probably the same ones the band uses for artwork, cd covers, tee's etc.
Yes, all too vague to be sure. It's not a documentary that's for sure.

let's talk about a man saying "start again with a brand new name and eyes that see into infinity"...weren't we just taking about scripture that says the name of god will be sealed onto the 144,000?

I don't see how those two things relate at all. Please clarify for me.
“ “ If they told you no, the songs are not about you, what would you do with that information ? ”

stick it in my file with the rest of it. ”

Let me ask it another way.

If somehow we could connect with them and they told us and you, no, the song has nothing to do with what Lori is saying.

Would you accept their answer ?

Could you also answer the above question when you get a chance. Kinda important.
Well that would be for you to do.

it's not like i haven't tried at all. but i'm not one to fight through an onslaught of groupies to kiss some guy's ass. there's also the consideration that they did this to me. they know what they did, they know who i am, they know where i live, they know my name. if they wanted to contact me, they would. i also don't want to try to do anything to mess this up. not that i think i could even if i tried...

So what your saying is that if you did have contact with them before then everyone could just say, you planned it together.

oh yeah, and that would be a valid arguement if we had had any correspondence. think about it j...think about yourself...would you want to find out that what i'm testifying to is the truth? that it really happened? that it wasn't a lie, or a hoax, or a hallucination, or that i didn't do this to myself? would you want to find out that the prophecy is true? these are rhetorical questions, but realize, you're not the only one who's gonna feel that way.

That I understand but now that it has happened what would stop you from confirming it.

to be honest, i don't really feel like that's my responsibility. i mean, i've done my job. i've lived through it and i've screamed it from the rooftops. people around me have witnessed me going through it, and have heard what i've had to say about it. if there's substantiation to occur, i'm not going to fucking beg for it. these guys know what's going on more than i do. they know of a bigger picture than i do. they (somehow) know the future. they know what to do, and i am confident that when the time is right, they will, and so will i.

Let me ask it another way.

If somehow we could connect with them and they told us and you, no, the song has nothing to do with what Lori is saying.

Would you accept their answer ?

some of the songs were written before they knew who i was. it's like they had a premonition. so that's a loophole. some of them weren't though. if they said those songs weren't about me i would accept that they were lying.
the way they were hauling her out, i assumed they uncovered her.

oh, that's why i didn't see a craft. the symbols are probably the same ones the band uses for artwork, cd covers, tee's etc.
Yes, all too vague to be sure. It's not a documentary that's for sure.

I don't see how those two things relate at all. Please clarify for me.

start again (being born again) with a brand new name (sealed with the name of god) and eyes that see into infinity (eternal life).

you're not even trying. lol...
the way they were hauling her out, i assumed they uncovered her.

oh, that's why i didn't see a craft. the symbols are probably the same ones the band uses for artwork, cd covers, tee's etc.

start again (being born again) with a brand new name (sealed with the name of god) and eyes that see into infinity (eternal life).

you're not even trying. lol...

Well remember that I don't do scripture. So what is in the bible to me is just nonsense. It's a book filled to the rim with errors. So I don't accept anything in it as the word of god.

But, let's just put that aside for the discussion.

How does "scripture that says the name of god will be sealed onto the 144,000? " and "start again with a brand new name and eyes that see into infinity"..."

Correlate with the 144,000. Do you see 144,000 in the video somewhere.
there's also the consideration that they did this to me. they know what they did, they know who i am, they know where i live, they know my name. if they wanted to contact me, they would

How do you know they know. You haven't made contact with them.

to be honest, i don't really feel like that's my responsibility.

Well, I would think you would want to verify.

these guys know what's going on more than i do. they know of a bigger picture than i do. they (somehow) know the future. they know what to do, and i am confident that when the time is right, they will, and so will i.

How do you know ? What have they predicted thus far that has come true ?

Come to pass ?

if they said those songs weren't about me i would accept that they were lying.

So basically, you have convinced yourself of these things to a point that even if they told you no, your wrong about all of it, you would just make them liars to continue the belief.

That is very interesting.
Well remember that I don't do scripture. So what is in the bible to me is just nonsense. It's a book filled to the rim with errors. So I don't accept anything in it as the word of god.

But, let's just put that aside for the discussion.

How does "scripture that says the name of god will be sealed onto the 144,000? " and "start again with a brand new name and eyes that see into infinity"..."

Correlate with the 144,000. Do you see 144,000 in the video somewhere.

well the song doesn't specify 144,000, but it does everything else.
How do you know they know. You haven't made contact with them.

because it happened to me j. how else? i need one of them to tell me about what they did to me???? i was there man!!

Well, I would think you would want to verify.


How do you know ? What have they predicted thus far that has come true ?

Come to pass ?

they predicted what would happen to me and it did. what they would do to me and how i would react, and they did, and i did. and what that interaction would mean for them, and it has. i can see it in them.

So basically, you have convinced yourself of these things to a point that even if they told you no, your wrong about all of it, you would just make them liars to continue the belief.

That is very interesting.

"convinced myself"?? lol...hon, realize that i have never needed convincing of this. it actually happened to me. there's no convincing about it. it was completely overwhelming.