President Barack Obama Ramadan Message

The whole truth remains unknown, but as with evolution and the JFK assassination, we know enough to make an educated guess. We are at a disadvantage with JFK, since there was an official cover-up. Fossils are rare, and constantly eroding out of the soil and wearing down into dust, but we have found enough to determine a likely sequence of events. Monkeys led to apes, the apes started to walk upright, evolved into homonids with many ape-like characteristics, and one branch led to us, a slightly built large brained tool-using hominid, one of which became the 35th president of the USA.
Originally Posted by spidergoat
They did ask us, what about all the Afghan refugees who fled to other countries like the US when the Taliban took over? They had to wait until 9/11 for us to help. Should we have "interfered" in Darfur? Should we liberate Tibet? Should we occupy Israel and save the poor Palestinians? If not stop complaining about them.

I agree with you on this issue. This is the reason we as Americans shouldn’t abandon the Afghanistan people.

The article shows a picture of an Afghan farmer Lal Mohammad, who claims his nose and ears were cut of by the Taliban. Taliban militants cut off his nose and both ears as he tried to vote.
The whole truth remains unknown, but as with evolution and the JFK assassination, we know enough to make an educated guess. We are at a disadvantage with JFK, since there was an official cover-up. Fossils are rare, and constantly eroding out of the soil and wearing down into dust, but we have found enough to determine a likely sequence of events. Monkeys led to apes, the apes started to walk upright, evolved into homonids with many ape-like characteristics, and one branch led to us, a slightly built large brained tool-using hominid, one of which became the 35th president of the USA.

Evolution but why did it all happen and why so quickly?

Scietifically proven parts of evolution typically involves gradual changes over an extended period of time when a species had to adapt to a changing environment.

Monkey changed to man in a blink without a solid explaination as to why?

Educated guesses are a good place to start when something can be tested, but educated guessing does not always lead to the truth.

sorry for being so off topic, the OP probably enjoying it though ;) (I hope)
The article is what Obama should be focusing on, instead of meaningless feel good messages that don't assuage burns from white phosphorus or dead family members.
Thats the president's job...real decisions are made by the party leadership.
Muslims in the US do not want war.

Christians in the U.S. also do not want war.

Herman Göring - Nazi Party leader
"Why of course the people don't want war. . . . That is understood. But, after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country."

All Praise The Ancient of Days
According to Bush, God was behind his decison.

the former Palestinian foreign minister Nabil Shaath says Mr Bush told him and Mahmoud Abbas, former prime minister and now Palestinian President: "I'm driven with a mission from God. God would tell me, 'George, go and fight those terrorists in Afghanistan.' And I did, and then God would tell me, 'George go and end the tyranny in Iraq,' and I did."

I’m sure Osama bin Laden would say God was telling him to attack America and was behind his decision concerning 9/11.

Constantine converted to Christianity after winning a big battle in the 4th century.

This God everybody talks about is a war monger.

Hummm but the question is Who is their “God”? Who is the one they serve?

Christians in the U.S. also do not want war. Who is it thats in charge of things?

Who is in charge of this world (For a time)

1 John 5
19 We know that we are of God, and the whole world lies under the sway of the wicked one.

Matthew 4

8 Again, the devil took Him up on an exceedingly high mountain, and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory. 9 And he said to Him, “All these things I will give You if You will fall down and worship me.”

But Jesus said:

John 12
Now is the judgment of this world; now the ruler of this world will be cast out.

John 14
30 I will no longer talk much with you, for the ruler of this world is coming, and he has nothing in Me.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
It amazes me you think God speaks to you but not Bush. Obviously you think you’re special. There isn’t much difference between a war mongering God and condemning all of mankind that is ever born or killing one’s own son and then calling such a despicable act righteousness. You can’t recognize the twisted unreasonableness of it all. You've partnered up with the most evil ever known. And its a functioning processing machine, it doesn’t even think.

p.s. I have programmed it into the machine, curses and judgements and threats against any human in the name of any God, like you have been doing, return to those who speak them.

p.p.s The machine has acknowledged my programming. You can't beg your way out of this one.
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It amazes me you think God speaks to you but not Bush. Obviously you think you’re special. There isn’t much difference between a war mongering God and condemning all of mankind that is ever born or killing one’s own son and then calling such a despicable act righteousness. You can’t recognize the twisted unreasonableness of it all. You've partnered up with the most evil ever known. And its a functioning processing machine, it doesn’t even think.

p.s. I have programmed it into the machine, curses and judgements and threats against any human in the name of any God, like you have been doing, return to those who speak them.

p.p.s The machine has acknowledged my programming. You can't beg your way out of this one.

Remember that it was REVENGE Adstar wanted when he went shopping for a religion.

Revenge against a world he despised.
Evolution but why did it all happen and why so quickly?

Scietifically proven parts of evolution typically involves gradual changes over an extended period of time when a species had to adapt to a changing environment.

Monkey changed to man in a blink without a solid explaination as to why?

Educated guesses are a good place to start when something can be tested, but educated guessing does not always lead to the truth.

sorry for being so off topic, the OP probably enjoying it though ;) (I hope)

I was still millions of years, not overnight. The Theory of Evolution doesn't specify how many millions are required. In fact, we can see the effects of natural selection from year to year in some bird populations!
I was still millions of years, not overnight. The Theory of Evolution doesn't specify how many millions are required. In fact, we can see the effects of natural selection from year to year in some bird populations!

Scientist studying fruit fly genomes is another example.

Kumar explains that, based on data from past studies of DNA changes in fruit flies, scientists know that the DNA can mutate 10 times faster than in mammals.
“If you think about this 40- to 50-million-year time of divergence being the most ancient split in these 12 genomes, that corresponds to almost 500 million years of evolution for vertebrates,” Kumar says. “For example, comparisons of these 12 genomes is similar to the comparisons between humans and fish – and all of their intermediates.”

The life cycle and reproduction of fruit flies
The lifespan is about 30 days at 29 °C (84 °F). The developmental period for fruit flies varies with temperature. The shortest development time (egg to adult), 7 days, is achieved at 28 °C (82 °F). Under ideal conditions, the development time at 25 °C (77 °F) is 8.5 days, at 18 °C (64 °F) it takes 19 days and at 12 °C (54 °F) it takes over 50 days.

The fruit fly is one of the most commonly used model organisms in biology.
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I know, but it seems like a non-sequitur.

I copied this out the the article.
“One major motivation for sequencing the genomes of so many fruit flies is that they will invigorate development of new computer tools to find important DNA parts at a genome scale,” Kumar says. “Then, these tools can be adapted to understand the function of different parts of our own genomes to identify disease-causing genes, as well as parts of the genome that allow us to adapt. In this sense, fly genomes act as bioinformatics model sets for human and primate genomes.”

The filling in the blanks about how we evolved is going to develop through DNA sequencing and the studing of fruit flies can help scientist move ahead more rapidly then studying fossils alone. Plus the added benefit of identify disease-causing genes.
That's kind of irrelevent to our discussion, but I'll leave it at that. Happy Ramadan!
That's kind of irrelevent to our discussion, but I'll leave it at that. Happy Ramadan!

I thought you was talking about evolution and how it takes a long time, well fruit flies multiply and die more rapidly and their evolutionary process happens much quicker than us and the cost of studying fruit flies is low comparatively.

SOrry I stepped in and added my two cents worth.
Give Obama few more years and he will be also known as G.W. Bush .
He is following his dark path and indeed he disappointed lots of people who thought he would bring REAL change . :shrug: .
I see NO real change do you ?!.
Give Obama few more years and he will be also known as G.W. Bush .
He is following his dark path and indeed he disappointed lots of people who thought he would bring REAL change . :shrug: .
I see NO real change do you ?!.

Well, the real change is coming. Obama is on a spending spree and economist agree we are going to see an increase in inflation and higher interest rates later down the road because of the increased governmental spending. Plus the trillions of increased debt is going to have to be paid for somehow. Raising taxes is about the only way out.

When Clinton left office America had a balanced budget with a surplus. I give him a thumbs up. :thumbsup:
Excerpt from the article about Obama's Ramadan Message

This is another gesture by the President to work on the relations between the United States and Muslims worldwide. For me, though, this message was unique. Growing up as a Muslim American, Ramadan was never formally recognized by the larger American community, except on a local level. President Obama’s more visible efforts to fully incorporate the Muslim American community have led to more awareness–positive awareness, I should say–of Islam and the commonalities that it shares with other faiths.

Obama is making an effort to soothe the anger Bush has caused within the muslim communities and Islam in general. I wish him luck in this endeavor.
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Its funny that people speak of political or ideological change as if it is something that can happen in the twinkling of an eye. Even Bush's administration took the time to bring about the disastrous changes of his administration, he had eight years. People are disappointed that Obama didn't make sweeping changes in the first few months as if he were the new dictator and every decision came from him and the waving of a hand. Whatever Obama's legacy is to be we really cannot BEGIN to assess it until he is close to finishing his term. We can be critical of the way he is going about things in the present and hold him accountable for his administration but there is no way of knowing conclusively what kind of change will come about because of his presidency both positive or negative.