Proof that the Christian god cannot exist

@Rob --

Oh it was resolved about two or three pages into the thread, but some people here, namely the theists, would rather chew off their own arms than admit something that's contrary to their worldview.

Just like the atheists like you. :p
@wynn --

None of the theists here have been able to answer a single one of my questions, they all fall back on unproven or fallacious assumptions. My worldview hasn't even been addressed, it's just been us asking questions and theists evading.
And I know you'd rather chew off your member than admit that perhaps the scientific method might not apply to spirituality-it's either all in our minds or in another plane of existence, but it's certainly not proven or really provable either way.

But I know you can't consider the possibility of Science not being the right tool to figure it out.
@Sapientivore --

And I know you'd rather chew off your member than admit that perhaps the scientific method might not apply to spirituality-

No one's ever been able to explain to me why it wouldn't be the appropriate tool, they either flat out state that it is or they sputter about how it might not be and I should give faith a chance.

News flash! I gave faith a chance for the majority of my life and it hasn't produced anything. Now I'm siding with the best method humankind has ever developed for discovering the truth about the world. How do we know it's the best method yet? Because it works better than anything else humans have ever tried. If priests had come up with atomic theory or information theory, for example, through revelation then things might be a bit different. But as it stands religion and faith haven't successfully answered a single question throughout history.

Can you tell me why science wouldn't be the best tool for analyzing spirituality?

it's either all in our minds or in another plane of existence, but it's certainly not proven or really provable either way.

Quite to the contrary, we can demonstrate to a sufficient degree what's going on in the human brain to causally link it to the mind. We might not be able to accurately take pictures of what a specific amalgam of brainstates represents, but we can certainly take a good stab at it by taking pictures of the brainstates themselves.

Oh, and explain to me what this "alternate plane of existence" is, without using the word dimensions, you know well enough already that that term does not apply to what you're talking about.
@Knowledge --

Go away. I'm trying to have a serious discussion and I don't want or need you mucking it up with your nonsense.
News flash! I gave faith a chance for the majority of my life and it hasn't produced anything.

What did you hope it would produce?

What was the goal that you have set for yourself for your spiritual search?

None of the theists here have been able to answer a single one of my questions, they all fall back on unproven or fallacious assumptions. My worldview hasn't even been addressed, it's just been us asking questions and theists evading.

Perhaps you were not asking the right questions, or were asking the right questions but haven't chosen the right people to seek answers from.

You yourself have not answered many of my questions! Talk about evading. :eek:
Perhaps you were not asking the right questions, or were asking the right questions but haven't chosen the right people to seek answers from.

If I need to know which spark plug wire goes where, i can ask a mechanic. If I need to know coyotes howl, I can ask a zoologist or a tribal elder and get different answers. If I need to know whether the Christian God exists, I ask no one because I already know that lacking the knowledge to invent Science to explain phenomena, ancient cultures instead invented their God(s).
If I need to know whether the Christian God exists, I ask no one because I already know that lacking the knowledge to invent Science to explain phenomena, ancient cultures instead invented their God(s).

In that case, you are simply being dishonest:
you do not actually "need to know whether the Christian God exists."

You're just playing word games. :bugeye:
Christian God condemns everyone to hell for eternity if they are not christian and do not believe Jesus is His son. Is this correct?
@wynn --

What did you hope it would produce?

Hopefully some knowledge, but it completely failed to.

What was the goal that you have set for yourself for your spiritual search?

The same goal I have in my scientific search, to acquire more knowledge about the world.

Perhaps you were not asking the right questions, or were asking the right questions but haven't chosen the right people to seek answers from.

I dunno, when people tell me, flat out, that science isn't the right tool to analyze spirituality, who else am I supposed to ask why that is? And if they can't explain it to me, then they should be able to either find someone who can or better yet link me to a site that does. So far there hasn't been a single person who can explain this without resorting to unproven or fallacious assumptions.

You yourself have not answered many of my questions! Talk about evading.

That's because your questions are almost always evasions in and of themselves. I've given you my reasons for not accepting your six points, and can expand on that further when I get the time(I have other things to do and it doesn't help that I'm active in over a dozen threads right now).
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In that case, you are simply being dishonest:
you do not actually "need to know whether the Christian God exists."

You're just playing word games. :bugeye:

whatever one needs to know about God
whatever one needs to know about dead cultures
Christian God condemns everyone to hell for eternity if they are not christian and do not believe Jesus is His son. Is this correct?

Not even close. Truth be told you don't need to do either of these things.
The same goal I have in my scientific search, to acquire more knowledge about the world.

To what end?

That's because your questions are almost always evasions in and of themselves. I've given you my reasons for not accepting your six points, and can expand on that further when I get the time(I have other things to do and it doesn't help that I'm active in over a dozen threads right now).

No, you have not given me your reasons for not accepting the six points in question.
@wynn --

To what end?

My thinking at the time was that there was no better way to praise god for his creation than by understanding just how beautifully complex it is. I wanted to serve my god.

No, you have not given me your reasons for not accepting the six points in question.

Because I reject the validity of point six. Your point six is that we must assume that people make no mistakes in order to ascertain whether or not their religion inspired their violence, I contest that. By that logic we can't ever identify the cause of any violence because we can't honestly make the assumption that people make no mistakes. No such assumption is needed.