Proof of Heaven

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You no need to be scared.
You can jump from 10 storeys heights and believe that you are not going to die. ;)
This thread has degenerated to just flaming.
When it comes to internet trolling, believers are just as eager as anyone else to get down and roll around in the mud.
It's like we're all one big happy family!

You can not escape archetype.
We're not seeing much in the way of Proof of Heaven in this thread, that's for sure.
Mark 16:18 says, "They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them."

Snake-Handling Pentecostal Pastor Dies From Snake Bite

Controversial South African preacher makes his flock drink PETROL

Sory to contradict you... but as a Christan myself... ive handled lots of posin an eaten snake many times wit no ill effect... an if that ant proof of heaven what is.!!!


Keep in mind that im not Religious... im a spiritualist... nuff said.!!!
Sory to contradict you... but as a Christan myself... ive handled lots of posin an eaten snake many times wit no ill effect... an if that ant proof of heaven what is.!!!


Keep in mind that im not Religious... im a spiritualist... nuff said.!!!

That's cause you bit the snake. If the (venomous) snake bites you and you suffer no ill effect, that's something interesting.
That's cause you bit the snake. If the (venomous) snake bites you and you suffer no ill effect, that's something interesting.
I make this joke all the time. In some states, I've seen warnings at rest stops about poisonous snakes, which is why I never eat any that I find there.
Do you really understand what the scriptures say?
So please enlighten us.
What does this scripture say?
Is it written in code such that it means something other than the words imply.
Do you substitute " serpent" for evil.
Is "deadly thing" a substitute for sin.
Is " it shall not hurt them" a substitute for "and they can fornicate in the bushes"...
Confusing if God is not on your side that's for sure but let me ask this..why on Earth don't they say what they mean and write it so it is clearly understood.
Is this the way believers do things... Hide truths in mystery and hide it from the Roman soldiers...
Why I would like to know why you can't be up front and say what you mean.
I guess the advantage is you can make the scripture say anything you want to make up.
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