Power, Purity, Meekness and God. The Ugly Reality of Rape Culture.

You know, of all the criticisms I would have aimed at Sarah Palin, advocate for child molestation was not one I would have expected.

Then again, she's a Republican who pretends to have Christian values, so what, really, should I have expected?

Then again, what does one bigot really matter? Indeed, I had occasion in recent days to consider the question of why an individual elevated to iconic status should be remotely important↗. And the answer here is the same as my answer to the other issue; it has to do with her iconic status.

In reality, rape advocacy is all too common in these United States, but there is something about how people perceive the relationship between the rhetoric and a former Vice Presidential candidate that makes Ms. Palin's words stand out that much more. She has a certain iconic value, a societal influence, greater than the average person's, and she uses it to make headlines advocating for child molesters.

It's one thing to say she's a terrible person; I've probably said so a number of times before, myself. But this really is a new standard of sleaze, danger, and general repugnance.

Sarah Palin has, since her emergence on the national scene, demonstrated herself a disgusting human being. And as she uses her position of influence to tell people that child molestation is okay, we can only wonder how her flock will respond.

That's what makes this one person a big deal; she can communicate this disease. Sarah Palin is a scourge upon humanity, and representative of what it takes to hold with ownership culture. In such cases, it's a pretty simple equation. Do you support Sarah Palin? Then I personally would not permit you anywhere near children under my care.

And that's the value of this human being named Sarah Palin. The species suffers for the fact of her existence; she is a scourge upon humanity.
"We have to distinguish between sexualized behavior that might be pretty normal — experimenting, touching each other — versus molesting, subjecting another child to harm," she said. She recalled investigations of children as young as 7, and the arrest of an 8-year-old.

Thanks for that link.

...Basic data about child-on-child sex abuse is detailed in an authoritative, Justice Department-sponsored analysis of crime data from 29 states. Conducted by three prominent researchers, the 2009 analysis found that juveniles accounted for 35.6% of the people identified by police as having committed sex offenses against minors.

Of these young offenders, 93% were male, and the peak ages for offending were 12 through 14, the researchers found. Of the victims, 59% were younger than 12 and 75% were female.

The report referred to a popular misconception that juvenile sex offenders are likely to reoffend, and said numerous studies over the years have shown the opposite — that 85 to 95% of offending youth are never again arrested for sex crimes.

"Now that the data has shown most of those assumptions were wrong, it's difficult to undo those messages that people in the advocacy and treatment fields were putting out a generation ago."...

It is good for society to realize that the majority of these kids are not sexual psycopaths and most are unlikely to re-offend. While I feel disgust with the Duggarts lifestyle in general, it appears the methods they chose to educate Josh worked. He stopped feeling up his sisters. And that is the desired outcome after all isnt it?
Milkweed said:
It is good for society to realize that the majority of these kids are not sexual psycopaths and most are unlikely to re-offend. While I feel disgust with the Duggarts lifestyle in general, it appears the methods they chose to educate Josh worked. He stopped feeling up his sisters. And that is the desired outcome after all isnt it?

So let me get this straight:

Beause a study says a vast majority of young abusers are less prone to recidivism, we should ignore Josh Duggar's recidivism that is already on record?​
So let me get this straight:

Beause a study says a vast majority of young abusers are less prone to recidivism, we should ignore Josh Duggar's recidivism that is already on record?​
Yes, he’s a violent offender, a serial rapist, toss him under the jail and throw away the key. Just describing his offenses makes one shudder. He touched his clothed sisters and a friend on possibly ten occasions, and likely touched some skin on two of them. Except for one, these were girls he had been innocently touching countless times for their entire lives, but on these select occasions he had evil in his mind, evil mind you, and his hands violated sacred territory. The sacred nature of this territory is such that if violated to any degree without permission, extreme physical and emotional damage will occur to the host body. Such horrendous violation makes all other forms of violation pale by comparison.
So let me get this straight:

Beause a study says a vast majority of young abusers are less prone to recidivism, we should ignore Josh Duggar's recidivism that is already on record?​
Advocates tend to exaggerate a situation for their own purposes and there is the whole inherent bias thing we all face. I dont like the Duggarts lifestyle but am aware of my own bias. You dont like the Duggarts lifestyle either but have your own reasons for ignoring your own bias' in this matter.

Josh doesnt qualify under the term recidivism. I have seen no evidence that after Josh was shipped away for 'counseling' there were further incidents so his 'treatment' worked. Come up with something new and I will reconsider. But until then you should take heed to the words of professionals:

..."Now that the data has shown most of those assumptions were wrong, it's difficult to undo those messages that people in the advocacy and treatment fields were putting out a generation ago."...

Your beliefs are behind the curve.
Advocates tend to exaggerate a situation for their own purposes and there is the whole inherent bias thing we all face. I dont like the Duggarts lifestyle but am aware of my own bias. You dont like the Duggarts lifestyle either but have your own reasons for ignoring your own bias' in this matter.

Josh doesnt qualify under the term recidivism. I have seen no evidence that after Josh was shipped away for 'counseling' there were further incidents so his 'treatment' worked. Come up with something new and I will reconsider. But until then you should take heed to the words of professionals:

..."Now that the data has shown most of those assumptions were wrong, it's difficult to undo those messages that people in the advocacy and treatment fields were putting out a generation ago."...

Your beliefs are behind the curve.
According to the police report, Josh molested several of his sisters and one other girl. This wasn't a one off. He offended over the course of a year. He was allowed to molest for what? Two lots of sexual molestation. He was punished after the second lot of molestation. He then went on to molest his 5 year old sister and possibly more, since the parents advised there were other instances where molested in that timeframe, but failed to advise how many or who. It was then that it finally dawned on them that they had to protect their daughters and they sent him away to a so called treatment center that wasn't a treatment center and they continued to lie about it. His pattern of abuse fits every definition of recidivism. Why? Because he continued to molest children after he was punished and knew it was wrong. Experts agree, this was not a mistake.

Are you suggesting that his parents and Josh exaggerated the abuse he perpetrated?

Yes, he’s a violent offender, a serial rapist, toss him under the jail and throw away the key. Just describing his offenses makes one shudder. He touched his clothed sisters and a friend on possibly ten occasions, and likely touched some skin on two of them. Except for one, these were girls he had been innocently touching countless times for their entire lives, but on these select occasions he had evil in his mind, evil mind you, and his hands violated sacred territory. The sacred nature of this territory is such that if violated to any degree without permission, extreme physical and emotional damage will occur to the host body. Such horrendous violation makes all other forms of violation pale by comparison.
You are still trying to excuse and normalise sexual molestation of children?

Just because she's asleep, doesn't mean it is not sexual assault.
According to the police report, Josh molested several of his sisters and one other girl. This wasn't a one off. He offended over the course of a year. He was allowed to molest for what? Two lots of sexual molestation. He was punished after the second lot of molestation. He then went on to molest his 5 year old sister and possibly more, since the parents advised there were other instances where molested in that timeframe, but failed to advise how many or who. It was then that it finally dawned on them that they had to protect their daughters and they sent him away to a so called treatment center that wasn't a treatment center and they continued to lie about it. His pattern of abuse fits every definition of recidivism. Why? Because he continued to molest children after he was punished and knew it was wrong. Experts agree, this was not a mistake.

Are you suggesting that his parents and Josh exaggerated the abuse he perpetrated? .
I’m in total agreement; this was an example of recidivism in the extreme, he must have been corrected many times throughout his childhood for inappropriate touching, yet he ignored his correction and continued these endeavors to satisfy his evil impulses. Josh likely molested every one in the house as they slept, including the family pets. Moving from one room to the next for hours every night, for at least a year, and possibly from the time he first learned to crawl as an infant. And then he compounded the offense by only confessing to a relatively few instances, thereby depriving his victims of rightful ownership of additional grief and suffering. His behavior was truly monstrous.

You are still trying to excuse and normalise sexual molestation of children?
No, of course not, you’ve converted me; I’m in complete support of your missionary crusade. I now realize that the labia and areola are sacred epidermal structures, and to violate their sanctity in any way is an act of unparalleled desecration.
According to the police report, Josh molested several of his sisters and one other girl. This wasn't a one off. He offended over the course of a year. He was allowed to molest for what? Two lots of sexual molestation. He was punished after the second lot of molestation. He then went on to molest his 5 year old sister and possibly more, since the parents advised there were other instances where molested in that timeframe, but failed to advise how many or who. It was then that it finally dawned on them that they had to protect their daughters and they sent him away to a so called treatment center that wasn't a treatment center and they continued to lie about it. His pattern of abuse fits every definition of recidivism. Why? Because he continued to molest children after he was punished and knew it was wrong. Experts agree, this was not a mistake.

LOL... Heres your expert (not plural)

California School of Professional Psychology] Professor [John] Caffaro agreed, telling BuzzFeed News that the incidents described in the allegations against Josh Duggar are “clearly more than a ‘mistake.’”
“[The abuse] potentially signals the presence of individual psychopathology, developmental trauma, and significant family dysfunction,” he said. [...]

Hes smarter than you. He wont come out and say "Its abuse. Its sexual Assault. Its developmental Trama blah blah blah. But hes probably read the papers and knows full well...

"Now that the data has shown most of those assumptions were wrong, it's difficult to undo those messages that people in the advocacy and treatment fields were putting out a generation ago."...

You should Re-read the josh timeline.

The report says that James told police he was alerted in March, 2002 by a female minor that Josh — who turned 14-years-old that month — had been touching her breasts and genitals while she slept. This allegedly happened on multiple occasions. In 2006, Jim Bob told police that in July, 2002 Josh admitted to fondling a minor’s breasts while she slept. “James said that they disciplined (redacted, Josh) after this incident.” The family did not alert authorities.

Jim Bob told police that about nine months later in March, 2003 “there was another incident.” Josh was again accused by a female minor of touching her breasts and genitals. Josh was accused by several minors of touching their genitals, often when they slept, but at times when they were awake.

Jim Bob then “met with the elders of his church and told them what was going on.” No one alerted the police or any other law enforcement agency. Instead they decided to send Josh to a “program [that] consisted of hard physical work and counseling. James said that [redacted, Josh] was in the program from March 17, 2003 until July 17, 2003.”

Jim Bob told police in 2006 that when Josh returned home in 2003, Jim Bob, accompanied by some of his church elders, took Josh to Arkansas State Trooper, Jim Hutchens. Jim Bob knew Hutchens personally. Hutchens did not take any official action and instead gave Josh a “very stern talk.”

The copy of the original report is here where we first heard about the Duggarts family problems.

Part one is a teen not listening to his parents.
Part two is a teen being sanctioned for actions. Now he took it serious. He beeleeves.

Are you suggesting that his parents and Josh exaggerated the abuse he perpetrated?

Nope. I am sure you are exaggerating the seriousness of the former situation.

But I will tell you for sure. On a first incident (and that is defined as when I become aware as a parent) and reading what Josh allegedly did, there is no way I am going to bring my kid to the cops. I am going to try to handle it at home. I have my kids future to be aware of, knowing full well extremists such as yourself exist and want to make sure the rest of my kids life is spent paying a debt to you. Because this is about you and not the sisters of Josh.

Your not horrified that a police report that should have never been made public is out there. Your not horrified that the sisters have lost their privacy. Your not questioning why the media violated the rights of these girls. Nope. Your lovin it because you dont agree (nor do I) with the Duggarts lifestyle.

And the simple fact is you cant stand that these girls didnt become victims and went on with their lives without your idea of proper treatment. They succeeded without you!! Dammit. Lets ruin the stuff they had going on because thats what happened isnt it? Now all of them are paying the price.

Wow Milkweed... your vitriol and contempt is almost palpable...
I’m in total agreement; this was an example of recidivism in the extreme, he must have been corrected many times throughout his childhood for inappropriate touching, yet he ignored his correction and continued these endeavors to satisfy his evil impulses. Josh likely molested every one in the house as they slept, including the family pets. Moving from one room to the next for hours every night, for at least a year, and possibly from the time he first learned to crawl as an infant. And then he compounded the offense by only confessing to a relatively few instances, thereby depriving his victims of rightful ownership of additional grief and suffering. His behavior was truly monstrous.

What kind of person mocks or makes a mockery of sexual assault and the molestation of children?

Please, seek help.

Hes smarter than you. He wont come out and say "Its abuse. Its sexual Assault. Its developmental Trama blah blah blah. But hes probably read the papers and knows full well...
I read the report. I have prosecuted sexual molesters for doing less.

The point here, milkweed, is that Josh Duggar sexually molested at least 5 times, before telling his parents. He then molested again. He was punished. And then several months later, he went on to punish multiple times, including his 5 year old sister.

I don't know where you are from, but sexually molesting children is deemed sexual assault and is criminal.

There was clear evidence that this was a pattern of behaviour and he repeated it numerous times.

Not only that, he was 15 years of age when he last molested (that we know of). And he knew it was wrong and he knew it was unacceptable behaviour.

Part one is a teen not listening to his parents.
Part two is a teen being sanctioned for actions. Now he took it serious. He beeleeves.
I did read the report. Multiple times. And what you just posted is clear evidence recidivism. If you don't know what that word means, look it up.

And if you are going to try to pass off sexual molestation of children, some even 10 years younger than he is and his own sister, as being normal teenage behaviour akin to "not listening to his parents", you are entering dangerous territory because sexual molestation of children, and sexual touching of children like Josh did to others in that household is not normal behaviour.

Nope. I am sure you are exaggerating the seriousness of the former situation.
It is clear you did not read the police report.

Jim Bob Duggar clearly stated that Josh molested multiple times, which is clear evidence of recidivism. As I said, if you don't know what that word means, look it up.

But I will tell you for sure. On a first incident (and that is defined as when I become aware as a parent) and reading what Josh allegedly did, there is no way I am going to bring my kid to the cops. I am going to try to handle it at home. I have my kids future to be aware of, knowing full well extremists such as yourself exist and want to make sure the rest of my kids life is spent paying a debt to you. Because this is about you and not the sisters of Josh.
So your child molests your other child and your sole concern is to protect the molester and not the molested?

At what point would you call the police? At what point would you act to protect the child(ren) your son or daughter is molesting? What of the future of the molested child? Are you willing to risk their future?

Are you aware that harboring a child molester and allowing them to continue molesting your children is illegal? And that repeated molestation of a child, can damage and affect the victim for the rest of their life? What of their future?

Or do you live in a household that is like the Duggars, who forced Josh's victims, who even admitted they were afraid, to sit and talk to him and forgive him and left them with no other choice but to forgive him?

Your not horrified that a police report that should have never been made public is out there. Your not horrified that the sisters have lost their privacy. Your not questioning why the media violated the rights of these girls. Nope. Your lovin it because you dont agree (nor do I) with the Duggarts lifestyle.
The police report is not really the problem. The names of the victims were redacted. Had this gone to trial, what we heard or found out in the last few weeks would have been even more detailed. The identity of the victims were released by the victims themselves. It was Fox News, who violated the girls by taking cameras into their parents households and then questioning them and allowing them to out themselves as his victims. I don't blame those girls. I blame their parents for what they allowed to happen and continued to happen.

As it stands, the DHS are currently investigating the family and the police had to be called because they were refusing to cooperate or allow to check that a child in that house was safe.

And the simple fact is you cant stand that these girls didnt become victims and went on with their lives without your idea of proper treatment. They succeeded without you!! Dammit. Lets ruin the stuff they had going on because thats what happened isnt it? Now all of them are paying the price.
The girls are the victims. They were molested. I think it is great that they are able to get past it as they have done. I don't think it is great that they were left with no choice but to forgive, when they were told by their patriarchal father to forgive. Nor do I think it is great that the media and some in this thread, seem to think that Josh is the only victim in all of this.

And what stuff did they have going? You mean the TV show and media appearances and political lobbying where they said LGBT were child molesters and should be denied more rights? Yes, how horrible that they are now prevented from doing that [insert giant eye-roll here]..
I read the report. I have prosecuted sexual molesters for doing less.

I am sure you have. Your an extremist. And your job depends on someone elses mistakes. Of course you hate the duggarts. They cost you money. If everyone handled it without the cops/dhs how many jobs would be lost.... See, it is all about you.

Or do you live in a household that is like the Duggars, who forced Josh's victims, who even admitted they were afraid, to sit and talk to him and forgive him and left them with no other choice but to forgive him?

From Fox: The two women said that they didn’t even know what had happened until Josh confessed to their parents, who then approached each child individually and shared it with them. The two women agreed that they were “shocked” to learn of Josh’s actions, but Jill added that their experience was “very mild compared to what happens to some young women.”

Jill said she felt angry at first. But then, she said her parents explained what happened, and Josh came to each victim to ask for forgiveness.

“I had to make that choice to forgive him, you know. And it wasn’t something that somebody forced like, ‘Oh you need to do this.’ It’s like, you have to make that decision for yourself,” Jill said.

Wanna watch the real interview:


The police report is not really the problem. The names of the victims were redacted. Had this gone to trial, what we heard or found out in the last few weeks would have been even more detailed. The identity of the victims were released by the victims themselves. It was Fox News, who violated the girls by taking cameras into their parents households and then questioning them and allowing them to out themselves as his victims. I don't blame those girls. I blame their parents for what they allowed to happen and continued to happen.

More lies. Origin of story: Not Fox news.


On May 21, 2015, the magazine controversially released a police investigation of Josh Duggar from the 19 Kids and Counting reality TV show, from an investigation carried out in 2006, when Josh was 18 years of age, about events occurring in 2002, when Josh was 14 and still a minor, when he was accused of molestation. In spite of no charges being laid, In Touch Magazine implied that Josh Duggar was a rapist, paedophile and child molester, and that his family were paedophile enablers. They published the full contents of the police report, which were not redacted sufficiently to protect the identities of the victims, in spite of a judgement by Judge Stacey Zimmerman on May 21, 2015, which ordered for all copies of the police report to be destroyed.

According the website, as of 2010, In Touch Weekly sells for $2.99 on newsstands, $.50 cents less than competitors US Weekly and Star Magazine. Subscribers pay $1.49 per issue.


As it stands, the DHS are currently investigating the family and the police had to be called because they were refusing to cooperate or allow to check that a child in that house was safe.
Of Course they Are investigating... now.... suddenly.... LOL Does Josh still live there or is it grandstanding?


And what stuff did they have going? You mean the TV show and media appearances and political lobbying where they said LGBT were child molesters and should be denied more rights? Yes, how horrible that they are now prevented from doing that [insert giant eye-roll here]..

Eye-roll all you want... Your exactly the same with regards to heterosexuality of very young teen boys. I would protect my 14 year old kid from the likes of you absolutely. Your motive isnt in the kids best interest.
I am sure you have. Your an extremist. And your job depends on someone elses mistakes.
My job was actually about prosecuting people for breaking the law. You see, it is illegal to sexually molest and abuse children. If that makes me an extremist, then I will happily own up to being an extremist who does not diminish, minimise, normalise the abuse and assault and sexual molestation of children and sexual assault.

Of course you hate the duggarts. They cost you money. If everyone handled it without the cops/dhs how many jobs would be lost.... See, it is all about you.
I am trying to figure out how you have come to the conclusion that they cost me money..

And I am sure that child molesters and organisations who protect them and allow them to continue molesting would agree with you, that it should not be illegal and that it really should just be kept in the family. We have seen thousands upon thousands of victims share how such attitudes and beliefs ruined their lives, but hey, for you, it's all about protecting the abuser and minimising sexual molestation. I get it.

From Fox: The two women said that they didn’t even know what had happened until Josh confessed to their parents, who then approached each child individually and shared it with them. The two women agreed that they were “shocked” to learn of Josh’s actions, but Jill added that their experience was “very mild compared to what happens to some young women.”

Jill said she felt angry at first. But then, she said her parents explained what happened, and Josh came to each victim to ask for forgiveness.

“I had to make that choice to forgive him, you know. And it wasn’t something that somebody forced like, ‘Oh you need to do this.’ It’s like, you have to make that decision for yourself,” Jill said.

Wanna watch the real interview:


The girls were shocked and angry and also referred to his slyness in how he molested. They also advised that they were approached by their father about forgiveness and then they were asked by their brother to forgive them. In a household where the man has greater say, and where the girls are taught that their father and their brothers opinions matter more.. In other words, in a patriarchal household, these girls reactions is to be expected. They had no real choice in the matter.

Context, is what you always lack in your arguments, milkweed. If you are unsure about why context matters in relation to this particular case, then I would suggest you go back and read through the thread instead of rehashing everything again.

And you have a reading and comprehension problem.

Here is what I said. Do try and pay attention:

The police report is not really the problem. The names of the victims were redacted. Had this gone to trial, what we heard or found out in the last few weeks would have been even more detailed. The identity of the victims were released by the victims themselves. It was Fox News, who violated the girls by taking cameras into their parents households and then questioning them and allowing them to out themselves as his victims. I don't blame those girls. I blame their parents for what they allowed to happen and continued to happen.

Understand now?

The victims were the ones who outed themselves as the victims. The police report redacted all of their names, including Josh's name. No one knew exactly who the victims were, until they outed themselves in the Kelly interview on Fox.

Had you read and paid attention to what I said, you would have seen that it corresponded with what you just linked and quoted from wiki.

Of Course they Are investigating... now.... suddenly.... LOL Does Josh still live there or is it grandstanding?


This is a current investigation about another child still living in that house. Who said anything about Josh in regards to this latest DHS investigation?

Eye-roll all you want... Your exactly the same with regards to heterosexuality of very young teen boys.
This doesn't even make sense.

What exactly am I, in regards to the "heterosexuality of very young teen boys"?

I would protect my 14 year old kid from the likes of you absolutely. Your motive isnt in the kids best interest.
And yet, you would not protect your children from a child molester. Says it all about you, doesn't it? Do you think it is in your children's best interest to remain in the same house as a molester?
I am sure you have. Your an extremist. And your job depends on someone elses mistakes. Of course you hate the duggarts. They cost you money. If everyone handled it without the cops/dhs how many jobs would be lost.... See, it is all about you.

Wow... I seriously hope you never reproduce, because God help the kids that have to grow up dealing with THAT kind of attitude...

If anything, it seems you are mad, milkweed, because it's not all about YOU and YOUR opinions.

Face facts - sexual assault is a crime, end of statement. The fact that there is ANY confusion about this with the duggarts shows just how far society has fallen. If he had done this to, say, a girl at school or camp, or really to any female who hadn't been brainwashed to think they had to be utterly subservient to men, there would be no question that charges would be filed.
My job was actually about prosecuting people for breaking the law. You see, it is illegal to sexually molest and abuse children. If that makes me an extremist, then I will happily own up to being an extremist who does not diminish, minimise, normalise the abuse and assault and sexual molestation of children and sexual assault.

No one knew exactly who the victims were, until they outed themselves in the Kelly interview on Fox.

Had you read and paid attention to what I said, you would have seen that it corresponded with what you just linked and quoted from wiki.

You claim its your job. Its about your income.

They [in touch mag] published the full contents of the police report, which were not redacted sufficiently to protect the identities of the victims, in spite of a judgement by Judge Stacey Zimmerman on May 21, 2015, which ordered for all copies of the police report to be destroyed.

The LAW says not redacted sufficiently. But you dont agree with the judge do you.

And we listen to prosecutors saying "crack is different than cocaine".
And we listen to prosecutors saying "not enough evidence to charge officer whatever with a crime"

And we then discuss how wrong we think this is.

Your wrong. Josh was just a kid with limited resources in dealing with his emerging sexuality. Family took natural and Very Normal steps in correcting the situation. 15 years later we have no further indication Josh is a habitual sexual predator. And he doesnt have to register for the rest of his life as a predator. He grew up to lead a relatively normal life in-spite of what you think of kids like him. But thats because you are behind the curve:

"Now that the data has shown most of those assumptions were wrong, it's difficult to undo those messages that people in the advocacy and treatment fields were putting out a generation ago."...

The Duggarts were right in keeping DHS/Police out of their family. Oh Wait. They did go to a cop right after Josh got back from 'treatment'. Did they know he had child porn on his computer? Nope. No one did.

And yet, you would not protect your children from a child molester. Says it all about you, doesn't it? Do you think it is in your children's best interest to remain in the same house as a molester?

More lies.
truncated said:
I am sure you have. Your an extremist. And your job depends on someone elses mistakes. Of course you hate the duggarts. They cost you money. If everyone handled it without the cops/dhs how many jobs would be lost.... See, it is all about you.

I would protect my 14 year old kid from the likes of you absolutely. Your motive isnt in the kids best interest.

It would not be in the childs best interest, nor the families best interest to have him labeled a sex offender. Potentially for the rest of his life. Stop wondering about why so many do not seek help from the 'professionals'; the answer is directly in your extremism.

"Now that the data has shown most of those assumptions were wrong, it's difficult to undo those messages that people in the advocacy and treatment fields were putting out a generation ago."...
You claim its your job. Its about your income.
Actually, and this may come as a surprise to one such as yourself, it's about preventing this from happening to other innocent children.

Your wrong. Josh was just a kid with limited resources in dealing with his emerging sexuality. Family took natural and Very Normal steps in correcting the situation. 15 years later we have no further indication Josh is a habitual sexual predator. And he doesnt have to register for the rest of his life as a predator. He grew up to lead a relatively normal life in-spite of what you think of kids like him.

I'm sorry, but molesting your own kid sister is not a "normal" occurance. "Limited resources in dealing with his emerging sexuality"? What sexual orientation is it that prompts someone to violate their own siblings while they sleep? I can tell you this much - when I was going thru puberty, there was not one time in which the thought "Hey, my little brother is sleeping, I should fondle him" crossed my mind. Are you saying this kind of thought is somehow to be expected?

"Now that the data has shown most of those assumptions were wrong, it's difficult to undo those messages that people in the advocacy and treatment fields were putting out a generation ago."...
I am curious how any data could show it to be wrong... after all, a repeated and traceable pattern of behavior is, to most rational people, provides a reasonable basis on which to determine likely future behaviors...

It would not be in the childs best interest, nor the families best interest to have him labeled a sex offender. Potentially for the rest of his life. Stop wondering about why so many do not seek help from the 'professionals'; the answer is directly in your extremism.

You DO realize that the label of "sex offender" isn't just some way of shaming the person in question, right? It's something that enables people to take reasonable precautions when said person is around - after all, if this was just an "act of opportunity" and a "moment of sinful weakness", wouldn't it be prudent to take steps to ensure such an opportunity doesn't arise again? Or would you prefer he get placed in a situation where he might "slip up" again?

The only "extremism" here is how valiantly some people (such as yourself) are trying to normalize a behavior that has no place in rational society... you are acting as though he was just some teenager who, after a nightly romp with his GF, decided to give her some finger action while she slept... there's a huge difference here in terms of acceptability of behavior:

1) We are talking about something done to a MINOR... or do you presume a 7 year old to be "mature" enough to give consent to such an action?
2) Several times, he did this while they slept... this shows clear intent to avoid recognition and punishment, so it is obvious he KNEW it was wrong - he did it anyway
3) This was not a one-off occurrence... it happened several times. If he was really "just curious" about the differences between his body and theirs, it would have happened once at most. Or, you know, he could have consulted a textbook, gone online, etc.
4) If he just had a "sexual need" to fulfill, the internet has plenty of sources to allow one to wallow in depravity without having to resort to touching ones own family...
Milkweed said:
The Duggarts were right in keeping DHS/Police out of their family. Oh Wait. They did go to a cop right after Josh got back from 'treatment'. Did they know he had child porn on his computer? Nope. No one did.

Did they go to a family friend who happened to be a cop? Did they ask him to break the law by not reporting the incident? Did he break the law by not reporting the incident?


Your wrong. Josh was just a kid with limited resources in dealing with his emerging sexuality. Family took natural and Very Normal steps in correcting the situation. 15 years later we have no further indication Josh is a habitual sexual predator. And he doesnt have to register for the rest of his life as a predator. He grew up to lead a relatively normal life in-spite of what you think of kids like him.

Article of faith.

But thats because you are behind the curve:

"Now that the data has shown most of those assumptions were wrong, it's difficult to undo those messages that people in the advocacy and treatment fields were putting out a generation ago."...

Except for the fact that he has shonw recidivistic behavior, which you try to deny↑ as an article of faith.

We have recidivistic molestation and a conspiracy involving a police officer to keep it off the record.

And here you are trying to normalize this sort of criminality.

The only thing I don't get is what stake anyone thinks they have in empowering sexual abuse. Maybe you can shed some light on why you hope to empower sexual abuse of children.
Did they go to a family friend who happened to be a cop? Did they ask him to break the law by not reporting the incident? Did he break the law by not reporting the incident?


Different issue. Duggarts were not obliged to report but they did have the kid talked to in an apparent 'scared straight' fashion.

Teresa Huizar, executive director of National Children's Alliance, noted that in 18 states, parents and any other citizens are legally required to report abuse to authorities, even if the perpetrator is their child. Arkansas, where the "19 Kids and Counting" family lived, is not one of those states.

Except for the fact that he has show recidivistic behavior, which you try to deny↑ as an article of faith.
We have recidivistic molestation and a conspiracy involving a police officer to keep it off the record.
And here you are trying to normalize this sort of criminality.
Recidivism is one of the most fundamental concepts in criminal justice. It refers to a person's relapse into criminal behavior, often after the person receives sanctions or undergoes intervention for a previous crime.Jun 17, 2014

Your playing with definitions here to try to make your point. I would agree with you if Josh had continued after being sent away for 'treatment'. Until he was sent away there had been no intervention.

The only thing I don't get is what stake anyone thinks they have in empowering sexual abuse. Maybe you can shed some light on why you hope to empower sexual abuse of children.

Its not about empowering sexual abuse of children. Its about disagreeing with the definition of what is abuse and what is normal.

Emily Horowitz, a sociology professor at St. Francis College in Brooklyn, said the Duggars' decision to keep law enforcement out of it at first is understandable — even defensible.

"I don't condone this behavior, but I spoke to so many families that did the 'right thing' and the reaction was so excessive and Draconian that it destroyed the lives of their children," said Horowitz, author of the new book "Protecting Our Kids: How Sex Offender Laws Are Failing."

Horowitz said that juvenile offenders are the most treatable group of sex abusers, but law enforcement is more focused on punishment, including criminal prosecution with possible jail terms and lifetime listing on a sex-offender registry.

She said Justice Department data shows that one-third of sex offenses involving children also involve underage perpetrators. The most common age, she said, is 14 — the age Josh Duggar was.

"I'm pro-punishment," Horowitz said. "I'm just not pro-Draconian, permanent punishment."


Me, I am glad Josh doesnt appear to be a sexual psychopath. And for me, in this case, I am not pro-punishment. No need.

Your real anger isnt with Josh, its with the Duggarts in general.