Proof that the Christian god cannot exist

So, if I don't get the choice to not have eternal existence, what is the point in all of the decisions I make in my supposed free-will between now and then? They are negated by that one act - the denial of non-existence...


Again, I am not sure. Jesus stated that some people will die, and just die and its possible if you so wished to cease to be Yahweh might consider granting it, but He is under no obligation to do so.
It also serves as a way for God to inform Job that He owes the world nothing for He has given them everything and He has every right to take it away, since He owns it.
If God owns my big hairy butt, how is that any different from any other form of slavery?
Hellblade8 said:
Really, how do you expect to pay a god anything? Yahweh offers His protections for free to every man and woman. How about you?
Pay hommage? Or his worship of God could also be considered pay.
Yahweh is a God no? Thats what Gods do.
This is the post i made, and you and S.A.M. somehow mistook them for commandments !?

I am however bothered by something Snakelord came up with.
Why did he even create mankind with free will, if he knew beforehand that at the very least some are going to burn in hell for their sins.
Why not make a happy world with no sins, does he like us doing sins and then throwing us into the fires of hell ?
The way i see it there are three possibilities:
1.) He likes to see humans burn in hell
2.) He doesnt care if humans burn in hell
3.) God was unable to make humankind without sin.

Actually there is a forth; God didnt create us at all.
Also, Jesus was saying that looking upon a woman lustfully is a sin because it shows *only* sexual desire, something that Yahweh does not approve of.

So what you are now telling me is that god is angry that lust comes before love? I'm sorry, how exactly does 'love' come into play when you're staring at a sexy woman across the room? At this moment in time 'love' is non-existant, lust is the only issue.

So tell me again: why does one burn for looking at a woman lustfully as jesus stated?

but I wouldn't trust that book at term of accurate explination as to the origion of man.

I always get enjoyment in seeing a theist tell me in his own words that the very book he believes in is actually all nonsense, not to be trusted, just a story. Tell me because I am curious.. how exactly do you choose which parts to trust and which not to?

Perhaps Earth was meant to be God's garden and when humans started to sin it pissed Yahweh off?

Ah, humans ruined god's master plan. Is he incompetent?

Um, aside from looking at women, those aren't sins, Jesus dispelled that when He stated that nothing from the outside can make you unholy, only that from the inside, from a man's heart can make him unholy.

If that's the case we have several choices:

1) god was joking when he said they were sins

2) god that doesn't change his mind, changed his mind

3) god was lying

4) jesus - who stated that all the laws were to be obeyed and anyone that didn't or taught others not to would suffer - was lying.

5) jesus - who stated that all the laws were to be obeyed and anyone that didn't or taught others not to would suffer - was joking.

6) The pair of them were just plain incompetent.

Take your pick.

Leading a happy life and living in the light of God.

What "light" is that then? You mean the sun?

This would include being kind to others who do not deserve it

The problem with such a thing is that it inevitably leads them to deserve it even less. god is well aware of this apparently which is why he invented hell.

Lust is an intense sexual desire, and taken with the quote, Jesus is saying it is wrong to look upon a woman with only sex in mind.

Why? It is essential to the continuation of the species and that is apparently of utmost importance to god. It is also not a choice, one can't help it.

Wait, why would the majority of the people burn in hell? And you do realise its not forever right?

I have yet to meet one person in existence that hasn't looked at another in lust, hasn't sinned, hasn't sinned in his heart. As a result they are all destined to burn.

Furthermore, where does it say burning isn't forever?

Again, I don't really take Genesis as the true story of creation.

So we can pick and choose which of god's words we're going to believe and which we're not? That's the recommendation from a theist?
So what you are now telling me is that god is angry that lust comes before love? I'm sorry, how exactly does 'love' come into play when you're staring at a sexy woman across the room? At this moment in time 'love' is non-existant, lust is the only issue.

So tell me again: why does one burn for looking at a woman lustfully as jesus stated?

Because you are looking upon her with only sexual desire in mind.

I always get enjoyment in seeing a theist tell me in his own words that the very book he believes in is actually all nonsense, not to be trusted, just a story. Tell me because I am curious.. how exactly do you choose which parts to trust and which not to?

The ones that makes sense.

Ah, humans ruined god's master plan. Is he incompetent?

No, man is.

If that's the case we have several choices:

1) god was joking when he said they were sins

2) god that doesn't change his mind, changed his mind

3) god was lying

4) jesus - who stated that all the laws were to be obeyed and anyone that didn't or taught others not to would suffer - was lying.

5) jesus - who stated that all the laws were to be obeyed and anyone that didn't or taught others not to would suffer - was joking.

6) The pair of them were just plain incompetent.

Take your pick.

Yahweh changed his mind, since when couldn't He change his mind?:bugeye:

What "light" is that then? You mean the sun?


Why? It is essential to the continuation of the species and that is apparently of utmost importance to god. It is also not a choice, one can't help it.

One can resist lust. Lust is an extreme sexual desire for sex. To look upon a woman with that in mind is to only want her for sex and has nothing to do with what God commanded in raising a family. And again, sexual desire, or finding a woman attractive is not lust.

I have yet to meet one person in existence that hasn't looked at another in lust, hasn't sinned, hasn't sinned in his heart. As a result they are all destined to burn.

Per say.

Furthermore, where does it say burning isn't forever?

Who said it is? If I recall, only seperation from Yahweh is forever.

So we can pick and choose which of god's words we're going to believe and which we're not? That's the recommendation from a theist?

Reason and logic. The bible is not perfect, why would you think it is?

Unless you wish to share about how horrible and tortured your life is the moment you stopped worshiping Yahweh.

Ok, i was under the impression you stated that somewhere.

Would you please have a look at this post of mine im quoting for the second time now ?

enmos said:
This is the post i made, and you and S.A.M. somehow mistook them for commandments !?

“ Originally Posted by Enmos
I am however bothered by something Snakelord came up with.
Why did he even create mankind with free will, if he knew beforehand that at the very least some are going to burn in hell for their sins.
Why not make a happy world with no sins, does he like us doing sins and then throwing us into the fires of hell ?
The way i see it there are three possibilities:
1.) He likes to see humans burn in hell
2.) He doesnt care if humans burn in hell
3.) God was unable to make humankind without sin.

Actually there is a forth; God didnt create us at all. ”
Ok, i was under the impression you stated that somewhere.

Would you please have a look at this post of mine im quoting for the second time now ?

No, I was talking about how having humans populate the earth was not one of the ten commandments.

Oh, nothing really, just thought it somewhat rather large range of killings, between good and evil, good doing all the killing, of course. :shrug:

I disagree. Satan isn't some theif and Yahweh a guard. Yahweh offers protection from Satan while upholding everything that exists, one might think that you should be thankful for such protections and again, has Job ever paid Yahweh?

What protections? Bad things happen to good people.

Really, how do you expect to pay a god anything? Yahweh offers His protections for free to every man and woman. How about you?

If at any moment, Yahweh were to make me his object of cruelty with his next 'argument,' what protection can I be assured if he suddenly decides to let Satan have his way with me?

Its a story of how God doesn't just smite people here and there for doing something wrong. It means that just because someone is having a hard life, God does not hate you. If someone cheats on you, it's not God's fault.

Didn't he create the hard life in the first place? Why should some have a hard life while others have a good life - both might worship god equally?

It also serves as a way for God to inform Job that He owes the world nothing for He has given them everything and He has every right to take it away, since He owns it.

And there is lesson ill advised.

The actual lesson presented is that you may give something away, but you can take it back at any time, because you own it.

Hence, if you own it and you can take it back at anytime, then you didn't really give it away, did you?

When you give something away, you don't own it anymore. Simple, really.
Ok, i was under the impression you stated that somewhere.

My apologies. Fact is, you will not get struck by lightning the moment you reject Yahweh, He saves any punishment you recieve until the after life save for a few cases in which it is warrented. However, this is an exception to the rule of thumb. Your car breaking down is not a sign that God isn't happy.

Now if your problem is say ironic, then perhaps it is.:p
Oh, nothing really, just thought it somewhat rather large range of killings, between good and evil, good doing all the killing, of course. :shrug:

Ignoring that most of those people where smitten for their evil doings...

What protections? Bad things happen to good people.

So what? did you miss the point of the story? Just because something bad happens to you, it does not mean Yahweh did it.

If at any moment, Yahweh were to make me his object of cruelty with his next 'argument,' what protection can I be assured if he suddenly decides to let Satan have his way with me?

I hardly see where you have any worry about that. And so far He won't let Satan take your life if that's any comfort.

Didn't he create the hard life in the first place? Why should some have a hard life while others have a good life - both might worship god equally?

Those who are last shall be first and those who are first shall be last.

And their is lesson ill advised.

The actual lesson presented is that you may give something away, but you can take it back at any time, because you own it.

Hence, if you own it and you can take it back at anytime, then you didn't really give it away, did you?

When you give something away, you don't own it anymore. Simple, really.

Uhm, no it isn't. While part of the story was about Yahweh explaining that He doesn't have to do jack for humanity, He does it anyway. Not to mention upholding all of existence. Another point of His; His wisdom is greater. And no, you are wrong on the point of the story. You fail to understand it completely.