Magical Realist
Valued Senior Member
ad hominem
adjective ad ho·mi·nem \(ˈ)ad-ˈhä-mə-ˌnem, -nəm\
Definition of AD HOMINEM
1: appealing to feelings or prejudices rather than intellect
2: marked by or being an attack on an opponent's character rather than by an answer to the contentions made
Per Merriam-Webster... I am neither appealing to feelings or prejudices, nor am I attacking your character - I made a claim (that you are being intentionally dishonest) based on what you have said. An observation of how one is behaving does not fit the character of ad hominem, especially when ones character is what is being discussed (that is, your tendency to obsfucate the facts with random bullshit rather than admit when you've been proven wrong)
Ugh! More belabored BS. You do know I have the total right to ignore you don't you? That you can't ban me for that, right?