Proof of the existence of God

They didn't just get less bright you silly goat. They continually responded to my thoughts getting brighter and darker, darker and brighter. Not only that birds were chirping to each and every blink of my eyes. This clearly indicates that the universe is some sort of overmind.
No, this clearly indicates that you're delusional and should seek help.
The normal human mind is capable of hallucinations of this sort. Spellbound, why are you so quick to dismiss this overwhelmingly more logical explanation?
Yes, not all who worship Jesus are Christians. You have to believe that he is the son of god, he died for your sins, and rose on the third day, and if you accept him into your heart, you are saved and forgiven of sin. It's a pretty well defined set of beliefs.
It seems more like a self-serving justification to me. It is a psychological state of mind, a form of self hypnosis, which does indeed work for many at an emotional level. God is an object of meditation, the various religions are the disciplines (forms) of meditation.

There is nothing wrong with that, unless you reach a false state of "enlightenment", where the person begins to feel "special in the eyes of God", so special that God gives permission to wage wars "in His name" to convert other people to their "True religion", i.e.. Zealotry.

To assume that man's special abilities gives him a special status "in the eyes of God" is pure hubris, self induced vanity.
As I submitted before, there are other animals which possess much greater mental abilities than man, the extend of which is completely unknown. Are these animals less special in the eyes of god?

We have just recently discovered a mental asset of the "mirror neural network". Not just in humans, but also in the Rhesus monkey which have demonstrated self-awareness, a clear sign of cognitive ability.
In several experiments giving mirrors to rhesus monkeys they looked into the mirrors and groomed themselves as well as flexed various muscle groups. This behaviour indicates that they recognised and were aware of themselves

Is this ability restricted to just two species? IMO, presumptive hubris.

Dolphins have a brain equal to humans, and some remarkable abilities which far outstrip man's mental abilities. But because we have no way of probing their thought processes we assume that these abilities are just evolved specialized survival tools and they are not capable of abstract thought. Again, presumptive hubris.

Dolphins are water dwellers, man is a surface dweller. These are entirely different worlds and have no common associative references. But we know that dolphins communicate. What they communicate is beyond our ability to fathom. The same goes for whales. They navigate and communicate through sonar, something we can only do with sophisticated instruments.

Migrating birds, which are descendents from dinosaur, navigate by the earth's magnetic fields, something we can only do with sophisticated instruments.

The dinosaur ruled the earth for 165 million years. Were they special in the eyes of god? Apparently not, except for a few of the smaller species who adapted (evolved) to the post- cataclysmic conditions some 65 million years ago.

Thus, as atheist, my personal philosophy is that (in theist terms) all living things today are "special in the eyes of god" in one way or another, they survived the test of time and by extension must be favored in the eyes of god. I just call it Natural Selection, "luck of the draw".

But Theism has nothing to do with Science, by the simple fact that there are as many gods as there are theists, each god subjectively experienced by the believer. After 3000 years of study of the metaphysical aspects of the universe, there is no concensus of any kind, except some vague notion of a creative force, a sentient being which favors the believer.
IMO, presumptive hubris, a result of decision making in the direction of greatest satisfaction..

If God is a constant, why so many interpretations? Emotional Relativity? IOW, pure speculation without foundation other than that there was a beginning. But a beginning is not proof of a sentience. Presumptive hubris, IMHO.
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They didn't just get less bright you silly goat. They continually responded to my thoughts getting brighter and darker, darker and brighter. Not only that birds were chirping to each and every blink of my eyes. This clearly indicates that the universe is some sort of overmind.
Why are you in disagreement with it?

Please explain "overmind" and why it is different from non-sentient "universal physical laws of behavior"

Is the fractal function a sign of intelligent self-awareness or a mindless process of self duplication (iteration), which can spontaneously result in the most awe inspiring artistic expressions in nature?
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Is this thread ever going to go anywhere?

Nobody is going to start believing in magical sky fairies and people like Jan are consistently obnoxious with their circular logic, pathological avoidance of direct answers, and refusal to accept a lack of evidence to support their biases.

What actual purpose is this thread serving?
Evolution is a process designed to bring us all closer to God wheater we know it or not. Just like light moving backwards we all end up at the same point in the end of time which is also the beginning. Alpha and omega.
No, not joking, only noting there is great controversy among various divisions of Christian.

For example many think you can not be saved unless baptized (although some make exceptions for those good people who had no opportunity to be baptized. for example died before Christ was born, or lived in remote regions, where few have heard of Christ.) Likewise what constitutes "baptisms" is disputed. One large subdivision, thinks only it your whole body is submerged in water are you "baptized" so none of the other Christians who just have a few drops of water sprinkled on the head can be saved (enter the kingdom of heaven).

Another big division is about the need for and capabilities of one person, called the Pope, and whether or not you can be forgiven for sins with out going to confessional his subordinates staff to have them "absolved."

Some believe it an obligation to give 10% of your income to their church.

Some believe abortion is a sin, others only if it "late term"

More division as to what is fundamental to Christianity and necessary for "salvation" exist.

Is the bread and wine transformed or only symbolic of the blood and body of Christ?

SUMMARY: Christianity is far from one set of ESSENTIAL beliefs - not universal as you assert.

I'm not talking about beliefs, I'm talking about God.
The title of the thread is ''Proof of the existence of God'', not belief.
Do try and keep up. ;)

Yes, not all who worship Jesus are Christians. You have to believe that he is the son of god, he died for your sins, and rose on the third day, and if you accept him into your heart, you are saved and forgiven of sin. It's a pretty well defined set of beliefs.

Read my above response.

Is this thread ever going to go anywhere?

Nobody is going to start believing in magical sky fairies and people like Jan are consistently obnoxious with their circular logic, pathological avoidance of direct answers, and refusal to accept a lack of evidence to support their biases.

What actual purpose is this thread serving?

This thread is doing nicely. We just need more time to irradicate the brainwashing regarding who and what God is, from the die hard explicit atheists (much like yourself).

I know it pains you to have to talk about God, outside of your world view, but trust me, you don't get converted, to believing in God, because you talk honestly about it. Wilful ignorance is a real and powerful state of mind, and you seem to be very adept in utilising it, along with some of your chums.

Do you accept that God (not gods), is defined as the original cause/creator, regardless of belief status?

... What actual purpose is this thread serving?
It allows Jan to assert , but not prove, god is the creator of the universe - God not being otherwise defined.
It allows me and many others to state there is no content to his statement, except his faith / believe it is true. No evidence and it is a violation of known physics.
The basic premise of physic is that ALL physical events have physical causes - "Miracles," by definition, violate this premise.
Please explain "overmind" and why it is different from non-sentient "universal physical laws of behavior"

Information exists otherwise mind could not exist. The relationship between our brains (a self-operating computer) and reality is recursive, otherwise reality could not generate a self-aware brain. Our individual minds exist at a point in spacetime and can influence reality when "entangled" with it. Hence reality is mind (computer, specifically quantum). Hence the universe is a mind (quantum computer). And just as our life flashes before our eyes before we die, the information within our brains and hearts doesn't just go "bye bye" due to the fact that we are determined to exist forever. How can it? It is reality.
In Decoding Reality, Vedral argues that we should regard the entire universe as a gigantic quantum computer. Wacky as that may sound, it is backed up by hard science. The laws of physics show that it is not only possible for electrons to store and flip bits: it is mandatory. For more than a decade, quantum-information scientists have been working to determine just how the universe processes information at the most microscopic scale.
It allows Jan to assert , but not prove, god is the creator of the universe - God not being otherwise defined.
It allows me and many others to state there is no content to his statement, except his faith / believe it is true. No evidence and it is a violation of known physics.
The basic premise of physic is that ALL physical events have physical causes - "Miracles," by definition, violate this premise.

I'm not talking about beliefs, I'm talking about God.
The title of the thread is ''Proof of the existence of God'', not belief.
Do try and keep up. ;)

Then you are being wilfully ignorant.

You are being arrogant in thinking that other cultures' version of god don't count. It's a version of the no true scotsman fallacy. You are saying that if they consider their king or emperor to be god, that isn't also a conception of god.