Proof of God

You have given me such elation, Miles! Oh my. Like this little child or pet begging for attention at the top the lungs.:eek:

Half your post I ignore and the rest I skim and everytime your BEGGING for my attention. I think you REALLY DO HAVE a mental problem. And I really shouldn't be laughing at you but it's just so...poetic.

You have to smile and go, "I guess he just doesn't know any better.":shrug:

You are not able to provide a straight answer to any question you aew asked, That must be apparent to anyone who reads what you post. And you think I have a mental problem, from which I gather that you are a qualified analyst as well as a bible expert. And then we have chaos in the sun and QM. Is there no end to your erudition ?

In my opinion you are full of wind and piss like the barber's cat, You are hollow and have noithing to offer other than vague statements dressed in obscure language. As the man said, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.

My impression of you is that you have the confidence of the ignorant; all things are simple when one understands nothing. You make confident assertions but are woefully short on evidence to support anything you say.

You may shrug and scoff and do anything other than answer a question but that only goes to show that you have nothing to offer.

As it says in the good, ha,ha ,book, first cast out the mote in thine own eye; or does that not appear in your private version of the Bible, which you still refuse to name ? Alternatively , you may regard yourself as perfect. You probably do, but I shall not extend my analysis.
I havent's offered you any answers.
WHY would I indulge your Obsessive Complsiveness?
What LOGICAL reason could you offer to even speak you?

You view is very interesting to me.

However, I cannot accept the Bible as evidence of God. It is a record of man's history, man's belief, and man's supposed experiences with God. It is in part archeological, but other part mythological. If anything, it is proof that man wants or has wanted spirituality.

For it to be accepted as proof of God, you must prove that God wrote it, or that Jesus was God in the flesh. But, both of those are difficult because you have to define and prove God first, so that you can prove the Bible is proof of God.

God must be proven before you can prove anything is the work of God. That is hard to do without the test subject present.

I cannot prove apples grow on trees without an apple.

However in the absence of any "hard evidence" the "anecdoctal evidence" such as the Bible stands uncontested. Now this does not bode well for the Xenu side of things. However one most note that there is much more "anecdoctal evidence" of God than there is of Xenu.

The problem with his whole argument is that both sides (Theists and Atheists) are both arguing out of faith. They both have firmly pitched their tents on their side of the belief and are nigh intractable. And for those of you who claim Atheism is not a belief, well untill you can define and disprove God then you assertion is no more scientific than Theism.
Oh that's easy..."STFU"
Any time you tell someone to shut up it's poor diplomacy.
I suggest you take that in the polite context it was given. Anyone can take stuff out of context to paint whatever picture they want.

Then why avoid the compromise...
No compromise has been offered.

Not to mention I've already told you, No. And I'm more than willing to go 12 rounds with you.
So why are you still here if you're not willing to provide the evidence to support your claims?

I do find it fascinating to ponder your true objectives and the apparent lack of logic you show in continueing the discussion.
To see what evidence you have is my true objective in continuing to ask you for that evidence. Secondary is to highlight your woeful ability to debate or provide valid arguments for your claims. When you finally realise the hollowness of claims made without evidence / support, and refrain from making them, then I will stop asking you for that evidence.
I havent's offered you any answers.
WHY would I indulge your Obsessive Complsiveness?
What LOGICAL reason could you offer to even speak you?

Well, that's one thing you got right; you just forgot to mention that you haven't offered anybody any answers. I know it's just a detail but it may be worth mentioning for the record. The fact that you wrote LOGICAL shows how important the word is to you. It's a pity you cannot use logic in your arguments as opposed to talking about it. Still. I suppose you impress those who lack the wit to question you.

It seems to me that your problem is a basic lack of intelligence. You talk about having done research to arrive at the truth of the Bible. You mention order, chaos and QM and would have us believe you understand such stuff. wheras all you have done, and it's blindingly obvious, is to pick up a few bit and pieces which you think you understand.You could be classified as a " Seeker of Definitions".

I can imagine the breadth and depth of your research when I remember that you did not know what pi is , nor its value, which is known to any twelve-year old school kid. But, knowing you, you have no time to bother with such trifles, when you have the mysteries of of QM to wrestle with.
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However in the absence of any "hard evidence" the "anecdoctal evidence" such as the Bible stands uncontested. Now this does not bode well for the Xenu side of things. However one most note that there is much more "anecdoctal evidence" of God than there is of Xenu.

The problem with his whole argument is that both sides (Theists and Atheists) are both arguing out of faith. They both have firmly pitched their tents on their side of the belief and are nigh intractable. And for those of you who claim Atheism is not a belief, well untill you can define and disprove God then you assertion is no more scientific than Theism.

When you find a formula or some method of proving that unicorns do not exist. I will use that method to disprove god's existence. So, provide the methodology and I will follow the trail you blaze !
BMI of the Gods

So what have you got against Venus and Aphrodite, for example ?

As with Sumerian ancestor Inanna God, with Phoenician ancestor Astarte God, and with Etruscan ancestor Turan God, the BMI of Roman ancestor Venus God and the BMI of Greek ancestor Aphrodite God have been hovering a bit too high lately, for me. Other than that, nothing Myles God.

Why do you ask?

However in the absence of any "hard evidence" the "anecdoctal evidence" such as the Bible stands uncontested. Now this does not bode well for the Xenu side of things. However one most note that there is much more "anecdoctal evidence" of God than there is of Xenu.
So in the absence of any evidence do you think we should lean towards the most popular mythology? The truth is not a popularity contest.

The problem with his whole argument is that both sides (Theists and Atheists) are both arguing out of faith. They both have firmly pitched their tents on their side of the belief and are nigh intractable. And for those of you who claim Atheism is not a belief, well untill you can define and disprove God then you assertion is no more scientific than Theism.
Atheism is as much a belief as you not thinking that there are elephants with red stripes in Antarctica .. is a belief. Is that a belief/assertion?

Bear in mind that atheism is not necessarily the claim that god/gods don't exist. It is merely not believing in any god/gods. No faith required there.
As with Sumerian ancestor Inanna God, with Phoenician ancestor Astarte God, and with Etruscan ancestor Turan God, the BMI of Roman ancestor Venus God and the BMI of Greek ancestor Aphrodite God have been hovering a bit too high lately, for me. Other than that, nothing Myles God.

Why do you ask?


Because your god seems to be a misogonist.
I suggest you take that in the polite context it was given. Anyone can take stuff out of context to paint whatever picture they want.

Suggestion denied. Make a better effort.

No compromise has been offered.

Of course if you didn't quote it didn't exist...(wait that's definitely a fallacy)

So why are you still here if you're not willing to provide the evidence to support your claims?

I can tell you I'm not here for you, Sarkus...

To see what evidence you have is my true objective in continuing to ask you for that evidence. Secondary is to highlight your woeful ability to debate or provide valid arguments for your claims. When you finally realise the hollowness of claims made without evidence / support, and refrain from making them, then I will stop asking you for that evidence.
And yet you reject the compromise...seems contradictory.
But I've noticed that you're good at that.
Well, that's one thing you got right; you just forgot to mention that you haven't offered anybody any answers. I know it's just a detail but it may be worth mentioning for the record. The fact that you wrote LOGICAL shows how important the word is to you. It's a pity you cannot use logic in your arguments as opposed to talking about it. Still. I suppose you impress those who lack the wit to question you.

It seems to me that your problem is a basic lack of intelligence. You talk about having done research to arrive at the truth of the Bible. You mention order, chaos and QM and would have us believe you understand such stuff. wheras all you have done, and it's blindingly obvious, is to pick up a few bit and pieces which you think you understand.You could be classified as a " Seeker of Definitions".

I can imagine the breadth and depth of your research when I remember that you did not know what pi is , nor its value, which is known to any twelve-year old school kid. But, knowing you, you have no time to bother with such trifles, when you have the mysteries of of QM to wrestle with.

uh huh.
Why would i take the perception of reality from my own patient?
God does truly exist for dyslexics and comes in all kinds of different shapes and colors as poodles, shepherds, chihuahuas, collies, etc..
Suggestion denied.
Of course if you didn't quote it didn't exist...
I've asked you repeatedly to highlight the supposed compromise, yet you seem incapable of even this?
And yet you reject the compromise...
So you keep claiming - and still you refuse to provide the evidence. :wallbang:
...seems contradictory.
But I've noticed that you're good at that.
Looks like you have nothing better to say.

Wake me up if you ever do - although I anticipate a long sleep from your inanity.
I've asked you repeatedly to highlight the supposed compromise, yet you seem incapable of even this?

I've instructed you to either look for the answers on this forum or narrow your questioning.

So you keep claiming - and still you refuse to provide the evidence. :wallbang:

Shrug? Are you dense? Is no an answer you don't understand?

Looks like you have nothing better to say.

Wake me up if you ever do - although I anticipate a long sleep from your inanity.

No, My Dear Sarkus, what it looks like is that you've nothing better to do with your time. That's what it looks like.
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I've instructed you to either look for the answers on this forum or narrow your questioning.
Instructed?? And that's a compromise???:confused:

Shrug? Are you dense? Is no an answer you don't understand?
I'm now merely reiterating the question to highlight the deficiency in your argument. Is it getting through yet?
Hence :wallbang:

No, My Dear Sarkus, what it looks like is that you've nothing better to do with your time. That's what it looks like.
Next time take a little more time with the response.
15 minutes for that is ridiculous...

so I'm glad you've embraced your may not be a step forward...but it is the predictable outcome.
uh huh.
Why would i take the perception of reality from my own patient?

Physician heal thyself ! You are about the most superficial person I have met on here. At least Adstar is honest about his beliefs and sticks to his guns. I can respect that.You seem to me to lack the moral courage to declare yourself.

So, now you are not on here for Sarkus. Well, you certainly fooled me. That suggests you are here to look for dimwits who will take your BS seriously.

As for your " perception" of reality, is a fine sounding but, in your case, hollow phrase. Why not take the advice of a wise old Greek: "Know thyself. " That shouldn't take very long.

Insted of spending your time insulting others like a cranky kid, why not get down to studying maths. for beginners. In a couple of years you may get to understand pi, something you will need for your research.

A man called Niels Bohr said: " Anyone who is not shocked by quantum theory has not understood it." You, however, have taken it in your stride. How simple everything is to those who don't understand what they are talking about.

In every pub or bar you will find an " expert" who will confidently explain how to solve the world's problems, in a few sentences. Join them and you will be in good company.
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I've finally seen why you've been chaing, and stalking, and humping my leg...surely I do! What a REVELATION!!!

I've finally seen why you've been chaing, and stalking, and humping my leg...surely I do! What a REVELATION!!!


You must learn not to jump to conclusions. I know you are incurable.
Next time take a little more time with the response.
15 minutes for that is ridiculous...
Some of us have work to be getting on with. One can only take so much time out to laugh at uninhibited displays of ignorance and drivel spouting from your keyboard.