Prayer Works -- a praise report for my Christian Brethren


Musical Creationist
Registered Senior Member
I'm telling you christians something you already know -- prayer works.

I have a praise report. I'm sure some atheist will try to squelch it with all their negative vibes, but here it goes:

I have been bouncing around on my engineering employment over the past 5 years. The technology job market has been tough here in the US since the dot com bust.

About 2 months ago, our sunday school class had a special hour long prayer session for the prayer request needs in the classroom. I requested prayer for my temporary job situation. We all stood up in a big circle and took turns praying for each other OUT LOUD.

In addition my father-in-law and mother-in-law have spent countless hours in prayer over the same need.

To make a long story short, I received a job offer very soon afterward, and it is a godsend. I've worked a lot of jobs, but this one is different, it's fabulous.

I've been wanting to study music to do praise and worship in the church. Well guess what -- I'm getting a nice economical apartment, within walking distance of the college school of music, and a mile from work. All I can say is cool cool cool :cool:

God's plan beats all of my plans!
One person's successful prayer is another person merely obeying the laws of probability.
Woody said:
God's plan beats all of my plans!

So god's a capitalist? Going all businessman, giving jobs to people and know, maybe I can find him at a job agency.
Though i'm not thinking about the poor guy who missed that job, it is strange that God did not consider your lone prayer for quite long.
let's not pull woody down, his life, it seems has taken a turn for the better, if he wishes to believe it's gods work then so be it.
because we know different should not be cause to pick, just think of him as a child.
you would'nt pick on a child for being happy at xmas for believing santas been, would you.
I'm telling you christians something you already know -- prayer works.
Except when it doesn't. Then God works in mysterious ways.

Baseball players use the same flawed reasoning when they use superstitious rituals before a game. "I put my hat on backwards and farted three times before we won the state championships, so it must work".
everneo said:
Though i'm not thinking about the poor guy who missed that job,
If we were to ever consider what we state at times... really...
it is strange that God did not consider your lone prayer for quite long.
If I understand this post correctly: God knew the need before even Woody did. When Woody was praying God was already bringing things to a culmination. It simply shows that it's best to wait on God in patience and in faith.

What if Woody had simply given up and pursued some different path?

Congrats Woody. :)
Well, maybe prayer works the same way affirmations work. And if affirmations work, they work by concentrating your mind towards your real goal in life, which helps you see the opportunities that otherwise you might have missed.

My personal view is that it's not really a matter of probability or affirmation or whatever. Eventually people sort their lives out. Getting a good job and an amount of security happens to almost everyone sooner or later, and it was just Woody's time. (Of course, as many as not lose that security for one reason or another, but the principle's the same.)

In addition my father-in-law and mother-in-law have spent countless hours in prayer over the same need.
Were their prayers prior to the sunday school session all wasted then? Actually, how many previous sunday school hour-long sessions have you made requests to, or was this genuinely the first time you'd asked for this job situation to be sorted out?

I'm not so hot on this concept of God interceding on peoples' behalf. Do you deserve the good job or not? Did you not look for an apartment near the music school? I just feel that you're not giving your own contribution to this improvement of your life sufficient credit. Of course, you would say that that's Pride. Well, anyway, good luck! (That's a form of prayer, too, I guess!)
And if affirmations work, they work by concentrating your mind towards your real goal in life, which helps you see the opportunities that otherwise you might have missed.

How about some statistics about when prayers do not work? Or, do we only count the ones that work? If science proceeded like this, we'd still be in the dark ages.
I have one little thing to add. how does god grant this prayer without taking away the free will of the employer? he can't, so prayer=no free will. wow, I just love making Christians look at their religion twice..
Woody said:
I have a praise report. I'm sure some atheist will try to squelch it with all their negative vibes, but here it goes:
No Woody. We're all really glad that God took time out of his busy schedule to make certain you received a job offer instead of tending to all the less important things such as... gee I don't know... feeding the starving? Ending war and poverty? Running Paris Hilton over with a bus? But I'm sure more people were praying that you got a job.

To make a long story short, I received a job offer very soon afterward, and it is a godsend.
Correlation does not indicate causality.

Learn it. Know it. Live it.

Congratulations, Woody! It has been my experience that God always comes through for us if we just have faith in Him, even when we are down. Good news!
[prayer=Cato] please god let these people, Christians, see that their religion is a load of proverbial crap.[/prayer]
Wait a minute. Here you claim to have this immensely powerfull tool, a phone line as it were to the one who has the power to end suffering on a global scale, and you use it for a bloody job offer?
Guess what, I never pray at all, and I have a good job that's easy and creative, and I just bought a house.

Thanks for nothing God.
Woody says,

I'm just thankful for what I am given. Where I come from, it's just plain good manners.

Y'all do your thing about being thankless, and moaning and groaning about sour grapes. :rolleyes:

I'll do my thing and thank the Lord for the air I breathe. It sure gives me a happier outlook on life. :D
Woody said:
I'm just thankful for what I am given. Where I come from, it's just plain good manners.
Then shouldn't you be thanking your employer?

I mean, what exactly did God do for you in this circumstance; write you a letter of recommendation?

It's apparently good luck if a pigeon shits on you. There was an article in the newspaper about some man who got shit on by a pigeon, bought a lottery ticket and won the jackpot.

There are certain people that will honestly believe that he won because of the pigeon poo. But here is the thing.. You only ever hear about it when something like this happens. The paper, (and in this case Woody), are hardly going to tell you about the 50 gazillion other people who got shit on by pigeons and didn't win anything. But of course when that happens any excuse will be found, (as Spidergoat mentioned).

But who knows, maybe someone prayed to god to make you lose your last job.

What's next? Throwing coins into wells? Crossing your fingers? Throwing horseshoes over your shoulder? Pfft.