Proof that the Christian god cannot exist

If it's omniscience how can there NOT be foreknowledge?

I've lost the Wiki reference, could you give it again please?

A common objection towards free-will is the fact that God knows the future, and what is already known is not considered part of free-will, thus is considered predestination. Such objections however are very controversial and have been refuted by proponents of Divine Omniscience. The alleged paradox arises from a misunderstanding of Divine knowledge. The common misconception is that God predicts the future. This however is a false assumption. The Divine Being who is Eternal does not predict human actions but rather post-dicts them from the future. As such human free will is actualized without any paradoxes.
A common objection towards free-will is the fact that God knows the future, and what is already known is not considered part of free-will, thus is considered predestination. Such objections however are very controversial and have been refuted by proponents of Divine Omniscience. The alleged paradox arises from a misunderstanding of Divine knowledge. The common misconception is that God predicts the future. This however is a false assumption. The Divine Being who is Eternal does not predict human actions but rather post-dicts them from the future. As such human free will is actualized without any paradoxes.
Yes, I thought was what you meant, but wasn't sure.
Note that NOWHERE does it say this does not include foreknowledge: in fact it specifically states: God knows the future.
Contrary to your claim:
there is no foreknowledge in 2 versions of Omniscience
I'll accept that it says "does not PREDICT the future", but that isn't what I've claimed anyway.
He still knows before you choose.
Yes, I thought was what you meant, but wasn't sure.
Note that NOWHERE does it say this does not include foreknowledge: in fact it specifically states: God knows the future.
Contrary to your claim:

I'll accept that it says "does not PREDICT the future", but that isn't what I've claimed anyway.
He still knows before you choose.

Lol, I suggest you write it on a blackboard 100 times! :D
Reported for dishonesty.
You were clearly shown that your claim was incorrect.
Nope, I get annoyed at liars.
Welcome to my ignore list.
That's twice you've resorted to lies in this thread alone.
Knowledge isn't knowledge until it has come to pass and it has been proven true, therefore the "foreknowledge" God posses does not become knowledge until it has happend. There is a reason we play the game.
Knowledge isn't knowledge until it has come to pass and it has been proven true, therefore the "foreknowledge" God posses does not become knowledge until it has happend.
So you're essentially saying god isn't omniscient?
God doesn't know?
God can be wrong?
You have previously denied this, so why are you wasting time?
It doesn't have to be proven true, it simply has to be true.

There is a reason we play the game.
Yeah yeah. :rolleyes:
Another supposition.
In fact he told me just this morning that he's never spoken to you, and he intends avoiding doing so altogether.

NO he didn't. You have no faith, I know this. God speaks to all, but only the faithful have ear.
NO he didn't. You have no faith, I know this. God speaks to all, but only the faithful have ear.
Yeah, god said you're a bit of a loony that way.
That's one reason he won't bother talking to you.
According to him he talks to me because he appreciates an intelligent conversation.
(And I don't mind him talking to me because at least I don't have to put the kettle on or tidy up first).
So you're essentially saying god isn't omniscient?
God doesn't know?
God can be wrong?
You have previously denied this, so why are you wasting time?
It doesn't have to be proven true, it simply has to be true.

Yeah yeah. :rolleyes:

The closest you are going to get to proof is Wikipedia saying exactly the same as me. Now this is a 10 year old thread which I figured out in 1 second. The longer it takes you to figure this out the more intelligent I become compared to you.. each second is the time it took me to figure it out, each post you make is another layer of intelligence added to myself. So like I suggested, you can write down the Wikipedia quote 100 times until you get it. And I suggest in the future you just post "Wrong!" as you usually do, and don't try to explain why anything is wrong else you will lose again.
@Pincho --

Damn. I've met some self-absorbed people in the past, but your ego truly knows no bounds. Not only are you smarter than everyone else but you claim to have completely rewritten physics. Is there anything you're incapable of, other than doing the things that you claim?
@Pincho --

Damn. I've met some self-absorbed people in the past, but your ego truly knows no bounds. Not only are you smarter than everyone else but you claim to have completely rewritten physics. Is there anything you're incapable of, other than doing the things that you claim?

I'm only smarter at certain things... erm.. the things that I can be bothered with. :D Hmm I've always been the best at everything that I have had time to do.