Proof for ETI: Part 2

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Most of us, including myself, only know of one famous UFO crash incident; Roswell 1947 which effectively introduced the UFO phenomena to the general populace. However, what we don't know, is there has been an alleged UFO crash 6 years earlier in Missouri 1941, where a sizable group of witnesses, witnessed a crash landed UFO and it's dead occupants/aliens.

This case came into light when grand daughter, Charlette Mann, relayed the death-bed confession of Reverend William Huffman, who claimed to have been summoned by the sheriff to pray over the fatalities of what was initially thought to be a plane crash.

This was Charlette's testimony:

"I saw the picture originally from my dad who had gotten it from my grandfather who was a Baptist minister in Cape Girardeau Missouri in the Spring of ‘41. I saw that [picture] and asked my grandmother at a later time she was at my home fatally ill with cancer so we had a frank discussion. She said that grandfather was called out in the spring of 1941 in the evening around 9:00-9:30, that someone had been called out to a plane crash outside of town and would he be willing to go to minister to people there which he did." "Upon arrival it was a very different situation. It was not a conventional aircraft, as we know it. He described it as a saucer that was metallic in color, no seams, did not look like anything he had seen. It had been broken open in one portion, and so he could walk up and see that. In looking in he saw a small metal chair, gauges and dials and things he had never seen. However, what impressed him most was around the inside there were inscriptions and writings, which he said he did not recognize, but were similar to Egyptian hieroglyphics."

"There were 3 entities, or non-human people, lying on the ground. Two were just outside the saucer, and a third one was further out. His understanding was that perhaps that third one was not dead on impact. There had been mention of a ball of fire, yet there was fire around the crash site, but none of the entities had been burned and so father did pray over them, giving them last rites. There were many people there, fire people, photographers, and so they lifted up one, and two men on either side stood him up and they stretched his arms out, they had him up under the armpits and out here. As I recall from the picture I saw, he was about 4 feet tall, appeared to have no bone structure, soft looking. He had a suit on, or we assume it was a suit, it could have been his skin, and what looked like crinkled, soft aluminum foil. I recall it had very long hands, very long fingers, and I think there were three but I cannot swear to that.”

There were also other witnesses who corroborated her testimony. Charlette's own sister, who even went as far as having her testimony recorded in a notarized sworn affidavit. The brother of the Cape Girardeau County sheriff in 1941, Clarance R. Schade, whose account was not detailed, but he clearly recalled hearing of the crash of a space ship and little people. As well as records of the fire department, confirming a crash in 1941, and the military swearing the fire department members to secrecy.
No one has made any monetary gain from this story, nor aquired fame.

Note, the description of aliens, and hieroglyphics, the aluminium foil like metal is identical to the Roswell incident, 6 years later.

The rest I leave for you to consider.
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Someone questioned earlier, if such strange phenoema is so widespread, then why don't we hear about it today? Although I believe that has already been sufficiently answered. This case will really drive the point home.
In Feburary 1942 at night time(early morning hours to be precise) when Los Angeles was peacefully asleep, suddenly they were thrown out of their beds, when air raid sirens started to scream and the city blacked out -followed by the non stop explosions of artillery fire. People, peered out of their windows, and shot outside of their doors, to witness the skies ablaze with explosions, powerful spot lights from all directions converging on the most amazing sight of their lives; a massive, almost "independence day" proportions, orange glowing flying object spanning several miles hovering in the sky.


Fighter planes were scrambling to engage it, directly firing it. Aircraft batteries were flying volley after volley at it. Hundreds of thousands of witnesses, saw this spectacular show for more than half an hour. Yet the object remained still, completely unaffacted, despite taking a toll of direct hits. Wlowly started to move, and slowly glided over Long Beach and disappeared.

One witness, a volunteer Air Raid Warden, describes this amazing event:

"It was huge! It was just enormous! And it was practically right over my house. I had never seen anything like it in my life!" she said. "It was just hovering there in the sky and hardly moving at all."
"It was a lovely pale orange and about the most beautiful thing you've ever seen. I could see it perfectly because it was very close. It was big!"
"They sent fighter planes up and I watched them in groups approach it and then turn away. There were shooting at it but it didn't seem to matter."
"It was like the Fourth of July but much louder. They were firing like crazy but they couldn't touch it."
"I'll never forget what a magnificent sight it was. Just marvelous. And what a gorgeous color!",

Newspapers went crazy with the story:


Here is some excerpts from newspapers of the event:

Army Says Alarm Real Roaring Guns Mark Blackout
By Marvin Miles

Identity of Aircraft Veiled in Mystery; No Bombs Dropped and No Enemy Craft Hit; Civilians Reports Seeing Planes and Balloon
Overshadowing a nation-wide maelstrom of rumors and conflicting reports, the Army's Western Defense Command insisted that Los Angeles' early morning blackout and anti-aircraft action were the result of unidentified aircraft sighted over the beach area. In two official statements, issued while Secretary of the Navy Knox in Washington was attributing the activity to a false alarm and "jittery nerves," the command in San Francisco confirmed and reconfirmed the presence over the Southland of unidentified planes. Relayed by the Southern California sector office in Pasadena, the second statement read: "The aircraft which caused the blackout in the Los Angeles area for several hours this a.m. have not been identified." Insistence from official quarters that the alarm was real came as hundreds of thousands of citizens who heard and saw the activity spread countless varying stories of the episode. The spectacular anti-aircraft barrage came after the 14th Interceptor Command ordered the blackout when strange craft were reported over the coastline. Powerful searchlights from countless stations stabbed the sky with brilliant probing fingers while anti-aircraft batteries dotted the heavens with beautiful, if sinister, orange bursts of shrapnel.
City Blacked Out For Hours

The city was blacked out from 2:25 to 7:21 am after an earlier yellow alert at 7:18 pm was called off at 10:23 pm. The blackout was in effect from here to the Mexican border and inland to the San Joaquin Valley. No bombs were dropped and no airplanes shot down and, miraculously in terms of the tons of missiles hurled aloft, only two persons were reported wounded by falling shell fragments. Countless thousands of Southland residents, many of whom were late to work because of the traffic tie-up during the blackout, rubbed their eyes sleepily yesterday and agreed that regardless of the question of how "real" the air raid alarm may have been, it was "a great show" and "well worth losing a few hours' sleep." The blackout was not without its casualties, however. A State Guardsman died of a heart attack while driving an ammunition truck, heart failure also accounted for the death of an air raid warden on duty, a woman was killed in a car-truck collision in Arcadia, and a Long Beach policeman was killed in a traffic crash enroute to duty. Much of the firing appeared to come from the vicinity of aircraft plants along the coastal area of Santa Monica, Inglewood, Southwest Los Angeles, and Long Beach.

What a momentous, incredible and historical event, seen by hundreds of thousands, and yet somehow it's managed to slip of the radar of our history. This event happend as it's been described, yet we don't hear about it today. Didn't I say, it will drive the point home ;)

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I would just like to say a word of thanks to crazymikey for his thorough and honest research and informative posts on the UFO subject. Like you, I have done a lot of research into this field as well. I have definitely reached the same conclusion as you, quite some time ago actually. Furthermore, I think any sensible investigator who actually takes time to look at the evidence and testimony will only reach the same one.

Unfortunately, the response is always predictable. Even if the debunkers are presented with irrefutable evidence, they will still attempt to trash your reputation and proclaim that there is no evidence because they have not willed it to be so.

Eventually, the world will have no choice but to accept our situation. We are not alone in the universe and may in fact be only a small part of it. Just because some are not ready to accept that does not make it any less so.

Like the earth shattering ideas of the middle ages, those who's conclusions would lead to a radical reinterpretation of the universe and even life itself are always initially met with opposition, labeled insane, persecuted, et al. This is no different. Back then, in the face of overwhelming evidence, we eventually had to succumb to science and acknowledge that earth was not the center of the universe. But it took centuries. Similarly, it will take a long time for us to acknowledge that humans might not be the center of universal life. But that day will come.

Thanks for fighting the fight. Hang in there. There is hope. :)
coolmacguy said:
Eventually, the world will have no choice but to accept our situation. We are not alone in the universe and may in fact be only a small part of it. Just because some are not ready to accept that does not make it any less so.

I have accepted that. Most people have accepted that.

What is in refute is the fact that Aliens are here abducting our citizens and raping cows...
Nebuchadnezzaar said:
What is in refute is the fact that Aliens are here abducting our citizens and raping cows...

Propose a better explanation then.

And it better not be "they're all crazy," because that's BS.

Many of these people are most definitely not crazy and are in fact highly respected. They have just had strange experiences.

And besides, even if they were all crazy, millions of people wouldn't be having the exact same delusion. That assertion would be even more absurd.
Most of these people are definately not crazy. They just misinterpret what they see.

If a light was seen in the sky hundreds of years ago it was an angel/demon/willowisp. Todays pop culture influences our thinking to assume it could be alien life forms in a saucer.

Remember it is part of human nature to want(sometimes need) to believe in more than the day to day life, whether it is religion or the paranormal.

From the 'millions' of people who have these experiences why do we still only have testimonial evidence? Surely with all these encounters we would have something better? (please do not say crop circles) If the evidence is good enough you will silence the skeptics.

In the last century cameras and video became affordable to a lot of people. With all the testimonials of encounters and the number of people who have them the only footage we seem to be able to get is a shaky recording of a light in the sky miles away.

I would love to believe, i just can't.
crazymikey said:

People, peered out of their windows, shot outside of their doors, to witness the skies ablaze with explosions, powerful spot lights from all directions converging on the most amazing sight of their lives. ...
Jets were scrambling to engage it, directly firing it.

'Jets' in 1942? I don't think so. The USA didn't build it's first jet until 1943, based on the jet engine design of Sir Frank Whittle, and the first prototype of that only flew in 1941, at RAF Cranwell in the UK (my father was later Station Warrant Officer for this air base.). The Only allied aircraft to fly using Jet propulsion was the Gloucester Meteor, in 1944.

What the apparition was, in 1942, was a flare, used to illuminate a ground target, as the night before, an oil field had been attacked, so obviously, another target had been selected.

A little research of history soon debunks all this stuff. Please verify your facts before posting if you want to maintain any level of credibility.
If a light was seen in the sky hundreds of years ago it was an angel/demon/willowisp. Todays pop culture influences our thinking to assume it could be alien life forms in a saucer.

Remember it is part of human nature to want(sometimes need) to believe in more than the day to day life, whether it is religion or the paranormal.

I ask you to read the following proofs again, as the points you have made, have been covered and explained already:

Famous Cases: Past
Visual Evidence: Past

Alien flying saucers are not the product of pop culture, you can find such references in early history. Also consider the possibility, that angels, demons, gods, may always have been ETI or UFO's, that we know today.

Why does this make sense? Since the dawn of man, we have been witnessing strange phenomena, for which we have no terrestrial explanation, and we have given all sorts of culture specific terminology for this phenomena. However, as we have progressed scientificially, we have been able to explain, in increasingly complex descriptions and methodologies, this UFO phenomena.

Early cultures could only rely on eye witness or pictographic accounts, which might I add are as valuable as any physical or scientific evidence.

Their descriptions: Flying glowing objects, saucers, spheres, or cigar shaped, zooming around in the skies, changing directions, lifting off, and landing, and even occupants of these flying objects and causing physical effects on people. Long before the discovery of flight and the advent of the modern UFO phenomena - or X files for that matter ;)

Later cultures had devised mathematical and scientific principles to estimate/calculate the altitude of the UFO, the dimensions of the UFO andthe velocity of the UFO:

In the 17th - 19th century, astronomers and scientists, could triangulate the velocities, the distances, and dimensions of these UFO's flying across our skies. Please recall Edmond Halley's estimate of the velocity of the UFO he sighted at Mach 14. That is faster than anything we are capable of today; 2004.

In the modern age, with the discovery of flight and Radar and other detecting techniques, we have even more vivid, precise, and even scientific explanations that allows the existence of space craft, space exploration, and ETI.

With the advent of flight in the modern age, we could take to the skies, and finally find out, once and for all, what these UFO's are. What happend? They played "tag" with out pilots; we chased them across the skies, and witnessed their sudden accelerations 50+G and gravity defying acrobatics. If that was not enough, our Radio controllers, were also detecting these craft on their radars, travelling beyond supersonic speeds. And If that was not enough; our pilots were experiencing intense EM effects in their vicinity.

Sum it up my friends, in every time period, despite how advanced our science became, we still had more or less the same description for these UFO's; the only difference is, we now can rationally explain UFO's, as it's now mathematically certain we are not alone in the universe, and the latest in theoretical science opens a window for interstellar travel. Please consult co-founder of String theory, Dr Mkaku.

In fact so many unexplained phenomena in our past, religion, miracles, virgin birth can be explained. Then, it was magic. Today, it's science and technology. How did Mary give birth to Jesus without any sexual relations? We have the answer right in front of us how it happened.

In the last century cameras and video became affordable to a lot of people. With all the testimonials of encounters and the number of people who have them the only footage we seem to be able to get is a shaky recording of a light in the sky miles away.

Yet there is a lot of photographic and video evidence, and shaky recording and low quality is to be expected from handheld camcorders, especially if it is on zoom. I'm not sure you are aware, but getting a clear, vivid picture or video, requires planning, correct light conditions, a just-right light sensitivity of the CCD chip or ASA of the film. As well as a good depth of field. However, the videos of UFO we get, are by opportunitists who have low-end camcorders at hand. Suddenly, when something unexpected happens - like an alien ship in the sky - can you blame, the shock, the excitement, the shaking of the camera, and the low quality, as they point into the sky and zoom in.

Also note the secondary possibility of EM and gravitational anamolies of these UFO - this is not far-fetched. As it is obvious these UFO's greatly modify gravity and inertial forces, which may impact the light enterting the lens, giving a blurred and distorted image.

I would love to believe, i just can't.

This is your choice, but don't blame me for not providing you enough evidence, I've provided you more than enough. You just don't want to believe.
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phlogistician said:
'Jets' in 1942? I don't think so. The USA didn't build it's first jet until 1943, based on the jet engine design of Sir Frank Whittle, and the first prototype of that only flew in 1941, at RAF Cranwell in the UK (my father was later Station Warrant Officer for this air base.). The Only allied aircraft to fly using Jet propulsion was the Gloucester Meteor, in 1944.

What the apparition was, in 1942, was a flare, used to illuminate a ground target, as the night before, an oil field had been attacked, so obviously, another target had been selected.

A little research of history soon debunks all this stuff. Please verify your facts before posting if you want to maintain any level of credibility.

Moot point, phlogistician.

I have used the word jet's to donate fighter planes. So I'm sorry to disappoint you, but you have not come an inch closer to "debunking this" I will edit my post to avoid further confusion.
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coolmacguy said:
I would just like to say a word of thanks to crazymikey for his thorough and honest research and informative posts on the UFO subject. Like you, I have done a lot of research into this field as well. I have definitely reached the same conclusion as you, quite some time ago actually. Furthermore, I think any sensible investigator who actually takes time to look at the evidence and testimony will only reach the same one.

Unfortunately, the response is always predictable. Even if the debunkers are presented with irrefutable evidence, they will still attempt to trash your reputation and proclaim that there is no evidence because they have not willed it to be so.

Eventually, the world will have no choice but to accept our situation. We are not alone in the universe and may in fact be only a small part of it. Just because some are not ready to accept that does not make it any less so.

Like the earth shattering ideas of the middle ages, those who's conclusions would lead to a radical reinterpretation of the universe and even life itself are always initially met with opposition, labeled insane, persecuted, et al. This is no different. Back then, in the face of overwhelming evidence, we eventually had to succumb to science and acknowledge that earth was not the center of the universe. But it took centuries. Similarly, it will take a long time for us to acknowledge that humans might not be the center of universal life. But that day will come.

Thanks for fighting the fight. Hang in there. There is hope. :)

Thank you for the vote of confidence Coolmac guy. I am glad, you have already investigated this and reached the correct conclusion. Perhaps you should also discuss some cases that have been the most compelling for you.

Yes, it's very sad, this irrationality and childishness one sees in UFO and ETI threads from these so called skeptics. However, I see it as a win-win situation here, I have soo much evidence and proof, that it's practically impossible for me to lose. You can see this, by how the skeptics are clearly struggling and resorting to logical fallacies or desperate nitpicking. I have even made them give in on several points.

Of course, this is not about Crazymikey's war with the skeptics. This is about supporting the truth all the way, and making sure, the truth prevails.

If anything, even the most adamant of Skeptics should now be more open to the possibility of ETI and UFO's, and be able to understand, why someone may want to believe in something that is supported by overwhelming evidence. The burden of proof actually lies with the Skeptics here.
crazymikey said:
Moot point, phlogistician.

I have used the word jet's to donate fighter planes. So I'm sorry to disappoint you, but you have not come an inch closer to "debunking this" I will edit my post to avoid further confusion.

Look, if you say 'jets' without thinking, how much else do you swallow and regurgitate without question?

Editing your post is pretty low, by the way. You made an idiot of yourself, but you should stand by what you wrote.

Like Roswell, this 'UFO' was just another balloon, except this one had a flare slung underneath it, rather than a Geiger counter.
PS, any thought of aliens is just a waste of time...

If they are here then there IS a conspiracy to cover it up and you're not part of it, so ner. AND that conspiracy involves forces so powerful that they can even allow lay people like you to post messages about their existence all over the place, and they still don't care. In short, if your right, there aint nothing you can do about except try to seek as much attention towards yourself so that when they decide to say, "We have landed, you can say I told you so." and everyone else won't care because they'll be too busy thinking about the aliens. Seriously what are you trying to prove? If you claim this is science, what can you prove, and what will it achieve? what is your purpose or goal in this matter? I see nothing logical or rational in it. just pure stupidity.
phlogistician said:
Look, if you say 'jets' without thinking, how much else do you swallow and regurgitate without question?

Editing your post is pretty low, by the way. You made an idiot of yourself, but you should stand by what you wrote.

Like Roswell, this 'UFO' was just another balloon, except this one had a flare slung underneath it, rather than a Geiger counter.

I made an idiot of myself, because I called figher planes "jets", and this is the best you can do to debunk me? Retire my friend. If anything, you have proven how desperate you are for points. It's funny actually.

We will cover Roswell later.
We will cover Roswell later.

Instead, do a search here on Roswell and you'll find that you'll merely be re-posting everything every other UFO nutter has posted on the topic.

And in fact, other nutters here have done a far better job at arguing ETI than you.

You're not even in their league. Give it up.
here is an alternative view on Roswell:

what if the Roswell crash was not an accident?

let me try to explain:

let's pretend we are Aliens, EBEs, or Greys for a moment. We are advanced life forms that can travel space (relatively we can travel a good amount of space physicaly)
now, lets say we come across earth and we decide we want to help this planet (or perhaps we were assigned a mission to come to earth for a particular reason) so what would most likely be our first course of action? STUDY, of course. we would study the planet and life forms which we are about to engage with.
If you consider Alien theory, you might be open to the idea that Aliens had alot to do with the genetic evolution of Mankind; and if this is so- it proposes that these Aliens would have a VERY GOOD knowledge of our physiology, and biology. Hence, they pretty much know how we work. We can skip alot of details here to stay in the Roswell scenario. We, being Greys, realize that Human Beings WILL NOT accept the fact of ETI (other Life Forms) Aliens. we see how Humans react, with fear and by shooting down those who speak of it. How can WE, the Aliens; safely communicate with the Humans of Earth- without causing total CHAOS within the planet earth??

we must figure out WHY humans will not accept us... what factors cause the human mind to shut out theories of Other Life Forms, Aliens, etc ?

CONTROL: we see that control plays a big part in the Human society. Humans feel threatened when they see or hear anything that isnt under their control. We see how Humans always try to gain control over others.

FEAR: we realize Humans become filled with FEAR of a Greater Power than themselves. They are AFRAID of the fact that they aren't the only Life here and they are even more SCARED to know that there is something Bigger than them (and their savior gov'ts)
[note: these fallacies of man have developed over thousands of years- once again suggesting that Aliens have been studying Humans for quite some time]

SO- how can we, the Aliens, safely communicate? We cannot simply land on our spaceship, walk out with our hands up. we'd probably be shot down by the military. (theyve done it before) so how? we could contact certain peoples in semi-private situations (theyve done that) but we learned that this route does not have much effect on the populace, because the testimonies are shot down as well as the people who speak them.


in other words: if a UFO 'Crash' was staged, then Humans would feel they are in CONTROL of the situation, because the Crashed 'UFO' is out of commission, its wrecked; and so the people feel a bit more in control of this wierd scenario.

Yes, this means some Aliens sacrificed themselves, They Knew they probably would not return home, and that there would be a good chance of them Dying. Sad, but if its true, I send my condolenses to the brave souls. they sacrificed their bodies in hopes of benefitting mankind, much like Jesus did.

just a little something to think about

we must figure out WHY humans will not accept us... what factors cause the human mind to shut out theories of Other Life Forms, Aliens, etc ?

This is not true. There are hordes of people who would embrace aliens and are more than happy to accept them. And, if the aliens are so intelligent to travel this far, they most certainly will know there are many here who are waiting to meet them.

There simply are no aliens.
Phlogistician, your post is hilarious. First you accuse crazymikey of "swallowing and regurgitating without question" for making the simple mistake of referring to fighter planes as jets and then you say the UFO in question was "just another balloon." So did you come up with this balloon theory on your own or are you regurgitating without question?
Great work guys,

Pay no heed to the ignorance attempting to ridicule the facts. They're stuck inside their box, and they can't get out. Pity them if anything.
Great work guys,

Pay no heed to the ignorance attempting to ridicule the facts. They're stuck inside their box, and they can't get out. Pity them if anything.

Thanks VRob - believers riducule the facts because they don't understand them nor are willing to make the effort. I agree that they are stuck in their boxes but that's what they choose to do.
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