Precognitive Dreams or Just Mere Coincidence?

Sorry but I know 2 people who have predictive dreams that were neither neglected or left to take care of themselves. One only remembers dreams that are predictive that cause her to wake up. The time on the clock when she wakes up is the time the event will happen. So far the dreams that wake her up have been rare but 100% accurate.

I hope you realize that this individual is unique to the human race. All she needs to do is get a web site and put these predictions on there and she will become one of the most well known and rich people in the world. She would be revered, as she should since this would be a supernatural situation.

Alas, I do not think I will be able to see this on the internet because it is certainly anecdotal BS.;)
haha... Origin, I was just about to write almost the same thing.

Really, do humanity this great service. Allow a university to study your powers (or your friends). It's purely selfish to keep this ASTOUNDING discovery to yourselves.
@Zinj --

well what im saying here is that the subconscious has more access to your brain than conscious when it comes to your "gut feeling".

Actually this is wrong, most likely. Our "subconscious" arises from the normal functioning of our pattern recognition and other mechanisms of our brain. The consciousness seems to be formed due to our brain's way of interpreting sensory data by building a model in that it seems to be including a model builder in the model. Your subconscious isn't "more aware" of anything, it just doesn't have to fit the data through as many filters as your conscious mind.

the gut feeling is one side of your brain thinking in a different light than the other and not relaying the message clearly enough for us to understand. the analytical side of your brain, the non gut feeling side, sees things for what they are. See it, touch it, etc. The gut feeling side of your brain sees it much differently, in an almost truer side.

Nope, both your subconscious and your conscious mind have exactly the same data to work with, the "lag" that most people seem to talk about is easily explained by the model building process that our brains use to interpret the data. You might smell gas, but until it's been filtered through the model your conscious mind won't know about it however the data that there is a gas leak is already in your head and your body is already responding accordingly. It has nothing to do with "seeing things differently" or one part of your mind "using more of your brain"(what with most of your brain matter being devoted to unconscious regulatory processes anyways, killing that whole "ten percent of the brain" bullshit), these positions arise from a lack of knowledge about how the body works(and thus are woo). As usual, a decent science education could clear up a lot of these misconceptions.

why is it felt if it hasn't happened?

It isn't, that's just illusion and coincidence. They're more than enough to account for this phenomenon.

because what if, outside the box time, we already know whats going to happen but don't get the memo on it.

I think that you need to look up what time is because I don't think that it is what you think it is. Time arises due to entropy and our conception of time arises from the fact that our brains evolved in a world that routinely changed and they needed to be able to track and account for these changes.

Time isn't some absolute attribute of our universe, it(like space) is relative to the observer. Talk about some "time box" is pure, unadulterated, woo.

oh and anyone who brings god into a science chat should be shaken and not stirred.

1. I didn't "bring god into a science chat". I merely used the phrase to illustrate how you were wrong about your assertion that we knew we would fly one day. We didn't, and the overwhelming majority of humanity thought that it was completely impossible(and often killed those who didn't agree). Nowhere was anything about god brought into the current conversation, if you perhaps attempted to comprehend what you read you would have known that.

2. This is hardly a science conversation. There are those of us who are trying to inject some science and rationality into it, but the main topic of discussion(and everything that you've posted so far) is pseudoscientific woo-woo of the highest grade. The only way you could make it more potent is to mix other woos in with it(perhaps you could try quantum homeopathy woo next).

3. I do love the irony of harping on people for bringing unscientific shit into this while posting some of the most unadulterated woo I've seen in a while. Keep it up, you're giving me a laugh.

god didnt need to give us wings, we got brains instead. look where that went.

Now if only more people would use theirs we wouldn't be in the sorry state that we're in.
First off, I'm new and yeah, I'm ready for skepticism and criticism to the highest degree, but I just think it's an odd coincidence that this stuff has been happening to me since I was little.

I have dreams that come out as precognitions... One time I dreamed that my aunt was pregnant and she had a kid that looked identical to my uncle and well, it happened less than 3 days later... she called and said she was pregnant. I don't know if it's just coincidence or there really is something going on, but whatever it is... it freaks me out.

The last "nightmare" I had was that I had a car accident. What freaks me out is the fact that most of my dreams come true. In the car accident, the car flipped, and I was crushed on the passenger's side. Now, since a majority of them come true, let's say 95% of the time... then umm... is it a mere coincidence or is it really precognitive thought?

I don't really know, that's why I'm asking you parapsychology experts. I'm confused. :(

This has been around for a long time. Its called remote viewing. I know this because I'm a remote viewer. It can be a gift. I've also had it were I have intuition to go some place , like being drawn. Usually when I go with the tug, than I end up saving lives. I have done this on many occasions. They though I just happen to be there to save the day, and was paying attention.;)

Oh! I would buy a truck and start driving that instead of a car.
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haha... Origin, I was just about to write almost the same thing.

Really, do humanity this great service. Allow a university to study your powers (or your friends). It's purely selfish to keep this ASTOUNDING discovery to yourselves.

actually this has been going on for a long time. it isn't something new. its called remote viewing and alot of people seem to have this ability.

people will probably put me down call me a liar about this. however I don't care.

i coincidentaly use my intuition to be at the right place at the right time to save a complete stranger and have done this for many years.:D
its called remote viewing and alot of people seem to have this ability.
No one has it.

people will probably put me down call me a liar about this.
Or mistaken.

i coincidentaly use my intuition to be at the right place at the right time to save a complete stranger and have done this for many years.:D
Right. And how many strangers have you failed to be in the right place at the right time for? :rolleyes:
First off, I'm new and yeah, I'm ready for skepticism and criticism to the highest degree, but I just think it's an odd coincidence that this stuff has been happening to me since I was little.

I have dreams that come out as precognitions... One time I dreamed that my aunt was pregnant and she had a kid that looked identical to my uncle and well, it happened less than 3 days later... she called and said she was pregnant. I don't know if it's just coincidence or there really is something going on, but whatever it is... it freaks me out.

The last "nightmare" I had was that I had a car accident. What freaks me out is the fact that most of my dreams come true. In the car accident, the car flipped, and I was crushed on the passenger's side. Now, since a majority of them come true, let's say 95% of the time... then umm... is it a mere coincidence or is it really precognitive thought?

I don't really know, that's why I'm asking you parapsychology experts. I'm confused. :(

I think everyone has this happen to them at some point . It used to happen to me in high school every now and a again. You get that deja vu feeling then I could predict what would happen in the next few moments. Just little stuff though like someone dropping a book or slipping or something. Probably just my subconscious noticing something that my active consciousness did not and going "HEY MOTHER FUCKER WATCH OUT!!!!" (hence the deja vu feeling). I doesn't happen anymore though. Probably because as you get older your senses are more tied together so your subconscious can just react, it doesn't have to tell you to react. (speculation of course)
actually this has been going on for a long time. it isn't something new. its called remote viewing and alot of people seem to have this ability.

people will probably put me down call me a liar about this. however I don't care.

i coincidentaly use my intuition to be at the right place at the right time to save a complete stranger and have done this for many years.:D

You must have at least have been in the local paper for something like this, especially if it happened more then once. Why not provide us a link to prove yourself?
I would not worry about it. If you did have precognition about an accident, your instincts would kick in when you were driving and warn you of the danger. I don't think the future is carved in stone.
Okay, have no idea if the OP is sincere or blowing smoke up our collective consciousness, but I have to state for the record that I have had amazingly accurate precognitive dreams.

They are different than normal dreams in that they are witnessed in a heightened awareness and when I wake up, I remember every detail. This is very unlike my other dreams where I forget everything before I even chew through my corn flakes, or don't even remember what it was about.

The last one was a situation I'm in. I needed a job and dreamt about having one. The usual rigamorole was in it. Understood the symbolism, but basically it was this: I was in big trouble (financially and I was - no precognition). I ducked into a building that was reminiscent of the World Trade, but not. It was a financial institution. I went up the elevator and was working there for a short time when a boss came in. He was dark, hot-tempered and changing everything. I got in his crosshairs and he fired me. I left the building a short time later than when I arrived. I had the feeling when I walked outside that it was the fall - around now. I was no longer in as much trouble (financially).

Okay, so a short time later I did get a job. It turned out to be a financial institution that was once located at the World Trade Center (many employees now there were in the midst of the 9/11 tragedy). It's obviously relocated, but you can see the old location from the window. The building I'm working in is almost identical to the one I dreamt about. The lobby is the same. I took the job because (a) I desperately needed it and (2) I would be working for two women and figured the dream couldn't happen. So I've worked there a hot two months and everything was fine. I paid off my outstanding bills and back rent. I have successfully mimicked the situation that I'm no longer in big trouble and in the short amount of time. The thing is the woman manager got promoted and we got the announcement of a new manager - a man. I was like, "Oh no!"

I should say that I related the entire dream to two people on the job (when I got there saying I doubted I'd be there a long time). I described the situation giving a description of this new manager - a dark man who was domineering and changing everything. Meanwhile, there wasn't even a hint the woman was leaving! She'd been there four years and seemed to be well-liked. It came up like a tidal wave that she was leaving. Lo and behold, last week I met him and he looks exactly like he did in my dream. Not a week later, he is changing everything and people that work there are up in arms! It's exactly like the very tense situation that was in my dream.

The two people are astounded. The only thing left is for me to get fired. I am trying my utmost not to let that happen, but it seems a sure thing as I reacted very forcefully to these new changes. I'm not happy.

So there! :eek:

And I have done card readings in the past that were accurate.

And I thought Feynman disagreed about time? I seem to recall an example about ink going into water?

To the OP: Are your precognitive dreams different than your normal ones? They should be. Also, how old were you in the dream? Your present age? Who was driving? I would concentrate on that fact. It may be warning you that an influence that is coming up. Maybe someone you fall head over heels in love with and let do the driving even though you're going to get flipped over and crushed? Or a situation where you go along for a ride and let someone you shouldn't commandeer you? Or make bad decisions for you? And then a disaster happens and you're crushed?
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First off, I'm new and yeah, I'm ready for skepticism and criticism to the highest degree, but I just think it's an odd coincidence that this stuff has been happening to me since I was little.

I have dreams that come out as precognitions... One time I dreamed that my aunt was pregnant and she had a kid that looked identical to my uncle and well, it happened less than 3 days later... she called and said she was pregnant. I don't know if it's just coincidence or there really is something going on, but whatever it is... it freaks me out.

The last "nightmare" I had was that I had a car accident. What freaks me out is the fact that most of my dreams come true. In the car accident, the car flipped, and I was crushed on the passenger's side. Now, since a majority of them come true, let's say 95% of the time... then umm... is it a mere coincidence or is it really precognitive thought?

I don't really know, that's why I'm asking you parapsychology experts. I'm confused. :(

It seems to me the instances that you do happen to get right are remembered and focused on whereas all the other dreams\thoughts you have that do not have what you perceive as a real world counterpart are forgotten. I say that as being the usual case. I think it is a case of wanting to notice these occurrences, searching for them and disregarding the others that dont pan out or fit into events that transpired in you dreams.

I woldnt worry about it. Now if you find a tatoo with numbers on your head and dont know how it got there then we have something...ah, just kidding.
I had a dream that I went downstairs to the kitchen and my girlfriend was there making breakfast while my high school football coach was fixing my old dirtbike on the dining room table. The next morning, I went downstairs and BAM! my girlfriend was in the kitchen making breakfast. Did I quickly look over to the dining expecting to see my old coach?? ... no. Of course not. Was fate weaving a tapestry of future events because I had a dream and a portion came true, no. Of course not.
i had a dream i ate the strings when i was five . I had the dream over and over again . Then when i was 13 i ate the strings and that was that . The dream was gone . Then I had an da-ja voo doo a about a year ago maybe more . It was a job and I was showing something to my brother and I got that feeling I was here before . I say something to my brother about the woman we were working for and he said " She is a lot nicer than she use to Be . I ask what are you talking about we have never met her . The thing is I so much felt like him and I had been there already and when he said that it was like one of those moments were you look at each other and Say Ahhh Ahhh Naa No way
First off, I'm new and yeah, I'm ready for skepticism and criticism to the highest degree, but I just think it's an odd coincidence that this stuff has been happening to me since I was little.

I have dreams that come out as precognitions... One time I dreamed that my aunt was pregnant and she had a kid that looked identical to my uncle and well, it happened less than 3 days later... she called and said she was pregnant. I don't know if it's just coincidence or there really is something going on, but whatever it is... it freaks me out.

The last "nightmare" I had was that I had a car accident. What freaks me out is the fact that most of my dreams come true. In the car accident, the car flipped, and I was crushed on the passenger's side. Now, since a majority of them come true, let's say 95% of the time... then umm... is it a mere coincidence or is it really precognitive thought?

I don't really know, that's why I'm asking you parapsychology experts. I'm confused. :(
I doubt there are many parapsychology experts here. I think you know that if you are having dreams that are right 95% of the time it cannot be coincidence. Skeptics will question how you judge correspondance, hindsight bias, etc. But if you are really at a 95% rate, contact a parapsychology forum or journal and ask them to refer you to someone who could test you.
I doubt there are many parapsychology experts here.

I would venture to say there are no parapsychology experts here. I would expand that to say there are no parapsychology experts anywhere. How could you be an expert on something that doesn't exist?

I had a dream that no one can see into the future - and it came true. How weird is that!;)
I would venture to say there are no parapsychology experts here. I would expand that to say there are no parapsychology experts anywhere. How could you be an expert on something that doesn't exist?

I had a dream that no one can see into the future - and it came true. How weird is that!;)

I don't think that is true . I think you have to be able to see the future just so you can walk or comb your hair . Considering you are looking at the past when you look in a mirror . The delay between what you see ( THe past ) and what you do . How could you not at least perceive the future if you can only see the past . You might trip on your own feet if you could not see the future
I don't think that is true . I think you have to be able to see the future just so you can walk or comb your hair . Considering you are looking at the past when you look in a mirror . The delay between what you see ( THe past ) and what you do . How could you not at least perceive the future if you can only see the past . You might trip on your own feet if you could not see the future

Essentially what you said was what we think of as the present is actually the past, because everything that we percieve happened a miliseconds before we realize it.

We do not have to see the future we just have to believe the future will happen. With that belief in place and the law of cause and effect we can get along quite well. I don't trip over my feet, not because I can see the future, but because I believe that future will occur according to the law of cause and affect. If steps, for instance, appeared or disappeared willy-nilly with no cause and effect I would be taking header all the time!

No one can actually see the future, and some people cannot quite grasp cause and affect, as proven by Americas Funniest Home Videos and Youtube.
actually this has been going on for a long time. it isn't something new. its called remote viewing and alot of people seem to have this ability.

people will probably put me down call me a liar about this. however I don't care.

i coincidentaly use my intuition to be at the right place at the right time to save a complete stranger and have done this for many years.:D

No one has the ability "remote viewing". It been talked about for a long time yes. So, has telekinesis, ESP, lizard people and greek mythology. None of which exist. I'm a sci-fi fan and will go out of my way to read a story or watch a movie etc., on these subjects but, you have to realize they are simply entertaining fantasy, no?
I would venture to say there are no parapsychology experts here. I would expand that to say there are no parapsychology experts anywhere. How could you be an expert on something that doesn't exist?
Strange, but I thought that parapsychology was a field of study, with rather rigorous testing, even degrees. How odd that it doesn't exist. I even thought I met one of these people. I must have been hallucinating.
Strange, but I thought that parapsychology was a field of study, with rather rigorous testing, even degrees. How odd that it doesn't exist. I even thought I met one of these people. I must have been hallucinating.

It was as good as a hallucination. The study of smoke and mirrors.:rolleyes: