Poor Aisha

I can't decide if you're funny or morbid

Be specific
I already was. That seemed to upset you into embittered retreat.
Anyway Tiassa I don't document harrassments they are above board for everyone to see if there is indeed a case of harrassment.
Seems to me your complaint is just groundless whining, then.
Anyway I have not attacked you in any way and took on a defensive position only when you began to stoop to that level yourself.
Lying does nothing to increase my respect for you.
You chose to personalize, I did not
You see ... if your complaint had any merit, you could demonstrate this.

I consider the whole tone of your address to me in your untitled 7/24 response to my inquiry about age utterly and completely disrespectful and inappropriate. You utterly failed to address the point and resorted to lowbrow machismo and sarcasm. ("Ah I guess he must have used butter!")

It was almost a morbidly funny comedy routine, but it lacked any substantial point. Pointlessness combined with disrespect is something I regard as problematic.

And your next response was simply shameful, and you went downhill from there:

- Tiassa you need to meet a better variety of men if you the ones you know would ENVY Mohammed for having a nine year old wife! (Saccharine at best.)
- Is this really what you believe men fancy? (Well, if you actually read the post you were responding to instead of playing knee-jerk-Joe, you wouldn't have had to ask that question, even for effect.)
- Sorry but the men I know would have no part in that. (This kind of self-righteous idiocy always brings conflicting emotions. The sheer stupidity of it is laughable, but the danger of such sentiments is unacceptable. I know a woman who believed that very thing and two of her daughters have spent thousands of hours recovering from their traumas.)
- Tiassa why would you expect your daughter to be sexually active at the age of 11? (It would be irresponsible of me to not recognize the possibility. You are, in fact, the only person I know of who looks at me funny for it. Of course, that doesn't surprise me, given the lengths you'll go to in order to have a problem with me.)
- I don't hate Islam or any other religion, actually I have absolutely no use for religion at all! This is not about Islam. Jesus can kiss my ass with his self-righteous suicide and the Buddha is of no use unless he is willing to sit down and have a beer with me (and he did once ) (When someone starts a sentence, "I don't hate ...," there's usually a doozy coming. Thank you for living up to my expectations. It wouldn't even merit mention at all if you hadn't rushed to prove yourself a pompous liar in the next sentences.
- You say Mohammed married a young woman, well if she was six she was not a young woman. (I offered you a chance to address this point honestly, but you chose to avoid it. As such, your inaccuracy stands as a calculated lie.)
- Okay Tiassa I read the paper but I do not think I understand your point exactly (This was more of a disappointment to me. Specifically, it seems you forgot why you were reading it. Nonetheless, your persistent idiot-routine starts to officially wear thin somewhere around this failure.)
- The fact that pre-pubescent females is a part of American history also isn't an issue here, as I stated earlier my only position is that a six year old is in no position now, tomorrow, or a thousand years ago to consent to a sexual relationship with an adult. (This particular point of yours was frustrating for its lack of relevance. I'm not sure, but I don't think it had become clear to me that you had actually decided to have a topic of your own within the topic.)
- How do you keep your hands off of children is beyond me. (I cannot quantify the damage you did to your own reputation and my ability to respect you with that.)
- I have not commented on the validity of the text, what the said story has to say about Islam, I did not comment on all the dribble showing religious quotations or ANY of that. It is you who decided to enter into an argument with my opinion based on some religious argument or debate about sexual proclivities, historical precedence and cultural trends. (Whoops ... I forgot one. It's a little out of order, but here you've confessed that you never at any point intended to respect the topic. In fact, you even go so far as to make it into an accusation of wrongdoing that I discuss the topic in its terms. Don't point your accusations at me when you don't know what you're talking about.)
- I was sexually abused from the age of five to eleven by a male who was not a member of my household, but otherwise had entre ... (I found it interesting that this was your excuse for irrelevance and disrespect.)
- Disrespectful? I have every right to be disrespectful. (You said it, not me. And by the way, no, you don't.)
- I am under thirty and part of the "youthful" culture so I guess I don't find much to fuss about. (Your vanity is entertaining, but in the grand scheme of things, it's not offensive. I just wanted to have another chuckle at it.)
- The thread began with a simple story of Aisha, and left it open for everyone to add their two cents. (This, among your most reprehensible lies, comes after I've already corrected your notion by pointing you to the topic post.)
- But hey you can always go to the appropriate forum and start a thread on the subject. (The funny thing about this misrepresentation--e.g. lie--is that starting a relevant topic in a relevant forum was something I've suggested in our discussion.)
- As everyone else will read your response to my posts and your constant harrasment and insane need to attack my character, I need not defend myself since you have so successfully though ungracefully fallen off your own moral high horse. (Wrong on all counts. Most people don't read my posts when they get this long and focused on one person. Furthermore, as I've established with even this paltry examination of your piss-poor attitude, blatant disrespect, and outright dishonesty, a closer examination would not be kind to your reputation. Above and beyond that, your cowardice speaks volumes for itself. As to my moral high horse ... perhaps you ought to pay more attention. This brand of excoriation is par for the course; people have long ago learned to turn an eye and wait for it to end. You're receiving the same treatment from me as any two-bit, upstart, disrespectful-and-proud-of-it punk around here eventually gets.)
- Be specific. (Do you really think you're the first person to think of that routine? The only one who was ever any good at demanding what they ignored was Adam, and he's not around any more. This is one of the reasons people simply turn away from these disagreements and leave me to it.)
- Anyway Tiassa I don't document harrassments they are above board for everyone to see if there is indeed a case of harrassment. (Well, you can always complain to a moderator. And in addition to the facts, I also have on my side the volume of words going on in our disagreement. If you intend to establish a harassment case, you shouldn't expect other people to do it for you. That, also is an old hack routine that, thankfully, people have generally learned not to bother with.)
- Anyway I have not attacked you in any way and took on a defensive position only when you began to stoop to that level yourself. (Your god-given right to be disrespectful was pretty apparent before you declared it to the whole damn world. Affirmations like this sound more like you hope to convince yourself that what you say is true.)
- I could have raised hell over that last long post you wrote with referrences to my sexuality and character but why bother. (Why don't you? And then we can discuss whether or not you have a right to be disrespectful at these forums.)
- Actually I have not stooped to anything unless you are pissed that I spoke irreverantly about the prophets .... (Actually, you've stooped to lying on a number of occasions. That particular routine has got to be giving you a sore back by now.
So spit it out, why are you so upset?
Maybe it's your self-righteous disrespect and nearly criminal stupidity? Just maybe?

I was wondering, since I've put such an effort into addressing your points, if you could do me a favor. It will help me understand problematic posters such as yourself in the future.

Simply: Every now and then a poster irritates me so greatly that I document a portion of the conversation and ask the poster to explain their position in light of that evidence. This is generally where the "harassment" crying starts. You are no different in that. What I would like to know is why is it that people wait until they're absolutely nailed to the wall before they resort to crying foul?

I've never gotten a coherent answer out of anybody on that point, though, "What the f@ck is your problem?!" isn't generally considered an effective way of finding that answer.

So here I'm going to borrow one of my favorite lines from a talking animal. In the words of Brian Griffith: "I'll be in the gazebo since you're already up on the cross."

Tiassa :cool:
Actually as you already probably realize I care absolutely nothing of what you think of me or my posts. YOu are a control freak obviously incapable of ignoring what you dislike (or perhaps whatever has started a fire in your imagination ie. like all those youth oriented, sexually explicit ads you seem so concerned about). You are long-winded, pompous, humourless, name-calling, hypocrite full of self-righteous indignation and too much hot-air. By the way I never retreat, so if you want to continue with this diatribe just bring it on, just shows how absolutely disengaged you are from the real world...by the way your obsession with youth culture is interesting. Do all those CK images of young sweet things running around in their hip huggers and tiny-t's keep you up at night...or do they just keep you hard? Try some butter!

Thanks for the pm you sent and your projection of depravity. It isn't everyday I am elevated to the status of the absolute corrupt. I will keep up the good work. Now go get a life or join the christian right whatever comes more easily.

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But of course

Actually as you already probably realize I care absolutely nothing of what you think of me or my posts
Um ... alright. If you say so.
YOu are a control freak obviously incapable of ignoring what you dislike (or perhaps whatever has started a fire in your imagination ie. like all those youth oriented, sexually explicit ads you seem so concerned about). You are long-winded, pompous, humourless, name-calling, hypocrite full of self-righteous indignation and too much hot-air
Is that your method when something offends you? Just roll over and let it have its way?
By the way I never retreat, so if you want to continue with this diatribe just bring it on
See, obviously youdo care what I think or say of you and your posts.
just shows how absolutely disengaged you are from the real world
I doubt your qualification to make such an assessment more seriously than I doubt your innocence before the abuse.

You are, of course, helping me bury a topic. I can officially thank you for that by now.

And so I would ask that in the future you give at least two seconds' consideration to your actions before you act. I mean, think about it: You enter a topic, unintentionally and ignorantly lend your weight to a useless, hate-driven cause. Then you invalidate your own participation in the topic by announcing your god-given right to be disrespectful, openly refusing to discuss your point in any sense relevant to the topic, and eventually, in quest of simple and vulgar pride, you help me bury a repugnant and useless topic under a mountain of words that most people would rather not bother reading.

Just to review, in case you missed it:

(a) First, you lend a voice of condemnation amid a debate between anti-Islamic haters, Islamic apologists, and the faction that finds the issue functionally useless.
(b) Then, while arguing against me as a person, you refuse the actual topic in favor of your god-given right to be disrespectful. This actually had the effect of aiding my position in the more personalized aspects of our dispute.
(c) Finally, the sum of your actions is that you are actually helping me achieve my goal, which is to render this topic dead by overdose of the ridiculous.

You may be a thoroughly annoying tool, Lucysnow, but you are a useful tool nonetheless. That triple-action satisfaction makes you a tool among tools. It's rare that I come across such an effective tool that comes with a lifetime guarantee.

And so I thank you. I won't even comment on the irony of your using the phrase "disengaged from the real world" in a forum dedicated to discussing religion. Of course, as you have a god-given right to be disrespectful, I can see how it may have failed to occur to you that you're worth at least the ironic chuckle.
Thanks for the pm you sent and your projection of depravity. It isn't everyday I am elevated to the status of the absolute corrupt.
You're welcome. I must admit that it isn't every day that I get not one but two responses to such inquiries striving so faithfully to prove my point.

- "If you are specifically asking about my description of the Aisha topic thread i may have forgotton to go back and copy the entire thing but that certainly does not make me a liar."
- "I don't lie, steal, cheat or kill so how can I be completely corrupt?"

I chose the PM route because I wanted to offer you a chance to explain yourself. It has happened before that people have told me privately what the deal was, and it's been good enough for me to get off their backs.

The two points noted above come from your two separate responses to my PM inquiry. In the first, you continue to misrepresent the situation in order to claim that you aren't dishonest so that you could, in the second, make the claim that you don't lie.

You are a liar, and you continue to lie. The point was addressed directly before your grievous misrepresentation of the topic, and that you kept on it in your PM response merely serves the point of your dishonesty.

Seriously, Lucysnow, the PM was an opportunity everyone deserves. Not only did you make an extra effort to blow it, I'm also going to ask you to seriously consider in the future whether you wish to drag those discussions back into the public forum.

And what is your fixation with butter? I probably don't want to know ....

In the meantime, it isn't every day that I come across someone so blindly devoted to destruction. Most people have a clue what they're about, but you ... now that is some dangerous thinking. Some advice for you: Don't have kids; based on your rabid lack of any coherent methodology and your dedication to disrespect, I think the world ought to be spared that tragedy.

Generally speaking, the corrupt are at least partly aware of their affliction. I'd ask you what your excuse is, but I have a sneaking suspicion that you're quite aware.

If you bring your hate-festering wounds to the world, you shall spread the sickness. Heal thyself, and you can begin to help heal the world.

It would be easier to have pity for your wretched condition if you didn't seem to enjoy it so much.

Tiassa :cool:
I don't have time to read through all that dribble so I will offer you something my grand-mother once told me:

"With some people it is better to mentally scratch them off your list and it will be worse than if they were dead because you'd remember the dead."

Or maybe this is just how you show your love for me?:D

You know like those little boys at school pulling on pig-tails?

Well tis an honor that you cannot ignore me my little pup.

Would you like me to put out a bowl for you later? I obviously don't need a leash.
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The tragedy of ignorance

I don't have time to read through all that dribble so I will offer you something my grand-mother once told me:
I love how people in your position always start out by announcing that they have no need to know what they're talking about. I'm quite familiar with your brand of ignorance.
With some people it is better to mentally scratch them off your list and it will be worse than if they were dead because you'd remember the dead.
Sounds like your grandmother ... well, the idiocy of your position could be called hereditary.
Or maybe this is just how you show your love for me?
What can I say? I love a good and reliable tool.
Well tis an honor that you cannot ignore me my little pup.
And if you'd bothered to read what you're responding to, you'd know what's wrong with that
Would you like me to put out a bowl for you later? I obviously don't need a leash.
Actually, the stains on the carpet tell me you need to be beaten senseless with a rolled-up newspaper, li'l doggie.

It was a noble attempt, pup. You at least get a biscuit.

Your ignorance is tragic, Lucysnow. Hopefully you'll figure it out before you get yourself or someone else hurt.

Tiassa :cool:
Here is your bone for the day:

Oh intelligent one, think of your own insults for a change "lil doggie" Indeed! Please TRY at least to be somewhat original.

What a bore! I cannot believe they allow people like you to reproduce and call themselves a 'father', geez I thought parents had better things to do with their time. Oh well, guess not. Ta Ta for now oh prince of dullards.
Originally posted by Lucysnow
What a bore! I cannot believe they allow people like you to reproduce and call themselves a 'father', geez I thought parents had better things to do with their time. Oh well, guess not. Ta Ta for now oh prince of dullards.

Lucysnow, I hate to put myself in the middle of this stinking onion peel, I know I won't get anything better than the stinch...Anyways, Tiassa is very cool and very intelligent. Some of us value his incredible writing and logic skill, and others have the right to disagree, but why rush with the personal attack....Also you have no right to judge his fatherly abilities without being actively involved with him on that level. I didn't see Tiassa judge your ability to make love, ect..... You did the same to me before questioning by motherly abilities and calling my innocent children wackos and the equivalent, and I shoved your comments under the carpet, but one of those days, I'll have to call the steam cleaners to clean the carpet to the root or replace it if necessary.
Flores sweetheart it is probably better if you do not enter into the fray. When we had our little run in I do no recall saying anything about your children...you yes but not your children. Also I have not said anything about his. I am only pointing out to him that as a father he should make better use of his time than entering an infantile argument over NOTHING!

Anyway, if you go back and check his posts you willl see he has no problem dogging me in a variety of ways my sexuality included.

Alls fair in love and war.

You are also an intelligent valued member of the community but that does not keep you out of scuffles does it? Of course not you have had your time in combat with various sorts so...

I just hate to see two people like tiassa and Lucysnow get into unconstructive arguments. First both of you are writers, so you should know the tricks to avoiding bad discussions and out of all people you should not use the excuse of he/she started it first. Second you both represent the same school of thought, at least to me you both seem liberals. Me on the other hand may disagree with both of you since I'm odd and conservative in many ways, plus my writing skills are unique to me, untaught, and may be annoying to many. Anyways, I'd like to see both of you resist the temptation to derail the subject and let us enjoy your thoughts, specialy that it's about a female historical figure, sexuality, moral issues, religion, ect...

PS. If I remember correctly, it was me that you bashed. I had to retrieve the post and you even said sweet kids of yours or something like that. By the way, I type only while I'm at work day times monday thru friday, you won't catch me typing in evening eastern times or weekends, so if I'm ignoring anything, It's my job and not my kids.
Now I know what it must be like for your kids when they begin bickering about some nonsense. :)

Okay I'll put down the sword and yes I must agree with you that there are better uses for our words. On that note I will go and put my requisite 2000 down where they will serve a higher purpose.

Take care Flores and thanx

To Tiassa: So long you #@%*^!
Why thank you

On that note I will go and put my requisite 2000 down where they will serve a higher purpose.
Thank you very much, Lucysnow.

Tiassa :cool:
I think Tiassa must write for a newspaper. No one else but a news paper writer would be that concerned about making a non-offending factual case.
DJsupreme and Khomeni

Seems like their realtions goes all the way back When Dj was a 9 year old little baby and Khomeni was 50 year old man. Then one day Khomeni shove it all the way and since then DJ's bitching started. :D

Dj, I thought there was a limit to insanity and Ignorance. But you proved me other wise. Amazing.

Are you a Christian? OR you do you think that you are a christian?

Answer me simple yes or no please.
Oh there''s much more , not only did he get raped by Khomein he had much more encouters with his idea of the peoples he intends to demonize :

Lets see how much tolerance you have when you're bashed on the head with an iron bar and get a three-way fracture of the brainpan.

DJ admitting his childhood trauma's


poor chap

needs some therapy Id say

or a job

Are you a Christian? OR you do you think that you are a christian?
Answer me simple yes or no please.
yes. I'm not sure if I fit your stereotypical fundamentalist christian though. In reality a Christian is a disciple of Christ and as Jesus said our disciples are anyone who loves others as he loved us. So the term Christian is mainly used only to differentiate beliefs.
Fundamental Xian!

Originally posted by okinrus
yes. I'm not sure if I fit your stereotypical fundamentalist christian though.

In reality a Christian is a disciple of Christ and as Jesus said our disciples are anyone who loves others as he loved us.

So the term Christian is mainly used only to differentiate beliefs.
okinrus, you most definitely appear to be a strict stereotypical fundamentalist Xian in every sense of the word!

Why are you now down-playing what you really believe about Xianity? All your posts scream loud and clear that you believe you have a personal relationship with Jesus X himself! You literally quote the Bible and disagree with everyone who posts otherwise. You even called me a demon, and anything that is not 100% agreeable with what you believe you call Satanic!

Now you're saying that the term "Christian" is mainly used to differentiate beliefs! Every last one of your posts would indicate otherwise! The term "Christian" means anyone who is a follower of "Christ" and/or the dogma of Christianity such as Roman Catholics, Eastern Orthodox, and all the Protestant sects! Although I am a devout Anti-X, I am totally shocked at your blase response about YOUR Lord and Savior! If the term "Christian" is mainly used ONLY TO DIFFERENTIATE BELIEFS, there would be less confusion and hatred generated by your bloody religion toward every other religion on Earth! I suppose the term "Muslim" is mainly used only to differentiate beliefs, too? Why should there be any differentiation of beliefs? There is only one God!
Why are you now down-playing what you really believe about Xianity? All your posts scream loud and clear that you believe you have a personal relationship with Jesus X himself! You literally quote the Bible and disagree with everyone who posts otherwise. You even called me a demon, and anything that is not 100% agreeable with what you believe you call Satanic!
M* W I thought you knew that I was joking. Also I did not call you a demon. I said that you were possessed. I quote the bible literally to clear up any doubts or mistaken beliefs about christianity.

Although I am a devout Anti-X, I am totally shocked at your blase response about YOUR Lord and Savior! If the term "Christian" is mainly used ONLY TO DIFFERENTIATE BELIEFS, there would be less confusion and hatred generated by your bloody religion toward every other religion on Earth! I suppose the term "Muslim" is mainly used only to differentiate beliefs, too? Why should there be any differentiation of beliefs? There is only one God!
Yes, well that's what Jesus said. The term christian was the name given to us by the Romans to differentiate us. A muslim means a follower of Muhammed and God. Some Islamic scholars do include other monotheists in that definition, but not all.
Hey Medicine woman! Why don't we try swapping demons for a while? Yea demon-swapping, way kinky. I'll host your demon if you'll host mine.:D Why if you suffer from multiple-possession you can send two or more for a demonolorgy session. Belzeebub would be so proud. Ah, speaking of the devil, he's back. Sorry gotta go take care of my man.

"Hello Daddy!"

Originally posted by okinrus
M* W I thought you knew that I was joking. Also I did not call you a demon. I said that you were possessed. I quote the bible literally to clear up any doubts or mistaken beliefs about christianity.

Yes, well that's what Jesus said. The term christian was the name given to us by the Romans to differentiate us. A muslim means a follower of Muhammed and God. Some Islamic scholars do include other monotheists in that definition, but not all.

Thanks for clarifying your statement. I was getting worried that you were starting to give up your faith in Xianity, and then I would have to find some other fanatic to argue with.

So, the Romans made up the term "Christians?" In that case, why would anyone who chose to follow Jesus want to be called that? It makes no sense to me. This is one major problem I have with Xians, I believe the term "Christians" and "Christianity" is a falsehood in itself. Jesus wasn't a Xian. The term "Christianity" wasn't even used in Jesus' day. It was started by Saul/Paul and Peter. By the way, I attended a lecture yesterday, and it was stated that Peter didn't trust Paul, and it was Paul's big mouth that got both of them killed--and Xianity is based on this???

I believe it is sacreligious and blasphemous to call oneself an "Xian." Now that you have clarified that it was a name the Romans placed on the followers of Saul/Paul, I believe it more strongly. The ideal Xian thought is to believe in Jesus' teachings and NOT in Jesus himself. Believe it or not, okinrus, I do believe in the teachings of Jesus. I just don't believe he's God or any kind of savior.