Proof there is a God

With respct to all good religious people, I was not *dismissing* God by naming it a Tulpa.

No... of course you wasn't.

It merely says that the concept of God as a *living motivated being* is an invention of human imagination and unknowable if it is real or unreal, even if they have acquired a spiritual life of their own.

Are you sure about this?
Tell me how you know that God is an invention of human imagination.

Which, IMO, makes the spiritual world a crowded place.

Only an opinion?
I'm in shock. :)

God is founded in simple times; embedded into simple people; unaware populous; uneducated populous; that continues to this day
God is founded in simple times; embedded into simple people; unaware populous; uneducated populous; that continues to this day

Obviously I don't agree.
Why don't you show how you confident claim is true, or if you can't, at least give a good explanation.

Just look into ancient history.

Of which the three Abramic religions are based.

Can you show how you confident claim is true, or at least how you have come to the conclusion?
Telling me to look into ancient history does not cut it.

Please try and explain how you have arrived at your conclusion.

Can you show how you confident claim is true, or at least how you have come to the conclusion?
Telling me to look into ancient history does not cut it.

Please try and explain how you have arrived at your conclusion.


You will have to investigate back to Babalonian cuniform writings. Finding a babe in the reeds; the flood; both writen a thousand years before the bible account.

Also the killing of Sophia ( a Gnostic teacher) by christians ; savagely by the way and then destroying Alexandria library.
You will have to investigate back to Babalonian cuniform writings. Finding a babe in the reeds; the flood; both writen a thousand years before the bible account.

Also the killing of Sophia ( a Gnostic teacher) by christians ; savagely by the way and then destroying Alexandria library.

Then why don't you use Babalonian cuniform writings to make your case.
There's no point in me looking in them, because I don't know what you're talking about, outside what you say now. I don't know what to look for.
Now for the last time, can you explain how you came to your conclusion?

Then why don't you use Babalonian cuniform writings to make your case.
There's no point in me looking in them, because I don't know what you're talking about, outside what you say now. I don't know what to look for.
Now for the last time, can you explain how you came to your conclusion?


Just read Zecharia Sitchin books for a start.
Write4U said: IMO, a Tulpa.
It most certainty it is not. You have quite a lot of reading to do if you are going to mature towards understanding. It is only by knowing real from unreal can one gain the awareness of reality and oneself. By dismissing God as a mere tupla not only hinders you in mind and body, but blinds you as well.
W4U, Instead of accusing me of lacking wisdom, you may want to look up kenneth Miller's
Jan Ardena,
I wasn't aware of accusing you of lacking wisdom.
You accuse your own self of lacking wisdom, and from what I have seen thus far, I'm leaning toward your analysis.
You are right, and I apologize. It was supposed to be a response to Spellbound.
Kenneth Miller is super boring (IMO), I can't sit through it.
Tell me at what point of the video he breaks stuff down.
If it's the one where he uses a mousetrap as a tie clip. Don't bother. jan.
First this is NOT the Kitzmiller trial, it is a lecture about ID and IC. Why don't you watch it in its entirety? I find him quite palatable. Did you know he is a theist? This is not an atheist attack on ID. but rather a lecture on Irreducible Complexity and has several interesting illustrations which you may not be familiar with.
But I owe you this: . The good stuff begins @ 28:00

I dare say that you might be pleasantly surprised on several points.
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Come on.
Can't you just give a little explanation?
Why do you make these statements with no intention of giving an explanation, if asked?


Because it will become pointless.

I will make a statement as I have; you will counter; as you have; and on and on. I have more knowledge than you right now on this subject .

I don't say this out of arrogance on my part but out of fact.

Delve into the ancient history of religion. Go back as far as you can ; then move forward.
Because it will become pointless.

I will make a statement as I have; you will counter; as you have; and on and on. I have more knowledge than you right now on this subject .

I don't say this out of arrogance on my part but out of fact.

Delve into the ancient history of religion. Go back as far as you can ; then move forward.

How do you know I haven't delved into ancient history of religion?

It has been said that: " "GOD" created "man" in "GOD's" own image."
man, totally incapable of comprehending "GOD" created "gods" in man's own image.

known knowns
the known unknowns
and the unknown unknowns
anyone up for an euhemerist take on the subject at hand?
The image of God given to man is less like a photographic image, and more like a disk image. God is spirit and not matter, so a disk image is a better analogy since it represents the essence. The essence of man became will, choice and creativity. God made the universe appear from a void, while man made computers appear from what was a void 100 year ago.
It has been said that: " "GOD" created "man" in "GOD's" own image."
man, totally incapable of comprehending "GOD" created "gods" in man's own image

You could say that and god did ; but the interesting thing is HOW this so called god so. THAT is what needs to be investigated.

And when you do you will find genetic engineering.
I mathematically proved that the egg came millions of years before the chicken.
Where did you "prove" that? You can't prove historical facts mathematically any more than you can prove God mathematically.

Do you believe that the melting Ice cap in Greenland is not a result of a series of mathematical functions in our ecosphere?
Nothing is the "result" of mathematical functions. The melting ice cap is a result of physical functions - i.e. heat. We can use mathematics to describe those functions just like we can use English to describe those functions.

Do you understand the difference between correlation and causation? That was why I brought up the chicken-and egg example: The chicken was caused by the egg, as you seem to understand. The egg was not caused by the chicken (species). The correlation goes in both directions but the causation goes in only one direction. Fire and smoke are correlated but smoke does not cause fire.

So there is a correlation between mathematics and physics but mathematics doesn't cause physics. They're correlated because mathematics was invented to correlate with physics.

Human mathematical notation is a universal human symbolic language describing the Universal cosmological mathematical constants and functions....
Yes, mathematics is more universal than Chinese. That's why we invented it.

On the other hand, Chinese may be better than mathematics for describing how a hole was dug. You still haven't told us how you can mathematically determine the difference between an eroded hole and a mechanically-dug hole (of the same size).

p.s. You must be a terrible chess-player.
I am. :)
... regarding the accuracy of language in describing scientific concepts....
I have agreed right from the start that mathematics is a good way of describing physical phenomena. What I'm asking for is evidence that mathematics causes those phenomena (or "results" in those phenomena).
I have agreed right from the start that mathematics is a good way of describing physical phenomena. What I'm asking for is evidence that mathematics causes those phenomena (or "results" in those phenomena).

I would like to know as well. Mathematicians need to get off their high horse mentality.

Write4U, not in this instance.