President Barack Obama Ramadan Message

Warfare preceeded God. The warfare in sacred texts is mostly a reflection of our own biological territoriality and tribalism. I agree that certain tenets of some religions do not help things, but there is nothing we can do about that.

The evidence is clear, God is telling people like Bush and bin Laden to make war.
They worship the same God, but if God is actually sending them messages, then something is not consistent...
I’m a machinist; personally, I can’t just bow down and worship a machine. "It" is a machine, IMO.
Bush: God told me to invade Iraq

According to Bush, God was behind his decison.

the former Palestinian foreign minister Nabil Shaath says Mr Bush told him and Mahmoud Abbas, former prime minister and now Palestinian President: "I'm driven with a mission from God. God would tell me, 'George, go and fight those terrorists in Afghanistan.' And I did, and then God would tell me, 'George go and end the tyranny in Iraq,' and I did."

p.s. Obedience is the key to salvation, right?

Well there is reason to believe that it was Dick Cheney's war and that Bush went along with it probably after meditating and convincing himself that it was part of gods plan. What better way of convincing oneself and other's who are religious that war is good than to say that its ordained by god.

Just because the scientific thinking doesn't believe aliens are capable of sending machines to this solar system doesn't make that belief a fact. There has been some sort of interference with humankind for thousands of years, where is it coming from?
Well there is reason to believe that it was Dick Cheney's war and that Bush went along with it probably after meditating and convincing himself that it was part of gods plan. What better way of convincing oneself and other's who are religious that war is good than to say that its ordained by god.

I don't believe Bush was lying about the messages he receives from what he calls God.
Adstar and Lori7 can confirm that something they call God is sending messages to them. Richard Roberts, Benny Hinn and Pat Robertson also make that claim. Peter, Paul and the other apostles made that claim during their life times.
I don't believe Bush was lying about the messages he receives from what he calls God.

Well I am not saying he was lying, anyone who can believe that their own reasoning is backed by god or that their own thoughts and ideas come from god, this doesn't mean I have to believe they came from god just because this is what they think.

An interesting skeptic joke:

A man dies and goes to heaven and is standing by the holy gate where St. Peter is looking through a book. Peter says 'welcome are you worthy of walking through those gates?' The man looks at peter and says 'how do I know that you and this place are not simply figments of my imagination'. Peter then closes the book and turns and yells towards the gate 'Its ok let him in, he's one of us'.
Adstar and Lori7 can confirm that something they call God is sending messages to them. Richard Roberts, Benny Hinn and Pat Robertson also make that claim. Peter, Paul and the other apostles made that claim during their life times.

There is no need to explain something for which there is no evidence in the first place.
But.... there isn't. These are just personal anecdotes that can be dismissed without evidence.
But.... there isn't. These are just personal anecdotes that can be dismissed without evidence.

Jihad and the war on terror is evidence of war mongering God. History records other wars that were fought in a religious framework.