Proof for ETI: Part 2

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As has been demonstrated by almost a centuries worth of anthroplogical study, almost every culture has some type of religion, where that religion comes from could be psychological, could be environmental, it changes with each type of people i would suppose.

example: There is an island in the south pacific which worships birds, this was only found out recently when a team of scientists went to the Island at a certain time of year where for two week only a certain flock of birds migrates there. Until then the reason that the people on that island had created any number of objects related to flying birds was a mystery, for there are usually no birds near the island.

example: The aboriginals have a religion which is best described as "The dreamtime." whereby many different animals are said to have created the lands and mountains etc. Upon closer inspection it is clear than all the symbology used by these people come from animals and geography in their environment.

In short I am basically saying that religion comes from our environment and from our imaginations.

What do you think a flying star may have looked like thousands of years ago?
What do you think Halie's comet flying by would have looked like?
What if a meteor flew close to the planet, what if one crashed?
What do you think encounters with foreign people would have influenced?

Say your a small tribe of nobodies and a sailboat comes past, or an army with strange clothes on.....

PS, any thought of aliens is just a waste of time...

If they are here then there IS a conspiracy to cover it up and you're not part of it, so ner. AND that conspiracy involves forces so powerful that they can even allow lay people like you to post messages about their existence all over the place, and they still don't care. In short, if your right, there aint nothing you can do about except try to seek as much attention towards yourself so that when they decide to say, "We have landed, you can say I told you so." and everyone else won't care because they'll be too busy thinking about the aliens. Seriously what are you trying to prove? If you claim this is science, what can you prove, and what will it achieve? what is your purpose or goal in this matter? I see nothing logical or rational in it. just pure stupidity.
Thanks for the reply

what would you suppose would lead the ancients to claim "god'(S) and his entourage etc....came down from the sky in ships, also, why would ancient cultures credit someone else for there technological advances????

No problem,

give me specific examples of actual texts which mention anything to do with "ancients" crediting "someone else" for their(it's spelt eir not ere) technological advances.

I believe in a creator, a God, that could be considered and Alien by some people.
but i do not believe in Aliens that abduct people and have UFO's.
Star_One said:
why does it always turn into "character assanation"

Read my response to Nebu for a more detailed description. Character assassination, verbal abuse, physical abuse, outright refusal, or complete ignorance are natural biological and psychological reactions that are elicited when one is in danger.

The danger can present itself in many forms:

A physical attack will elicit the response of fight or flee.
A toxic substance will elicit the response of physical symptoms, and the release of antibodies and white blood cells to fight the toxins.

Similarily, a belief system is the physical establishment of neural pathways. If something endangers this belief system, hence those neural pathways, the mind and body will respond in kind. This is why psychologists engage in long term psychotheraphy with people with psychological dysfunctions. To gradually break the inflicting neural pathways, and establish normal and healthy neural pathways.

There is also a natural correlation to intelligence. One who is more naturally intelligent and logical is much more capable of establishing correct neural pathways. This should be no surprise to you. In fact, the leading proponents of UFO's are very intelligent people, ranging from careers in NASA, CIA, USAF, UN, sciences, physics, cosmology, astronomy, engineering, psychology and research.

Skepticism, itself, is not an unintelligent field. As I've long maintained, skepticism is good for the development of ones intellectual faculties. However, the "skepticism" we are witnessing here, is not skepticism. You can see by the character assasinations attempts, the blatant fanatacism, the outright denial of evidence, the extreme ignorance, and ridicule. You have seen how I have mostly single handedly proven all their arguments wrong. Yet nonetheless, like a Hydra, they do not accept death of that argument, but come up with another. You will see for yourself in my next proof. Note, how Nebu has said how do ancients know what a UFO looks like. I will prove him wrong and embarasse him- and he will still carry on.

I have had discussions with Skeptics before, and I'm sure you have, and I've met and seen some very open minded, honest, and intelligent Skeptics, who have been very eager to test all claims and present coherent, honest and logical arguments.

For instance, consider the NASA skeptic who went out to disprove Ezekiel's UFO sighting, only to have it fully proved to himself. Or consider the scientific investigation of UFO in the late 19th century, who went out to prove it was some natural celestial phenoema, only to prove it wasn't.

In fact, why go far? Take me for an example. I'm sure if you've read many of my posts, I am very skeptical, yet at the same time very open-minded. You will notice a clear difference between my actual skepticism, and the skepticism of fanatics here:

Bob Lazar: I tested his claims, I did not accept them, because they were by themselves inconclusive.

Compare this to: Accusing of him of being corrupt

Reptillian aliens and Lacerta: I read the entire story, giving it a chance, and analysing the information. It was faulty, and I presented my reasons why I did not believe it.

Comare this to: Not giving it a chance

Crop circles: I've done a lot of research on them and have even debunked the most compelling ones like the famous Milky Hill case. Despite not believing in crop circles, I even defended why Aliens might make crop circles.

Compare this to: "You idiots, aliens do not exist" or "aliens would not make crop circles"

Noone's claims of different density, soul extensions, and the agenda of aliens: I dismissed his claims, because of lack of evidence.

Compare this to: Insults against Noone.

Dark Knights alleged abduction: This is the most telling of all. Notice, how I initially was morally supporting her case and after a lot of analysis and probing into her case, came believe she was not abducted.

Compare this to: Insulting her and accusing her of being mental.

Fluid's Life on Mars from rocks: Notice, how I tried to analyse the images he was posting, and then said they proved nothing at all, and how rocks can form into a variety of shapes.

Compare this to: You have rocks in your head.

Alien pictures: I was severely skeptic to this, despite how others were praising the cunnings of the photo's. I tried to prove why they were obvious fakes.

In fact, I really want to believe in God and souls, and afterlife. Yet I don't.

I am being as modest as possible when I say this, but I clearly am far more intelligent, unbiased, open minded and honest than these characters, and with a genuine scientific and logical mind. I would not be lying, if I said, I looked at them as mental infants.

Now, what I want to say to you, as you are obviously mature and intelligent, is to not take their comments to heart. They cannot help it. We should all understand their difficulties. A life time of beliefs is not going to be changed with any amount of oral and written evidence. And nor can I give them psychothearphy for their dysfunction, over the net, and even considering their lack of intelligence, even that would be futile. The only way they can believe, is when something physically happens to them. I cannot provide that.

Thanks for reading.
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You don't know me, don't even bother to insult me, as it's water off a ducks back.

you are clearly a f#cking moron, how's that for being defensive.

don't have children please, that would be unfair on the world.
Nebuchadnezzaar, Thanks, ill post the quotes tommorow afternoon probably.

Carzymikey, I agree 100% with your post, i myself unfortunetly tend to presume other people are right without researching it first, but im slowly getting out of that and starting to use a bit more skeptisism especially as every day goes by, i seem to get sucked deeper and deeper into the Ufo phenomina, so much so that when i get a car i plan of visiting rendlesham forest at night to see if there is any strange light phenomina there....

there should be 2 rules, i think theyre obvious

-if u dont like what someone says on here, just ignore them, why do u guys have to attack each other with insults? this only delays the discussion, and the only reason any1 would want this is to avoid the topic, for whatever reason. i know crazymikey doesnt want to avoid the topic, because its of his interest obviously. then who? the one poking fun and acting immature, causing fluctuations and others act the same way...

... why dont you leave this thread if u dont agree with whats being said ? is it because you dont know what psuedoscience is and what it means?? maybe look up a definition. we each have our own tastes and preferences; so why do u come into this part of the forums if u dont share the views? we want to discuss possibilities with alike minds so we can filter all possibilities.

youre welcome to share ur input, even if its opposing. just dont keep shooting us down with insults , we will continue to talk and u may leave if u dont like it anymore.

--------------back to the topic

excellent post with numerous sites and worthy dates for further research. thanks mikey.

what i can say is that i think Proof of ETI will emerge, if not sooner; with the coming of "Planet X" or the 12th Planet as some call it.

u can look at the past, or the present- and see whats coming. mikey posted alot of good things right here, check the out.

then look at the present. we have strange occurances in any situation of events- such as world events (terrorism, politics,) to even geographical & planetary events ( earth's rotation/degree of tilt changing .. etc) to our solar system ( the mysterious "Sedna" and planet X, 12th planet, 'WAter on MArs" to "life on mars?!")

we are starting to unravel the history how it really happened and then jump into a new age of the future. sounds like prophecy again. i guess thats just me and how i think/write.

one main point: if we find out there was once life on mars, 'Intelligent Life' - would that finally settle the debate on ETI ?

would u accept u are not the natives to this solar system?
I’m sure crazymikey will no doubt respond with ad hominem attacks or some other such nonsense indicating that we don’t know what we’re talking about – nonetheless:

1. The Disclosure Project

This is little more than testimonials regarding phenomenon not yet explained. There is no evidence to suggest non-terrestrial phenomenon aside from wild speculation.

2. The Probability of life

Of course, the probability of life exists elsewhere in the universe, although it is highly unlikely these life forms are visiting earth.

3.The physical evidence of UFO’s

A UFO is an unidentified flying object – so what?

4. The skeptical arguments are illogical

The arguments are most certainly logical. They would only appear illogical if you believe without question (or evidence) that ET is visiting earth.

5.Why UFO’s belong to ETI

It’s not possible to conclude UFO’s are ETI simply because there is no hard evidence in favor of ETI. How then can anyone make comparisons?

This is the most strongest of all arguments presented thus far and proves beyond a reason of doubt, that physical UFO's and ETI are a real global and historical pheneomenon.

Pure nonsense. Anyone making a claim that includes the statement, “proves beyond a reason of doubt” is only doing so based on his or her own biased opinion. The doubt in the case of ET is overwhelming considering there is no hard evidence to justify any claims of ET.
Despite not believing in crop circles, I even defended why Aliens might make crop circles.

Why would you defend something that has already been shown to be a hoax?


Comments: These images are thousands of years old created by Native Indians. They clearly resemble disk shaped UFO's. Interestingly ancient Native Indians have a myth, of two flying objects colliding in the sky, and one crashed in the region of Death Valley. Later some beings appeared to repair the damaged craft, as the Native Indians looked on.


Comments: This cave painting from Tanzania is estimated to be about 29,000 years old. Again, note, how the disk objects resemble UFO's.



Comments: This cave painting from France 15,000-17000bc that seems to depict wild life, also shows many saucer like objects that are out of context with the rest of the painting.


Comments: This 10,000 BC Italy cave paintings appears as if it is depicting ETI beings wearing protective suits, space helmets, and weilding some unknown instruments.


Comments: A 6000 BC painting from Sahara Desert, North Africa. It depicts what looks like an obvious non human being, although I get the impression, it is the back of the figure. Also notice the disk shape


Comments: This metal figure, dated around 4000 BC in Kiev, appears to be wearing some kind of space suit.


Comments: In Mexico, dated around 7000 BC. Notice how a group of figures have their arms outstreched to this oval object radiating light. Is it the sun? The sun is not oval, and so close.


Comments: From Canyon, around 5,500 BC. It's depicts so many humoind life forms. Notice the first figure, it unsual shape head, and large eyes, and thin body. Reminds you of a modern Grey alien?


Comments:These are illustrations from a book by Lt. Grey. "Journals of Two Expeditions of Discovery in North-West and Western Australia 1837, 1838, & 1839". He led an expedition in the 19th century to some caves near the Glenelg River region of Kimberley, Northern Australia where he came across a series of cave paintings. The beings are called the Wandjina by the Aboriginies who painted them.

Note again how their heads are covered with a transparent helmet.



Comments: These images, around 5000 years old from Australia, depict the same Wandjina beings as above. Notice again, how their heads are protected with a transparent helmet. Notice the shape of the head, the large eyes, and the thin body identical to a modern grey alien.


Comments: The first record of a reptillian humanoid entities in Mesopotomnia around 5000 BC,


Comments: These figures were found in Equador. Notice how the figures appear to be wearing space suits? Not convinced? Then look at this photograph, which compares another figure with a modern astronaught.



Comments: Ancient Incan artifacts of disk objects, and even a suited being besides them.


Comments: This is from Dharamsala temple in India. Look closely, there are 6 flying saucers in the painting.



Comments: This is actually from a 12th century manuscript that depicts a sighting of flaming flying shields in 776 AD during the siege on Sigiburg castle, France


Comments: A depicting of the burning wheel sightings of 900 AD



Comments: This originates from a Tibetian translation of an ancient Sanskrit text. Notice the hat shaped objects floating in mid air, one which shows portholes.


Comments: This is an illustration of a UFO sighthing that occured in 842.



These were created around the 15th century and depict the life of Mary. Notice both contain obvious flying disks. I find the connection of Mary to UFO's to be absolutely incredible. There is a lot of connection. We will explore more later.


Comments: This is an illustration in the french book "Le Livre Des Bonnes Moeurs" by Jacques Legrand in 1338. It clearly depicts a metallic golden sphere in the sky.




Comments: The painting of the crucification of Jesus painted in 1350. Notice the clearly visible flying craft, which contain beings. Another incredible proof. There is definitely some connection to UFO's and Jesus.


Comments: "La Tebaide" (painted c.1460-1465) showing Jesus on the crucifix. Note again, a UFO is besides him. Some will dismiss this as an optical illusion, however note, the red saucer ufo shape is completely out of context with its background. It's placement there is deliberate, and consistent with the crucifcation of Jesus painted in 1350.


Comments: This is an illustration of an actual UFO sighting in rome detailed in a book "Prodigiorum liber" by Roman historian Julio Obsequens - "Something like a sort of weapon, or missile, rose with a great noise from the earth and soared into the sky".


Comments: This is a cigar shaped UFO, the 2nd most reported UFO's after flying disks, reported in 1465 - described as a flaming girder seen in the sky.



Comments: The above painting are the Annunciation by Carlo in 1486. Loud and a clear, a flying disk shaped object(one can even see the characteristic glow on the underside) is seen in the sky, and it is shining some sort of beam(a tractor beam?) down onto Mary's head. This is astonishing proof for the connection of UFO's to Mary and Jesus.


Comments: Moses is recieving the tablets, the ten commandments, and what seem to be flying objects in the sky. This correlation is very sketchy, and I admit the objects look more like blotches. However look carefully, they do seem to be intentional, and you can even draw a curve through them. We can now see, there is some obvious connection of UFO's to the bible. And I think I know what it is.


Comments: This picture depicting Jesus and Mary is the Miracle of snow, painted by Masalino Da Panicale(1383-1440) and it blatently shows the skies full of disk shapes UFO hovering above the city, and in one of is Jesus and Mary. Incontrovertable proof for the UFO and bible connection.


Comments: "The Madonna with Saint Giovannino". The woman is Mary. It was painted in the 15th century. Notice the flying disk object on her right shoulder? Not convinced? Look at this then:

Loud and clear, there is a glowing flying saucer UFO. Notice, the man and his dog, looking up at it.

Comments: This is an illustration Prodigiorum Ac Ostentorum Chronicon by Conrad Lycosthenes (1518-1561) of a UFO sighting over Arabia in 1479.


Comments: This is the "The assumption of the Virgin" in 1490. Notice the sky is full of flying saucers. Also note the title of the painting, "the assumption of the Virgin.


Comments: Notice the rocket/flying vehicle in the centre, carrying Jesus. All of the men in the diagram are wearing transparents helmets. This is a 15th century image from Kiev.


This depicts an actual UFO sighting in 1666 of of an object that appeared to have been made of 2 disks of different size. The source for this account is one of the books entitled :"Theatrum Orbis Terrarum" by Admiral Blaeu. The illustration blatantly shows the faces of living beings in the UFO.


Comments: This is a tapestry called Summer's triumph and was created in Bruges in 1538. Look in the top, there are floating flying saucers.


Comments: This is an actual sighting that took place in Nurenburg 14 April 1561, that seems to depict a limited ALIEN WAR, between the cigar shaped UFO's, sphereical UFO's, and disk shaped UFO's.


Comments: This is the medal/coin we talked about earlier commemorating a UFO sighting of a wheel like object in 1680. It's identical to the shape of a modern UFO.


Comments: This is a 17th century fresco located in the Svetishoveli Cathedral in Mtskheta, Georgia. There are two glowing flying saucer UFO's on both sides of Jesus. Look:




Comments: This picture shows a UFO sighting over Hamburg, Germany 4 November 1697. The objects were described as "two glowing wheels".


Comments: The Baptism of Christ" It was painted in 1710 and hangs in the Fitzwilliam Musuem, Cambridge. There should be absolutely no doubt that this is a UFO. It's loud and clear what it is, and what it's doing, will turn history on it's ear.

Add it all together: UFO's around Mary in her life time. UFO appearing around her home and shining a tractor beam on her. She suddenly becomes pregnant, without any sexual relationship. UFO appears again during the baptism of Christ and shines a beam on Jesus. Jesus and Mary appearing in a UFO. Jesus performs miracles in his life. UFO's appearing around Jesus when he was being crucified. Jesus mysteriously disappearing, and then being resurrected.

And what's amazing, the same happend in India too, to Krishna. A virgin, locked in a cellar, gave birth to Krishna in exactly the same way. A light came from the skies, she became pregnant. Later, the light shone again, the prison doors opened by themselves, gaurds fell unconscious, allowing the father to escape with the newborn Krishna. Krishna also performed miracles in his life and used flying vehicles.

This is earth shattering, and it's always under our noses. The mystery of creation, of religion, of our heritage, of our gods and miracles is solved, by the most myterious UFO's and ETI! I feel like I've found myself! This demands another topic.


Comments: This is a scan from vol. 42 of the Philosophical Transactions 1742 describing a sighting that occured on the 16th December 1742.


Comments: This is an illustration of a sighitng already described before, that occurred at 9:45pm on 18 August 1783. A pale luminous spherical object flying in the sky, that came to a stand still and soon it set off again towards the east. Then the object changed direction and moved parallel to the horizon before disappearing to the south-east ; the light it gave out was prodigious; it lit us everything on the ground.


Comments: This is an illustration from a book "Ume No Chiri (Dust of Apricot)" published in 1803. It was a flying saucer that said to have been discovered on the ground, alongside its crew. It was made of iron and glass, and had strange inscriptions on/in it.

This concludes the sightings from the past, the rest from 1915 and onwards will be discussed in the subsequent posts in much more detail per case.


As I said in the opening, it is proven beyond a shadow of doubt and with this incontrovertiable evidence, that UFO and ETI are a global and historical phenoema, that cross all cultures, nationalities, religions, and time periods. From countries and cultures as diverse as America, Australia, Japan, China, India, Arabia, Africa, Russia, Romania, Europe and many others. In fact there is no single country, or culture, where UFO have not been recorded - and time periods ranging from 45,000 years ago to the modern age, and yet the UFO's are always the same, flying glowing metallic objects(flying saucers, cigar, spheres) that zoom around our skies in a controlled and orderly manner.

We have discovered, what's even been Earth shattering to me, that UFOs and ETI are the origin of all our religions, and spiritual practices and explain everyone of our genuine mysteries, prophets, mythical figures and miracles of the past. In fact, the origin or the creation the human species may be none other than the work of ETI. We can find every answer about our existence, and where we might be heading from ETI. This is the most important aspect of our existence, and should be seeked.

Big thanks to: and for their extensive database of ufo records.
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As I said in the opening, it is proven beyond a shadow of doubt and with this incontrovertiable evidence, that UFO and ETI are a global and historical phenoema, that cross all cultures, nationalities, religions, and time periods.

What incontrovertible evidence? All I see are pictures that have been doctored. Have you even seen the original pictures before they were faked? Your high level of gullibility is equaled only by your inability to do research.
]All I see are pictures that have been doctored. Have you even seen the original pictures before they were faked?

No, all you can see are images, that you think must be doctored, because otherwise it would shatter all your beliefs, and this somehow undermines you. However, these images are collected by a respectable researcher from real sources. Read my comments, for their sources, and do the research.

your inability to do research

That is a very silly remark to make, considering you don't even do research and still open your mouth. While I spend weeks, and a lot of time, before opening mine. If this is hurting you, then don't come here. It's as simple as that.

However, if it makes you feel better by these ad hominems. It's sad, but I assure you, you are making me feel much stronger.
While I spend weeks, and a lot of time, before opening mine

There's a whole lot of wasted time you'll never get back.
zonabi said:
there should be 2 rules, i think theyre obvious

-if u dont like what someone says on here, just ignore them, why do u guys have to attack each other with insults? this only delays the discussion, and the only reason any1 would want this is to avoid the topic, for whatever reason. i know crazymikey doesnt want to avoid the topic, because its of his interest obviously. then who? the one poking fun and acting immature, causing fluctuations and others act the same way...

... why dont you leave this thread if u dont agree with whats being said ? is it because you dont know what psuedoscience is and what it means?? maybe look up a definition. we each have our own tastes and preferences; so why do u come into this part of the forums if u dont share the views? we want to discuss possibilities with alike minds so we can filter all possibilities.

youre welcome to share ur input, even if its opposing. just dont keep shooting us down with insults , we will continue to talk and u may leave if u dont like it anymore

Excellently said. However, do not be disturbed by what the fanatics are saying, when you clearly know it is nonsense. Just discard it like I do. They have psychological dysfunctions. Their reaction is only natural.

excellent post with numerous sites and worthy dates for further research. thanks mikey.

what i can say is that i think Proof of ETI will emerge, if not sooner; with the coming of "Planet X" or the 12th Planet as some call it.

u can look at the past, or the present- and see whats coming. mikey posted alot of good things right here, check the out.

then look at the present. we have strange occurances in any situation of events- such as world events (terrorism, politics,) to even geographical & planetary events ( earth's rotation/degree of tilt changing .. etc) to our solar system ( the mysterious "Sedna" and planet X, 12th planet, 'WAter on MArs" to "life on mars?!")

we are starting to unravel the history how it really happened and then jump into a new age of the future. sounds like prophecy again. i guess thats just me and how i think/write.

one main point: if we find out there was once life on mars, 'Intelligent Life' - would that finally settle the debate on ETI ?

would u accept u are not the natives to this solar system?

Yes, I've been reading a lot about these missing planets, and become open to the possibility, that some ETI life forms maybe originating from a nearby home, with no need to travel light years.

Life on Mars also intriuges me, but other than the region of Cydonia, there is no real evidence to suggest there is life on Mars. However, as we know if ETI can visist Earth - then they should be able to visit Mars too.

How about you produce an argument for life on Mars.

I just wanted to correct you on something. The proof for ETI is not emerging, it's always been right in front of us. However, I do think there is a remarkable chance that the government will disclose them soon. It's evident, ETI have interacted with our early cultures, it sounds like the interaction has been continual. What only needs to happen now, is their disclosure to the public. It will revolutionaize human society.
Here's a question.

With there supposedly being so many strange phenomena recorded, how come more people don't see it than do, and the same people tend to see it more than once?

Also, how have the governments managed to cover something up (if you believe in the conspiracy theories of course) that existed before the Govts themselves did? Surely it would have been common knowledge, and therefore, impossible to refute?
Here's a question.

With there supposedly being so many strange phenomena recorded, how come more people don't see it than do, and the same people tend to see it more than once?

Also, how have the governments managed to cover something up (if you believe in the conspiracy theories of course) that existed before the Govts themselves did? Surely it would have been common knowledge, and therefore, impossible to refute?

Hi Phlogisitican,

You ask valid questions:

how come more people don't see it than do

There have been probably trillions of sightings since early cultures to today. If you consider in the modern age alone, there are millions of sightings(reported) and many are unreported out of the fear of ridicule.

Also, how have the governments managed to cover something up (if you believe in the conspiracy theories of course) that existed before the Govts themselves did? Surely it would have been common knowledge, and therefore, impossible to refute?

There are several reasons, how they have managed to cover this up, and why they have covered this up:

How they have managed to cover this up:

Disinformation, media and social sanitation, restriction of information, mass ignorance. If the general population are not aware of the historical UFO records, the modern UFO phenomena, the hundreds of officials testifying their existence, and nor have a pressing need for the information, then a cover-up is possible. That is exactly what is happening. However, recent polls do indicate that a vast majority of the population are aware of the government cover-up and open to the possibility of ETI.

Why they have covered this up

1: To maintain power over the world.
2: Possible fears of the ramafications of advanced technologies in the hands of enemies.
3: To avoid complete societal collapse. If you recall what happend in 1939 when Orson Welles performed the live act of the landing of aliens. The world nation went into mass-panic, they hid in cellars, loaded guns, there were mass suicides, scandals, the nation was on the brink of anarchy. This was only a short radio show, that triggered such a response. Now imagine, if it real, and it was broadcast all over the world for months. It will bring the world to a halt. It would shatter scientific and religious paradigms. There would be mass-shock, and chaos. You can see a small display of this shock in this topic alone.

However, today, we are more open, even some of the 2nd and 3rd world countries, because of exposure to ETI by television, documentries, film, and scientific investigation. No doubt, there will be some panic and chaos particularly amongst Islamic countries, however I think we are ready for disclosure. What only seems to be holding the governments now - is selfish needs. If they have their way, it could be decades, before the truth is revealed.

Although, the summation of all evidence presented thus far, has been more than enough evidence for the existence of ETI and UFO's, and only a fool, would deny this. Nonetheless, I will continue to provide more evidence to the best of my capacity.

We will now explore famous modern cases each post in much more detail


The title is self explanatory. Cordell Hull is one of the most trustworthy human beings of the last decade. Hull was elected U.S. Senator 1931-1937, as chairman of the Democratic National Committee, and became the Secretary of State under President Franklin D. Roosevelt in March 1933. He was also offered the Vice Presidency and in 1945, Cordell Hull won the 1945 Nobel Prize for Peace.

Hamilton, his cousin, he was the minister at the
Shenandoah Christian Church in Greenwich, Ohio. He ministered to
a number of Church of Christ congregations in Ohio until he left
the ministry in 1959. He had a doctors in theology.

In 1939 Cordell Hull, took his cousin Turner Hamilton Holt to sub-basement of the US capitol. Where he was shown in 4 glass containers, 4, 4 feet, unknown creatures inside them and besides these containers, a flying saucer vehicle taken apart of a silverish metallic colour.

Cordell Hull and Hamilton did not tell anyone of this encounter. Except, Hamilton told his daughters who were teenagers at the time. He forbade them from telling anyone untill long after his and Cordell's death.

In late December 1999, the most prominent and prolific research centre for UFO's, Center for UFO studies MUFON was sent this letter by Hamilton's daughter, Lucile Andrew:

November 29, 1999

To Whom It May Concern:

"Today I want to share some knowledge that has been, by request, kept secret in our family since sometime in World War II. This concerns something my father was shown by Cordell Hull, who was Secretary of State under Franklin Roosevelt. Sumner Wells was his Under-Secretary of State. Hull was a cousin to my father. My father was on some kind of advising committee, and made several trips to Washington, D.C. in that capacity. "My father, who was young, brilliant, and sound of mind, tells [sic] this story to us because he didn't want the information to be lost. One day when my father was in D.C. with Cordell, Cordell swore him to secrecy and took him to a sub-basement in the U.S. Capitol building, and showed him an amazing sight: (1) Four large glass jars holding 4 creatures unknown to my father or Cordell [and], (2) A wrecked round craft of some kind nearby. "My father wanted my sister and I to make this information known long after he and Cordell were dead, because he felt it was a very important bit of information. We have researched your group and feel it is the most reliable group in the country. We hope that you will research and search this information. "Please don't disregard this, because what I have written is true. The jars with creatures in formaldehyde and the wrecked craft are somewhere! "Cordell said they were afraid they would start a panic if the public found out about it." Sincerely, Lucile Andrew

MUFON arranged interviews with family, and Lucile Andrew to authenticate the information and research further. MUFON have noted, that that Lucile and her family were very prosperous and rich. The family, though weary of their name being associated with the story, accepted it in the end.
There is no motive here for lying, neither monetary or for fame. Which must mean, this account is true.
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Although, the summation of all evidence presented thus far, has been more than enough evidence for the existence of ETI and UFO's, and only a fool, would deny this.

Oh yes, you've presented the same UFO nonsense and conspiracy theories all other fanatic believers have presented in the past - congratulations!

But since you've presented no hard evidence whatsoever, considering there is none and never has been, I guess that makes us all fools.
With there supposedly being so many strange phenomena recorded, how come more people don't see it than do, and the same people tend to see it more than once?

i dont claim to know this answer but heres one thing to consider and a solution:

a) in the past there seemed to be quite a lot of people who saw, and accepted strange phenomena. plenty of peoples, cultures, and ancient civilizations drew, recorded, and created artworks and murals depicting strange beings, flying crafts, celestial bodies falling to earth, and alot more.
So your question must pertain to modern times, even more specifically this day and age now.

So- howcome more ppl dont see than do? I would have to say because mroe people dont WANT to see it. Most people arent ready to see it. Maybe even ...most people CANT see it, be it because of their beliefs or their spiritual immaturity ?
--I dont know--

and the same people tend to see it more than once?

this question is actually easier to answer and understand:
let us explain this with an analogy;

pretend you are a rock band, on tour in a country. you play a certain type of music, with a specific message. obviously, some people will like it and some people will not.

if you play in State X , then State Y, then State Z- and you notice that out of these three performances, States X and Y did NOT like your Band at all, they threw tomatoes on stage and Boo'ed. State Z cheered and was feeling the music.

Who are you going to return and play for next time ?


Also, how have the governments managed to cover something up (if you believe in the conspiracy theories of course) that existed before the Govts themselves did? Surely it would have been common knowledge, and therefore, impossible to refute?

i can see what you meant by this, but you have not taken into consideration how civilizations fall and new ones arise, how new eras have dawned on man, and how things of the past can be washed away as well as brought to shore.

Your statement here is a bit unbalanced:
"...that existed before the Govts themselves..."
by saying this, you speak of what? the fact that aliens have been here before mankind? irrelevant

"Surely it would have been common knowledge"
what would have been common knowledge? That aliens were coming from outer space and visiting earth?
I believe alot of peoples were amazed, in awe, and some frightened- when visitors came. some saw them as Gods, some as Devils, some as Angels, all of the above, emphasis on 'above' as in from the sky.
i dont think it was 'common knowledge' although the peoples did pay respect to the higher beings!

but to touch on your statement, even if- back in time, peoples did KNOW of the ALIENS and some peoples INTERACTED with them, TALKED with them, DOCUMENTED them, and DREW them- all this information could easily be covered up over a period of what? 2000+ years ( i am basing it on the birth of 'Christ') - And let me add this information was covered up NOT by the government (well, not at first) but by the Churches! Surprise.
Ironic is the wanted seperation of Church and State...
they kind of seem to have the same ambitions...
u see when a civilization falls, alot of its culture and therefore religions (ideas, messages) are also lost. new cities rise with new ideas, and whereas sometimes they do in fact keep some traditions and ideas from past civilizations, the original messages and intents are lost and twisted. it is a sad fact of humankind. we tend to twist words as they are passed on. its like the game of 'telephone' where kids sit in a circle and one starts off by whispering a sentence to the person next to him, and the message is relayed around the entire circle. when the message returns to the original sender, he can barely even recognize it, because it has been changed so many times in relays....

SOOO we come to this:
We see a connection in the past with Aliens.
We KNOW that people twist words over time.

so, could it not be plausible that what major religions preach of, are actually of Alien Origin?
i mean let's take one thing into consideration: The Virgin Mary.
how did she conceive the Jesus Christ if she was in fact a virgin, in other words, she never had sexual intercourse with Joseph ?
we can easily claim this a miracle and move on with our lives.
or we can apply some new logical thinking to the equation:

--->WHAT IF<---
The Virgin Mary was artificially inseminated by Aliens ?
What if Aliens genetically enhanced some human DNA, probably by altering some male sperm, and inserted it into Mary's ovaries ??

Wouldn't this PROVE how Mary could have possibly had Jesus without having sex?

Wouldn't this also PROVE how Jesus worked SOO many MIRACLES? He is a Star Child, with gifts from Aliens (Higher Beings) given to him in hopes of teaching the world of higher spirituality ?

just a thought

crazymikey - good work with these ancient murals and drawings !
the past has alot of clues! one just has to look.

Sumerians knew alot about the "NEWLY" found PLANET X.
It also seems Sumerians came in contact with Reptilian races, based on the larger amount of reptilians found in their murals and paintings.

more on this later as i feel my post is long enough already.
You are very stupid Q. I think I'll just ignore you too.

That's not surprising - you've insulted and ignored everyone else who has brought even the slightest amount of reasoning to the table. Fanatics like yourself rarely ever listen to anyone who might disagree with their views.
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