Precognitive Dreams or Just Mere Coincidence?

The thought in my dream this morning was "they find the densest part of the Universe and propose this to be the point where the Big Bang commenced".

Has this already been done? Well if it hasn't it is about to. There Alex I have written it down for you.:)

Your dream will not come true.. it has some small truth, but not close enough.
Your dream will not come true.. it has some small truth, but not close enough.
I not saying whether it is true or false. All I'm saying is the premonition that they will announce this and propose that this is the original location of the Big Bang.
That doesn't sound improbable to me for you would think there was a huge difficulty of getting the matter out of that region fast enough.:)
I not saying whether it is true or false. All I'm saying is the premonition that they will announce this and propose that this is the original location of the Big Bang.
That doesn't sound improbable to me for you would think there was a huge difficulty of getting the matter out of that region fast enough.:)

Oh I see, you mean it will be posted as a mistake. Yes, you could be right about that.
Dreams are post-cognitive. They only manipulate what has already been stored in neural connections. I've never seen a case of a dream acting as verifiable window into the future.
Dreams are post-cognitive. They only manipulate what has already been stored in neural connections. I've never seen a case of a dream acting as verifiable window into the future.
That is your opinion but i know differently, and have lived through hundreds of precognitive dreams.
This forum is the chance for us to explore whether this is real or not.
For in Early 2000 I went to the USA and dreamt GW Bush was going to win the Presidential election by just one vote, and not being from USA (but NZ) I thought how ridiculous for USA is a land of 300 million people how could he win by just 1 vote!
But he did in the end didn't he!:)
The thought in my dream this morning was "they find the densest part of the Universe and propose this to be the point where the Big Bang commenced".

Has this already been done? Well if it hasn't it is about to. There Alex I have written it down for you.:)

You still don't know anything about cosmology.
But you are making up fake ambiguities. I never said any of those things. There is no point posting your own imaginary ambiguities, you only create confusion. A white van is a white van, you can't have any ambiguities in that description.
I'm getting to know what Alex is like. If you were to write something down and even if it differed by the description of how white it was he would try and make you look like a liar.
He is pedantic, he is driving me crazy and he knows it.;)
I have seen precognition experiments that have far above average hit rates, and though unrelated dream telepathy is one of the most accessible methods of telepathy for the average Joe. I mean influencing dreams is easier than sending a psychic text message to an awake receiver.

Those two combined would make me consider the possibility that it is true.

My "special" sleep habits....
I have sleep apnea and awake 3-4 times per hour. Due to this I have been able to continue dreams while awake, and pop back into them. I can even influence them.
If I am somewhat tired I can even choose the topic of my dreams and let them come to life.
The only way to remember a dream is via a recorder (my method), or a piece of paper.

I have seen dream premonition/precognition very apparent. If I dreamt I would be attending a funeral, then a phone call might come stating such.

It might be something as silly as shopping in a mall in which case I knew I should go hide before my wife finds me. It is like a warning!

Anyways.. I am already prepared for the "prove-it" comments. I will remind you that we are in the parapsychology section and do not need to scientifically back up our experiences. If you want to believe it is random chance then that is also a fine opinion.
If you record your dreams as soon as you wake from them, you should be able to document precognition.

Can you?

I will remind you that we are in the parapsychology section and do not need to scientifically back up our experiences.

Ah, so parapsychology is not a science? That would put it on a par with religion.
And not once have you written it down or verified it, except post facto.
You didn't even have the decency to ask me if I had ever written them down, but you went and made a completely incorrect statement about me.:mad:
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Bibbitty, this has been discussed before, here:

Are you having memory difficulties?
Originally Posted by AlexG
When you wake up, do you remember your dream and say 'this is what's going to be in the headlines today'? Do you ever write it down? Is there anything as evidence besides your often faulty memory?

Or do you read the headline and say, 'hey, I dreamed of that'.

I used to note it, and cut out the article, but lately it is a rarity, but it still might occur once a month or so.
You wake up thinking "what the hell was that about?"
By the end of the day it makes sense.
See even from that previous thread I say I had noted things down at times.:)
The last "nightmare" I had was that I had a car accident. What freaks me out is the fact that most of my dreams come true. In the car accident, the car flipped, and I was crushed on the passenger's side. Now, since a majority of them come true, let's say 95% of the time... then umm... is it a mere coincidence or is it really precognitive thought?

Now believe this or not. It would have been in 1997 or thereabouts but I woke up on one Sunday morning, and I said to my friend, I've just dreamt I survived a train smash. On Wednesday evening the same week, after having a meal at my parents place and then on my way back to work, just outside my parents place, I drove in front of a freight train. The train was in full speed on a country line so it was a massive smash, and the photos were in the local paper. Headline was something like "Miraculous escape from death"
Not an experience I recommend to anyone.
But there you go, that is why I wonder if the OP made it out of "the accident".:confused:
I've had one of these dreams as well. I had a lucid dream, I was controlling it. I decided to test out the dream environment. I went on a walk around the block. I decided that I would get up in the morning, and go on the same walk to see what was different in a dream from real life. At the top of my lane a neighbour in my dream had a new white van, and their old van was blue. So I decided that this was a good thing to check the next day.. did they now have a new white van? So I went on the same walk the next day, and they had a new white van.

But.... I don't believe in the future. I only believe in the present. So I have no choice but to say... fluke.

If your brain did not get updated information by seeing the van somehow, then it would have to be a successful guess by your brain with regard to the new van. It was probably based on the past information, nonetheless, though a wild guess is always possible.
If your brain did not get updated information by seeing the van somehow, then it would have to be a successful guess by your brain with regard to the new van. It was probably based on the past information, nonetheless, though a wild guess is always possible.

It has to be luck. I would have shifted time by about 6 hours. Light can travel a long way in 6 hours, I don't see how I could manipulate that much space time. Anyway, how are you ever going to reverse Cause and Effect outside of your body? Cause, and effect is one way, the arrow of time is irreversible apart from very short distances.
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It has to be luck. I would have shifted time by about 6 hours. Light can travel a long way in 6 hours, I don't see how I could manipulate that much space time. Anyway, how are you ever going to reverse Cause and Effect outside of your body? Cause, and effect is one way, the arrow of time is irreversible apart from very short distances.
Does Cause and Effect map out the future? So future is predictable through analysis of cause and effect?:)
The thought in my dream this morning was "they find the densest part of the Universe and propose this to be the point where the Big Bang commenced".

Has this already been done? Well if it hasn't it is about to. There Alex I have written it down for you.:)
Posted on Physforums today:
"First we need the smallest object and multiple it by the atoms in the unviverse ....should be an easy problem just multiple how ever many there are by one negative is exactly equal to positive mass except we know it as negative just like a basic we need all the matter in the universe to be sucked up with no light from anywhere (so we will look to black holes....there just happens to be a massive black hole at the center of our universe)
Getting closer!:)
Posted on Physforums today:
"First we need the smallest object and multiple it by the atoms in the unviverse ....should be an easy problem just multiple how ever many there are by one negative is exactly equal to positive mass except we know it as negative just like a basic we need all the matter in the universe to be sucked up with no light from anywhere (so we will look to black holes....there just happens to be a massive black hole at the center of our universe)
Getting closer!:)

You're quoting a post which consists of meaningless word salad.

How appropriate.