Power, Purity, Meekness and God. The Ugly Reality of Rape Culture.

Bells said:
You actually have not read this thread, have you?

That is literally what Capracus has been saying in this thread.

Look Tali89, I get that your sole purpose here is to complain, but at the very least, read the thread if you wish to be taken seriously.

What I don't get about it all is the pretense of stupidity.

To wit, take a look at Daecon's↗ post at #55. To the one, it's like I told Capracus; we shouldn't be trying to determine what these events and acts mean to the people who endure them. To the other, that post only comes about because he's trying to accommodate grotesque stupidity.

There is something undignified about even trying to answer these questions. It would be one thing if the difference was subtle, but look at how Tali―or Capracus for that matter―would essentially pit the survivors against each other.

This is a really stupid way to go about it. This is a really dangerous way to go about it. To the other, there is something more important happening here: Capracus.

No, really, look at what is important to our neighbor Tali89. While I have much admiration for those willing to attempt to communicate with these trolls, I really don't see the point. They're not here to actually discuss the issue in any good faith, but, rather, in hopes of causing other people emotional pain.

That is a greater testament to their hatred than anything you or I could ever say.

No, seriously. When someone stumbles across this thread and sees Capracus mocking rape survivors↗, there is very little anyone else can say that will be as remotely defining of the human corruption behind the username.

At some point, we must accept that such low characters really are essential parts of the people who play them.
Show us the documentation of these cases.
These are actual cases and no, I will not show you the documentation of those cases. For one thing, they have my name in them and secondly, do you really think I am going to let you, the guy who praised a paedophile for protecting a child molester and the guy who claims that sexual assault isn't that bad if she doesn't know about it, know or even come within 100 miles of my real name?

The simple fact that he violated their privacy by way of any nonconsensual physical contact could be minimally defined as assault. By appling the Bells zero tolerance rule; all nonconsensual contact must be violent assault. So if Josh had been drawing mustaches on his sisters while they slept he is equally as guilty.

A virtual rape tutorial.

What if the pen had slipped and penetrated his nostril?!!!
It takes someone with a real problem to come into a thread discussing child molestation and incest to make jokes about it, Capracus. Do you find the thought of someone feeling up little girls funny?

Please, for the safety of those around you, seek help.

So which of the Duggar girls informed you of their views on dominance and sexual assault? Or are you just psychic? And how does gently touching someone over their clothing or drawing mustaches on their face equate to rape?

I view your reaction to how particular degrees of assault are treated as hypersensitive.
Their parents informed everyone when they spread the word of the lesson plans they educate their children by, lessons designed by a guy who sexually assaulted dozens of women, not to mention the fact that the mother released flyers, to help educate women and girls on who and what they should be and how and why they must always be willing and compliant to the needs of the men in their families, particularly their husbands. It's all linked.

You might view my revulsion towards the molestation of children and incest as being hypersensitive and that's fine. I view your excuses for it, your praising known paedophiles and your praising the hiding and protection of child molesters from facing the law to be abhorrent and perverted. Just as I viewed your scoffing that groping someone's breasts while they sleep as being sexual assault to be very disturbing. Not to mention your comments and imaginings of how little you would do to protect your own children if your elder child molested their younger sibling.

What do you consider to be out of bounds when it comes to sexual molestation and incest when the victims are minors, Capracus?

Is that before or after you condition her to perceive a particular touch as harmful? Because until you do, she wouldn’t have a clue. How many times in her life was that young girl touched on her breast or vagina, and suddenly this one time was to be understood as horrific?
You really don't understand the issue of consent?

Or do you think that if someone molests a child when that child is asleep, that it isn't that bad because the child does not know of or understand what's going on? This has been a running theme for you in this thread.

What do you actually think of child molestation and incest, Capracus?

Do you believe that children who report molestation are conditioned by society and those around them to be harmed by it? Is that the issue here? Do you think touching a 5 year old's vagina for sexual pleasure is okay if she is asleep? Or do you think it is society's "hypersensitivity" towards incest and child molestation which makes it bad, not to mention illegal?

What does normalcy have to do with whether or not something is socially correct or not? It’s not normal for most people to be a saint or a serial killer, but it is normal for people to explore the tendencies that lead to these polar outcomes. I have no desire to encourage abusive behavior of any kind, but I do realize that the means to that end doesn’t always necessitate an aggressive approach.
And you think protecting them and hiding them from the law is a better approach?

Normalcy has everything to do with it, Capracus. When you come out and question whether sexual molestation is really harmful or if I have "conditioned" a victim to perceive a touch as harmful, then yes, normalcy has everything to do with it. Because it is only someone who views such behaviour as normal, who would comment that victims are possibly conditioned to perceive harm when sexually molested.

And I think the fact that you don't understand that is concerning. Very and deeply concerning. For a variety of reasons.

Sexual molestation of a serious nature if allowed to progress can become a serious problem.

What do you classify as a "serious nature" when it comes to sexual molestation of children?

Penetration? Molesting them when they are awake and aware?

More to the point, what sexual molestation of children do you think is not of a "serious nature"?

Remember, there were no screams from the sisters, as they were unaware of the violation. The only one screaming was Josh.

Jim Bob: Josh, I command thee to go forth and molest thy sisters. Sisters, yee shall run and hide when thy brother approaches, but if thee should capture thou, thou shalt submit to thine advances and forgive thine transgression.

Sound plausible?
Why do you think he was screaming for help? I'll give you a hint, it has nothing to do with Josh and everything to do with screaming for help to remove temptation from his reach. Hence why the girls were told and the girls were told to not sit on his lap, to not play hide and seek with the boys and to lock their bedroom door at night. The onus was always on the girls to not be molested. Normal child behaviour had become dirty and sinful if the girls did it with the boys. Why? Because the girls could tempt their brother to molest them. The blame was never on Josh, as you are arguing so well. You view Josh as the victim, don't you?

And of course all sexual assault is equal, and should be treated as such. And god knows if something is illegal it must be horribly wrong. Excellent logic don’t you think?
I'm sorry, you don't think sexual assault, child sexual molestation and incest is "horribly wrong"?
I never said it wasn’t assault, I said the level of assault didn’t necessitate the level of response you thought fitting.

I haven’t been conditioned to appreciate incest, but I don’t really have a problem with those who consensually wish to practice it. To the degree that molestation becomes a significant violation of ones physical and emotional well being, I think it should be dealt with in a proportional manner.
I linked you several documents, articles and guidelines for how to deal with Josh's actions and behaviour. These are recommendations by specialists and psychologists. All of which clearly state that Josh should have been immediately removed from the house, for his sake and that of his victims, and he should have received the treatment he clearly desperately needed.

As for incest, there are a variety of reasons why it is wrong. I didn't think I would have to explain that.

Now did I expect that I would have to explain why a 15 year old sexually molesting his 5 year old sister is wrong and a deep violation. But alas, I am apparently wrong, because you do not seem to understand this.


Do I think all sexual assault is equal? No.
You just don't think it's that bad if she doesn't know or understand what is happening or has happened to her.

What makes this more disturbing is that we are discussing the molestation of children. Do you think child molesters should be reported to the police if they molest children while they sleep? What do you think of paedophiles in general? Are you fine with them so long as their sexual abuse does not cause harm? How do you rate harm? Physical? Yes? Psychological? Only if the victim is aware of it? If the victim complains of being sexually molested, do you query if they have been conditioned to perceive that harm?

Why do you make a distinction about age? Violence is violence and it’s all supposed to be treated equally. Right?
No Capracus. It isn't. A guy walking up and punching you in a bar is not the same as a guy you are in a relationship with beating you at home.

And domestic violence and sexual violence are not treated the same as other forms of violence. And sexual violence against children is also treated differently, for a variety of reasons. I am surprised you don't understand this and why this is so.

That’s what you’re trying to do by putting an age limit on it. Why wouldn’t your logic also apply to sexual violence?
Because their effects and what they do to people, and the fact that one involves children, makes it vastly different.

And the age of victims, especially children, are treated differently by the legal system. For obvious reasons.

Because they don’t believe as you do that what their brother did warranted your solution. And their Christian philosophy instructs them to forgive their transgressors.
You really don't understand what I linked?

They never had a choice. They were then made to sit down and speak to their brother, and forgive him. There was no choice for them. At all.

I can imagine the pressure you feel to express some of the nonsense you espouse.
You think being against child molestation and rape is nonsense?

Yeah, we got it. You have made that clear enough.

Like such a thing can’t possibly exist. It’s either all or nothing in your book.
I don't make fun of or light of the sexual molestation of children. Nor do I diminish it or try to normalise it. You do. We get that.

Please, seek help.

What, the adult Duggar girls are still under the spell of their lying, degenerate svengali of a father? And you know this from some long intimate conversation with them? Please, enlighten us and post a transcript of this dialogue. God I wish such a thing actually existed.
You mean the fact that they virtually parroted their father's words wasn't of an indication enough for you?
No, he isn't. Repeating the same nonsense over and over doesn't make your blatant lie any more true. And yes, it's a lie, because you're cognizant of what 'literally' means.
Not my problem you have an issue with reading and comprehension.

Let me guess, you agree that sexual molestation of children isn't harmful if they don't know or understand what is happening to them?

No, he didn't say that anywhere in what you quoted.
I see you are still dishonest.

There is only so much flaming and trolling that you can do to try and throw this thread off topic. And you reached the limit.

How on earth can I agree with a question?
What's wrong with it? Capracus has been saying that he thinks victims of child molestation are conditioned to "perceive harm", apparently by me and that sexually molesting children isn't really that big of a deal if they aren't harmed by it. Do you agree with that sentiment or not? A yes or no will suffice. I don't particularly care what you think, but if you wish and demand to make your presence felt in this thread, then at least discuss the thread topic and partake in the discussion instead of trolling and flaming it.

Oh, I just read the remainder of your post, and I can tell you are misrepresenting Capracus, and then asking me leading questions. Uh, no thanks, I'd rather not play that game.
Misrepresenting him? You didn't read his posts, did you?

You can only lie so much, tali89 and at this point, you are being so dishonest, I'm surprised your underpants haven't caught fire yet.

I'll even make it easier for you.

Do you have a zero tolerance for child sexual molestation and abuse? Yes or no?

Because according to Capracus, it is a bad thing to have zero tolerance for the sexual molestation of children. Do you agree with him? Yes or no?

Hmm, you make posts, and I respond. Fancy that. It's almost as if this is a discussion forum. By the way, I suspect you have initiated the majority of discussions between us, so you might not want to imply that I seek you out, because all evidence points to the opposite.
You don't post or participate in discussions though.

And no Tali89, I think you will find that I tend to not initiate these discussions with you. The fact that you have repeatedly advised how you have gone back and read all of my posts from before you joined, is creepy. There is no "us". Please do not associate me with you.

I've read threads related to the current topic in which you were a participant. I certainly haven't looked through you post history, because I'd rather not subject myself to such banality.
Which is why you comment on things from different threads and subjects from years before you even joined?

Look dude, we get it. You're one of those.

No one really cares. Just stick to the subject of the thread and leave your personal issues out of it.

Hahah, yeah, whatever floats your boat. "Rape apologist, stalker, weirdo, sexist, racist, etc." You shoot off whatever insult you want and then play the perpetual victim, I really don't care.
And yet, here you are, caring. Caring so much that you just jumped into a discussion to try and flame and troll it, without knowing what the person you are avidly supporting is saying. That usually ends bad.

And you conclude with another bald faced lie. I'd have to be a dyed in the wool masochist to read even half the tripe you've posted on this forum.
Yet you claim you have. Even referring to things that happened years before you ever joined.

Sadly, you are still not discussing this thread's topic. Please take your little obsessions elsewhere.
Mod Note

Since Tali89 refuses to stop trolling and flaming this thread and refusing to take his/her off-topic posts to the appropriate forum, tali89 is barred from this discussion for 5 days.
What I don't get about it all is the pretense of stupidity.

To wit, take a look at Daecon's↗ post at #55. To the one, it's like I told Capracus; we shouldn't be trying to determine what these events and acts mean to the people who endure them. To the other, that post only comes about because he's trying to accommodate grotesque stupidity.

There is something undignified about even trying to answer these questions. It would be one thing if the difference was subtle, but look at how Tali―or Capracus for that matter―would essentially pit the survivors against each other.

This is a really stupid way to go about it. This is a really dangerous way to go about it. To the other, there is something more important happening here: Capracus.

No, really, look at what is important to our neighbor Tali89. While I have much admiration for those willing to attempt to communicate with these trolls, I really don't see the point. They're not here to actually discuss the issue in any good faith, but, rather, in hopes of causing other people emotional pain.

That is a greater testament to their hatred than anything you or I could ever say.

No, seriously. When someone stumbles across this thread and sees Capracus mocking rape survivors↗, there is very little anyone else can say that will be as remotely defining of the human corruption behind the username.

At some point, we must accept that such low characters really are essential parts of the people who play them.
No one can blame the girls for what happened to them, or for their reaction to what happened to them.

They tell of how they forgave, how their father sat down with them to discuss forgiveness and then they were made to sit with their molester and forgive him. Imagine that. These are girls who said they were scared, shocked and appalled by what had happened. Their feelings were never considered. It was their forgiving their brother that was the most important thing at that time.

And now, it is protecting the image that is more important. So these girls had to appear on TV and publicly declare they forgave him and say they were not harmed, because hey, what's some brotherly incest and touching while they are fully clothed and asleep? Capracus touches on the importance of preserving their financial future and the reputation of their son when he praised the paedophile that protected him and when he praised the parent's actions in hiding it all and preventing Josh from even being questioned by police who had no vested interest in protecting him or the family brand. Keep in mind, the paedophile police officer who gave Josh a stern talking to and then failed to report the abuse, was involved in the father's business. Capracus takes each part of this issue and fails to put it into context when he asks 'what's the real harm in what he did'..

But yes, I did note his attempts to pit me against the victims of Josh Duggar. When I had clearly stated several times that their response is to be expected. I certainly was not surprised by it, nor do I blame them for it. They are the real victims here. Not just for what happened to them, but for the way in which they have been treated by the family in their bid to protect the family brand and to protect their brother. It's that brand, and the brother, that are obviously more important.

Duggar sisters Jessa Seewald and Jill Dillard have every right in the world to define their lives and experiences as they see fit. They have every right to decide how they feel about what their brother did to them — and a right to form their own opinions about how the media has handled the revelations that Josh Duggar, in his own words, “acted inexcusably” more than ten years ago. But watching the Duggars — first parents Jim Bob and Michelle, and then daughters Jessa and Jill — trot out their version of what happened all those years ago, and how they handled it, it’s hard not to feel like we’re watching a family more concerned about losing control of a narrative they’ve carefully crafted than of one trying to have an authentic conversation about what they call their “darkest times.”

The Duggars had a nice little industry going for themselves for a while there, withtheir TLC franchise and subsequent book deals and speaking engagements andpolitical clout wielding. Then last month, In Touch revealed the police reports ofmultiple incidents of forcibly touching at least five girls, including his sisters. In their conversation with Megyn Kelly last week, Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar simultaneously insisted they’d take appropriate measures to stop the behavior but downplayed the events, saying, “He was still a kid. He was still a juvenile. He wasn’t an adult. This was not rape or anything like that. This was touching someone over their clothes.” And when on Friday it was sisters Jessa and Jill’s turn, they dutifully echoed the sentiment.


The sisters say that “We’ve never claimed to be a perfect family,” and they are entitled to have private struggles and pains. But when you’re someone like Jessa, who’s compared abortion to the holocaust, or someone like mom Michelle, who’scampaigned actively against rights for transgender individuals, or dad Jim Bob, who has asserted that “rape and incest represent heinous crimes and as such should be treated as capital crimes,” you have set yourself on a certain morally judgmental plane. You can question the motives of the tabloids, you can assert your own peace with your past, but you don’t get to play the victim card because the rest of the media is not your carefully controlled TV show, or because people are asking questions about the disconnect between your family’s image and the behavior of its members.

And in all of their outrage, the four Duggars who have sat down for interviews have thus far failed to make a strong statement to other girls out there, and other families, about bodily autonomy or about how to appropriately handle a situation like the one they found themselves in. Instead, they’re working a narrative of “It wasn’t that bad and it was long ago and all is forgiven and the media is the real problem.” And that’s what makes it so sad and unconvincing. “We are not a perfect family,” Jill says. “We are just a family.” A family that until recently was a reality empire. A family no longer with a believable script.

I doubt anyone was surprised when they virtually parroted their parents comments. And no one can blame them.

These girls were brought up to believe that if a man sexually assaults or rapes a woman, then it is the woman's fault for tempting him. The parents behaviour and their self declared actions point not towards not having Josh re-offend, but to remove temptation before Josh. So the girls were told to not be alone with him, not play hide and seek, no sitting on laps, that it is up to them to lock the door in their room. It was for the girls to alter their behaviour, not Josh. All after being made to sit down with their molester and forgive him, because that is what was expected of them. Imagine growing up in a household where you are taught that if you do not adhere to a strict set of behaviours, that your brother(s) might molest you? Imagine growing up in a household where this is normal? I am reminded of how some became so offended at the thought that women should view all males as potential rapists when they supported rape prevention.

Yet, here we have a family with a wealth family brand, who instilled in their daughters, the belief that it was up to them to alter their behaviour, how they dress and act and play as children, because their brothers are potential molesters and these people have come so far down that dank black hole, that they are questioning if sexually molesting a child is really bad for the child if they slept through it, or complaining about conditioning children to perceive harm from being sexually molested, because they don't really see how some child molestation can be harmful..
Capracus is just pointing out the Sarah Palin version of this - if it weren't for the liberal media everyone would just sweep this harmless incident under the rug. It is equivalent to the Lena Dunham incident right? No difference in Sarah's mind anyway (and I would surmise no difference to Capracus either)

Here's the scoop:

Why are people talking about Sarah Palin again?

People are talking about Palin because of a caps-lock-peppered Facebook tirade she shared on Thursday. Palin (or someone on her team) addressed Lena Dunham in the opening lines of the post, calling the Girls star a pedophile:

HEY LENA, WHY NOT LAUGH OFF EVERYONE'S SEXUAL "EXPERIMENTS" AS YOU HAUGHTILY ENJOY REWARDS FOR YOUR OWN PERVERSION? YOU PEDOPHILE, YOU Radical liberals in media who have total control over public narratives are disgusting hypocrites, so says my daughter.
Palin links to her daughter Bristol's post on Patheos, which accuses the "liberal" media of treating the Duggars differently than they did Dunham — that they allegedly gave Dunham a pass while dragging the Duggars over the coals. And the idea of media hypocrisy really is the gist of Palin's post. Palin explains that because Dunham is a liberal and the media is liberal, she was given a pass for what Palin believes is sexual assault:

I’m sickened that the media gives their chosen ones a pass for any behavior as long as they share their leftwing politics. Case in point, they suggest Lena Dunham's sexual assault on her sibling is cute, and she's rewarded for it with fame and fortune. Meanwhile, they crucify another, along with an entire family.

Can you remind me of what happened with Lena Dunham?

Totally. To fully understand what Palin is angry about requires a working knowledge of Lena Dunham's sexual abuse scandal. You can find a full explainer of the Dunham scandal on Vox, but the gist of the scandal revolves around the passage in Dunham's book and a crucial mistake that followed.

Back in October, nearly a month after Dunham's memoir had come out, the right-wing website Truth Revolt posted a passage from it under the headline "Lena Dunham Describes Sexually Abusing Her Little Sister."

That headline was coupled with a passage from Dunham's book where she describes looking at her sister's vagina:

"Do we all have uteruses?" I asked my mother when I was seven.

"Yes," she told me. "We're born with them, and with all our eggs, but they start out very small. And they aren't ready to make babies until we're older." I look at my sister, now a slim, tough one-year-old, and at her tiny belly. I imagined her eggs inside her, like the sack of spider eggs in Charlotte's Web, and her uterus, the size of a thimble.

"Does her vagina look like mine?"

"I guess so," my mother said. "Just smaller."

One day, as I sat in our driveway in Long Island playing with blocks and buckets, my curiosity got the best of me. Grace was sitting up, babbling and smiling, and I leaned down between her legs and carefully spread open her vagina. She didn't resist and when I saw what was inside I shrieked.

My mother came running. "Mama, Mama! Grace has something in there!"

My mother didn't bother asking why I had opened Grace's vagina. This was within the spectrum of things I did. She just got on her knees and looked for herself. It quickly became apparent that Grace had stuffed six or seven pebbles in there. My mother removed them patiently while Grace cackled, thrilled that her prank had been a success.
Are Dunham and Josh Duggar's stories different?

Yes. Though both Dunham and Duggar's stories involve touching their underage siblings, there are a couple of things that differentiate their stories.

The first and foremost is age. Duggar was around 14 years old in 2002 when he was investigated for molesting girls. Dunham was 7 during that episode with her sister. There is a gulf of difference between a 14-year-old (who is presumably going through puberty) and a 7-year-old when it comes to agency, autonomy, and sexuality. The difference in age between Dunham and Duggar is the difference between a police investigation and two kids playing doctor.
Not different to Sarah of course. You see, children will be children (just ask Capracus) and it's just patently unfair the way the evil media is treat the Duggars. It would be better if everyone would just stop talking about it all, but if we are going to talk about it then we should be focusing on what's really important - the fact that the the seven year old Dunham is the real pedophile. Get with it you dastardly liberals...

More from Sarah:

I hate for anyone to go through this game liberals are allowed to play, relentlessly attacking on an uneven playing field until a conservative's career, relationships, and reputation are destroyed. To the media's targets I encourage, "Rise above by never claiming 'victim', tell the truth, and keep the faith!"
See? The Duggars really are the victims - of the media of course - they are being "crucified". I think maybe Capracus has just been watching a bit too much Fox and listening to the wrong radio stations...


There is something deeply disturbing with using child molestation as a conservative battleground over parental rights, so much so that they are trying to downplay molestation and excuse it to score political points.

Even more disturbing is that the response to 'child molestation and incest is bad' garners a response that is tantamount to 'parental rights' even when it comes to protecting and minimising the molestation of children. You know the situation is dire when you find yourself praising the actions of a paedophile. I don't know if Fox is a cause or a symptom of a much deeper and darker malady.
Capracus is just pointing out the Sarah Palin version of this - if it weren't for the liberal media everyone would just sweep this harmless incident under the rug. It is equivalent to the Lena Dunham incident right? No difference in Sarah's mind anyway (and I would surmise no difference to Capracus either)
Lena Dunham presented her encounter with her sister as a case of innocent curiosity and experimentation, and I agree with that interpretation. The Duggars presented Josh’s encounters with his sisters as a case of pubescent driven curiosity and experimentation gone too far, and also I agree with that. Lena Dunham wanted her account to be presented to the public, that’s why she had it published in her book. I’m sure the Duggars, like most families with such dirty laundry wanted Josh’s account to remain hidden. If the Duggars had not made an occupation of media prostitution, this would’ve likely remained buried. The only similarities I see between the two cases are in the minimal level of offense. In both cases the victims were minimally cognizant of the violations, and in both cases the victims expressed little or no sense of significant violation.
Are you suggesting that a 14-15 year old boy with full control of his faculties is mentally on par and as mature as a 7 year old? And that pre-pubescent curiousity leads boys to molest their little sisters? Seriously? You're going with this?

The fact that he molested multiple times and clearly knew it was wrong, and was, as his own sisters described him, a "sly" molester kind of says it all.
The only similarities I see between the two cases are in the minimal level of offense.
OK. What differences do you see? Beyond the trivially mundane such as one of the participants is male, etc. Anything substantive? So far, you're just reinforcing my impression that you find the two equivalent...
Lena Dunham presented her encounter with her sister as a case of innocent curiosity and experimentation, and I agree with that interpretation. The Duggars presented Josh’s encounters with his sisters as a case of pubescent driven curiosity and experimentation gone too far, and also I agree with that. Lena Dunham wanted her account to be presented to the public, that’s why she had it published in her book. I’m sure the Duggars, like most families with such dirty laundry wanted Josh’s account to remain hidden. If the Duggars had not made an occupation of media prostitution, this would’ve likely remained buried. The only similarities I see between the two cases are in the minimal level of offense. In both cases the victims were minimally cognizant of the violations, and in both cases the victims expressed little or no sense of significant violation.

So the fact that a young man molested his little sister is somehow trivial in the face of "pubescent curiosity"?

We now live in a nation where the conservative cable news network is spinning in support of a confessed child molester, as well as the people who tried to hide his actions. Fox News Channel has always been an egregious source for misinformation and GOP talking points. We all know this. It’s also been a powerful backstop whenever a Republican candidate commits one of many unforced errors — blurting out a ludicrous rape remark, or worse. However, in the past week, Fox News has crossed the zero-barrier between spinning for the GOP and into the realm of manufacturing phraseology and excuses for a Christian television family caught up in a sexual abuse scandal.


Fox News might occasionally drop in a word or two about the awfulness of what Josh did, but it’s invariably sandwiched between stories about alleged religious persecution and media recklessness, both of which feature language that understates what really happened.

The most flagrant tell was how Kelly and other on-air hosts have adopted the Duggar euphemism for sexual abuse: “improper” or “inappropriate touching.” It’s the new “homicide bomber” — Fox News Channel’s shifty alternate term for “suicide bomber.” Throughout the Bush years, we witnessed the entrenching of weasel language; the Healthy Forests Initiative or the Clear Skies Act, for example, each of which totally contradicted those titles in content and practice. And now, Fox News has employed this technique to whitewash a confessed sex offender.

It goes without saying that pedophiles across the country are likely grateful for the new-fangled “improper touching” description: I’m no child molester, your honor, it was just some “improper touching.”

Cesca isn't wrong.

There does a pear to be a new language when describing incest and the molestation of children. And yes, this will go some way to benefit paedophiles. By lessening the crime, by diminishing and minimising it, and worse, normalising it to being not that far from normal, we are entering dangerous territory. That this is being played out in a right versus left arena is ridiculous, but here we are.

The irony of course, is that many on the right are defending child sexual molestation in what they see as being an attack on their religious beliefs. Perhaps they could speak to the Catholic Church when it comes to trying to divert attention away from abuse and molestation by minimising it and having a victimhood complex because they were caught out.

In this case, we see the Duggars and Fox and other right wing pundits complain that the outrage against what Josh Duggar did is a direct attack on all of them, because Josh Duggar is a Christian. To pull this off, of course they minimise the words and diminish his crime to being "improper touching". And of course they keep reminding everyone that incest and sexual molestation and assault of children isn't that harmful. Terms like "improper touching" makes his diddling his 5 year old sister more palatable to their viewers. Then of course we have people like Capracus who go further and complain that it is just as harmful if Josh had kicked his sisters in the shin. Because, apparently, the two are comparable.

Then of course we have the issue of context. The Duggars have made a name for themselves for their obscene ultra right fundamentalist Christian beliefs, that demonise others for their sexuality. And yet, when it comes to a child molester, they are happy to normalise it and deem it to be simply "improper touching".

Stepping back and looking at all of this in the bigger picture, Fox News has turned a crime that ought to have been universally reviled by everyone of all political affiliations into nothing more than a partisan shovel fight. It’s difficult to tell whether Americans will ever again unify around an event or crisis. A sex offender and public figure who confessed to his crime, which included the incestuous fondling of a 5-year-old girl while she slept, ought to be condemned by both the left and the right.

But today, everything from child molestation to an overzealous white cop tackling a 14-year-old African-American girl, after she merely committed the non-crime of mouthing off while black, is a partisan issue. The crime and the hypocrisy should be abundantly clear to all observers. But it’s not.

Frankly, if I were a conservative Christian, I’d be embarrassed and ashamed by the Duggars. I sure as hell wouldn’t be trolling Twitter with Fox News talking points intended to exonerate or distract from what Josh Duggar and his parents did. This story marks a harrowing turning point in our discourse and let history record that Fox News led the way

We have entered dangerous territory when sexual assault, sexual molestation of children and incest is described as "improper touching" and when we have people questioning the actual harm from such criminal acts.

Sure, we can blame Fox News. We should also remember that they are pandering to their readers, members and those who watch their news shows.


Cesca, Bob. "Fox News Is Covering for the Duggars: With Shifty Language and Half-truths, Fox Chooses the Side of a Molester." Saloncom RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 June 2015. http://bit.ly/1MEh9WU
Are you suggesting that a 14-15 year old boy with full control of his faculties is mentally on par and as mature as a 7 year old? And that pre-pubescent curiousity leads boys to molest their little sisters? Seriously? You're going with this?
Capracus said:
Lena Dunham presented her encounter with her sister as a case of innocent curiosity and experimentation, and I agree with that interpretation. The Duggars presented Josh’s encounters with his sisters as a case of pubescent driven curiosity and experimentation gone too far, and also I agree with that.
How do you interpret Lena’s action was innocent as equivalent to Josh went too far? Curiosity leads people, and children in particular, into all kinds of dangerous and inappropriate directions. You never did any thing dangerous or inappropriate as a teen? Could anyone posting in this thread honestly make such a claim? Myself and many of my friends as teenagers engaged in behavior on numerous occasions that was not just inappropriate, but life threatening. Much of this behavior was considered part of growing up, you made mistakes and hopefully worked through them without hurting or killing anyone in the process.

The fact that he molested multiple times and clearly knew it was wrong, and was, as his own sisters described him, a "sly" molester kind of says it all.
What is it about the act of molestation that you feel elevates its seriousness above all of the rest of the dangerous behaviors carried out by teens? You keep trying to assert that I’m an advocate for molestation because I draw comparisons to other behaviors of equal or greater potential for harm, behaviors that wouldn’t receive the aggressive response you advocate for molesters. So how does comparing bad behaviors make me an advocate for any of them?

OK. What differences do you see? Beyond the trivially mundane such as one of the participants is male, etc. Anything substantive? So far, you're just reinforcing my impression that you find the two equivalent...
Lena doesn’t describe her actions as a 7 year old as being motivated by a desire for sexual gratification, while the Duggars, and I imagine Josh himself would claim that his actions were. Now on the scale of intrusion that could compose a sexual assault, both Lena and Josh’s actions would be considered on the low end of the scale. While I find the intent and motivation to be different between the two, I see the physical acts themselves to be similar in the level of application. Lena claims her sister believes as she does that the behavior was innocent and holds no ill will against her. But what if her sister had been conditioned to perceive the incident with disgust and betrayal? Believe it or not offenders can be that young.

"We have to distinguish between sexualized behavior that might be pretty normal — experimenting, touching each other — versus molesting, subjecting another child to harm," she said. She recalled investigations of children as young as 7, and the arrest of an 8-year-old.

In New York City, sex offenders aged 7 through 15 usually end up in family court, where the main goal is rehabilitation, not punishment.


So the fact that a young man molested his little sister is somehow trivial in the face of "pubescent curiosity"?

So if I claim that touching your sisters breast through her clothes is not as serious as breaking her arm in a physical altercation, that somehow trivializes the less damaging offense? This relative behavior between siblings and their associated consequences has been my central point throughout the entire discussion.
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How do you interpret Lena’s action was innocent as equivalent to Josh went too far?
She was 7 years of age.

Josh Duggar was 14 and then 15 years of age.

Josh Duggar was also a molester of opportunity, waiting while his victims slept or were otherwise distracted before groping their vaginas and breasts and then hiding it when they started to wake up, pretending he was doing something else. Lena's curiosity is normal for a child her age. She wasn't groping her sister's vagina and breasts while she slept for her own pleasure at 14 and 15 years of age. Josh did it multiple times, with different victims.

I would have thought that this was obvious.

Curiosity leads people, and children in particular, into all kinds of dangerous and inappropriate directions.
He was 14 and going on 15. The last time he molested a child, he was a year from being allowed to drive a car.

This wasn't curiousity. He was "sly" about it. He also molested multiple times, even a 5 year old girl.

He had been taught from a young age that his sisters and the women in his life were there to serve him and his needs. That is the joys of ATI home schooling that his parents ascribed to.

You never did any thing dangerous or inappropriate as a teen?
Yes. I smoked cigarettes and stole some wine from my dad before going to a party. And going for joy rides in the back of a van without seats. That stopped when the van crashed one night that a lot of us hadn't gone out, but the school friends of mine who were in the back of it all died. I have never not worn a seatbelt since that day.

No, I didn't molest any children.

Why? Because molesting small children does not fall within the realm of normal risky behaviour teenagers often get up to.

Do you understand why that is? Or do you need a blow by blow account of why that isn't normal?

Could anyone posting in this thread honestly make such a claim?
I am pretty certain that the other people posting in this thread did not molest their sleeping and awake younger sisters.

Myself and many of my friends as teenagers engaged in behavior on numerous occasions that was not just inappropriate, but life threatening. Much of this behavior was considered part of growing up, you made mistakes and hopefully worked through them without hurting or killing anyone in the process.
How many small children did you molest?

Since, you know, you are trying to normalise sexual molestation of children as being something normal that teenagers do..

What is it about the act of molestation that you feel elevates its seriousness above all of the rest of the dangerous behaviors carried out by teens?
Are you seriously asking that question?


Are you asking this on behalf of the molested? Or the molester?

You keep trying to assert that I’m an advocate for molestation because I draw comparisons to other behaviors of equal or greater potential for harm, behaviors that wouldn’t receive the aggressive response you advocate for molesters. So how does comparing bad behaviors make me an advocate for any of them?
Not only are you trying to normalise the sexual abuse of children, you are also trying to minimise and diminish it by mocking it and mocking those who have survived it, not to mention scoffing at the very notion of harm that is caused by such abuse, because the crux of your argument in this thread has been to ask 'what's the harm in a bit of incest and sexual molestation of children' if it was just touching and if the victim has not been "conditioned" to find it harmful.

As Cesca noted, such arguments only suit molesters. Because it serves them to diminish and minimise the crime and try to question if it is even harmful.

The fact that you think a 15 year old repeatedly molesting his sisters is the same as a 7 year old girl looking at her baby sister's vagina kind of says it all really. Josh didn't look. Josh groped his sisters while they slept, fondled their vaginas and their breasts and even did so to his 5 year old sister as a 15 year old. If you cannot distinguish what is normal touching for a child and what is normal touching for a teenager, then please, seek help immediately.
Bells said:
Do you understand why that is? Or do you need a blow by blow account of why that isn't normal?

I'm not certain "need" is the right word.

Our neighbor is playing a predatory game:

Are you asking this on behalf of the molested? Or the molester?

For himself.

The point is to compel you or me or anyone else spend time thinking about the molestation of young girls.

That's the reason people want to nitpick the details. Puritan pornography, prudish pretense, predatory perversity.

On behalf of the molested or molester? For himself? Consider American politics. Think for a minute about our tough-on-crime rhetoric. There's something missing from the entire Duggar discussion right now, and it is a striking, potentially dangerous absence.

Rather, I notice that on this occasion, there is little discussion of recidivism.

I have a hard time believing our neighbor is putting in so much effort while being genuinely so ignorant. The lack of general human sympathy―a seven year-old girl in that setting is apparently supposd to see the world just like some internet troll? We're supposed to overlook the predatory aspects of the offender's behavior?

And as we watch people try to minimize the molestation, it would seem that a culture ever paranoid about recidivism has suddenly forgotten about the idea.

The absence of recidivism and recidivistic potential from the discussion is kind of unsettling.

A predatory child molester in a family and cultural cohort designed around preserving a religious assertion of ownership culture, and where the hell is recidivism in this discussion?

Normally in the U.S., this is a huge conservative issue. And here we have what appears to be the sort of textbook case you never see in the textbooks because textbook authors don't usually stoop to this kind of simplistic explanation.

Meanwhile, it seems what people really want is graphic hand-to-mons detail so they can make a better-informed decision about how hot awful this really is.

I know, that's a really undignified joke. But that's also my point. This seems to be where they want to go. They want people thinking about the details of molesting little girls.

That is their gratification. Meanwhile, there is no plus-one/minus-one like counting cards for whether he just touched over the mons, contacted the labia, engaged the clitoris, or penetrated digitally. And remember, these are the details certain among our neighbors would have us focus on.

It's kind of unsettling to wonder why.

And just like the larger debate, recidivism is so absent you'd think it isn't a consideration at all.

This is all just a perverse sex game they're playing, and with a tale about molesting young girls. And as unsettling as the question why might be, the answer is not complicated; neither does it offer any comfort.
She was 7 years of age.

Josh Duggar was 14 and then 15 years of age.

Josh Duggar was also a molester of opportunity, waiting while his victims slept or were otherwise distracted before groping their vaginas and breasts and then hiding it when they started to wake up, pretending he was doing something else. Lena's curiosity is normal for a child her age. She wasn't groping her sister's vagina and breasts while she slept for her own pleasure at 14 and 15 years of age. Josh did it multiple times, with different victims.

I would have thought that this was obvious.
What the hell is wrong with your comprehension? How many times do I have to state that I considered Lena Dunham’s incident with her sister to be born of innocence, and that I considered that Josh’s actions went too far? You get it, or do we have to go another round? And I don’t need to hear an exaggerated version of Josh’s thoughts and actions from someone with no connection to the events. What has been reported by the family member who were close to the events is that for the most part Josh rubbed the clothing over their breasts and vaginas gently enough not to wake them. As to his frame of mind, his family members who would know better than you or I state that he was curious to know what feeling these female areas was like, and apparently his curiosity won out over his better judgment.

He was 14 and going on 15. The last time he molested a child, he was a year from being allowed to drive a car.

This wasn't curiousity. He was "sly" about it. He also molested multiple times, even a 5 year old girl.

He had been taught from a young age that his sisters and the women in his life were there to serve him and his needs. That is the joys of ATI home schooling that his parents ascribed to.
Since when does careful execution exclude curiosity? Those two qualities are cornerstones of scientific inquiry.

If he was taught that these girls existed for his pleasure, why would guilt over his actions send him crying to his parents to confess his offenses? If he were really sly about it he would’ve kept his mouth shut and continued reaping his rewards, but apparently something in his education led him to the conclusion that he was going down the wrong path.

Yes. I smoked cigarettes and stole some wine from my dad before going to a party. And going for joy rides in the back of a van without seats. That stopped when the van crashed one night that a lot of us hadn't gone out, but the school friends of mine who were in the back of it all died. I have never not worn a seatbelt since that day.

No, I didn't molest any children.

Why? Because molesting small children does not fall within the realm of normal risky behaviour teenagers often get up to.

Do you understand why that is? Or do you need a blow by blow account of why that isn't normal?
Better your school friends die as a result of this normal risky illegal behavior than to be gently fondled in their sleep, excellent social proposition. Let’s yank a teen molester out of the home for the slightest offense, but give the rest of the teens a pass on their normal risky behavior, even though it has vastly more potential for harm. Cigarettes, wine and car keys for all teens who vow not to molest, sounds like the makings of a proper anti rape culture campaign.

I am pretty certain that the other people posting in this thread did not molest their sleeping and awake younger sisters.
No, they may have only killed their schoolmates.

How many small children did you molest?

Since, you know, you are trying to normalise sexual molestation of children as being something normal that teenagers do..
You’ve really got this stuff twisted. I never said it was normal for teens to engage in molestation, I said that behaviors that teens normally engage in are more destructive, and are not treated with the same degree of disdain and resolution.

Capracus said:
What is it about the act of molestation that you feel elevates its seriousness above all of the rest of the dangerous behaviors carried out by teens?

Are you seriously asking that question?


Are you asking this on behalf of the molested? Or the molester?
I’m asking why it’s worse to molest your schoolmates than to recklessly kill them.

Capracus said:
You keep trying to assert that I’m an advocate for molestation because I draw comparisons to other behaviors of equal or greater potential for harm, behaviors that wouldn’t receive the aggressive response you advocate for molesters. So how does comparing bad behaviors make me an advocate for any of them?
Not only are you trying to normalise the sexual abuse of children, you are also trying to minimise and diminish it by mocking it and mocking those who have survived it, not to mention scoffing at the very notion of harm that is caused by such abuse, because the crux of your argument in this thread has been to ask 'what's the harm in a bit of incest and sexual molestation of children' if it was just touching and if the victim has not been "conditioned" to find it harmful.

As Cesca noted, such arguments only suit molesters. Because it serves them to diminish and minimise the crime and try to question if it is even harmful.
If it’s a fact that normal behaviors are more destructive than the abnormal act of molestation, then it’s this reality that minimizes its offensiveness by comparison. Am I supposed to ignore this fact just as you and Mr. Rogers seem to do in order to accommodate your ideological agenda?

The fact that you think a 15 year old repeatedly molesting his sisters is the same as a 7 year old girl looking at her baby sister's vagina kind of says it all really. Josh didn't look. Josh groped his sisters while they slept, fondled their vaginas and their breasts and even did so to his 5 year old sister as a 15 year old. If you cannot distinguish what is normal touching for a child and what is normal touching for a teenager, then please, seek help immediately.
How the hell you get the above response from my statement below is beyond me.
Capracus said:
Lena doesn’t describe her actions as a 7 year old as being motivated by a desire for sexual gratification, while the Duggars, and I imagine Josh himself would claim that his actions were. Now on the scale of intrusion that could compose a sexual assault, both Lena and Josh’s actions would be considered on the low end of the scale. While I find the intent and motivation to be different between the two, I see the physical acts themselves to be similar in the level of application.
Are you dyslexic?
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What the hell is wrong with your comprehension? How many times do I have to state that I considered Lena Dunham’s incident with her sister to be born of innocence, and that I considered that Josh’s actions went too far? You get it, or do we have to go another round? And I don’t need to hear an exaggerated version of Josh’s thoughts and actions from someone with no connection to the events. What has been reported by the family member who were close to the events is that for the most part Josh rubbed the clothing over their breasts and vaginas gently enough not to wake them. As to his frame of mind, his family members who would know better than you or I state that he was curious to know what feeling these female areas was like, and apparently his curiosity won out over his better judgment.
Ah so now you think his actions went too far?

Because you spent nearly 4 pages arguing the absolute opposite. You dismissed what he did, questioned whether sexual molestation of children was even harmful, questioned if children are conditioned to find it harmful. And now you are saying you have been arguing that his actions went too far?

Since when does careful execution exclude curiosity? Those two qualities are cornerstones of scientific inquiry.

If he was taught that these girls existed for his pleasure, why would guilt over his actions send him crying to his parents to confess his offenses? If he were really sly about it he would’ve kept his mouth shut and continued reaping his rewards, but apparently something in his education led him to the conclusion that he was going down the wrong path.
My god, did you not read anything that was linked?

He molested his younger sisters. Stalked them while they slept and molested them. When at least one woke up, he lied, did something with their blankets and then his guilt that he sinned, went and told his parents. Who did nothing the first time. Punished him the second time and then after he had taken to molesting his 5 year old sister, finally acted on it. This is not simple curiousity. He had gotten to the point where he wasn't even waiting for them to be asleep anymore. He molested them 5 times before he spoke up about it the first time. You don't think that was sly? These are kids who are taught that any transgression will result in going to hell.

His victims were then made to forgive him, made to sit with him and speak to him and forgive him. He didn't ask for forgiveness because what he did to them was harmful to them. He asked for forgiveness for himself.

And it wasn't out of curiousity. The fact that he kept molesting over and over again clearly shows it was not curiousity.

Better your school friends die as a result of this normal risky illegal behavior than to be gently fondled in their sleep, excellent social proposition.
Is that what I said? No, it isn't. I said that as a teenager, I did stupid things sometimes.

Sexually molesting children was never one of them. Why? Because it isn't one of the stupid things normal teenagers do.

Let’s yank a teen molester out of the home for the slightest offense, but give the rest of the teens a pass on their normal risky behavior, even though is has vastly more potential for harm. Cigarettes, wine and car keys for all teens who vow not to molest, sounds like the makings of a proper anti rape culture campaign.
I never needed to vow not to molest. Did you?

Because that isn't normal.

No, they may have only killed their schoolmates.
Who killed who?

You’ve really got this stuff twisted. I never said it was normal for teens to engage in molestation, I said that behaviors that teens normally engage in are more destructive, and are not treated with the same degree of disdain and resolution.
You normalised it when you compared it to normal touching, not to mention minimised it as being nothing more than a bit of "feeling up a little sister".

No, I’m asking why it’s worse to molest your schoolmates than to recklessly kill them.
Who said that it was?

You asked about whether I had done anything stupid as a teenager. I said yes, I went on joyrides in a back of a van without seats with my friends. And one night, while a lot of us were studying for our exams, a group of my friends went on a joyride and they all died. I am not saying being molested is worse.

I am saying that we all did stupid things. But molesting little children was never one of them. Why? Because child molesters are inclined to molest, to seek out the opportunity to fiddle with little kids for their own gratification. It isn't curiousity. Curiousity would have been a one off molestation. He molested multiple times. And his victims became younger and younger. Completely different thing to getting into the back of a van without seats and getting smashed into by a truck.

If it’s a fact that normal behaviors are more destructive than the abnormal act of molestation, then it’s this reality that minimizes its offensiveness by comparison. Am I supposed to ignore this fact just as you and Mr. Rogers seem to do in order to accommodate your ideological agenda?
Oh please. Give me a new one. Is this your "it wasn't molestation, your honour, it was just improper touching".

Do you not know or understand the ongoing trauma molestation does to its victims?

And that's the thing. You are comparing a crime against children, to behaviours that do not fall into the same category. Do you consider sexual molestation to a car crash? Is a car crash a behaviour? No, it isn't. Had there been seats in that van and they were wearing seatbelts, they would have died regardless. So your point is moot. But nice try.

How the hell you get the above response from my statement below is beyond me.

Lena Dunham presented her encounter with her sister as a case of innocent curiosity and experimentation, and I agree with that interpretation. The Duggars presented Josh’s encounters with his sisters as a case of pubescent driven curiosity and experimentation gone too far, and also I agree with that. Lena Dunham wanted her account to be presented to the public, that’s why she had it published in her book. I’m sure the Duggars, like most families with such dirty laundry wanted Josh’s account to remain hidden. If the Duggars had not made an occupation of media prostitution, this would’ve likely remained buried. The only similarities I see between the two cases are in the minimal level of offense. In both cases the victims were minimally cognizant of the violations, and in both cases the victims expressed little or no sense of significant violation.

You viewed both as being from curiousity and experimentation, not to mention you Josh's molestation as being as harmless as Dunham's looking at her sister's vagina when she was 7 years of age, because Josh's victims were unaware of what was going on as Lena's sister was too young to understand, just as Lena herself was too young to understand. You viewed both as being similar and equivalent, perhaps to even warrant a comparison.
Capracus said:
How many times do I have to state that I considered Lena Dunham’s incident with her sister to be born of innocence, and that I considered that Josh’s actions went too far?

I think part of the problem here is just that you're behaving stupidly.

What has been reported by the family member who were close to the events is that for the most part Josh rubbed the clothing over their breasts and vaginas gently enough not to wake them.

Then you're either not paying attention or else you're deliberately being deceptive while trying to defend child molestation.

I would, for instance, point out that you posted↑ an L.A. Times story that speaks otherwise. Your phrase, "for the most part" suggests you reeally, really want to avoid the truth in order to continue minimising the molestation. And this behavior reinforces rape culture, and that is why you are viewed right now as a rape advocate.

Since when does careful execution exclude curiosity? Those two qualities are cornerstones of scientific inquiry.

As a raw question, it doesn't. However, given the age difference and the predatory behavior, continuing to describe serial child molestation as "curiosity" is grotesque at best. Again, you are in the realm of rape advocacy.

If he was taught that these girls existed for his pleasure, why would guilt over his actions send him crying to his parents to confess his offenses?

His belief in the redemption and condemnation of the immortal soul?

Why was the "guilt over his actions" insufficient to prevent further predation?

Stop trying to miminze sexual predation.

Better your school friends die as a result of this normal risky illegal behavior than to be gently fondled in their sleep, excellent social proposition. Let’s yank a teen molester out of the home for the slightest offense, but give the rest of the teens a pass on their normal risky behavior, even though it has vastly more potential for harm. Cigarettes, wine and car keys for all teens who vow not to molest, sounds like the makings of a proper anti rape culture campaign.

This sort of tantrum doesn't really help your argument.

Seriously, do I have to point out the basic reality that no matter how stupid people can be, there is a difference between managing self-harm that has potential to harm others and deliberately harming others.

Your need to ignore details in order to maintain an assertion of principle about your argument has not slipped by without notice.

You’ve really got this stuff twisted. I never said it was normal for teens to engage in molestation, I said that behaviors that teens normally engage in are more destructive, and are not treated with the same degree of disdain and resolution.

Get a handle on yourself, Capracus. You don't get to pretend the rest of your posts and arguments don't exist in order to create that distillation.

I’m asking why it’s worse to molest your schoolmates than to recklessly kill them.

The difference is in that sentence, Capracus. To recklessly and accidentally kill someone is bad enough. To deliberately harm a person is a different set of issues.

If it’s a fact that normal behaviors are more destructive than the abnormal act of molestation, then it’s this reality that minimizes its offensiveness by comparison.

No, not "reality", Capracus. Just you, and some of your fellow rape advocates.

How the hell you get the above response from my statement below is beyond me.

Well, maybe it's that everything your arguing is in the context of rape advocacy. The similarity you see "in the level of application" first requires that you distort the context of application.

Are you dyslexic?

Think of it this way, Capracus: You have written a number of posts minimizing sexual predation and molestation. You try to say that's not what you're doing, and point to this or that example. In the first place, those examples do not overcome the general themes of your posts; in the second, they still minimize sexual predation and molestation.

This is a tale of serial predation taking place in an environment intended to groom females into sexual subservience. The "safeguards" put in place by the family were easily evaded; he just molested girls in another room. They took him to "the police" for a stern talkin'-to, except this cop was a longtime family friend and deliberately abandoned his duty to report the incident. Oh, and then he went up for fifty-six years on his second child pornography conviction.

And amid all this, you want to pore over details of just how this molester abused little girls in order to make value judgments about what these acts mean to you.

The psychs and social workers who deal with sexual abuse victims are recoiling in horror; this chapter of the public discourse is exceptionally dangerous. The Duggar drama is emblematic of ownership and rape cultures; it is as pure a distillation of these problems as we've ever seen. And, you know, really? Okay, so ... what about this sex predator is so special? Why do we need to overturn the entire record of the damage child sexual abuse does to individuals, local communities, and larger societies, in order to give this predator a pass?

Think of it this way: It's so out of hand that even in Arkansas the Department of Human Services is ready to call the cops. And we know that because they did, last month, after the Duggars refused DHS access to a child↱.

They're still protecting the predator.

Why would anybody else help them?


Parker, Ryan and Saba Hamedy. "Josh Duggar scandal: He 'was a child preying on a child,' his father says". Los Angeles Times. 3 June 2015. LATimes.com. 11 Jun. 2015. http://lat.ms/1MpmcdS

Marcus, Stephanie. "Duggar Family Reportedly Under New Investigation By Arkansas Department Of Human Services". The Huffington Post. 10 June 2015. HuffingtonPost.com. 11 June 2015. http://huff.to/1C14APj
What's really scary... is that people in positions of power seem to agree that nothing was wrong...


This morning on Fox & Friends, Sarah Palin said she supports the Duggar family and says there is nothing wrong with what Josh Duggar did.

“He was just a young boy being curious,” Palin said. “We’ve all been there, going through puberty and just asking questions about our body. There’s nothing wrong with sibling molestation.”

What... the actual fuck...