Proof God Exists

on a different note..

eye have read somewhere that if one is sensitive enough one could 'read' the thoughts of another by holding his hand and interpreting the twitches in the hand.

not claiming this is true or not.

IF there is validity to muscle twitches being a conduit to ones thoughts, it would fall to science to test those claims.(IOW it would be a natural occurrence,not a Godly one)

also not saying if God directed your attention to this phenomenon, which is to say God is not responsible for the phenomenon, but for the act of directing your attention to it.

I would love for science to test these claims. I'm sure it would be eye-opening and a major discovery.
Originally Posted by NMSquirrel
on a different note..

eye have read som
I would love for science to test these claims. I'm sure it would be eye-opening and a major discovery.

why did you change my word?
you made me think i did that..had to go back and check it.
Dewy, what if I'm left handed,.... do I reverse the left/right good/evil thing?

What if I am ambidextrous?

What, if first thing in the morning, both balls itch? Is that morally neutral?
Dewy, what if I'm left handed,.... do I reverse the left/right good/evil thing?

What if I am ambidextrous?

What, if first thing in the morning, both balls itch? Is that morally neutral?

I don't think it matters if you are left handed or right handed. As for your genitals, I will adopt a strict don't ask don't tell policy!
I have a way for people to discern if there is a God or not. It involves watching your bodily itches and muscular twitches. I believe that these signals are from God and will prove that he exists.

Your subject line reads "Proof God Exists". But you immediately start talking about your own beliefs. That's not a promising start.

If you don't believe me, just watch your body signals (as I call them) and try to interpret them.

Some of the basic body signals are listed below:

Right side of the body symbolizes Good
Left side of the body symbolizes Evil

I'm left-handed, so I don't think that we are going to get off on the right foot. (So to speak.)

Legs symbolize Thoughts
Arms and shoulder blades symbolize Actions

They do? Why?

So, if my right leg itches, this means I just thought a good thought.
If my left leg itches, this means I just thought an evil thought.

If my right arm itches, this means I'm doing a good action.
If my left arm itches, this means I'm doing an evil action.

Muscular twitches work just like itches.

Can't people attend to their thoughts and actions a lot more directly than that?

If you don't believe me, just try to watch your body signals and interpret them. They are from God and will prove to you that he exists.

No, I don't believe you. The fanciful meanings that you say that you attribute to your body's iches and twitches don't seem the least bit credible, informative or even interesting from my (admittedly left-handed) perspective.

And you haven't even begun yet to explain how the decidedly strange symbolism that you attach to your body's feelings has anything to do with God's existence.

This thread's subject line promises "proof" that God exists. Unfortunately, all you've provided so far is testimony of your own rather bizarre belief that your body is receiving messages from God.

You aren't going to convert anyone else here (you have no chance with me, since I'm left-handed, Satan's spawn and proud of it) unless you can find some way to convince them that your beliefs are actually true. That's the ambitious task that you need to address.
Your subject line reads "Proof God Exists". But you immediately start talking about your own beliefs. That's not a promising start.

I'm left-handed, so I don't think that we are going to get off on the right foot. (So to speak.)

They do? Why?

Can't people attend to their thoughts and actions a lot more directly than that?

No, I don't believe you. The fanciful meanings that you say that you attribute to your body's iches and twitches don't seem the least bit credible, informative or even interesting from my (admittedly left-handed) perspective.

And you haven't even begun yet to explain how the decidedly strange symbolism that you attach to your body's feelings has anything to do with God's existence.

This thread's subject line promises "proof" that God exists. Unfortunately, all you've provided so far is testimony of your own rather bizarre belief that your body is receiving messages from God.

You aren't going to convert anyone else here (you have no chance with me, since I'm left-handed, Satan's spawn and proud of it) unless you can find some way to convince them that your beliefs are actually true. That's the ambitious task that you need to address.

Left-handed has nothing to do with it. As for convincing people, I believe God will do that without my help. I didn't believe that the signals were anything special or meaningful at first when I noticed them, but over the years after watching them very carefully, God has convinced me of their meanings. It's not something you can learn in a day. Give it time. Apply all the tests you can think of, and be patient. Proof will come, not all at once and probably not to your satisfaction at first. But it will come if you persevere.
Hard to believe, isn't it? I didn't at first either.

I was directing my comment towards the length at which theist will take to convince themselves of their own God. Your explaination takes the cake.....congrats :cheers:
OK, I think I am done now with this thread. I have said what I wanted to say. So long, and take care… And watch those body signals. Goodbye.
I sincerely hope you're not being serious in this discussion... for your own sake.

I hope you are not seriously discounting this, as a God fearing man, or woman, you should understand that anything is possible until proven impossible.
OK, I think I am done now with this thread. I have said what I wanted to say. So long, and take care… And watch those body signals. Goodbye.

I believe in this. Stay on your path and watch and listen for your signs, and ques.
I have a way for people to discern if there is a God or not. It involves watching your bodily itches and muscular twitches. I believe that these signals are from God and will prove that he exists. If you don't believe me, just watch your body signals (as I call them) and try to interpret them.

Some of the basic body signals are listed below:

Right side of the body symbolizes Good
Left side of the body symbolizes Evil

Legs symbolize Thoughts
Arms and shoulder blades symbolize Actions

So, if my right leg itches, this means I just thought a good thought.
If my left leg itches, this means I just thought an evil thought.

If my right arm itches, this means I'm doing a good action.
If my left arm itches, this means I'm doing an evil action.

Muscular twitches work just like itches.

If you don't believe me, just try to watch your body signals and interpret them. They are from God and will prove to you that he exists.

There are many body signals, but these are some of the basic ones. I believe they can prove God's existence to you as well as his will towards you. Good luck!

This gives a whole new aspect to the meaning of "spasmodic."
OK, I think I am done now with this thread. I have said what I wanted to say. So long, and take care… And watch those body signals. Goodbye.

This delusion is the result of selective attention. If these twitches correspond to your pre-determined beliefs, then those beliefs will be reinforced. When they don't correspond to your belief, that data will be ignored. It's the same sort of thing that generates superstitious beliefs in sports figures.
lmao.......hahahahahaha......rofl............You're killing me. Why do these threads keep comin' stop it already.