pro-life vs pro-choice


I can't help to think that the pro-life position is immoral. As we have seen recently and in the past, prolife and prochoice often come in conflict with each other. And of course you could think that they are just two opposite opinions.

But they aren't.

In my opinion they are fundamentally different. Pro-life is a rather rigid mindset that leaves no room for other people's opinions. You are either pro-life or you are not. They do not accept deviation from this path.

Pro-choice accepts that there is diversity within a population and its general premise is that you should respect other people's viewpoints.

How can prochoice clash with prolife then? Well, it can't in a sense. I feel that the problem is more that prolife clashes with prochoice.

What are your views on this matter?
Well, the pro-lifers think abortion is murder. How can someone who believe that killing babies be allowed to kill babies simply on that belief?
Why not allow murder or rape?

That's how the pro-lifers feel.
I just don't think babies are special enough to merit keeping, so we should have the choice to get rid of them if we want.
the pro-life decision supports religion, and is therefore immoral.
its the woman's body, the woman's child, the woman's choice.
I am pro-life, as I do believe it to be murder to kill a baby. (because you know, killing babies is the same as murdering babies).

If a woman wanted an abortion, but didn't go through with it because of fear or something, and I walked into the hospital and ate her baby, would you call me a murderer or Abortionist?

The only time I am in favor of pro-choice (or at least, the only situation that comes to mind) is when it is a case of rape. The woman is not responsible in any way for having the baby (this includes broken condoms and such--if she was willingly taking it in the mangina, then she's responsible), so she should not be responsible for keeping it alive.
Well, the pro-lifers think abortion is murder. How can someone who believe that killing babies be allowed to kill babies simply on that belief?
Why not allow murder or rape?
Well, rape and murder have virtually universal abhorrence.
With abortion, it’s less than a majority.
Also note, fetuses, and zygotes are by definition, not babies. Bio 101.

“Pro-life” is a misnomer.
They are for capitol punishment.
They are for war.
I know, too obvious.
If life is present at the time of conception, it is a baby.

And besides the point, it will be a human. That's the whole point. I see no reason to take that potential away.

Oh, and who says all pro-life people are pro-war and pro-capitol punishment? Stereotyping is awesome. :rolleyes:
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If life is present at the time of conception, it is a baby.
Life was present BEFORE conception.
Masturbation and menstruation are murder?
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Jin: yes, it will be human. but it isnt at the time of it being a fetus.

It's the Woman's body, the Woman's baby, the Woman's choice!
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You're doing pretty good.
You get points for consistency. . .
also inconsistency and unpredictability.

I looked up “anomaly” in my dictionary and there was Jinoda.
I think that until the moment where a being starts breathing and living on it's own without a host to live off of, people should mind their own business. That includes people in a persistive vegetative state as well. It should be up to the person who has to carry the burden.
its the woman's body, the woman's baby, the woman's choice...
WOW Jinoda i agree with you on a LOT of stuff! i.e. this matter.
Why can't they just put it up for adoption?? i dont understand. minus if its a rape..not many would want to be a product of that.
fuck-damn it!!
damn unfounded bullcrap.
its not alive yet, ergo IT IS NOT MURDER!!!
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Thanks Athena ;)

I can understand where pro-choicers are coming from (I've heard giving birth can be painful). But the pain is the only thing I can see as a reason to abort a fetus. Is there any other reason why women cannot just give up the baby for adoption? There's another post where I'm sure there are plenty of people looking for a couple kids. Hell, I know of yet another post where there's at least one person looking for a kid or two.
Any woman that is under the legal age and not married and gets an abortion has been raped.
cosmictraveler said:
Any woman that is under the legal age and not married and gets an abortion has been raped.
Unlikely but: Consider and underage girl with a massive crush on a man. This man was asleep, and while sleeping the girl begins to "make love" to him. While this man is sleeping, he "impregnates" the girl.

It was completely initiated by the girl, who was underage and unmarried of course.

Was this girl raped?
legally, yes.
if you f*** a girl under the age of 18, its technically rape. if not rape, then just illegal sex with a minor.
depends really, on where you are, and the exact situation.
Where do we draw the line between enforcing a belief that is demonstrable in reality and enforcing a belief that is merely superstition held despite demonstrative evidence?

Take fetal viability, for instance. Do we draw the line at an infant surviving with standard maternal care? Or do we start counting off days for all the wonderful technology we have?

The solution, of course, is to develop a technique that can see a test-tube baby never require a human womb, at which point abortion will simply disappear in favor of transplantation.

Or, perhaps, instead of spending millions greasing politicians, perhaps the pro-life forces could organize and invest their funds in order to buy off potential abortive mothers. We could try mixing issues for sarcasm's sake: Since many of the same folks don't want gays adopting children, I'm sure an organizational network could be put in place to raise the unwanted children, too. And besides, since so many of the United States' pro-lifers are religious, there's a convenient way for those folks to bolster their numbers, a whole new market of children to brainwash.

Among Americans, the truth of Spurious' depiction runs more broadly than just the life/choice argument. Look closely ... oh, hell, even a casual perusal will reveal that pattern playing out over and over again:

Spuriousmonkey said:

_____ is a rather rigid mindset that leaves no room for other people's opinions. You are either _____ or you are not. They do not accept deviation from this path.

_____ accepts that there is diversity within a population and its general premise is that you should respect other people's viewpoints.

(Edited by Tiassa to accommodate generalization)

I first said it about a religious group, and then a political ideology, and have since mourned its spread to infect the culture at large. Even the people who I'm supposed to be counting on my side of the aisle have given over to this argument. Part of it is mere marketing concerns. The other, though, is a serious problem of principle and priority in our country.