Magical Realist
Valued Senior Member
It's one thing to be ignorant, but willful ignorance IS stupid.
You're calling me stupid?
It's one thing to be ignorant, but willful ignorance IS stupid.
Are you admitting that you're willfully ignorant?You're calling me stupid?
Are you admitting that you're willfully ignorant?
No it doesn't. You have the total choice to insult or not. And that's what you do. And you are morally responsible for that. It is the only way you can "win" an argument. Belittle and mock them instead of offering anything persuasive.
You most certainly are presenting good reasons as to why people may infer you are stupid and paranoid.
I would claim you are being totally intellectually dishonest, but I cannot find anything worthy of calling intellect in your rantings and ravings.
No it doesn't. You have the total choice to insult or not. And that's what you do. And you are morally responsible for that. It is the only way you can "win" an argument. Belittle and mock them instead of offering anything persuasive.
As opposed to what you do, which is ignore factual evidence and put people on ignore...
Come on guys. MR has created a magical world, perhaps only in his head, and it's beautiful, and who are we to be the ultimate judge of what's real?
What do you think of my theory?
What factual evidence have I ignored? And where is ignoring people a rules violation?
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14. Post coherently. The aim of writing anything is to communicate something to somebody else. Make your posts readable – use paragraphs, punctuation, correct capitalisation and correct spelling. Make your point clearly and succinctly.
15. Extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence. If you’re claiming that Einstein was wrong, or that evolution does not occur, or that aliens are visiting Earth, be prepared to provide strong evidence in defence of your argument. If you only have an opinion, avoid posting on topics such as these.
16. Avoid using logical fallacies in arguments.
3. If you post a thread, expect people to reply to it. Bear in mind that the thread is on a public forum and all members are free to contribute to it; you may not place restrictions on who may respond. (The only exception to this is threads in the Formal Debates subforum, which has its own rules.)
12. If you ask another member for evidence, be prepared to read the information that he or she provides for you. Don’t claim that evidence has not been provided just because you didn’t take the effort to read it.
9. Posts tending to defame a person (i.e. to affect his or her good reputation) are, in general, unacceptable. However, a person is not defamed when his or her own published opinions are used to draw reasonable, supported conclusions. Nor is he defamed if he is not in some way identifiable. True information about a person is not defamatory.
15. The intentional posting of false or misleading information is unacceptable. This includes posting half-truths, i.e. leaving out relevant and known information to give a false impression.
Time phone.Which one? The talking dolphin? The talking water? Or the time phone? You change your theory every day it seems.
Well, for starters, you have ignored the plethora of evidence that has been provided showing how easily the rescue workers could be mistaken with where the voice came from and what it was (including the fact that it is heard MULTIPLE times in your own video evidence outside of the supposed plea for help), you've ignored the fact that the recording in question doesn't give any indication of WHERE the sound came from, much less any indication that it came from inside the car, and you have ignored the fact that there were other people around the scene.
As for where putting people on ignore is a rules violation - that alone isn't... what makes it a violation is this:
Essentially, the spirit of why you are doing so is what makes it against the rules; you are doing it because you are incapable of defeating the arguments being presented in a logical manner backed with actual facts. So, you choose to ignore bits and pieces, or whole posts, where it suits you. You then continue to post your extraordinary claims without the required extraordinary evidence to back them, and posting, in essence, false and fallacious statements. This is, in essence, trolling and intellectual dishonesty.
Time phone. have only speculated that the voice came from the bridge. You have provided no evidence of this, and cannot explain why a bystander would shout "Why doesn't somebody help" as heard by the rescue workers.
I have provided evidence for my claims. 6 eyewitnesses and an audio clip.
You have provided nothing but speculation and BS. Then for the last 3 pages you accuse me of saying things I never said, and attack my character based on these lies. This is what gets you ignored. You flame and insult and threaten when you can't make your case.
As a moderator you should be setting a good example. But you don't. Because you don't know how to calmly and effectively debate an issue.
I'll wait for tomorrow's theory. They seem to be getting more and more imaginative.
Yep..I created this whole incident. Made up the 6 rescuers who heard the voice coming from the car, and made up the audio clip of the voice. It's all in my head. Afterall, we all know it was REALLY just a talking river dolphin. lol!
Why are you so desperately dishonest?
The inference as any one can see is with regards to your beliefs, as soon as something happens that cannot at that instant, be immediately explained.
Oooooh, it must be a ghost! Ooooh, It must be some sort of supernatural event.
Jumping to the conclusions that you do, without investigating, as scientists do, convicts you of all the insinuations that you have thrown your way, and even those that you perceive to be thrown your way.
Like I said, If the cap fits, wear it.
"Ghosts" is not a plausible explanation either.You have yet to offer one plausible explanation for how 6 rescue workers hear the same voice coming from inside a car they are all standing around nor why we in fact hear that voice on the audio clip. The evidence is strong and hasn't been refuted yet. Speculations of skeptics who weren't there will never trump eyewitness accounts or actual audio evidence.