
It does, except in many places these murderers and child rapists get TV's, time outside, three hots and a cot, etc

Arguably, they live better than the poor among normal society. That is absurd.

can you explain that please norse?
Three hot meals. "Three hots and a cot" means they get meals and a roof over their head

Not to mention time oustide, and all sorts of other 'luxuries' they don't deserve. Paid for by you!

oh right i see now, so it would be cheaper to execute these people? and i dont understand why there are so many people in USA on death row and have been there (some of them) for years
oh right i see now, so it would be cheaper to execute these people? and i dont understand why there are so many people in USA on death row and have been there (some of them) for years

It's because it is inefficient.

It would be 'cheaper' to execute them, except for all the trials and lawyers and such. However in cases where guilt is without a reasonable doubt, there is no reason to keep 'em waiting more than a week.
It's because it is inefficient.

It would be 'cheaper' to execute them, except for all the trials and lawyers and such. However in cases where guilt is without a reasonable doubt, there is no reason to keep 'em waiting more than a week.

no i agree its cruel.

and for mike saying, show these people some dignity, well did the people who commit crimes show dignity to they're victims, i dont think they did
The ones that really need a good hangin' are the gang members. I don't know if you have a gang problem over there, but here most people and crimes in prison are gang related. There's no doubt they are part of gangs, and they are still proud of that and flaunt it everywhere, cause riots, etc. There is absolutely no reason to keep them around.
The ones that really need a good hangin' are the gang members. I don't know if you have a gang problem over there, but here most people and crimes in prison are gang related. There's no doubt they are part of gangs, and they are still proud of that and flaunt it everywhere, cause riots, etc. There is absolutely no reason to keep them around.

the only real problems we have with gangs are groups of children hanging around and them being moved on by the police, to and annoy anouther area of the place where they live,

also i would like to mention.....if the police werent so bloody wishy washy and affraid to face criminals then perhaps we wouldnt have the problem with crime has we do
Here our police are armed, and authorized to use deadly force if fired upon.

not here they are too affriad to get into anything to hard for they're little heads to handle, bloody pussies, i wish they did carry fire arms then people would know that they mean business
not here they are too affriad to get into anything to hard for they're little heads to handle, bloody pussies, i wish they did carry fire arms then people would know that they mean business

"Law and order" in the UK is a joke here, I mean, the views most people here have on the police in the UK

No offense
Yep that does seem to be the general opinion of uninformed foreigners.

No offense ;)

actually the police force here in teh UK is a joke, and so is our justice system, someone i know was mugged a few years ago and because the police found no evidence of it they fined the person who was mugged for wastingpolice time, my nephew had items stolen from his house and the police said he was making it up, because they didnt want to investigate it properly, and very recently my garage was broken into and they did some damage to items in it, and the police could do nothing, my daughter was attacked at a local train station and it was caught on CCTV and the people got found NOT GUILTY because they cane from a broken home, talk about a total waste of time and money the police are, i could go on and on but i wont
actually the police force here in teh UK is a joke
Based on?

someone i know was mugged a few years ago and because the police found no evidence of it they fined the person who was mugged for wastingpolice time, my nephew had items stolen from his house and the police said he was making it up, because they didnt want to investigate it properly, and very recently my garage was broken into and they did some damage to items in it, and the police could do nothing, my daughter was attacked at a local train station and it was caught on CCTV and the people got found NOT GUILTY because they cane from a broken home, talk about a total waste of time and money the police are, i could go on and on but i wont
I see, individual (largely isolated) personal cases...
On the other hand my individual isolated personal experience is completely the opposite.
And where I live they're regarded as anything but a joke.
Based on?

I see, individual (largely isolated) personal cases...
On the other hand my individual isolated personal experience is completely the opposite.
And where I live they're regarded as anything but a joke.

based on the fact that they are to scared to investigate crime properly, and also they are affraid to protect the community, i live in Blackpool and has you know it is a big seaside town and here the police are seen has a joke, becasue they do more harm than good
based on the fact that they are to scared to investigate crime properly, and also they are affraid to protect the community
All over the country?
Or are you generalising from your local experiences?

i live in Blackpool and has you know it is a big seaside town and here the police are seen has a joke, becasue they do more harm than good
I agree that in certain areas they are seen as a joke, in others however...
All over the country?
Or are you generalising from your local experiences?

I agree that in certain areas they are seen as a joke, in others however...

i have lived in a few places in the UK, wales, reading, bedford, blackpool, manchester, bristol and they (from what i have seen) are all the same