Possible Alien War Tactics

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craterchains (Norval

What will you know tomorrow?
Registered Senior Member
It seems that a lot of people want to discuss possible tactics of war that may have been used in our solar system by ETI. If that is the case, then there must be some knowledge of why that war happened.

Given that I started this thing with the CS crater chain theory then I’ll give you what we have to go on ourselves as to the why and the who. Take these ideas into consideration when you are formulating your ideas on tactics, that way we all pretty much stay on the same page. OK?
Base Probabilities
1. There are over 50 ETI species.
2. There were / are good and bad ETI’s just like mankind.
3. Mankind was bioengineerd and destined to become their rulers / ambassadors of the Intergalactic Government. (Gives the reason for them having an interest in us.)
4. The bad ones made war on each other in our solar system for a few thousand years.
5. The good ones finally had enough of the bad ones and war was declared on them.
6. Stipulations are; Do not harm the earth, or humans (for now).So earth in effect is a temporary free zone so to speak.

At this time today, real time, the good ETI have won all battles across the galaxies and in our solar system. They have blockaded the earth and all that are on it from interstellar travel. Using science, pseudo science, and just plain thought what weapons and tactics have been used thus far? And, why for what reason?
If there was interplanetary war in our solar system by advanced aliens ( a claim I don’t see you offering any support for, what makes you think so?) then it stands to reason they had the capability for light, or near light speed propulsion. After all it takes a long time to go from planet to planet, and you suggested that mankind were being bred to be some sort of ambassador race to a greater organizational structure outside the solar system.

If they were capable of light speed, why would they drop meteors in great long strips on their enemies in ways that seem as if they could be caused by natural breakup of asteroids? Why not just slam something into the enemy's continent at near light speed and take them out in one fell swoop? It seems pretty obvious that if they used weapons that make "crater chains" they weren’t particularly concerned with collateral damage, or precision now were they? Unless it was the practice of the time to build important structures in long strips?
SpyMoose said:
If there was interplanetary war in our solar system by advanced aliens ( a claim I don’t see you offering any support for, what makes you think so?) then it stands to reason they had the capability for light, or near light speed propulsion. After all it takes a long time to go from planet to planet, and you suggested that mankind were being bred to be some sort of ambassador race to a greater organizational structure outside the solar system.

If they were capable of light speed, why would they drop meteors in great long strips on their enemies in ways that seem as if they could be caused by natural breakup of asteroids? Why not just slam something into the enemy's continent at near light speed and take them out in one fell swoop? It seems pretty obvious that if they used weapons that make "crater chains" they weren’t particularly concerned with collateral damage, or precision now were they? Unless it was the practice of the time to build important structures in long strips?

I will agree. If ET (obviously intelligent, so why the dumb ETI?) can travel here and go around secretively, then they can lambaste our planet with ease.

If ET is here, they aren't taking us out and probably know of hundreds if not thousands of other Earth-like planets with plenty of room.
Maybe the aliens are dumb? Maybe they are giant insects that can disrupt the asteroid belt around their homeplanet, Klandathu, and send them to our solar system.

Maybe the chains are caused by this, eh, Norval?
Phlogistician, you Philistine! The Klandathu insects were highly intelegent! You must be getting your information from that idiotic bastardiation of Heinlens classic work. The only good thing to come out of that awful movie was the cartoon "Roughnecks: Starship Trooper Chronicles" or at least I think that was the name. That was really quite something, and one of my professers even directed one of the episodes, wow how cool is that!
I have to admit, I haven't read the book. I probably should, but I don't read much fiction these days. Well, apart from that which is posted here, of course!
You really shouldn't read it, its a lot of garbage. Unlike the movie it is about more than folks fighting space bugs, but what it is about is a little bit insulting. Heinlens point was that unless you serve in the military you are scum beneath contempt. Service in the military is the single validating thing that a person can do, according to him (women were not permited to serve like in the movie). Also there is a bit in there about a planet whos star emmits a below adverage amount of radiation and how sad it is that people living there will not evolve so quickly because of it. This bit is in there because Heinlen was a nutcase who wanted more nuclear testing on US soil (in order to deter the Red menace) so badly that he had convinced himself that radiation is good for you.
Considering that this is about an Intergalactic Government, I would imagine that there would have to be very fast intergalactic transport. Both of communications and sending out for a spare part only manufactured in a certain galaxy. It’s a hell of a big picture, granted that, but using that scenario and the points I listed above should bring forth the tactics of when and where and how CS crater chains are possible. But it will also bring to question most of the other types of craters also.

Contrary to Porfiry’s signature, “All violence is terrorism.” Violence does solve everything. History is proof of that. But violence does not solve stupidity and greed, murder or jealousy, but when applied it will end it from that source.
And an Intergalactic Government that is soooo much simpler than a broken up comet or asteroid?

Maybe for a sci-fi novel but not in the field of science. Show me one derelict alien spacecraft and I'll believe you. Other than that you're just making stuff up.
my thoughts:

in this corner of the galaxy, humanoid form is the normal vehicle to encapsulate entities (souls) into physical form.

they claim over 50 species of ETI, some may not be in physical form, some may be spirits, etc...

WAR has been going on... definetely. Craters may prove this when earth humans can drop the arrogance and admit to being inferior to another more advanced race. Our history shows ancient wars between GOD-like creatures- we realize that these were Aliens now, since we are a little (note the sarcasm) smarter now.

I want to tell you guys some info on the possible war tactics of the Negatively oriented Alien races:

Our distant memories and myths about Wizards and Black magic REPRESENT past wars and turmoil in our galaxy. Magic, as we know it, was used and Dark Arts were also practiced. They may not be exactly as we depict them in our memories, but something similar.
Mind-Control / Manipulation is another technique used alot by those dubbed "Negative"

You will see that this is exactly why the 'Good' ETI pushes so hard for us to awaken and broaden our minds, Because with a stronger Mind the mind-control techniques DO NOT WORK.

Which brings me to the next tactic- KEEPING THE PEOPLE 'DUMB'

This is clearly evident here on earth, where they keep the masses at a very low intellectual level, and cloud their days with obligations.

OBLIGATIONS, another things used in conjuction with mind control.


Physical WARS don't mean much to a Race of Aliens who have spread beyond just one planet. Sure, casualties will happen, but reincarnation is also acknowledged, thus they it is only a set back for them.
This is why they try much deeper techniques, they aim to control across generations, and THIS WOULD BE THE ONLY WAY TO BEAT THEIR ENEMY.


so, all these WARS , such as the one norval have researched, are the result of a very MASSIVE conflict between 2 Alien Races- and I wouldnt be surprised if it had to do with our planet of EARTH, which is seemingly a centerpoint of integration between Negative and Positive.

So, this is why the WARs Happen, if you ask me:

The balance between polarities became too unbalanced, so something had to change. Either the Positives noticed this unbalanced equations and FIXED IT THEMSELVES (Attacked the negs, the great WARs) or perhaps Divine Intervention occurred if it deemed itself necessary.

depends on what you want to believe.

Good Topic!
Zonabi. I'm beginning to think you're an alien because you certainly don't act like a rational human being to me.

You all speak as if this has happened. Yet there is nothing to show it has. There is certainly evidence for great battles in Greece and Rome. And yet I still don't see any damage alien spaceships floating around, any large alien cities laying waste anywhere...or anyone speaking of alien fighting in past scrolls.

Our distant memories and myths about Wizards and Black magic REPRESENT past wars and turmoil in our galaxy. Magic, as we know it, was used and Dark Arts were also practiced. They may not be exactly as we depict them in our memories, but something similar.
Mind-Control / Manipulation is another technique used alot by those dubbed "Negative"

No, some people were just ignorant and stupid and believed in that stuff. It's along the lines of the Church's practices of testing people for witchery by drowning them or weighing them against a duck.
To all those new to these crater chains threads started by Norval:

Here is what Norval claimed:

Norval has many times tried to spread his ideas by starting threads in forums. In the end these threads become debunkers for his "theories":


For the second thread, Norval, when faced with criticisms, went back to delete all his posts.

Norval conveniently ignored all the evidence contrary to his "theory" and went on to insist his "theory" is right. This latest thread is the result.

Anyone who wants to know more, i invite you to look through the threads listed above and make a judgement yourself.
Considering the forum and thread topic, would you care to add anything to the topic? That is if you aren’t too awfully busy running around trying to discredit me? :confused:

Or better yet, just fut the shuck up. :m:
Hahaa....Norval i'm letting all viewers see as many sides of this issues as possible, and decide the truth for themselves. Surely you are not trying to hide the truth from everyone, right?
"you certainly don't act like a rational human being to me."

do you base all your judgements of people on words they type on the internet ?


did this arch rival appear for the sole purpose of harrassment ?

norval - why should we even bother i ask myself alot ... you ?
zonabi said:
do you base all your judgements of people on words they type on the internet ?

If that's the only medium through which people communicate, of course people do. People forget that in a forum where the only side of your character that you can present is expressed through the written word, writing becomes very important.

Here, you aren't judged by your looks, ethnic origin, or any other physical attribute. Just what you write, so choose your words carefully.
zonabi said:
my thoughts:
You will see that this is exactly why the 'Good' ETI pushes so hard for us to awaken and broaden our minds, Because with a stronger Mind the mind-control techniques DO NOT WORK.

Which brings me to the next tactic- KEEPING THE PEOPLE 'DUMB'

This is clearly evident here on earth, where they keep the masses at a very low intellectual level, and cloud their days with obligations.
Good Topic!

That much is evident, however obligations would exist with or without control.
As I once said, untill people that rule this planet turn from monkeys to human beings, nothing's going to change, unless theres some kind of outer threat.
Excuse me if this has been raised before, but I really can't be bothered with reading through all the other threads Norval has started on this topic.

I have a problem with the craters being in a straight line, if they were supposedly caused by an advanced civilisation nuking out cities.

An advanced civilisation wouldn't build cities in a straight line.

Cities would be spread out in a network, with a hub city, and satellite cities surrounding it, and more cities around those. This way, if the communication routes from one city to another were damaged (say, in the case of war) a route could always be found by travelling via abother city. This idea is what started scale free Internetworking, and we all should know this fault tolerant idea was developed to ensure communications for the US military during the cold war, should it turn hot, and this network became demilitarised, and what we now enjoy as the 'Internet'.

Therefore, the craters would denote intelligence, if they occurred in geometric patterns, not straight lines.

Now Norval may counter saying that advanced aliens don't need roads, trains, or bits of wire, so this scale free arrangement isn't applicable. It is still the most efficient way to place people and collateral, minimising travel, and making the whole harder to destroy, as it could not be done in a single bombing run.

Wouldn't a straight line crater chain on the east coast of North American take out the White House, Washington, DC and also Ottawa, Canada in one stroke? That would have nothing to do with the straight line itself. Your not taking into account a tactic of immensity.
Doesn't city grids follow lines?
I wonder what a city engineer has to say about lines?
Aaaaaahhhhhhhh a weapons tactic question from Plogger. :D

To my knowledge of facts, CS crater chains are caused by automatic weapons varying in size. We have large caliber guns that can duplicate this accuracy with computer controlled precision. Their strike patterns, and with the idea of it on a much larger scale is the main clue.

I doubt that there were any structures on the ground that was being targeted. Possibly a masked or cloaked ship near that area was being targeted. Ships that are tens of miles long and wide, some even bigger. As the craters of the larger CS crater chains are evenly spaced throughout their size range for the most part that the exploding fire ball (if atomic) would just meet the next or adjacent ball of fire in a line. A line of atomic fire that is tens of miles wide and hundreds of miles long. Yes, there are also the misses.

Just a couple thoughts. :(
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