Proof God Exists

There are drugs which can surpress your twitching.

You're using voice recognition software because you twitch too badly to type?
This has to be a troll trying to make theists look stupid. I mean seriously... :bugeye:
( i really wouldn't consider him a troll, as he is not trying to force his opinion on others..)

but yes..and this one doesn't help;

Originally Posted by Knowledge91
I believe in this.
Squirrel, do you believe in God or no?

Obviously he does. It's just that he, like many other theists here, consider your arguments and the quality of your personal testimony to be something of an embarrassment to representations of theism in general. The funny thing is that Dewy was making you look good (his arguments being even more arbitrary, subjective and devoid of rationality than yours) until you threw in with him.
I don't think it matters if you are left handed or right handed. As for your genitals, I will adopt a strict don't ask don't tell policy!

What if I have an itchy ringpiece? Humans being symmetrical and all, ... is an itchy asshole morally neutral too?
I have a way for people to discern if there is a God or not. blah blah blah I believe they can prove God's existence to you as well as his will towards you. Good luck!

I have a MUCH better proof:
last night I ate a cheese sandwich, despite that this morning I saw a cat!

Beat THAT for solid incontrovertible proof. :rolleyes:
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Obviously he does. It's just that he, like many other theists here, consider your arguments and the quality of your personal testimony to be something of an embarrassment to representations of theism in general. The funny thing is that Dewy was making you look good (his arguments being even more arbitrary, subjective and devoid of rationality than yours) until you threw in with him.

If Dewy can't put forth the faith I do, then he is in the same boat as you, sir.
If Dewy can't put forth the faith I do, then he is in the same boat as you, sir.

If you can't put forth a well-reasoned, thoughtful and intelligent argument to support your contentions, then you are indeed in the same boat as Dewy.

Of course, God speaks primarily to the human heart and mind. That is where the real proof is.

How do you know that it's an external God speaking to you, rather than just a delusion produced by your own mind?

The body signals, I believe, supplement that primary witness...

What's the point? If God is already speaking directly to your heart and mind, why does he need to use twitches as well? Don't you find the twitches annoying? Especially the evil twitches?

How do you know that these twitches come from God?

1. They are consistent with the internal witness that God bears in my heart.
2. They match my thoughts with remarkable consistency over time.
3. Who else knows all my thoughts?

If your "internal witness" is a self-generated delusion, then there's little surprise that you find your twitches to be consistent with the rest.

I assume that you know all your thoughts, most of the time.
So an insect bite that causes irritation is a message from a proposed theory that a deity made everything can control everything and subtly interferes with its creation.

I wonder what the common cold is supposed to signify?
What if I've got measles, or shingles or Eczema. What if I have Muscle Spasms And Tourettes.
You people are so funny, Nutjobs abound. Baldric, is this your cunning plan.
What if I've got measles, or shingles or Eczema. What if I have Muscle Spasms And Tourettes.
fallacy of
Ad hoc reasoning
Introducing new elements into an argument solely to explain away inconvenient points.
You people are so funny, Nutjobs abound. Baldric, is this your cunning plan.
fallacy of
Argument from personal incredulity
Appeal to ridicule
An argument in which ridicule or mockery is substituted for evidence.

from here

just because you find it difficult to believe, does not mean it can't be true.
the best arguments against his reasoning (twitches are a conduit to ones thoughts) is that there has been no testing..

Dewy, it would be more beneficial to your point to find some links that associates twitching with thoughts..i just did a cursory look, and found vague references to being able to read a person by his twitching,i can vaguely recall reading something about it..maybe it was in L Ron Hubbards Dianetics..

How do you know that it's an external God speaking to you, rather than just a delusion produced by your own mind?

What's the point? If God is already speaking directly to your heart and mind, why does he need to use twitches as well? Don't you find the twitches annoying? Especially the evil twitches?

If your "internal witness" is a self-generated delusion, then there's little surprise that you find your twitches to be consistent with the rest.

I assume that you know all your thoughts, most of the time.

I have thought that very thing, about the delusioned mind, but I can reason with the voices, have a conversation. I hear things I have never known before. The voice always tells me have faith, stop trying to figure the "voice" out, have faith. I was weary of this at first, what if this a grand delusion, and the voice tells me to harm people? Well, I ended up giving into it, and the voice is very helpful. About the twitches, maybe, its God telling you give in to the voices, even if they aren't God they are still there. If they aren't evil, but helpful then why would you not listen to them?

If you can clear you concious you will hear these voices more clear in greater detail.