President Barack Obama Ramadan Message

They are evidence for a religion that allows for war, and possibly causes it by accentuating religious differences. Religious wars are evidence against a God, not for one.
They are evidence for a religion that allows for war, and possibly causes it by accentuating religious differences. Religious wars are evidence against a God, not for one.

I can confirm something is sending message to folks brains for their minds to recognize. I have received some messages too. This is were I use the biblical reference, "many are called, few are chosen" and even less refuse.
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A "message" in your brain does not imply a messenger.

All I can tell you is that you would have to experience it to understand. I'm not lying or making it up. Technology is the best fit when examining/thinking about the way the messages are received into the brain.
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They are evidence for a religion that allows for war, and possibly causes it by accentuating religious differences. Religious wars are evidence against a God, not for one.

In the bible god tells abraham to go into canaan and kill all the people and take the land. Islam also has conquered in the name of god, following Allah's word. Its not the case that religions are anti war, they set up instances where war is the right way to act or a duty, the bible has revelations which speaks of the last holy war which would bring the end of times and the new reign etc. Look at the Bhagavad Gita in the Mahabharata where Arjuna is about to battle his cousins and is stricken by a guilty conscience of what the act of warfare will bring and the god Krishna basically tells him to buck up and do his earthly duty as its all an illusion anyway and who is he to second guess his duty.
If that were true, then only those of the true religion would win, which is not the case. If God were omnibenevolent, he would not cause war by sending conflicting messengers. Therefore, there is no God.
If that were true, then only those of the true religion would win, which is not the case. If God were omnibenevolent, he would not cause war by sending conflicting messengers. Therefore, there is no God.

Well I am not religious so you won't get me to validate the reasoning by saying it is 'true' but its reasoned none the less.

I go further than you, I say if there was a god we would be constantly evolving and have more interesting things to do than warring, aging, dying from disease, hunger, poverty and whatever suffering. And I don't buy this thing of 'it will come later'. Why would a god wait for later? Make it fun and interesting but again that is a matter of ones imagination deciding what god would do if there was one. What religion serves is a way of putting all that war and suffering etc into context so that people have a feeling of hope or of overcoming in this life or the next.

I think the message had more to do with getting Arjuna to act with detachment.

I speaking of the illlusion concerning the cause and effect when computer graphics is transmitted or the data sent into a person's brain.
I speaking of the illlusion concerning the cause and effect when computer graphics is transmitted or the data sent into a person's brain.

Like in the Matrix:D

We're going off course here. What did you think of Obama's speech? Do you think the US administration can make peace with Islam while still having troops in Iraq and Afghanistan and while supporting Israel with arms and finances?
Like in the Matrix:D

We're going off course here. What did you think of Obama's speech? Do you think the US administration can make peace with Islam while still having troops in Iraq and Afghanistan and while supporting Israel with arms and finances?

Its not like the matrix.

Personally, I think Obama is a con-man. We are going to pull out of Iraq, thats in the works. Afghanistan is a different sitution. Afghanistanies can't stand up and protect themselves as of yet.

p.s. Some factions of Islam doesn't want peace, instead they are attempting to bring about the end times.
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They did ask us, what about all the Afghan refugees who fled to other countries like the US when the Taliban took over? They had to wait until 9/11 for us to help. Should we have "interfered" in Darfur? Should we liberate Tibet? Should we occupy Israel and save the poor Palestinians? If not stop complaining about them.

No they didn't ask for help.
People fight for freedom, or they will search for freedom elsewhere when they feel theirs has been taken. Fight or flight. But what freedom is differs from person to person.
True freedom can not coexist with control, and therefor no one on this planet has experienced true freedom for a sustained amount of time. We only experience moments of freedom, and than we go back to our controlled lives.

Some believe democracy is freedom, but democracy is still all about control, it's just presented a little different with some choices so it looks like freedom, but it is not freedom if it is controlled.
Problem is, not everyone wants a democracy, but everyone does want freedom.

Some of us recognize all systems are corrupt. I am confident that we are capable of developing a new system but whether or not we do develop a better system is a completely different topic. We like to ignorantly think we already know what's best, so why change.

Don't even get me started on 9/11!
All I have to say about that, is not everything is as it appears.
The aftermath of 9/11 seemed to be all in favour of Bush's BS, that alone is enough to make me ask questions. The joke of a NIST report that was almost completely blacked out raised some more concerns. Disturbing quotes from the Bush doctrine that state 'We need another Pearl Harbor' prior to 9/11 when trying to figure out a way to go into Iraq (before all the shit hit the fan). The absence of NORAD. The quick removal of evidence that was not tested. No thermite testing. The fact that the buildings were designed to sustain the impact of a plane. The 'day of' on all broadcasts with footage of cops, firefighters, reporters, and other witnesses/survivers - that heard explossions in the basement and the elevator shafts (on some chanels cops were even quoted 'there's a bomb in the building' or 'we found a suspicious device'). The firefighters that described the scene as like a foundary with molten everywhere. Etc....
Bin Laden is just another Oswald, only at least Oswald was holding a gun!!!
The truth about 9/11 is about as known as the truth about JFK. With all evidence tampered with or destroyed, the truth is not meant to be known, ever.

Should someone free Americans from their Blind Ignorance? (not meant to offend, but this is what other peoples views from other places would be when your asking all these questions about what should we do)

If another nation decided they didn't agree with democracy, so they were gonna liberate the USA - how would you feel about them interfering?

Everyone has the right to be free, but others don't have the right to tell us what freedom should be. The US claims to be liberating people when they interfere, but if the roles were reversed, not too many Americans would be grateful from another nations interferance.

I understand, some places are so controlled the people are slaves. I understand that some actions are so horrific they must be prevented. But democracy is not perfect neither, and the quicker we recognize that, the quicker everyone can get on the same page and figure out a system that can make the world a better place for everyone!
Well there is reason to believe that it was Dick Cheney's war and that Bush went along with it probably after meditating and convincing himself that it was part of gods plan. What better way of convincing oneself and other's who are religious that war is good than to say that its ordained by god.
I can picture Jr. all coked up and dicky-boy whispering from behind a curtain - George, God here, now what we want you to ....
We do know the truth about JFK, he was assassinated by the mafia, who thought they would get some slack for helping out the president with Cuba.

How do you know the Afghans didn't ask for help? Maybe they were busy being buried up to their heads and stoned to death. They fought a bitter civil war with the Taliban followed by ethnic cleaning, mass graves, and public executions. I'm under no illusion that we invaded in order to help them, but we cannot give up the fight now. They fought for an Islamic Republic, and that is what we will give them, not the totalitarian horrors of the Taliban. The Afghans themselves will prevail against the Taliban, with our help, then we will go. Innocent Afghans will die wether we fight or they fight, that is a sad but inevitable part of war. Bush was a moron, but that doesn't mean they everything he did was wrong. He knew we had to invade Afghanistan, but that was not his focus, because of his imperialistic agenda. But he's gone now, and we have to finish what he could not. Iraq was a mistake, because Afghanistan is more important.
Look, back to the OP.

What are your ideas of Obama's message to Muslims during their holiday? I think he's really a great spokesman and is doing a really good job. Islam isn't going to change much by Sciforums or rants by me! It's going to change because of people like Obama and liberal (Americanized) Muslims. Islam actually is progressing little by little. Just like Xianity.

I feel Obama is encouraging movement in the right direction.
We do know the truth about JFK, he was assassinated by the mafia, who thought they would get some slack for helping out the president with Cuba.

How do you know the Afghans didn't ask for help? Maybe they were busy being buried up to their heads and stoned to death. They fought a bitter civil war with the Taliban followed by ethnic cleaning, mass graves, and public executions. I'm under no illusion that we invaded in order to help them, but we cannot give up the fight now. They fought for an Islamic Republic, and that is what we will give them, not the totalitarian horrors of the Taliban. The Afghans themselves will prevail against the Taliban, with our help, then we will go. Innocent Afghans will die wether we fight or they fight, that is a sad but inevitable part of war. Bush was a moron, but that doesn't mean they everything he did was wrong. He knew we had to invade Afghanistan, but that was not his focus, because of his imperialistic agenda. But he's gone now, and we have to finish what he could not. Iraq was a mistake, because Afghanistan is more important.

All I'm saying is when it comes down to war of any kind, for any reasons - then we already have lost.
Man vs Man is a reality that is not neccesary, yet I find it amazing how many believe it will always be Man vs Man!
Maybe it's cause I'm a dreamer, but I can see a better world, I just need help getting there. ;)

JFK: Many speculate that the CIA was actually involved with the Mafia. One thing that is clear, Oswald could not have acted alone, but who pulled the strings, who else acted, won't likely be known ever, just speculated on.
Many speculate that the CIA was actually involved with the Mafia. One thing that is clear, Oswald could not have acted alone, but who pulled the strings, who else acted, won't likely be known ever, just speculated on.

We know more than that now.

War often evolves to serve a particular evolutionary purpose, even though the participants are unaware of this. It is a release valve that helps control population and resources.
Anyway, it's still GREAT to see President Barack Obama being such a wonderful emissary to the world. He really does set the example like none other. Just a brilliant POTUS.
We know more than that now.

War often evolves to serve a particular evolutionary purpose, even though the participants are unaware of this. It is a release valve that helps control population and resources.

Nice link.

however, it's still alot of speculation without any physical evidence. The physical evidence is no lornger available, and therefor the truth remains unknown. Different people might know more than others, but without physical evidence I have trouble trusting eye witnesses.

I don't believe the Mafia could have pulled this off by themselves. JFK had more enemies then just the Mafia.
He wanted a peaceful world, he wanted no secrets between the government and the public, he had a similiar vision as me only he actually was doing something to make it happen, unlike me!
JFK did some things that created enemies within his own government simply because he didn't want secrets, and you can imagine how the rest of the government felt about no secrets ;)!
If we are gonna speculate on how deep the conspiracy goes, I would include the CIA, government officials, as well as the Mafia!
Routes were changed, security was low, most of JFKs regular security was not involved in this paticular event, etc...
The Mafia needed some help even if they did do it!
So I still don't know enough to feel satisfied with 'the Mafia did it'.