Proof for ETI: Part 2

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Open-minded Scientist
Registered Senior Member
We have thus far covered the following arguments. None which have been refuted succesfully.

1: The Disclosure project

Summary: 400 high level officials from NASA, CIA, NSA, USAF, UN, UA have disclosed that the governments are covering up contact with ETI, and are reverse engineering crashed and downed UFO, as well as dealing with ETI.

2: The probability of life

Summary: The most common skeptical fallacy of the rare event of life exposed.

3: The Physical evidence of UFO's

Summary: A analysis of the UFO hypothesis supported by hundreds of thousands - millions of modern UFO sightings, thousands of Radar and Radar-visual cases, thousands of Pilot cases, EM effects and physical traces.

4: The skeptical arguments are illogical

Summary: An exposure of the common logical fallacies employed by Skeptics, and why their arguments must be discarded.

5: Why UFO's belong to ETI

Summary: An analysis to prove why physical UFO's cannot be terrestrial technology.

We are now going to explore the next argument. This is the most strongest of all arguments presented thus far and proves beyond a reason of doubt, that physical UFO's and ETI are a real global and historical pheneomenon.


We have thus far only covered the surface of UFO's. Now, we are going to specialise with famous UFO cases, and as you are going to now uncover, the UFO phenomenon is not solely confined to our era, hence any allegations of it being a mass media delusion now stands falsified. In chronological order, ranging from the distant past to the modern day.

UFO's from the past are somewhat compartmentalized, because of the contrast in periods, linguistics and belief paradigms. Thus even if a UFO was encountered, it would be disguised in symbolism, such as, gods, ghosts, demons, flying chariots, fireballs, shields, devils, armies etc My job as a researcher and analyst is to decypher their real contextual meaning. Why these cases are even more compelling is that none of the most abused Skeptical prosaic explanations apply.

There are hundreds of such cases, so I am only isolating some of the most compelling and relatable.

Ramayana, Mahabharat, and other Sanskrit literature dating from 20,000 BC to 1 million BC, talk of vimanas, flying vehicles, sophisticated civilization, extraterrestrial beings, complex concepts like the holographic universe, the vacuum/ether, advanced technologies, and what sounds like nuclear wars.

This completely shatters modern history and modern archeology. Somehow this extremely ancient civilization is conjuring advanced technoloy/super science fiction like our own Star Trek, that even accords with modern physics.

45,000 BC China: Rock carvings of round UFO-like objects have been found in China's Hunan province. The depictions date back to age of the Neanderthals.

Comments: In prehistory, cave men are being compelled to draw round UFO-like objects. One can only imagine from what they absorb of their stimulus. So what influenced these ancient cavemen to draw UFO's?

12,000 BC China: The Dropa, the name given to visitors from Sirius, came down from the clouds with their air gliders

Comments: This is one of the most controversial, and most extraordinary stories of modern archeology. An expedition led by a Chinese Archeologist in Bayan Kara Uula Mountains on the Chinese-Tibet borders in 1938, uncovered a cave, decorated with celestial images, and men with helmets. They uncovered 715 identical stone circular disks. The disks was approximately nine inches in diameter and three-quarters of an inch thick. In the exact center was a perfectly round, 3/4" hole, and etched in its face was a fine groove spiraling out from the center to the rim, making the disk look for all the world like some kind of primitive phonograph record. 12,000 years old, and clearly designed by an advance intelligence. It was sent to Moscow for examination, where they found it contained large amounts of cobalt and that they were rhythmically pulsating as though they had electrical charges in them. The circular groves in the stone, contained microscopic hieroglyphics writing of an unknown language. Further more, around these stone disks, also found, were skeletons of humanoid, 4 feet tall, enlarged heads, beings.

This is not a myth. This is a fact. However, the controversy begins, when in 1962, a Chinese scientist claimed to have decoded the messages. His discovery was so earth shattering, that he was forbidden by the Peking Academy of Archeology to reveal the information, or even speak of it to anyone. Despite the ban - the scientist did:

What the Stones Reveal:

The Dropa disks tell the story of a space probe from a distant planet that crash-landed in the Baian-Kara-Ula mountains of the Himalayas. The occupants of the spacecraft - the Dropa - found refuge in the caves of the mountains. Despite their peaceful intentions, the Dropa were misunderstood by members of the Ham/Kam tribe who were occupying neighboring caves and who hunted down the aliens and even killed some of them. A translation of one of the passages says: "The Dropa came down from the clouds in their aircraft. Our men, women, and children hid in the caves ten times before sunrise. When at last they understood the sign language of the Dropa, they realized that the newcomers had peaceful intentions...."

The stones go on to say how the Dropa were unable to repair their disabled spacecraft and could not return to their home planet, and so were stranded on Earth.

The scientist was instantly met with scorn and ridicule by society(how typical) and today, the Chinese government even refuses he existed. We will never know, much like we'll never knew if Bob Lazar was telling the truth or not. We do know this however - the Dropa disks DO exist. Which in itself is incontrovertible proof ETI exited here, and thereby can exist today too.

8000 BC Australia: The Aborigine believed in "dawn beings" from the stars. Australian aboriginal cave drawings depict celestial beings, with antenna and x-ray style drawings. They were very advanced in "aerodynamics". The boomerang is identical to a modern day aircraft wing. Aborigine means "from the beginning".

Comments: I will show some of these caving drawing in the next proof.

4000 BC: The Sumerians from today’s Iraq had contact with extraterrestrial civilizations according to their text. The extraterrestrials also interbred with humans and traveled with them to the stars. The kings were taken to the stars by the extraterrestrials. Sumerian text coincides with "the book of genesis". Their astronomy was highly developed. They had numbers with 15 digits! The Sumerians say extraterrestrials are from Mars, the star system Pleiades, and the star Sirius. Sumerian text shows drawings of solar system.

Comments: The Sumerians, Babylonians, The Aztecs, The Egyptians, the Indians, all have similar stories, similar obsessions with astronomy, planets, stars, and accounts of contact with ETI. The Aztecs and the Egyptians in particular, who have built the same Pyramid structures, aligned with stars.

3000 BC China: From the book " Memories of the Sovereigns and the Kings " published in the 3rd century AD, in China, in the third millennium B.C., before the birth of Huang Ti or of Chi You , "sons from the sky", would descend to Earth on a star which was the shape of a saucer.

Comments: A star the shape of a saucer? Whatever gave them the idea stars are saucer shaped? As they can see stars, and they know they are not saucer shaped, it's obvious that the contexual meaning of stars in this case, is an actual flying vehicle.

2345 BC China: The, Hsui-nan-tzu, a Chinese classic there is a description of ten suns appearing in the sky.

2000 BC: Peru’s pre-Incan civilization records the gods were from the star system Pleiades. Inca ruins have been found at 13,000 feet, with one stone weighing 20,000 tons. Legend tells of spaceships that came from the stars. Inca ornaments of "platinum" were found. Text reveals the Inca’s knew the earth was round.

Comments: Note, that the Incans spoke of spaceships in which the Gods travelled. Why do God have to travel in spaceships? Why should they even know a spaceship is required to travel from stars? It's very obvious what this means.

1766 BC China: The Emperor Cheng Tang commissions Ki-Kung-shi to construct a flying chariot. After construction the aircraft was tested, reaching the province of Honan. The vessel was destroyed by imperial edict, as he Emperor feared the mechanism might fall into the wrong hands.

Comments: Human-made flying crafts have been reported not only here, but in Sankrit literature and epics, like the Mahabharat and Ramayana. They were of two types, man-made, that travelled with the power of the wind(aeroplanes) and Gods chariots, which travelled like lightening, and gave forth a melodious sound.( The characteristic UFO humm)

593 BC: Ezekiel witnesses an event which some writers have claimed sounds suspiciously like a UFO encounter. Josef Blumrich, former chief of the systems layout branch of NASA, set out to disprove such suggestions, however, from a careful analysis of the data available, he concluded that the vehicle described in the Bible actually was a UFO.

Comments: Ezekiel's witness account was the following:

Now as I looked at the living creatures, I saw a wheel upon the earth beside the living creatures one for each of the four of them. As for the appearance of the wheels and their construction, their appearance was like the gleaming of a chrysolite, and the four had the same likeness being as it were a wheel within a wheel. The four wheels had rims and they had spokes, and their rims were full of eyes round about. And when the living creatures went, the wheels went beside them and when the living creatures went, the wheels went with them, for the living creature was in the wheel". Ezekiel, chapter 1, Versus 15 thru 21

"A great cloud, with brightness round about it, and fire flashing forth, and in the midst of fire, gleaming bronze". Ezekiel 1:4-7.

This is very similar to a modern day UFO encounter. A round UFO(wheel) and another round glow of anamolous energy on the underside(wheel within a wheel) describing the common saucer shaped UFO. Ezekiel describes it as being made of "gleaming Chrysolite" Chrysolite is a mineral, composed of silica, magnesia, and iron, of a yellow to green colour. Suggesting metallic composure, glowing yellow. This is supported by the rest of his account "A great cloud, with brightness round about it, and fire flashing forth, and in the midst of fire, gleaming bronze".

Ezekiel has described an orange/yellow glowing flying saucer UFO. Identical to many modern UFO accounts. Further more, Ezekiel has explicitly desribed the prescence of ETI inside it; controlling it. More incontrovertable proof of the existence of ETI.

332 BC Phoenicia, Tyre: During the siege of the trade capital of Phoenicia by the Greeks a fleet of flying shields is described as plunged from the sky and crashed upon the city walls.

329 BC: Alexander the Great records two great silver shields, spitting fire around the rims in the sky that dived repeatedly at his army as they were attempting a river crossing. The action so panicked his elephants, horses, and men they had to abandon the river crossing until the following day.

Comments: In both accounts, the UFO have been described as flying flaming shields. We know this is a physical UFO, as it has caused physical effects on the armies, elephants, horses. Is it a meteorite? Do meteorites look like shields and hover and dive at armies?

The word "shields" in this context suggests a UFO of relatable dimensions and streamline shape, more closer to an actual flying saucer UFO.

218 BC Rome: Glowing lamps were seen in the sky at Praeneste, a shield was observed at Arpi and in the Amiterno district, the sky was all on fire, and men in white garments appear.

Comments: Again the usage of the word "shield" in the same context. Notice, the linking to appearence of men in white garments later. A possible suggestion they were from the UFO shields.

214 BC: "At Hadria an altar was seen in the sky and about it the forms of men in white clothes." - Julius Obsequens, Prodigiorum Libellus, Ch. 66

213 BC Hadria: An ‘altar’ was seen in the sky, accompanied by a man in white clothing.

Comments: Now the word "altar" is used to denote the UFO's. Again linked to the appearence of men in white clothing. So there is most definitely a link between these men about it, and the UFO. White clothing suggests they are wearing some sort of suit. It's possible they are wearing silver.

170 BC: Conrad Wolfhart, Lycothenes, a medieval writer reports, “A remarkable spectacle of a fleet of ships was seen in the air at Lanupium."

Comments: An ancient mass sighting of formations of UFO's. Notice the word "ships" used; not stars, or moons - but ship, a term to denote a man-driven vehicle.

122 BC Gaul: "In Gaul three suns and three moons were seen." - Obsequens, Prodigiorum, Ch. 114

Comments: Three suns, and three moons? There is only one sun, and one moon. So the contextual meaning, is most certainly not literal.

99 BC Rome: In Tarquinia, there fell things like a flaming torch in different places from the sky. Towards sunset, a round object like a globe, or round or circular shield took its path in the sky, from west to east.

90 BC Rome: In the territory of Spoletium, in Umbria, a globe of fire, of golden color appeared burning in the north with a terrific noise in the sky, then fell, gyrating, to the earth. It then seemed to increase in size, rose from the earth, and ascended into the sky, where it obscured the disc of the sun, with its brilliance. It revolved towards the eastern quadrant of the sky.

Comments: The increase in size suggests the initial sighting was from a distance, and the UFO came closer. Is it a meteorite? Meteroites do NOT ascend into the skies.

85 BC: "In the consulship of Lucius Valerius and Caius Marius a burning shield scattering sparks ran across the sky. " - Pliny, Natural History, Book II, Ch. 34

81 BC Spoletium: "Near Spoletium a gold-colored fireball rolled down to the ground, increased in size; seemed to move off the ground toward the east and was big enough to blot out the sun." - Obsequens, Prodigiorum, Ch. 114

73 BC Asia Minor, Pontus: While Roman legions were engaged in battle near the Black Sea against King Mithridates a huge flaming object fell between the two armies. It was said to have a shape like a wine jar and was the color of molten lead.

Comments: The UFO seen is probably the common cigar shaped ones. Notice the description suggests a metallic composure, and a orange/yellow glow.

42 BC Rome: From Prodigia of Julius Obsequens, “Something like a sort of weapon, or missile, rose with a great noise from the earth and soared into the sky.”

12 BC Rome: A comet-like object hovered days over Rome for several then melted into flashes resembling torches.

9 BC Japan, Kyushu: Nine moons were seen in the night sky over the community.

Comments: The contextual meaning is most certainly not literal.

60 Scotland: A ‘ship’ was seen speeding across the night sky at.

Comments: Again the usage of the word "ship" this clearly suggests those who witnessed it were convinced they were machines and vessels used by living entities.

70: Josephus, from "Jewish War" Book CXI, "On the 21st of May a demonic phantom of incredible size...for before sunset there appeared in the air over the whole country chariots and armed troops coursing through the clouds and surrounding the cities."

80 Scotland: Conrad Wolfhart, Lycothenes, a medieval writer reports, “When the Roman emporer, Agricola was in Scotland, wondrous flames were seen in the skies over Caledon Wood, all one winter night. Everywhere the air burned, and on many nights, when the weather was serene, a ship was seen in the air moving fast.”

98 Rome: Conrad Wolfhart, Lycothenes, a medieval writer reports, “At sunset, a burning shield passed over the sky at. It came sparkling from the west and passed over to the east.”

Comments: The shape of the flaming shield would be very similar to the streamline UFO shape commonly reported.

393: Strange lights were seen in the sky in the days of the Emperor Theodosius. On a sudden, a bright globe appeared at midnight and shone brilliantly near the daystar, (Venus). This globe shone little less brilliantly than the planet, and little by little, a great number of other glowing orbs drew near the first globe. The spectacle was like a swarm of bees flying around the beekeeper, and the light of these orbs was as if they were dashing violently against each other. They blended together into one awful flame, and bodied forth to the eye as a horrible two-edged sword. The strange globe, which was first seen now appeared like the pommel to a handle, and all the little orbs, fused with the first, shone as brilliantly as the first globe.

748 England: " Ships were seen in the air with their men"

Comments: Again the word used, "ships" not stars, or moons, but ships. Interestingly it mentions the occupants too.

763 Meath County: While King Domnall Mac Murchada attended the fair at Teltown ships were seen in the air.

Comments: Again the usage of the word ships.

664 England, Barking near the Thames: At a monastery a great light appeared in the sky at night and shone over nuns who were singing in the burial-ground. They reported that it lifted up, moved to the other side of the monastery, and then ascended into the night sky. Priests said the light surpassed the brightness of day.

Comments: This case clearly describes a physical craft lifting off and traversing in the air in a range of motions.

671 Japan: Flaming object was seen flying to north from many countries in Japan, one year before the war of the Jinshin.

679 Japan: Cotton like matter about 5 to 6 feet long fell all over Naniwa, former name of Osaka, and was drifted by the wind here and there.

Comment: Note, how the UFO is given measurable dimensions. Hence it must be physical and of relelatable size. Hence it cannot be a star, or a blip in the sky. It's fllght is desribed as moving from place to place.

776 Charlemagne’s castle at Sigiburg: As the Saxons were laying siege to the castle, flying shields that were reddish in color appeared in the sky and rained down fire on the attacking army.

796 England: " In the same year small globes were seen about the Sun"

810 St. Gregory of Tours: "Alcuin, the secretary and biographer of Charlemagne, and author of the Vita karoli, states in his work that in 810 when he was on his way from Aachen, he saw a large sphere descend like lightning from the sky. It traveled from east to west and was so bright it made the monarch's horse rear up so that Charlemagne fell and injured himself severely."

Comments: The UFO is described to travel faster than lighting(beyond supersonic speeds) It is evident this is not just a visual/optical phenomena or it would not have caused a physical disturbance amongst the horses.

840 France, Lyons: As he was coming out of the Cathedral Archbishop Abobard, saw a mob stoning three men and a woman alleged to have been seen a lighting from a aerial ship.

Comments: The same ridicule and persecution against UFO witnesses.

919 Hungary: An object like a flaming torch was seen in the sky, together with spheres, which flew over giving out a brighter light than the stars.

Comments: It describes spherical objects brighter than a star flying over them. Is it Venus? Yet they saw multiple such UFO's.

927 France: "In the town of Verdun, like the whole eastern part of France, saw fiery armies appearing in the sky. Flodoard’s chronicle reports that they flew over eastern Reims on a Sunday morning in March. Similar phenomena happened several times under King Pepin the Short, under Charlemagne, under Louis I, the Debonair. These sovereign’s capitularia mention penalties against creatures that travel on aerial ships."

1015 Japan: Two objects were seen ‘giving birth’ to smaller luminous spheres over Japan.

1034 Europe: A rare typeset book from 1493 contains what may be the earliest pictorial representation of a UFO. The book Liber Chronicarum, describes a strange fiery sphere, seen in 1034, soaring through the sky in a straight course from south to east and then veering toward the setting sun. The illustration accompanying the account shows a cigar-shaped form haloed by flames, sailing through a blue sky over a green, rolling countryside. This may be the first work that actually contains actual illustrations of UFO's.

Comments: Cigar-shaped UFO's are the 2nd most commonly reported of the modern age. Here we see a blatant description of a flying craft, that even
changes its direction and veers of into space.

1133 Japan: A large silvery disk is reported to have come close to the ground.

Comments: A large silver(metallic) disk descends onto ground. A close encounter with the most commonly reported UFO of the modern age

1180 Japan, Kii province: A term equivalent to our "flying saucer" was actually used by the Japanese approximately 700 years before it came into use in the West. Ancient documents describe an unusual shining object seen in the night as a flying "earthenware vessel." The object, which had been heading northeast from a mountain in Kii province, changed its direction and vanished below the horizon, leaving a luminous trail.

Comments: Another description of an actual physical craft, that is traversing the skies, and changes directions. Notice it is described as an "earthenware vessel" a vessel denoting something is travelling in it.

1200 England: William of Newburgh describes a silvery, flat, shiny disc-like object, which appeared near the abbey and frightened everyone near it.

Comments: A mass sighting of a flying saucer.

1235 Japan: What might be called the first official investigation of a UFO sighting occurred in Japan in 1235. During the night while General Yoritsume and his army were encamped, mysterious lights were observed in the heavens. The lights were seen in the southwest for many hours, winging, circling and moving in loops. The general ordered a "full-scale scientific investigation" of these strange events. The report finally submitted to him has the "soothing" ring of many contemporary explanations offered for UFO phenomena. In essence it read: "the whole thing is completely natural, General. It is... only the wind making the stars sway."

Comments: It is evident how perplexed the Japanese state was, by these flying craft, performing all sorts of maneoveres in the skies. Prompting the same investigations like our own.The skeptical explanation is as stupid as those today.

1239 England: Matthew of Paris: “On July 24 at dusk, but not when the stars came out, while the air was clear, serene and shining, a great star appeared. It was like a torch, rising from the south, and flying on both sides of it, there was emitted in the height of the sky a very great light. It turned quickly towards the north, not quickly, nor, indeed, with speed, but exactly as it wished to ascend to a place high in the air.”

Comments: On a clear sky, suddenly an object emitting a light appeares, and then as if it was controlled by intelligence , it prepared to ascend.

1254 England, St Albans: Some monks at saw in the night sky 'a kind of large ship elegantly.

1271 Japan: The famous priest Nichiren was about to be headed at Tatsunokuchi, Kamakura, when there appeared in the sky an object like a full moon, shiny and bright. The officials panicked and the execution was not carried out.

Comments: If it was a full moon, why would the priest panic? Thus it was not the moon.

1290 England, Yorkshire: The Abbot and monks of Byland Abbey, (the largest Cistercian abbey in England), were about to commence a meal when one of the brethren ran in to announce a great portent outside. They all ran outside and saw a large silver disc fly slowly overhead and caused the utmost terror.

Comments: A mass close encounter of flying saucer UFO

1332 England, Uxbridge: There was seen in the sky a pile (pillar) of fire the size of a small boat, pallid and livid in colour. It rose from the south, crossed the sky with a slow and grave motion, and went north. Out of the front of the pile, a fervent red flame burst forth with great beams of light. Its speed increased, and it flew through the air.

Comments: This UFO sighting sounds like a rocket propelled craft. Not the most common UFO craft, yet it is also described in contemporary times. It is interesting how a variety of UFO's are described - suggesting a variety of occupants(ETI species)

1387 England, Northamptonshire: A fire in the sky, like a burning and revolving wheel, or round barrel of flame, emitting fire from above, and others in the shape of a long fiery beam, were seen through a great deal of the winter.

1453 Constantinople: "A fire descended from the sky, stood over the City, and enveloped her with light all night long." Written during the siege of Constantinople.

Comments: At first glance it sounds like a meteorite, but meteorites don't hover over cites for all night. Hence it was a physical UFO.

1458 Japan: An object as bright as the full moon, followed by curious signs, was seem in the sky.

Comments: Notice the object is described as bright as the moon, hence precluding the moon to be the origin of this object.

1461 France, Arras: A fiery thing like an iron rod of good length and as large as one half of the moon was seen in the sky for less than a quarter of an hour. This object was also described as being "shaped like a ship from which fire was seen flowing."

Comments: For the time, the UFO has been described explicitly as a large metallic ship.

1479 Arabia: There is a woodcut of UFO that was sighted over Arabia in an illustrated volume published in 1557. The Prodigiorum Ac Ostentorum Chronicon, text by Conrad Lycosthenes, is one of the best-illustrated books of the Renaissance depicting medieval superstition. On page 494 is a woodcut showing a spaceship seen over Arabia in 1479.

Comments: In so many diverse cultures there are sightings o UFO's. Now in Arabia we have a sighting of a spaceship, that has also been depicted and recorded.

1492: From "The Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus." Christopher Columbus and Pedro Gutierrez while on the deck of the Santa Maira, observed, "a light glimmering at a great distance." It vanished and reappeared several times during the night, moving up and down, "in sudden and passing gleams." It was sighted 4 hours before land was sighted, and taken by Columbus as a sign they would soon come to land.

Comments: A sighting of a UFO by a historical and respected figure. As the origin of the sighting took place at a great distance, one cannot discern if this is a genuine UFO. However, if this was a celestial or natural aerial phenomena, what would explain it reappearing, disappearing and moving up and down, for 4 hours?

1517 Rumania, Moldavia: A large blue glowing disk appeared and remained in the sky for some time.

Comments: This is identical to a modern UFO sighting; a blue glowing disk, yet its 400 years ago.

1520 Erfurt, Prussia: Two burning suns were observed. The report says that a great burning beam then landed, took off again and then became circular in shape.

Comments: An actual flying saucer landing, and then taking off again, is observed here. Beyond a reason of doubt, this is a physical, intelligent-driven flying craft.

1528 Holland: From the Siege of Utrecht in Holland. “A cruel and strange sight was seen in the sky, which terrified the townspeople and made the enemy think he would get the city. It was the form of a Burgundian cross right over the city, high in the sky, yellow in color, and fearful to behold.”

Comments: A city-wide sighting of a physical UFO

1561 Germany, Nuremberg: The entire sky over, was filled with cylindrical objects and spinning discs, some say as many as 200, spouting numerous black, red and orange spheres.

Comments: A mega sighting of a variety of UFO types. If we saw something like this, we'd think it's an invasion.

• Germany, Tubingen: "Objects came out of the clouds resembling large, tall and wide hats and they landed in great numbers and in a variety of colours." From Pierre Boaistuan
• Switzerland, Basel: Black spheres darting around the sky were seen.

Comments: Another mega sighting, and this time, not only are they flying in the skies; they are landing.

1619 Switzerland, Fluelan: A prefect of a Swiss Canton saw a long, bright object flying along a lake near Fluelen.

1643 England: From diarist, John Evelyn. “I must not forget what amazed us exceedingly the night before, namely, a shining cloud in the air in a shape resembling a sword, the point reaching to the north. It was as bright as the moon, the rest of the sky being very serene. It began about 11 at night and vanished not till about one, being seen by all the south of England.”

1663 Russia, Robozero: A fiery ball of light stopped over a lake at, The noisy object gave out blue smoke and two beams of light projected ahead of it. Fisherman on the lake were burned by the intense heat. The object disappeared and returned again about one hour later. It was observed by many groups of witnesses.

Comments: A mass-sighting of another rocket propelled UFO that has apparently flew too close and burned the witnesses. These accounts of these types of UFO's of causing first and 2nd degree burns to onlookers is even reported in contemporary times.

1676: Edmond Hally, the astronomer who discovered Haley's comet, could recall two accounts involving unidentified crafts. His first experience was in March of, when he saw a, as he said, "Vast body apparently bigger than the moon." He estimated it at 40 mi. above him. He also stated that it made a noise, "Like the rattling of a great cart over stones." After estimating the distance it traveled in a matter of minutes, he came to the conclusion that it moved at a speed greater than 9,600 m.p.h.

Comments: This is one of the most extraordinary sightings of them all. Edmond Hally, a famous astromer, not only witnesses a flying craft, but can also estimate how high above him it was and even triangulate its speed of Mach 14, consistent with the the magnificent speeds of UFO's calculated by Radars.

1686 Germany, Leipzig: A fiery ball of light was seen to travel east to west before hovering some seven minutes in the sky at an estimated altitude of 30 miles. It was about half the size of the moon and gradually vanished from view.

Comments: Again the description of a physical UFO with physical dimensions and at a measurable altitude.

1694 Wales, Montgomeryshire: “A fiery exhalation...a furlong broad” rose out of the sea burning straw, hay and barns. Grass tainted, killing cattle, and skin affected.

Comments: This sounds a lot like todays cattle mutillations and physical traces left on crops.

1700 USA: In the US, there is an 18th century Indian legend about luminous humanoid beings who paralyzed people with a small tube. In variations of these tales, Indian women were even said to have married a couple of these "star people".

Comments: That is near identical to a modern abduction. Although, as it is a legend, it is inconclusive as a sighting.

1716: Edmond Hally’s second experience was 39 years after his first in 1676. Hally saw an object that hovered for more than two hours.

1733 England, Dorset, Fleet: Dec 8 - James Cracker of, a small town in, , saw a silvery disc fly overhead in broad daylight. Here is his eyewitness account: "Something in the sky which appeared in the north but vanished from my sight, as it was intercepted by trees, from my vision. I was standing in a valley. The weather was warm, the sun shone brightly. All of a sudden it re-appeared, darting in and out of my sight with an amazing coruscation. The colour of this phenomenon was like burnished, or new-washed silver. It shot with speed like a star falling in the night. But it had a body much larger and a train longer than any shooting star I have seen. Next day Mr. Edgecombe informed me that he and another gentleman had seen this strange phenomenon at the same time as I had. It was about 15 miles from where I saw it, and steering a course from east to north."

Comments: The witness describes the same erratic and "zooming" motion of the UFO flying craft as described in a modern encounter. This time, flight has not even been invented.

1737 England, Sheffield: A dark red cloud was observed below which was a luminous body, which emitted intense beams of light.

1741 England, London: Lord Beauchamp was in Kensington Gardens when he observed a ball of fire in the sky. It seemed as if it was eight inches in diameter but grew until it was about a yard and a half.

Comments: This clearly suggests he initially saw the object when it was at a distance, but as it approached closer, he could discern it's real dimensions. No celestial phenomena or natural aerial phenomena would account for that.

1742 England: An account by a Fellow of the Royal Society: “I was crossing St James park when a light rose from behind the trees and houses, from the south and west, which at first I thought was a rocket of large size. But when it rose 20 degrees, it moved parallel to the horizon, but waved like this (the speaker drew an undulating line) and went on in the direction of north-by-east. It seemed very near. Its motion was very slow. I had it for about half a mile in view. A light flame was turned backwards by the resistance the air made to it. From one of burning charcoal. That end was a frame like bars of iron, and quite opaque in my sight. At one point on the longitudinal frame, or cylinder, it issued a train in the shape of a tail of light more bright at one point on the rod or cylinder; so that it was transparent for more than half of its length. The head of this strange object seemed about a half a degree in diameter and the tail near three degrees in length.”

Comments: The testimony of this fairly close-encounter itself speaks volumes. A physical metallic UFO of relatable dimensions.

1758 England: From Cambridge to Ross-shire. A dazzling light as bright as day seen over Britain Velocity was an estimated 30 mps; height over Cambridge 95 miles; over Inverness 30 miles. It seemed to descend obliquely towards the earth, and then 'rose again with renewed splendor'.

Comments: Another account of a physical UFO travelling at a relatable velocity at a measurable altitude and longitude performing descents and acsents.

1762 Switzerland, Lausanne: A huge spindle-shaped object was seen crossing the sun by two different observatories and was observed by one astronomer nearly every day for a month.

1768 Germany: The German poet, dramatist, author and scientist Johann Goethe was himself a witness to a strange luminous object. He was journeying from Frankfurt to Leipzig by stagecoach. At one point the rough uphill track was so treacherous from mud and rain that the passengers were forced to alight and follow on behind! It was then that Goethe suddenly became aware of lights in the ravine below them. Writes Goethe: All of a sudden, in a ravine on the right hand side of the track, I saw a sort of amphitheatre, wonderfully illuminated. In a funnel-shaped space there were innumerable little lights shining, ranged step- fashion over one another; and they shone so brilliantly that the eye was dazzled. But the sight was even more confusing because these objects did not keep still, but jumped about here and there, as well as downwards from above!"

1777 France: French astronomer Charles Messier saw a number of dark round objects in the sky.

Comments: Note in the above accounts, these sightings are made by scientists and astronomers, who are very much aware of stars, the day star(planet venus) comets, meteorites, moons, optical phenomena and even they cannot explain these flying objects.

• England: The scientist Tiberius Cavallo was a witness to a sighting that also stunned Royal guests at a celebration to mark the birth of the 15th son of King George 111 and Queen Charlotte! A luminous object appeared from beneath a cloud and soon became brilliantly lit before coming to a halt. According To Cavallo"s account of the incident: "This strange sphere seemed at first to be pale blue in colour, but its luminosity increased and soon it set off again towards the east." Even though the sun was shining the object is said to have lit up everything on the ground and eventually disappeared with a terrific explosion!

Comments: The terrific explosion accompanying it's sudden disappearence sounds like a sonic boom. While UFO's do not usually produce sonic booms or noise, sometimes such explosions or noises are reported.

1790 France, Alencon: Police Inspector Liabeuf witnessed and investigated a large red globe as it flew over farmland. The globe landed and a man came out and spoke in a language none understood. The globe then exploded and the man disappeared. The event was witnessed by many and is well documented.

Comments: For the first time the occupants of the UFO have been reported in a mass sighting. It sounds like the UFO exploded. I also read another account of this "jelly substance" which involved a crashed UFO.

1799 England: A "beautiful ball blazing with white light" was seen. It made no sound and red sparks flew from it.

1799 England, Hereford: A "large red pillar of fire" was seen in the sky going south. It was preceded by "flashes of extremely vivid electrical sort". Other objects were seen leaving luminous trails.

1800 Germany, Barsdorf: A shooting star got larger and larger until it fell to earth between Barsdorf and Freiburg in Silesia. A whizzing noise was heard as it passed close to the ground before it landed and then lay burning. Next day a jelly-like mass was found on the snow.

Comments: The characteristic humming sound of UFO's. Shooting stars do not produce humming sounds.

1816 Edinburgh: Many people saw a large, luminous crescent-shaped object flying over the city.

1819 Massachusetts, Amhurst: A white silvery fireball light accompanied by a violent explosion was seen. Afterwards, a gelatinous substance was said to have been found.

Comments: Again, an explosion, which sounds like a crash, followed by this mysterious jelly substance. I think what is being described is ectoplasm -which gives a clue as to how the UFO is powered.

1820 France, Embrun: A formation of flying objects crossed the French town. Francois Arago wrote of this date in the ‘Annales de chimie et de physique’: "Numerous observers have seen, during an eclipse of the moon, strange objects moving in straight lines. They were equally spaced and remained in line when they made turns. Their movements made a military precision."

Comments: For the first time, a formation of UFO have been described traversing in lines and changing directions. Such formations have been sighted in modern times too. (We will cover them later)

1826 English Channel: Sailors in the Channel reported seeing a gray, torpedo-shaped object flying overhead.

Comments: Yet another sighting of a metallic cylinderical(cigar shaped) flying UFO.

1831 Germany, Thuringia: It was reported that a brilliant luminous disc was seen in the night sky.

1836 France, Cherbourg: In this French coastal town what was a described as a 'gleaming aerial vessel' was seen in the sky overhead.

1843 England, Warwick: A remarkable cloud passed over Warwick and Charles Cooper reported seeing three beings in the sky.

1845 Italy: Naples Astronomers at a Naples observatory recorded the appearance of several luminous discs, which left trails.

1846 USA: A 'luminous flying disc' was reported over this eastern seaboard area.

1847 England, London: A spherical craft was spotted rising vertically through the clouds.

1860 USA, Louisiana, Shreveport: "Our attention was called to a strange light in the heavens. On going out into the gallery we had a magnificent view of it. It appeared to the naked eye, about 300 yards in length, extending from North to West appearing just above the tallest trees. Its color was that of a red hot stove from the center beautiful rays resembling those of the sun drawing water would ascend to a considerable height, the whole presenting a very beautiful and sublime appearance. We watched it for about an hour without perceiving it to change any.

Comments: Another vivid description of a physical UFO with relatable dimensions.

• Chile, Copiago: A strange "aerial construction bearing lights and making engine noises flew low over this town. Local people also described it as a giant bird covered with large scales producing a metallic noise. Although not an actual landing, this is the first instance of close observation of an unknown object at low altitude in the nineteenth century.
• England, Oxford: Astronomers at Radcliffe Observatory saw a luminous object that moved quickly across the sky, stopped, changed course to the west, then to the south, where it hovered for four minutes, then headed toward the north.

Comments: A mass sighting of a farily close encounter of a physical metallic UFO.

1869 USA, Tennessee, Ashland: A whirlwind came along over the neighboring woods, taking up small branches and leaves of trees and burring them in a sort of flaming cylinder that traveled at a rate of about five miles an hour, developing size as it traveled. It passed directly over the spot where a team of horses were feeding and singed their manes and tails up to the roots; it then swept towards the house, taking a stack of hay in its course. It seemed to increase in heat as it went, and by the time it reached the house it immediately fired the shingles from end to end of the building, so that in ten minutes the whole dwelling was wrapped in flames. The tall column of traveling caloric then continued its course over a wheat field that had been recently cradled, setting fire to all the stacks that happened to be in its course. Passing from the field, its path lay over a stretch of woods, which reached the river. The green leaves on the trees were crisped to a cinder for a breadth of 20 yards, in a straight line to the Cumberland. When the "pillar of fire" reached the water, it suddenly changed its route down the river, raising a column of steam which went up to the clouds for about half-a-mile, when it finally died out. Not less than 200 people witnessed this strangest of strange phenomena, and all of them tell substantially the same story about it. Symon's Monthly Meteorological Magazine, 1869

Comments:A remarkable mega sighting of the rocket propelled UFO, causing widespread damage to its surroundings. It's visibily changing directions.

1870 :• African Coast: Capt. F.W. Banner and crew reported “A semi-circle divided into four parts, and a central shaft...extending far outward & curving backward emitted vivid shafts of light.”
• Atlantic Ocean: An object was seen from the ship Lady of the Lake that appeared to be a light-gray colored disk that flew against the wind.

1871 France, Meudon Observatory: Astronomer Trouvelot noted a number of objects that resembled those witnessed at Nuremberg and Basel. Among the objects he saw was a circle that first seemed about to fall, then descended "like a disk falling through water."

1873:USA, Texas, Bonham: A huge cigar-shaped object swooped low over the town of on two occasions and in broad daylight. It then disappeared quickly to the east.

1874 Mexico, Oaxaca: Residents saw a huge, gently swaying, trumpet-shaped object estimated to be 425 feet long hovering in the sky for six minutes.

Comments: Another mass sighting of Physical UFO of relatable dimensions.

1875 Czechoslovakia, Prague: A Professor Schafarick saw "an object of such strange nature that I do not know what to say about it. It was of a blinding white and crossed slowly the face of the moon. It remained visible afterwards."

1877 France, Venice: Reports of a "cloud cigar" "fiery spheres, extremely luminous, came out of a cloud of peculiar shape and went slowly toward the north for one hour.

1878 USA, Texas: John Martin, a farmer, spotted a fast moving dark object high in the southern sky. When it passed overhead, he saw that it was the size of a 'large saucer'. It continued on its way and was soon lost to view. In recounting the event, a local newspaper remarked, 'Mr. Martin is a gentleman of undoubted veracity and this strange occurrence, if it was not a balloon, deserves the attention of our scientists'

Comments: Another sighting of a flying saucer UFO. Notice how all the sightings have become much more vivid and scientific. It is only logical now, that what is being described; exists.

1879 Persian Gulf: The S.S. Vulture crew reported, two luminous rotating wheels, about 130 ft. across, seen above the water before diving

Comments: A group sighting of "luminous rotating wheels with relatable dimensions" very similar to Ezikels sighting a few thousand years ago.

1880: • England, Aldershot: A strange being dressed in tight-fitting clothes and shining helmet soared over the heads of two sentries, who fired without result. The apparition stunned them with something described as blue fire.

Comments: A rare sighting of the occupants of the UFO, clearing wearing a protective suit/space suit. Notice what sounds identical to a phaser weapon being used. Star Trek, Star Wars, Lazers, Space suits, have not even been invented yet!

• France: A member of the French Academy observed a glittering, white gold cigar-shaped object in the sky that had pointed ends.

• Persian Gulf: The British steamer Patna was traversing the waters of the when around mid- night the captain and several other members of crew all saw two enormous glowing wheels each estimated to be 500 to 600 meters in diameter appeared underwater on each side of the ship. The wheels were spinning, one on each side with the spokes touching the ship. The sighting lasted 20 minutes and was witnessed by Captain Avern, third officer Manning, and Lee Fort Brace.

Comments: An extraordinary sighting of a very near close encounter of an underwater UFO sighting, by none other than the British Navy.

• Russia, St. Petersburg: A large illuminated globe, accompanied by two smaller lights is seen to follow a ravine outside the city.

• Venezuela: A 14-year-old boy saw a luminous ball descending from the sky and hovering near him. He felt somehow "drawn" to it, but succeeded in backing away in spite of his terror.

1881:• Australia, Melbourne: Between Melbourne and Sydney at sea. The two sons of the Prince of Wales, one of them the future king of England, were cruising aboard "La Bacchante" when an object resembling a fully lighted ship was seen ("a phantom vessel all aglow")

• USA, Georgia, Americus: Mr. Z. T. Baisden, of Americus, gives us the following story of a whirlwind that visited his place, scaring all his hands and some visitors very badly. A whirlwind occurred in a twelve acre cornfield that was about four feet in diameter and sometimes a hundred feet high. The body of it was perfectly black, with fire in the center and emitted a strong sulphurous vapor that could be smelt three hundred yards form it. The whirlwind would divide into three and move rapidly over the field, twisting up the corn stalks by the roots and carrying them up. These three minor whirlwinds would then come together with a loud crash, cracking and burning and shoot high up into the heavens. Three young ladies who were visiting Mrs. Baisden went in about 150 feet to observe it, but received such a shower of burning sand upon their face and necks that they ran affrighted to the house. Mr. Baisden says that he cannot account for this strange phenomenon, and it certainly frightened all who saw it. The strange part was that it contained fire, yet did not appear to burn the corn that it did not tear up, and its sulphurous vapor sickened and burnt all who got close enough to get a full breath of it.

Comments: An extremely vivid group sighting with physical traces and effects. The sulphurous smell is the most commonly reported physical trace of a modern UFO encounter. The fire in the centre is most probably the glowing anamolous energy on the underside.

1882 England: A huge UFO, the first such phenomenon which was characteristically saucer-shaped in Europe, was plainly observed by numerous people in England and other parts of Europe during the night. It was seen to travel in the sky at an approximate altitude of 130 miles in an east-west direction. A number of eminent scientists witnessed the object, among them being Dr E Walter Maunder, Greenwich astronomer; English spectroscopist, J Rand Capron; Dutch astronomers Audemans and Zeeman. The Royal Observatory, Greenwich published a report of the conclusions reached by scientists, following the appearance of what had been termed, "The Great Saucer". The report had this to say: "It appeared to be well defined in body and the inference drawn was that it was a meteor, not in the old vague sense of some object high in the Earth's atmosphere, but in the sense of a solid cosmological substance, disc-like in appearance, the orbit of which brought it within the terrestrial atmosphere. But nothing could be more unlike the rush of a great meteor or fireball, with intense radiance and fiery train. The advance of this object, though swift, appeared to be orderly and controlled. There was no sign of the compression of the atmosphere before it, no hint that the matter composing its front part, was in anyway more strongly heated than the rest of its substance, if substance, indeed it possessed."

Comments: The first proper scientific investigation of the late 19th century of UFO's, and while the hypothesis of them being a natural meteorological phenomena was entertained as it is today too, unlike the fanatical skeptics pf today, they did not adopt it. As even they know meteroites do not move around in a swif, orderly and controlled manner. I commend them.

• Germany, Segeberg: A teacher and children at a school all saw two fiery balls in a clear sky one day. The size of two full moons, the objects traveled slowly together from north to south.

• Mexico, Zacatecas: An astronomer at the Zacatecas Observatory saw 143 circular objects cross in front of the sun. The astronomer, Professor Jose' Bonilla, managed to take a photograph of one of the objects. He wrote up his finding, which were sent to the French journal L'Astronomie.

Comments: An incredible sighting of hundreds of flying saucer UFO's. The photograph Jose took. It is of very poor quality considering the slow plate photography of the time -but one can make out the shape of a tilted disk


1885 Turkey, Constantinople: From ‘L’Astronomie’: M. Mavrogordato, calls our attention to the following strange observations which have been communicated to him. "On November 1, at 9:30pm, there was seen, west of Adrianople, an elongated object giving off a strong luminosity. It seemed to float in the air and its apparent disk was four or five times larger than the full moon. It traveled slowly and cast light on the whole camp behind the station with a brightness about ten times greater than a large electric bulb. In the morning, at dawn, a very luminous flame, first bluish, then greenish, and moving at a height of five to six meters, made a series of turns around the ferryboat pier at Scutari. Its blinding luminosity lighted the street and flooded the inside of the houses with light."

Comments: A celestial phenomena would not flood streets and the insides of houses with light.

1886 Venezuela: During the night of the 24th of October last, which was rainy and tempestuous, a family of nine persons, sleeping in a hut a few leagues from Maracaibo, were awakened by a loud humming noise and a vivid, dazzling light, which brilliantly illuminated the interior of the house. The occupants completely terror stricken, and believing, as they relate, that the end of the world had come, threw themselves on their knees and commenced to pray, but their devotions were almost immediately interrupted by violent vomiting, and extensive swellings commenced to appear in the upper part of their bodies, this being particularly noticeable about the face and lips. It is to be noted that the brilliant lights was not accompanied by a sensation of heat, although there was a smoky appearance and a peculiar smell. The next morning, the swellings had subsided, leaving upon the face and body large black blotches. No trace of lightning could afterward by observed in any part of the building, and all the sufferers unite in saying that there was no detonation, but only the loud humming already mentioned. Another curious attendant circumstance is that the trees around the house showed no signs of injury until the ninth day, when they suddenly withered. From Warner Cowgill, U. S. Consulate, Maracaibo, Venezuela in a letter posted in Scientific American, Dec 18.

Comments: This desribes the characteristic humming sound and perhaps EM effects commonly reported with UFO's. Notice the physical effects on the witnesses and the loss of time reported. This maybe an actual UFO abduction.

1887 Nova Scotia, Cape Race: From L’Astronomie, "On November 12, 1887, at midnight, near, a huge ball of fire appeared, slowly emerging from the ocean to an altitude of sixteen to seventeen meters. This sphere started moving against the wind and stopped close to the ship from which it was observed. Then it rushed away in the sky and disappeared in the southeast. The whole observation had lasted five minutes.

Comments: Another very close encounter of an underwater UFO sighting emerging from underwater, stopping in mid-air, and then zooming of.

• Netherlands: An astronomer called Muller was observing the moon through his telescope when a black disk moved across his field of view.

• Poland: A phantom airship scare began appearing. As in later 'flaps' of this sort, the craft often appeared at night and were usually equipped with powerful searchlights.

Comments: UFO equipped with powerful "search lights". That rules out celestial and natural aerial phenomena.

• USA, California, Sacramento: On November 25, a mysterious light was seen moving rapidly from the Northeast and heading in a southwesterly direction. As it neared the southern boundary of the city of Sacramento it turned directly toward the west and after passing the city went south, being distinctly visible for upward of 20 minutes.

• USA, California, Lorin: On November 26, an airship that looked like a great black cigar with a fishlike tail neared Lorin tremendous speed. It turned quickly and disappeared in the direction of San Francisco. The body was at least 100 feet long and attached to it was a triangular tail, one apex being attached to the main body. The surface of the airship looked as if it were made of aluminum, which exposure to wind and weather had turned dark. At half past 8 we saw it again, when it took about the same direction and disappeared." From the Oakland Tribune, Dec 1.

• USA, California, San Francisco: The great Airship Flap of 1897 actually started in late 1896 in San Francisco. Hundreds saw a large, cigar-shaped object, shining brilliant beams of light, and moving northwest passing over Oakland. Later reports came from other northern

• USA, California, San Francisco: A light was observed by many prominent individuals including Deputy Secretary of State George A. McCalvy, District Attorney Frank D. Ryan, and E. D. McCabe, the governor's personal secretary. From the San Francisco Call, Nov 26.

• Switzerland, Arolla: Author Aleister Crowley was walking in the mountains when he suddenly saw two little men. He made a gesture to them, but they did not seem to pay attention and disappeared among the rocks.

Comments: This is a tremendous and monumental sighthing. The UFOs have unequivocally been identified as airships, of metallic, aluminium like material, of relatable dimensions, flying across the skies and visibly changing directions.

1898 France, Lille: An astronomer saw through his telescope a rectangular object with a violet colored band on one side, the rest being striped red and black. It was not in the position of any known planet. It remained stationary for 10 minutes, then 'cast out sparks and disappeared.'

• France, Dourite, Dordogne: November 1An object 'like an enormous star' was seen from 7:00 pm, 'at times white, then red, and sometimes blue... moving like a kite' in the southerly sky.

• France, Luzarches: M.A. Garry observed a round luminous object rise above the horizon and shrink in size as it moved into the distance over 15 minutes.

• South Africa: After alerting its telegraph offices to be on the lookout for invading British aircraft, the Transvaal government was inundated with sighting reports. Phantom airships, often equipped with powerful searchlights, mysteriously appeared in the skies around. Of course, neither aircraft nor airplanes were known to exist in Africa at this time.

• USA, Arizona, Prescott: Dr. Warren E. Day observed a luminous object that 'traveled with the Moon all day' until 2:00 pm. A similar object had been observed the day before from Tonto, Arizona.

• USA, Texas, El Paso: A luminous object was seen in daylight from 10:00am to 4:00pm; Venus was two months past its secondary phase of maximum brilliance.

Comments: A hysteria of UFO sightings spanning many continents.

1909 Annam, Donghoi: An elongated object following a west to east trajectory flew over the town. It gave off a strong light and was seen by two fishermen to plunge into the sea 6 km away from the coast, after a steady flight of about 9 min.

• England: Mystery airships seen almost exclusively at night, once again visited many parts of Britain. Mostly described as oblong in shape and equipped with a large searchlight, the craft was capable of propelling itself through the air at great speed.

• England, Peterborough, Cambridgeshire: The first mystery airship - or 'scareship', as it has since become known - was seen in Peterborough, Cambridgeshire, by two police officers in different parts of the city, at 5:10 am on March 23rd. A long oblong body with a light attached passed overhead at speed, making 'the steady buzz of a high power engine.'

Comment: Another underwater UFO sighthing, however this time, it has not emerged, but entered the sea. Notice in the last account, the same characteristic humming/buzzing of the UFO.

1910 New Zealand, Invercargill: Several witnesses among them the vicar, the Mayor, and a policeman saw a cigar-shaped object hovering at 30 m altitude. A man appeared at a lateral door and was heard shouting some words in an unknown language. The opening closed, and the object accelerated and was lost to sight.

• Normandy: The crew of a French fishing boat operating off the coast saw 'a large, black, bird-like object' fall from the sky into the sea, then bounded back before it fell once more and disappeared under the waves.

• USA, Alabama: Large cigar-shaped UFO hovers over Huntsville, Alabama and Chattanooga, Tennessee, playing its bright spotlight over both cities.

• USA, Arkansas, Fulton County: Myrtle B. Lee reported an experience she had with her brother when they were children in Fulton County Arkansas, "We saw a bright object hovering just above the trees about 50 yard from us. It was silver colored and shaped like a Zeppelin, but not quite as big. It had nothing hanging from the underside and there were no windows. When it took off we saw it start up, and it completely vanished before our eyes. We called it a balloon. When I saw a real balloon, I knew what Jack and I saw wasn't a balloon. No one believed us when we told of seeing this thing."

Comments: Some more extraordinary sightings of physical UFO's.

1911 USA, New York, New York: "Mystery airship" flies under the Brooklyn Bridge in New York City.

Norway, Tjolta: At Midlandet in Tjolta last Saturday evening November 21, an airship was seen again cruising about Skjaervaer Lighthouse, which it lighted up with a searchlight. The airship, which had a height of about 700 meters, descended to about 400 meters altitude, wherefrom it let the searchlight play on a passing ship. Thereafter it ascended again. Between 20 and 30 people watched it simultaneously."

• USA, Michigan, Benton Harbor: Three luminous UFOs fly low over.

Comments: These air ships witnessed in the 1914's are identical in characteristics to the ships, or vessels, or shields several thousands of years ago. Notice how now, whenever they are mentioned, they are called AIRSHIPS . Not moons; not stars; not shields; not fireballs; not dragons; not planets; AIRSHIPS - Physical airships.

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sounds interesting

did you copy and paste that from the one site? you should reference the intellectual owners......

as for being able to disprove your statements:

1: The Disclosure project ............... I don't know any CIA, NASA or NSA operatives and as you said the governments are covering it up. So how could i disprove your claim which isn't even public knowledge?

The only proof is lack of proof, which you claim is at the crux of it all.

2: The probability of life

The probability of life is not in question. YES it is probable that life exists somewhere else in the universe. But NO you have no proof that that life has sought out our tiny planet and made contact. So in a way that point has been disproved because you have no proof. You must prove the point, just like a laywer must prove a man guilty.

3: The Physical evidence of UFO's

Hard evidence would be helpful. I've seen David Copperfield fly in front of my very eyes, just because i saw something doesn't make it so...Let people see the UFO's, hold them, touch them, feel them, then they will believe. Again it is on you to prove the fact not those who do not believe.

4: The skeptical arguments are illogical

No they are very logical, and sane. Aliens have not made contact with earth because there is no hard evidence anywhere that they have. NO REAL EVIDENCE, see above.

5: Why UFO's belong to ETI

There are UFO's, but none flown by ETI, again prove it.

Your citings of religion are interesting I admit, but I happen to know alot about aboriginal history and all of that is circumstancial and taken out of context, as is the rest of the information i must then suppose.

Oh and just the same with most believers in Aliens today, ancient people used alot of drugs too.
did you copy and paste that from the one site? you should reference the intellectual owners:

No I did not copy and paste from another site. The records of sightings are not written by me however, they are collected from a database of historical sightings, of which there is no intellectual ownership.

As per your arguments. It is evident you have not read, or read properly the full arguments and the thread. If they do not convince you, that is fine, because the latest argument should.
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People seem to prasie the ancients for there texts, architecture, knowledge etc, yet most of the advaned ancient civilisations give credit to "gods" who came down and tought them civilisation, yet people claim its nonsense, are we to assume then that all there other texts are nonsense as well

people believe in gods for various reasons.......

go to university and study anthropology/theology or even psychology you might learn something about how FAKE these alien claims really are.
Thanks for your compliments Star One! It's taken me just over a week, researching, compiling, referencing and writing it.
and yet when somebody tries to reply you don't even acknowledge seem the same as most UFO claiments, you just want praise and attention.

you don't want a rational discussion, you just want people to say,


-tell me more.
"We have thus far covered the following arguments. None which have been refuted succesfully."

Thats a bold statement to start with. That is your opinion but others, myself included, would disagree.
Nebu, you are being exceedinly ignorant and narrow minded. Please read the records, , the comments, and reference it, some even contain references, and then read all the prior arguments, and it should complete the puzzlee. This information is not false. All I can see right now, is the typical irrational and unscientific fundamentalism. Foolishness is not a virtue.
crazymikey said:
Nebu, you are being exceedinly ignorant and narrow minded. Please read the records, , the comments, and reference it, some even contain references, and then read all the prior arguments, and it should complete the puzzlee. This information is not false. All I can see right now, is the typical irrational and unscientific fundamentalism. Foolishness is not a virtue.

Foolishness is not a virtue? gee you sound like Albert fucking Einstien with that realisation...

well if foolishness is NOT a viture, then why do you and your alien seeing friends display it at every turn???

lemme guess, you're either:

a) An American

b) Very lonely, and have few friends

c) Studying philosphy at Uni for the first time

d) On lots of drugs

f) Haven't had sex in months/years

f) Surf the internet looking for interesting stuff too much, and in the process avoid the real world

g) All of the above
Also, care to elaborate for the persons who havent attended university why, the ancient accounts that mention "gods" are not E.T

Ad hominem?

It's alright Nebu, I'm not offended; it's not really your fault. In fact, this skeptical fundamentalism is natural. You've been conditioned to believe in fundamentals of society and scientifc paradigms for a life time. So those neural pathways have been rigidly established, thus anything that endangers that, causes a natural and equal retaliatory reaction to maintain the status quo. The latest proof envoked the most severe retaliation because it strongly impacted those neural pathways. This only confirms my assertion of it's potency. In addition, you are not very naturally intelligent and thus are not capable of a high level of abstract thinking. The laymen explanation for this mechanism is you're trapped in a metal box. So I deeply and truly do not blame you for not believing, and I respect that. You just have to wait and watch, like all the common folk, as the tides of time change. This will be my last response on this matter to you :) Forgive me, if I've offended you.
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