Proof there is a God

Secondly please realise there are some whatching you and waiting for you to say something profound, will you disappoint them by letting a person like me sidetrack you so easily over and over.
Cant you hear them in your head.. Come on Jan.. Give it to him Jan.. Show him god is real.. They wait and wait.
Jan it is not all about you give your supporters hope that their faith in you was not misplaced.

Yours respectfully
You ask what can go wrong understand you are asking that question to yourself.. Push back your fears and reject superstition..

You do know that "Jan" is a Nordic MALE name, don't you? ;)
No I dont and refuse to accept such could be the case but I guess there is only one person who can clear this up.. I just know I cant be wrong;) Jan wont read what I have written so there will be no comment on any speculation or anything else for that matter. :)
Okay. Give me one question which I have been afraid to answer.
Then after I'll give you a few which you have been afraid to answer. Then we'll take it from there. Agreed?

I could go through your posting history and point out every time you avoid answering a question with your silly games, but your posting history is already here for everyone to see for themselves.

It's in practically every religion thread you've hijacked.
No I dont and refuse to accept such could be the case but I guess there is only one person who can clear this up.. I just know I cant be wrong;) Jan wont read what I have written so there will be no comment on any speculation or anything else for that matter. :)
Jan has previously confirmed that he is a dude. Not that it matters to the issue.

(Although your man-hating-woman dig is kind of revealing and disturbing.)
Jan has previously confirmed that he is a dude. Not that it matters to the issue.
(Although your man-hating-woman dig is kind of revealing and disturbing.)
The problem one creates if one is evasive or exhibits the behaviour Jan exhibits credibility errodes to a point where folk don't know what to believe. I am probably too honest and hold no mystery .. I don't pretend but then again I don't fall for superstition. I think it is great Jan can be so evasive does it go? nailing jelly to wall that is not there.
To Jan's credit the audience is entertained .
Thank you.. Funny ha ha or funny peculiar?

I dont know he is your made up mythical character and yet you have to ask others for help which you are driven to side step.
Try to go back and remember the image you formed as a child during you indoctrination.

That is what I and other members have been pointing out to you it is indeed a simple question that you fortunately avoid to answer.
I understand why you can not answer, all members understand why you can not answer but we want to help you.
Firstly this thread it is not about you notwithstanding your constant attempts to hold center stage.... Well in your mind its all about you but you choose to tug at others rejection of superstition to convince yourself you are superior. Saying you hold a belief and then fail to opperate as one could if the scriptures had had any influence in a positive sence shows a insecurity I feel you should acknowledge if you are to gain the respect of others you so desparately crave.
But I do like you and respect you which comes from my heart and if it helps you to grow I will happily participate.
And I dont expect you to change stay as sweet as you are.


You know eternity is a fact and yet you regard it as your "personal subjective world.

How is eternity a fact?

As before, why is it necessary to define one (alleged) mythical god from another (alleged) mythical god?

If Alex declared that Mickey Mouse were a fictional character, would you require him to define which Mickey Mouse?
If one of these were fictional, would you assume the other is not?

They are all Mickey Mouse. Are they not?
The real question is why?

How is this relevant to our discussion? Jan.
Why not for once answer the questions asked? Which were:

(1) "Does that mean you believe that land animals and plants were not very slowly evolved from life in the sea, but all created essentially simultaneously?
(2) Do your deny that for most of earth's history, before green plants, the atmosphere was "oxygen free" until green plants "polluted it" with O2?"

and then it will be clear why I asked. - Whether or not scriptures over rule logic and facts for you. You seem to pay no attention to well established facts. For example, for most of earth's history there was no O2 in the air. You had said: "The modern Christian accepts that genesis is the beginning point of Earth, Heaven, plants, animals, humans, etc."
This "begining" is spread over hundreds of millions of years.

Your main skill is avoiding answering questions, so of course there can be no discussion, by your choice.
The first question is a direct probe about your views on evolution.

You know eternity is a fact and yet you regard it as your "personal subjective world.

How is eternity a fact?


Why did the chicken cross the road... Tell me you dont know the answer to this or that when clearly you do. Your attention is elsewhere. I understand that it is the weekend relax gather your thoughts.
Why did the chicken cross the road... Tell me you dont know the answer to this or that when clearly you do. Your attention is elsewhere. I understand that it is the weekend relax gather your thoughts.

It's a simple question Alex.
Are you refusing to answer?

Billy T,

I'm not convinced by Darwin, or neo darwin model.
Does that answer your questions?

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Does anyone still participating hold a stance in favor of the OP?

Or is this a thread of n-1 opponents, plus Jan, who is here simply to keep things going by dodging questions with more questions?
If that's all, then I think we should all agree that this debate issue has been thoroughly analyzed and should be concluded as case unmade.

However, if anyone feels that there is still any point to be made in favor of the issue, I think this thread could be brought back on-topic by re-iterating the pro-stance explicitly and succinctly.
Which question have I avoided in our exchanges? ... Jan.
That is your standard response (answer via another question only). I could give many examples, but your not worth the effort until you show some real interest in discussion, rather than your various "cut & paste" replys you repeatedly use, like: "How is that relevant?" "Does it matter why?" "How is this relevant to our discussion?" "How do you define _____?" etc. where blank is filled in with some key word of post you pretend to be replying to.

With this stock of many short replies, you could be replaced by a machine, if you are not already one. Any machine can answer questions with another question, but like you, can not or will not participate in real discussion - is just skilled in avoiding that with new question.

For the third time, here is my most recent pair of questions, again:

(1) "Does that mean you believe that land animals and plants were not very slowly evolved from life in the sea, but all created essentially simultaneously?
(2) Do your deny that for most of earth's history, before green plants, the atmosphere was "oxygen free" until green plants "polluted it" with O2?" {So, even if God had made the land animals when making the earth, etc. they could not have lived there.}
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