Precognitive Dreams or Just Mere Coincidence?

@Rob --

As I said, it's a simplistic answer, one that allows for further reduction and refinement. However that doesn't make it wrong, it's simply incomplete.

Still, this is all rather irrelevant to why I linked to that video in the first place.
@Rob --

As I said, it's a simplistic answer, one that allows for further reduction and refinement. However that doesn't make it wrong, it's simply incomplete.

Still, this is all rather irrelevant to why I linked to that video in the first place.
I meant put probabilty figures to my dreams and see how unlikely they were.
It's simple really, keep a dream journal and then keep track of the news. If your dreams are prophetic beyond what one would expect by chance then you may have something there. It's only a start but it's better than your current approach which is just to assume that it can't be coincidence.
It's simple really, keep a dream journal and then keep track of the news. If your dreams are prophetic beyond what one would expect by chance then you may have something there. It's only a start but it's better than your current approach which is just to assume that it can't be coincidence.
It seemed to be more frequent years ago. I don't know if there has been much point at the moment. But I might just try what you said.
Keep in mind that you would need to subject your findings not only to peer review(to search for flaws in methodology and whatnot) but also present a larger body of evidence than just this to demonstrate that there's any sort of phenomenon here to study.
Keep in mind that you would need to subject your findings not only to peer review(to search for flaws in methodology and whatnot) but also present a larger body of evidence than just this to demonstrate that there's any sort of phenomenon here to study.
Some can be quite personal and you're talking about peer review!
I'll consider it. It will definitely need to be done if that person gets a pardon next week.
@Rob --

Yes peer review would be required because otherwise how do we know that you're not just making it up afterwards or creating self-fulfilling prophecies. And, again, one person's journal wouldn't be enough, it would need to be a part of a larger body of work for it to demonstrate that there's some unknown phenomenon at work here that needs to be studied.
@Rob --

Yes peer review would be required because otherwise how do we know that you're not just making it up afterwards or creating self-fulfilling prophecies. And, again, one person's journal wouldn't be enough, it would need to be a part of a larger body of work for it to demonstrate that there's some unknown phenomenon at work here that needs to be studied.
Like the dream written down and dated (or entered on the internet) the news paper clips showing the events uploaded. This would be fun. We had a thread like this on TradeMe in NZ but since I was banned all my posts were deleted. :)
So start a blog and update it daily. Be sure never to delete or alter any of your posts in the blog.
There are plenty of free blog sites, it could be blogspot, or tumblr, or any other site you can google. The choice of sites doesn't really matter, what matters is how you handle the blog.
One possible way to look at precognitive dreams is connected to brain capacity. The current estimate is we use about 2-10% of the brain's capacity. This is true for the conscious mind. The unconscious mind uses 100%.

As an analogy, say you had an adult and small child looking at a large building project. The adult might be able to infer and/or anticipate things the child is not aware of. To the child it looks like magic. The same could be true with precognitive dreams, with the 100% aspect of the brain anticipating what the 2% of the brain does not have the power to infer.

Another analogy is an old circa Windows 95 based computer and a modern quad core Windows 8 computer side by side. If you only knew the old computer and assume that is the best there is, you would be hard pressed to explain who that quad core capacity. The 2% may not even be able to anticipate the correct capacity of the 100% seeing it normalizes to circa 95.
One possible way to look at precognitive dreams is connected to brain capacity. The current estimate is we use about 2-10% of the brain's capacity. This is true for the conscious mind. The unconscious mind uses 100%.

Some the stuff you come up with is just so goofy!:D
Some the stuff you come up with is just so goofy!:D
Sometimes I wonder if I can even get the conscious percentage up as high as that!
If you trained your thought patterns to be running a 99% unconscious operating system you'd look like an old computer coming up with some crazy ideas. :)
@wellwisher --

One possible way to look at precognitive dreams is connected to brain capacity. The current estimate is we use about 2-10% of the brain's capacity. This is true for the conscious mind. The unconscious mind uses 100%.

You really like demonstrating your ignorance of biology don't you?

Yes, it is true that only about ten percent of our brains are devoted to our minds, but that includes both conscious and unconscious. The overwhelming majority of our brain is devoted to data storage(memory), pattern recognition, and agency detection(which evolved to an anomalous level in humans). There's also a portion of our brains that are responsible for our autonomous body functions, such as breathing and circulating blood.

This "we only use ten percent of our brains" bullshit is just that, a myth based on a poor understanding of science. In fact I think I may have covered this already in this thread. We use one hundred percent of our brains, it's just that not all of that could possibly be devoted to our mind as there would be nothing left for things like memory and whatnot.

Quit spreading the pseudoscience, there's too much of that already in this world.
@wellwisher --

You really like demonstrating your ignorance of biology don't you?

Yes, it is true that only about ten percent of our brains are devoted to our minds, but that includes both conscious and unconscious. The overwhelming majority of our brain is devoted to data storage(memory), pattern recognition, and agency detection(which evolved to an anomalous level in humans). There's also a portion of our brains that are responsible for our autonomous body functions, such as breathing and circulating blood.

This "we only use ten percent of our brains" bullshit is just that, a myth based on a poor understanding of science. In fact I think I may have covered this already in this thread. We use one hundred percent of our brains, it's just that not all of that could possibly be devoted to our mind as there would be nothing left for things like memory and whatnot.

Quit spreading the pseudoscience, there's too much of that already in this world.
There have been times when I has exhausted my power of comprehending a certain problem. It felt like the brain partially "locked up".
After a period whatever initial problem that was causing the block, with time the problem became comprehended and further progress could be made.

The precognitive dream said "you can do it Rob, but you have to refine the X's and Y's". And that was it, and after 11 years and multiple burn outs the problem is still being solved. For the dream didn't tell me how to refine the X's and Y's.
But the "you can do it" bit gives me this hope, faith or something that it will be solved, if only I could find out what to do! :)
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